Sorry to keep you on pins and needles wondering where I am headed to this weekend. I know you stayed up till 3am thinking about it. Oh wait, that was me, in my sewing room till unmentionable hours. You were sound asleep in your comfortable bed. Please don’t tell my husband. Oh wait, he reads my blog. The tickets are now diamonds! I’m on a horse.
Can you tell it’s late?
Okay, so….the big question is:
Which three bloggers will be in the same room, at the same time together THIS WEEKEND ???
huh? huh? these photos remind you of anyone?…YES! You got it. Vanessa of V and Co., Anna from Noodlehead, and little old me get to meet each other in person! I’m totally excited. Oh and we’re also going to the International Quilt Market. But seriously….I get to hang out with funny/cool girls who’s voices I’ve never heard, who’s faces I’ve only virtually seen?
Just want to make sure you know that’s the lead in this story.
And since we’ve clarified that, we can talk about: Min-A-soda.
Sorry to local Minnesotans who forever have to listen to us other folk embrace our perfected Fargo lingo when your state is mentioned. We just can’t resist. And since I’ve never been to your state, I’m excited to see how far from that image you really are (I’m pretty sure you’re just like me; you shop at Target; you like frozen Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups; 30 Rock is on your tivo line-up). So, let’s hang out together!
And we’ll start with me figuring out where on the map you are. You know, I’m not a total ditz with geography. But when you spend your whole life on the west coast, it just seems like the rest of the country is either: on the east coast or somewhere in the middle.In fact here’s a (ditzy) moment for you. I mentioned to Rae (who lives in Michigan) the other day that I was headed to The Market and that she should drive over and join us as well. She kindly laughed and informed me that Michigan and Minnesota are actually, a plane ride away. Ah. Gotcha. So all of those states aren’t just “over there”. I promise, I do have a college degree.
So, now that my 3:20am ramblings are complete…I’m off to bed.
I’ll pack in the morning; head to the airport; enjoy a weekend without kids and WITH fun friends. We’ll grab as much fabric as we can at the sample spree. And I’ll do my best to document and share the craziness with you!
If any of you have tips or touristy MUST-do’s in Minneapolis, I’d love to hear! My agenda is open. Please share your fun!