Hello friends! I’m alive!….and back from many travel adventures. I can’t wait to share photos from our Norway/Sweden/Denmark trip! What a gorgeous part of the world.
In the meantime…..I’m looking for input on my blog and the new sewing show—
MADE Everyday, with Dana.
You guys are always good with the feedback.
And it’s good to take inventory of the blog from time to time. Because YOU are the reason I love blogging and making videos and sharing ideas! So I’d love to know how I can make things better for you.
What do you think of the site? How do you read and follow blogs? What projects would you like to see in the future?
And most specifically….what type of videos would you like?
We’re getting ready to shoot Season 2 of MADE Everyday, with twice as many episodes as the first batch (there are still 2 more episodes to come in this season–hopefully one later this week) So let me know what you hope to see. It can be a MADE classic or something new!
To make the feedback easier, we’ve created a small survey below.
If you have a few minutes, we’d love your input!
Simply toggle through the questions below, or leave a comment in this post.
Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey , the world’s leading questionnaire tool.
And as always, thanks for tuning in!
You guys make this adventure a fun one.
(Project photos above: Baby Doll Basket Pattern • KID Shorts Pattern • Diaper Cover free pattern and tutorial • Baby Tank free pattern and tutorial)
Thanks for letting have a small voice. Just later this summer, the financial blog that I also follow, did the same thing and I was thinking “Hey, it would be cool if Dana did this with her blog”. Thanks again and Happy Sewing.
need to insert the word us in the first sentence.
Dana, I’m a brand new blogger! I’d love a post with a bit of blogging advice, how to make good tutorials, photographing clothing tips, some encouragement, etc. If you are willing to share a few pointers that is 😉 Love and admire your blog!
I’m following your blog since…umm a few years (3 or 4) now. You kind of teached me how to sew with your super easy, well explained, nice pictured tutorials. You just make everything about sewing seeming easy and even for a beginner doable. When I first found your blog I read every single post and afterwards had the wish to go home and learn how to use my sewing machine (which I already owned…a heirloom from my grandma), so I just did it.
So now I felt like I should thank you for your blog and tell you that it’s still my favorite one.
Oh and by the way: it’s pretty easy to follow your tutorials, even if english is not your first language. 🙂
Have a nice day and lots of greetings from germany.
That’s wonderful to hear!
Thank you Alina 🙂
Hi Dana,
I’ve just done the survey – we all love your site! Can’t wait to see what’s the come after the results of the survey!
I just wish you’d blog everyday!
Peppi x
I’d love to see the circle skirt in a video.
I filled in your survey and want to add the following to my answers: I’ve learned to draw my onw sewing patterns on paper. I would like to get tips about digitalizing sewingpatterns. How do you do this?
always love your blog and patterns .. the question, *15. How frequently do you check each of the following:* was not ….. umm …. accurate(? — not sure on this word …) i would like to add i check your site once a day or when there is a new entry and there was not choice for *once a day* …. sometimes i just click through my fave blogs and that was also not a choice, surfin’ through, so to speak … LOL …
anyway, thanks for all your time and effort and trouble to have this great blog, patterns, vids …. you rock …. darlene
I am dying to see more from your new house! Though I found you through sewing and love to see your projects, especially the “use what you have” kind, I am more and more drawn to architecture and decor.
I’ve been visiting your blog since the “shirt-dress.” I’m a seamstress and crafter myself and enjoy seeing what your working on. I just wanted to say that my favorite part of your blog is the crafts you post with your kids! I loved the little bear you made clothes for, and the fish paper plates, all the little cuties in the market skirt post, the crib-turned-pirate ship, and the “Put me in the Zoo” post. That’s what I’d like to see more of 🙂
I’d like to see how to sew different types of curtains or valances.
*PDF/printable Version of Sewing Blog Entries*
Dear Dana,
I love your step-by-step instructions for sewing projects but it would be so very helpful if you would also offer a printable version at the end of your blog entry. I often sew at friends’ and that would be much easie than looking at a tiny smartphone screen.
XXX Annalena
absolutely love your blog!!! love all the easy ways you show how to sew. would love to some zipper tutorials. for clothes, pockets in bags with zippers, and how to sew the perfect zipper on? would love your take on it!
thnx a million dana for this awesome survey i finally got to give my advice about the website though it doesn’t need much change and it awesome itself. I have been using your tutorials or almost everything that i have to sew. i once tried a circle skirt for my little sister and it was perfect.Once again thanks alot 🙂
HI Dana – finally had a minute to take your survey. I LOVE all your sewing blogs but I forgot to mention on the survey that I hate to cook, but, I love your recipes and the clear directions and pictures for cooking and baking. If not for your Strawberry Asparagus Salad (yum) I probably never would’ve made asparagus in my life, and now I LOVE asparagus! I wish my mother and aunt were still alive – they wouldn’t believe it! Love your decorating style, too, of course! I think my biggest fear is that you will stop writing your blog! Woe would be me!! Back to work everyone, have a great day.
I would love for you show us more sewing patterns especially a dress for work or some thing for the home.
I would like a pattern for girls skort which is a skirt and shorts in one, very popular in Aus. love your work.