Today we welcome our last boy guest! She’s the darling girl next door who bakes amazing cakes, looks great in everything she wears, and is the kindest friend you know.
It’s Delia!
Seriously. I love Delia and everything she creates. There are many blogging friends I hope to meet in person one day and she’s definitely one of them. Delia is a mother of two boys, she’s widly creative, and she takes amazing pictures. What’s not to love? Delia Creates is addictive.
You see…?Her boys are absolutely gorgeous (if it’s okay to call boys ‘pretty’?)
She recently threw a Lego party for her son and well, it’s pretty awesome.
Delia has a slew of fun tutorials for kids and moms. Oh and she also likes to cook. And did I mention the pretty pictures? Yea, I did. Just saying. She’s a clever gal.
And today she has a very boy tutorial, showcasing her boyish sewing skills and handsome little men. So let’s hear from Delia!…
Hello MADE readers!
I’m Delia from deliacreates and I am stoked to be here to help Celebrate the BOY!
….I know how fun (and crazy, busy, gross, rough, mischievous, funny, weird, and completely lovable) they can be, and how challenging it is to craft for them too!
For a beginner sewer like me, I like to gravitate more towards small accessories. So for Celebrate the BOY I came up with the…
It is a sweet little bow tie that you tie yourself.
In the tutorial I’ll show you how to make the pattern yourself, so you can make the bow tie unique to your little guy.
Don’t know how to tie a bow tie? That’s okay. I’ll give you step-by-step instructions for that too!
So come on over! I’ll show you how to make a bow tie, with a fat quarter of fabric, in about 30 minutes! See you there!
Love the tutorial Delia and love the photoshoot! Thank you for sharing your creative energy with us! You’ll find the complete Little Mister Bow Tie tutorial HERE on Delia Creates.