With little room (and little hands) in our house, I decided to be simple this year with our Christmas decor. We have a very small tree decorated with white lights. I was going to leave it at that. But after clicking on many of your blogs and being awed with your cute homemade ornament creations, I decided our tree needed something. Here’s what I came up with. A, B, C ornaments with a letter for each member of our family (and a star on top):
L for Lucy, O for Owen, D for Dad, M for Mom, and W for our last name. Made from 2 circles and letters of felt, I sewed the letters on to the top circle with my machine. I also sewed the ribbon directly to the back circle. Then I hand-stitched around the outside with embroidery thread 3/4 of the way ,filled them with batting, and stitched them closed. They fit on our little tree perfectly:
And to give you some perspective, I wasn’t kidding about little. Here it sits on our fireplace mantle:
Merry Christmas L and O: