I wasn’t going to tell you this. But with all the talk about “it’s illegal to pick Bluebonnets” I thought I’d share a funny story.But first, I did some research…..
* It is NOT illegal to pick Blue Bonnets, the Texas state flower. Check out what the state law enforcement says about it HERE.
* It is an urban legend that picking the pretty blue flower is a criminal offense. But many of you said you were taught that in school. Which leads me to…..
* It’s probably not a good idea to pick them. You know, kind of a faux pas. The flowers are “annuals” and are actually seeded along the highways each year. I had no idea about this one. I thought they were really just a wild flower. So, bottom line, nice to save them for everyone to look at and enjoy.
* Texas actually has 5 official state flowers. Crazy. Who knew? I guess when your state is the size of most countries you gotta lot of flowers to cover!
* I only picked 4 Blue Bonnets.
* Any other flowers I’ve picked have been true wild flowers, often times weed flowers and found on public property on the side of the road. Like these beauties:
So, those are the facts. I’m not a criminal! (stress reliever)
But now, about that Sheriff…..
As we drove home from the store yesterday I noticed the wildflowers everywhere. And if you live in a “town” like ours, there’s a lot of random land with few buildings in between. And thus, an array of weeds and flowers.
Anyway, I’m working on some graphics for an upcoming project (you’ll found out about it next week!) and I decided that flowers would be perfect. So we drove down the main road and when I spotted a good bunch of flowers, I pulled over to the side of the road (out of everyone’s way. No harm.) and I ran out to grab a few, then back in the car to find more.
Well, as I was pulled over in an obvious “pull-over” spot, the sheriff spotted me, whipped his car around and shouted at me from the other side of the dirt road,
“are you okay? What are you doing?”
I yelled back, “um, just picking a few flowers.”
I quickly returned to my car (now worried that maybe I had done something wrong. Was I not allowed to pull over like that? Was it wrong to pick the flowers?)
He quickly turned his car around and pulled-up behind me to have an official talk.
He walked up to my window as I sat there (with the flowers shoved down to the floor and my seatbelt on).
“what are you doing?”
“I just wanted to pick a few flowers from the side of the road. Is it wrong for me to pull over here?”
“well, are you okay?”
“Um, yea? why?”
“Well I’ve never seen someone pull over, jump out of their car, and run quickly over to the grass….just to pick a couple flowers…”
What? Some middle-aged cop in small-town Texas doesn’t understand why a crazed blogging mom, who runs at 100 mph, wouldn’t want to gather flowers so she could go home and photograph them on her white table and then turn them into graphics?
“Well yea, sorry. I was just trying to go fast. And I just wanted some flowers.”
“Um, okay. Just (trying to come up with something cop-ish to tell me) you know, just be careful I guess.”
“Okay, thanks.”
And I slowly drove off, into a nearby neighborhood where there were more flowers to pick.
So there you have it. Who knew that flowers would create such rebellious talk on the blog?
the whole thing just gave me a good chuckle. ‘trying to come up with something cop-ish to tell me…’ lol! and it’s really interesting that they reseed every year!