Okay, I’ve sifted and sifted through the Design my Header flickr group and MAN, it was hard to choose just a handful. I’m honestly impressed with the ideas you guys came up with, the way you tweaked photos, and the original pieces you made. Some of you grabbed photos that I’ve thought of using before too! And some of you found photos I’d completely forgotten about. You should get a prize for scrolling through all those archives!
I can’t share all 309 images here. But the bottom line is:
Thank you for filling me with design inspiration.
I’ve narrowed it down to my top 35 headers, which I’ll share today and tomorrow.
So here you go.
Your headers that made me say “ah. I like that!”
From C.R.A.F.T. this was one of the first submissions. I immediately knew I was in for it– you guys were going to make cool stuff.
I was impressed with how many of you created really original designs, using interesting colors, lines, fonts, etc. By Ash Asbjornsen:
This one is really cool. I first loved the colors and then I noticed the weaving. Clever. By Nevia home:
Simple, pretty, lovely color. By Delia Creates:
A totally new font style and look, by crafts and dogs:
Cool play on words. Great color combo, by this sew called life:
Some of you set up your own photo shoots and art sessions.
I like this!….by Peach Button (isn’t that a cute name for a blog?)
Sidewalk chalk by the nesting place. I can’t believe how well she drew the century gothic font.
A handpainted watercolor by our change of art:
Cool and simple, by Print Your Heart Out:
I really love this. The name pops so great and it’s captures what the blog is about. By miss jill:
I’ve always wanted to do a purple header. I never thought to take a brown photo and turn it into this! By Two Tiny Birds:
Very boy. Very 90 minute shirt. It’s especially cute to me because Cheri, who made the header–of I am Momma Hear me roar–was the giveaway winner of that blue shirt below.
A few of you used this photo. Made me smile. By Not Just Grannies:
These two headers just made me laugh.
The Round-up Gang would be proud, by Laurel Stein:
And my sister Meredith would be proud…here she is doing graffiti art. Funny. That’s a very old photo from the archives! Also by Not Just Grannies:
One last ray of sunshine for you, by Brenda Deibel:
I’ll share another round of favorites with you tomorrow!