or should I say “time to IG”?
or hello insta?
I don’t know the lingo.
But I do know that I’m loving Instagram.
And yes, I’m 2 years late to the party. Better late than never?
You see, I was flipping through really old pics on my phone the other day and could not understand why I took this random picture of the Old Navy mannequins. Odd.
Then I looked closer and saw my little blond boy posing next to them and remembered…..ah, yes! We were leaving the store and I looked back to find him here:
But, (cough cough) I didn’t really understand what Instagram was until a week ago. Doi.
I thought it was just a clever way to put filters on your iPhone pics.
But what?
In an instant you can share your photos in a social media feed?
And check out photos from your friends?
And now, all those pics that have been piling up on my phone have an outlet?
I’m on Instagram.
Come find me!
Two ways to follow:
@danamadeit on Instagram
@danawillard on Twitter
I’m just getting started but here’s a taste…
And if you’re curious what that pile of black mess is?…..you must come over to find out. It will surprise and disgust you at the same time. I still have a hard time looking at it, and yet I can’t take my eyes off of it.
Okay. See ya in an insta!
(I promise I’ll get cooler at this)
Wow… I’ve never seen daddy long legs cluster like that… cool and gross at the same time.
eww eww eww eww eww. That photos of the daddy long legs is creeping me out. The tiny orange, however, is awesome.
Those spiders are… brrrr… gross.
Welcome to instagram!!!! Your 100%right about your reasoning too hats totally what it is and I lOve it for that reason!!! You will find however twitter is kinda useless comparatively
Welcome to instagram!!!! Your 100%right about your reasoning too hats totally what it is and I lOve it for that reason!!! You will find however twitter is kinda useless comparatively
ewww, those are gross and awesome at the same time. my older daughter loves to blend in with the old navy mannequins. she hid from me for a good 10 min in the store one time – i could.not.find.her! that pic is on my ig 🙂
YUCK! I now feel like I am covered in grand daddy long legs. EEK! I’m pretty sure that cluster would be in my version of hell.
I love Instagram! It is my favorite photo app for my iPhone. I found your IG feed and you can find me at dsolzer! Cheers and Happy Day to you.
I love instagram too! Even though I also just started using it last month. Nice to know I’m not the only late arrival to the party. ;-).
That daddy long legs picture is sooooooo creepy, btw.
I am sitting here at my desk twitching, literally. Spiders do that to me and once I realized what it was there was no stopping it. I’m going to have the heebie-jeebies all day 🙂 However-the Old Navy picture is probably the cutest thing ever 🙂
I have the same feeling about spiders…ewww gross!!!
Dana,I love you boy´s picture at old navy. It´s funny how our kids do that with us sometimes…and remembering those moments looking at a picture its priceless.
oh gosh those spiders are terrifying. where did you take this picture? and WHAT ARE THEY DOING – having a barn party or something? *shivers*
I know what you mean – I just got an iphone about a month ago and I couldn’t be more excited to finally join the instagram party!
I love love the bottom left pic of Clara – her hair is amazing!
I can’t look away…*shudder*
LOl, no worries. I just got an iphone, but my hubby’s old one (the round one). Did I mention it has a cracked screen? He got a new one b/c he cracked his screen, I wanted one so bad that I dumped my other phone and started using his old one. Oh, well I wanted it mostly b/c I wanted instagram. I’m @jenrichard4
One daddy long leg I can handle. A pile of them is a bit much for me. *Shudder*
Welcome to instagram and prepare for the addiction! There are so many cool ways to print your instagram pictures too…mini books, magnets, endless possibilities.
found ya and am now following you! off to check out those daddy long legs, ewwwwwwwww!
Wait until you try postagram- sends actually post cards from your instagram photos (for a small fee of course).
Um……yah, that cluster of daddy long legs makes me want to run screaming. Hate spiders.
ugh, i’m so arachnaphobic! eeeek!!!!
oh wow what a cliff hanger…GROSSSSS! haha but cool too.
love your blog and your little guy is totally adorable. always fun to see other moms appreciate little moments like that 🙂
Dear Dana,
Instagram is an awesome way to share everyday moments and little breaths of beauty. Thanks for posting so we know where to look for your entries.
Instant love in NE
P.S. I was late to the party too but I am totally addicted now. 🙂
the spiders gross me out all clumped up like that….*wrech*
yeah, the daddy long legs has me creeped out. so gross.
wish i could instagram too… i’m going to be about twelve years late to the iphone fad… guess i’m just too cheap so far.
looks like fun!
That is so funny with the mannequins! I was leaving Old Navy one day to look back and find both my kids blended right into the mannequins also. I have the same picture and my kids blend in so well also. I wonder how often that happens.
OH dana, why has it been SO long since I checked in here, took a blog reading hiatus and yours friend was MISSED. Oh your sweet baby girl is so darling, and you are crafty as ever….. excited to add you on instagram… which I will, man its addicting. Wanted to say hi and say Im oh so glad that Texas is suiting you so nicely. And your kiddos, wow they grew…. 🙂
that picture of Owen is hilarious.
What is that black mess? No. Nooo! My scalp is crawling and yet I’m laughing at the same time. Can’t wait to start following you and see more of this. I love Instagram! @cailamade
I love instagram but just lost my phone!!! Actually I think a little boy threw it in the garbage (sniff, sniff). Someday I will have a new phone and can follow you…so fun! 🙂
Love the photos, and the Old Navy pic is so funny!
so fun! I just got into it, too. off to add you!
I can understand being late to the party. We just barely got smart phones last week which is why I just popped up on instagram last night too! I love it. I plan on getting social media buttons…sometime : / and instead of bothering with twitter I am going to do an instagram button! 🙂
And my kids have done that too…posed with the Old Navy family in the front of the store. 🙂 I think one of those mannequins is actually “named” Owen…or at least that is what one of the employees told me.
I’m @callherhappy! Looking forward to stalkin’ your gram 🙂
oh god they’re spiders aren’t they? fhewiuhtieowgvs;dbv
Seriously though, that mannequin photo is the best!
Instagram IS amazing! Isn’t it? My friend Beth from Stories of A to Z just started using them about a month ago too. So, you’re not the ‘last’ one;PI’m so glad you’ve finally ‘joined’. Your instagram photos look as good as your SLR ones! Well, except for that icky one which makes me want to throw up. But other than that, FABULOUS!
Why why why did I let curiosity get the better of me. No way I’m going back to sleep now…
UGH. INSTA-GROSSED OUT. I can’t stand clusters of bugs, and this is right up there. EW. EW. I’m so glad you’re on IG. I can’t wait to see your beeeaauuuttiiffuulll pictures! Follow me on there too, @SANLYNET
Well, until I read this post, I thought Instagram was a way to just doctor up your photos too, and I also had no idea it was only for iphone. 🙂
As for the photos, I took a look and thought, “That’s odd. Why take a picture of 5 daddy longlegs near a clump of hair?” Then I realized what I was looking at!
Please, please share why they were all together like that? Were they near (or dare I suggest in) your house?!
The only time I’ve ever seen more than one at a time was camping in our family’s old canvas tent. I was the last to go to bed and there was one on the front near the zipper. I certainly didn’t want to go near it, so I batted it away with a flashlight…then I saw another so I batted it too – harder. Then, the waterfall of daddy longlegs began from the roof and down the front of the tent. I managed to contain most of myself and what escaped my lips was more like a gurgling strangling sound since I didn’t want to wake the entire campground…my dad still laughs about it today. (Men just don’t understand!)
Dana, how do you get your IG photos on your blog? I have tried and tried, but I can’t make it work.
Daddy Longlegs are harvestman, not spiders. My kids are fascinated with insects and insect ID has become a bit of a hobby. Thought you might want to share ID with your kids. Isn’t diversity wonderful?
Okay, those are SPIDERS?!? Ooooh!
I had to take the app off of my phone because I was neglecting my children. LOL, but not really… I’m serious. I loved it a bit toooooo much. It’s just so much fun! But getting rid of the phone app was the right thing to do. You know how I know? I got a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach when I hit “delete”. Seriously. Pitiful. I wish I was still on so I could see your pics more regularly!
XO, Jenny
Since I know you are in my general neck of the woods: we took a hike with the Girl Scouts at McKinney Falls State Park near Austin just a few weeks ago. They have a rock formation near the information center on their short trail. The walls look like they have patches of moss on them or something, but NO — they are big patches of spiders just like that! You’d get close and the wall would start moving, like in some horror film.
heebie jeebies all over again! My 6yo girl was fascinated but my 4yo girl didn’t want to get close at all.