We’re here!
Thank you for the sweet comments about Clara. They’re so much fun to read. And thanks for the advice to enjoy our little baby and not worry about blogging. As you can tell, I’ve been trying to do that. But I think I’ll break radio silence more often since I’m feeling fairly back to normal.
Little Clara is 2 weeks old tomorrow.
Can’t believe time has passed that quickly–seems like I was just in the hospital.
My mom’s been here with us which was super helpful. But since she left yesterday we’re officially on our own.
So far, so good.
And after days of baby gowns and jammies, I finally put real clothes on the little girl.
I love it when you can finally see how skinny and small their bodies are.
And who can resist their awesome baby faces–funny eyes and all.
For the most part she’s still a great baby. She has her fussiness but has been sleeping great at night, so no complaints here.
Her onesie is a simple Gerber one, hand-dyed with RIT dye. You can read more about that here and here (sadly with my website migration, I lost all the great comments and tips you guys left about your own hand-dyeing experiments. So feel free to re-submit comments/tips on there if you have any!).
And that’s Clara these days.
Almost a smile.
Well, sort of. I hear her squirming in the other room.
I’ve forgotten what it’s like to be on someone else’s time table.
If you want to see more photos of me and Clara from the hospital, check out Katie Evan’s Photography. She shares 5 great tips for taking newborn pics.
Bye for now!
Congratulations again. She looks so sweet. Enjoy your special time with your family. The fab 5!
Dana, so happy for you guys! And obviously, I love the name. Half the time I wish I had changed Claire’s name to Clara. If you are in the intermountain west this summer, please let me know. It has been far too long!
Wishing all the happiness in the world for you and your adorable kids! Congratulations!
She is precious!!! Not helping my baby fever at all :o)
I could totally eat her up. Delicious, beautiful baby!!
She is too cute, my youngest just turned 4 months, time goes by so fast!
Hi Dana!
She’s a cutie! and those clothes look fab! I saw the pics on Katie’s site and they’re fabulous too.
Congratulations again!
She is BEAUTIFUL! And I totally see little Owen in her! You make beautiful kids, Dana 🙂
such a cutie !!!
Congrats again! She’s beautiful! I’m glad you’re feeling better!
Goodness she is cute. So glad to know all is going well so far.
Aww, she’s such a cutie pie! She looks so much like her brother and sister 🙂
I love the bright pink onesie!
She is so adorable, I am one of those partially crazy people that just loves the newborn stage. Lack of sleep and all. There is nothing like snuggling a baby most of the day and night. I miss that when they get older. I am so happy for you guys.
She’s beautiful! Congratulations!!
how sweet! my daughter was born last January and had those same striped pants, so adorable. I hope you are enjoying all those newborn snuggles. :o)
Awww. She already looks older! How can that be? I really like the dark pink…it suits her well. I’m anxious to hold that little sweetie again! 🙂
she is so sweet indeed. enjoy her!
Adorable! Congrats!
Welcome back to us! We really missed you, but don’t worry about us!
Clara is the sweetest baby! I’m going to look at other photos.
Bye and kiss
I think you look spectacular in all the shots, and Clara….well she is so delicately beautiful it’s amazing. Thank you so much for sharing this all with us!
And yeah, it’s not helping my baby fever at all too!!! I mean, I LOVE my two girls who for the past MONTH have been switching off the same cold/fever/flu/plague thing back and forth….but I still *miss* that littleness. And sweet soft peach fuzz skin.
So great to hear she is a good sleeper. That makes it all the more enjoyable too! Love to your whole family who makes me so happy to see on your blog.
Oh, and the Ritz dyed onesies in bright pink? LOVE! I wish I had thought of that with mine. The white was always so drab.
She is just a doll Dana! I love the name too. We have a Claire in our house that originally stems from her great-great-grandmother Claire and then great aunt Clarine. All the more reasons to sew now 😉
Glad everything goes so well :). She’s such a sweety!
Congratulations! She is adorable! I agree on the baby fever! It is definitely getting higher, lol. Definitely enjoy that little cutie as much as possible.
What a sweet little girl and such wonderful pictures. I almost can smell the tiny baby odour and feel the babysoft cheeks. Enjoy!
SO sweet!!! Love her. Also those pics over at KEP are very very sweet as well. Yay for new baby!
She is so sweet! Making me want my baby to get here already even more! I love the dyed onesie! That’s something I might have to try if I can make myself get around to it. 🙂
Congrats! she is so sweet. she looks so much like her big brother and sister. I love the bright pink onsie, too.
Hi, and congratulations!!! I also had a baby about 4 weeks ago now–a boy and I totally agree–I love seeing them in clothes for the first time! So cute 🙂 (I’ve been a follower through my favourites for a loong time now, just never comment, but I had to comment on your sweet baby! ) Enjoy her–it goes sooo fast!
Aw, she is such a little sweetie pie. Glad to hear you’re feeling good, too! 🙂
Thanks for sharing more pics – she’s a darling! More please!
Clara, You are an absolute miracle…fearfully and wonderfully MADE. Congratulations Dana. Embrace the season. It’s way too short. 😉
Psalm 139:14
beautiful pictures! & i love the stripes!
Omg. She looks so much like the other two!
I gasped when I read 2 weeks. Already!?
oh my gosh, she’s too sweet. wow, real clothes already? hehe, I think it took until emily was 6 months old before I put her in something other than footed jammies. slacker mom. Glad you’re getting used to a family of 5 – wow!
Awww, cute little baby!! Congrats to you and your family. I’m glad you’re all adjusting well and I love her cute little hair!
Can’t wait to come out of quarantine and hold her again. 🙂
Oh my GOSH. Hehehehehe!!! SHE IS SO CUTE!!! Want to squish and cuddle.
Wow! I can’t believe she’s 2 weeks! She is so precious. I am so glad she’s sleeping well for you and that you are already feeling more yourself. I am starting to feel the antsiness and worry about having a newborn again. I know it’s going to be wonderful and worth it, but just getting pre-labor jitters as per normal!
Two weeks already? My goodness, I swear it feels like you “just” had her, by “just” I mean like yesterday! Time sure flies! My little guy is going on 7 months and I too feel like I “just” had him! She’s a doll!
So sweet! I especially love the second to last sleepy photo. That sweet, sweet newborn face. I can’t remember when our daughter transitioned to baby face, but I remember clear as day that our son left the newborn zone at four weeks. Now he’s two and turning into a little boy. And our daughter is getting ready for kindergaten next this fall. What sweet, special, amazing transitions!
She’s looking so cute! Enjoy her as time flies by, my baby turned 4 just this month. Where does time go?
She’s so precious. Congratulations to you and your family. She looks adorable in clothes – what lovely colors! It’s amazing how quickly they change when they’re this small. In these photos she looks like a lovely little grandmother (I mean that in the nicest way). So sweet! Glad to hear she’s taking it easy on you during the night. Best of luck to you all!
She’s so fresh and new and absolutely precious! Enjoy this newborn time!
She’s so cute Dana! Like a little bug, but a cute one! I found out Monday just gone that I have a daughter in me! I was so convinced it was another boy so I am still reeling in surprise. HOW DO YOU LOOK AFTER A GIRL? I walked into the girl section of Pumpkin Patch today and felt soooo out of my league. I’ve been in boy mode for 3 years!
So, in saying that, I am holding you responsible for some neat baby girl ideas :B
xx max
She’s really beautifull!!! I think she looks just like you!
Enjoy those sweet moments with your baby and family…we will still be here when you come back with some more blogging!
She is so cute! I can see a lot of similarities between her and your other two kids.
Congrats on your new little girl! She is sooo adorable!! Love her littler outfit…my daughter has the same pants and I love them because they match just about every onesie I have!!
I’ve been following your blog for a few months and love all your creations. They’ve been a source of inspiration for my own life. I love sewing but didn’t think I could make anything with the kids around. But actually I’ve been able to acomplish a lot, even with a newborn in the house. Our yongest one is 5 weeks old and your ideas make me eager to finish a project even with her around. Thank you!
You’re litlle Clara is beautiful. Congratulation! I also have a Clara. But mine is Maria Clara.
God Bless and keep your family
Clara is so sweet! I love that newborn look … savor it, because it goes away too fast! I wish I had brought someone in to take newborn hospital pictures. I was such a mess with this last baby that she hardly has any pictures in the first two weeks. bummer. I’ll have to make up for it somehow!
Glad you are feeling normal again. I was so excited to see more photos today. 🙂
The adorable pictures of you sweet girl are making me want the next 6 weeks to fly by as I impatiently wait for our very first baby Girl (after 4 great boys)!
Congratulations again! She is absolutely precious! Thanks so much for sharing pictures of you little blessing with your blog followers.
Oh my goodness, there is nothing like a newborn. Thanks for sharing the love. -K
Welcome cute!
Congratulations!! I wish you lots of fun together
Welcome cute!
Congratulations! I wish you lots of fun together
Seriously, Dana! She is so stinkin’ cute!! I am loving these pics! I don’t know why babies are so cute. Maybe it’s their little faces or their freshness, but I just love them, and her! Clara, what an adorable name. I’m so happy for you!!! I’m glad you’re feeling well to post pics. 🙂
congratulations on your baby girl! she is beautiful! My son is only 8 weeks and he seems so different from when he was 2 weeks!! It’s amazing how they grow!
I have to hask because I look to the photos and I was puzzled: are the sleeves closed? I can’t see your daughter’s hands and the sleeves, in the ends, seems to make an angle…
Hope you both feeling well!
Love love love love. Keep those sweet newborn pics coming because we all covet them! Can’t wait to meet her 🙂 xoxo!
She looks very alert…. gorgeous baby!
She is so cute!!!
She looks so much like you, Dana!
Clara is so adorable! Congrats!
P.S. I love your website/blog.