Thank you for your response to the new pattern!—the Anywhere Skirt.
Here’s another version to really sink your….heart into. Heh, heh.
Cause there are plenty of hearts to go around!
Isn’t this fabric adorable??
It’s from the new Happy Home collection, by Sew Caroline, for Art Gallery Fabrics. And when Caroline asked if I’d like to try some out….I think my heart jumped out of my chest.
Or maybe it skipped a beat?
I mean seriously, I heart hearts!
BUT what I didn’t realize—-which made me love the fabric even more—-is that it’s a border print! The hearts are sparse near one selvage edge; then they grow in color and size near the other edge.
Heart. Attack.
It’s perfect for the Anywhere Skirt, don’t you think?
You can purchase the Anywhere Skirt HERE.
There are so many other cute prints in this collection, along with some knits (yay!).
You’ve gotta click over to see other Happy Home projects from blogging friends.
Now I’ve never made a skirt in white fabric.
Not that I’ll be concerned about wearing white after Labor Day…or something like that? I will totally be wearing this in January. With coral pink tights. YES.
But as a lower garment I knew the fabric would need a simple lining, just to give me extra coverage. And since some of you had asked about adding a lining, I thought I’d share that with you!
…along with the inside of my skirt.
Who shows the inside of their garments? It’s almost intimate.
Eh. We’re friends.
I guess what I really love about this skirt—regardless of whether you add a lining—is how finished and polished the seams look. The only “raw” edge is the side seam, which you can easily finish off, as outlined in the pattern.
Okay, for this skirt I’m going to keep it REAL simple.
In fact, this is more of a faux-lining.
You can do a more sophisticated lining, with separate hemlines, similar to the First Day Dress. But with the front plackets and pockets of this skirt, it becomes a bit more complicated. So these easiest method is:
• Cut Outer fabric pieces + Lining fabric pieces, the same dimensions.
• Then sew your skirt as if the two layers are one fabric.
You can baste the Outer and Lining pieces together….or just start sewing your skirt with the two fabrics together. Just depends how antsy you are to get going.
And there you go!
I know, I know, the simplicity is tearing up your heart.
Okay. Peace out my skirt friends.
Have a great weekend!
And thank you Caroline for the Happy fabric!
This skirt is awesome! What a perfect fabric + pattern combo! And this will look super awesome with coral pink tights in winter, for sure. 🙂
I love border print fabrics! And this one is really awesome….
I loved that fabric ever since Caroline revealed it and now I love it even more!!
this is great. you’re the coolest!!
Love the skirt! I wasn’t quite sure I wouldn’t look like a school marm in the longer length, but this length — It’s Perfect!!! Love the hearts! And I LOVE those shoes too (where did you ge them?!)! Lotta love here! Thanks for yet another great pattern!
Love, love, LOVE this fabric. It’s great because you can pair many colors with it. That’s the best.
Those hearts are so cute! You’re right, prints on the border are perfect for your skirt! I feel like I have a love/hate with linings – so annoying to cut and pay for another piece of fabric, but in the end it makes it feel so pretty and professional.
That is SO cute! The heart fabric is perfect for the pattern.
That fabric is absolutely gorgeous. It would be perfect for the dress I intend to sew for my cousins wedding in two weeks. Du you know if it can be bought at an internet-store? I live in Sweden so a physical store will be hard for me to get to..
@Sam Here’s the fabric link —
Love this skirt. Particularly in the border print fabric. I’m off to Bali in 7 weeks and I think a couple of these skirts would be perfect. Now to find the perfect fabric.
Dana, your tutorials/YouTube videos are the best. They’re very professional and easy to follow along. I’ve just picked up sewing (although I did take a class in high school, which was forever ago!) and I can’t wait to make your makeup bag and pillow case! Thank you so much for sharing your talent and keep the videos coming!!
OH wow, that’s sooo adorable! I’m adding that to my to-make list!
Wow – both the fabric and the skirt is so adorable.
So cute and comfy looking.
I love this pattern!!! This would be great for a mommy and daughter project skirt using “Fluorescent Pink Striped Taffeta” from