Which do you love more?—paper or fabric?
I know. I know. Fabric is probably my first crush. But the variety of paper these days?! There are so many amazing prints, textures, and materials to choose from!
(Thank you for that, scrapbooking world).
And since I’m not much of a scrapbooker, I’m always looking for fun ways to use those papers.
Like….sewing them? YES!
And then you and your kids (and your friends, and your friends’ kids, and kids of your friends’ kids (?)) will have a notebook for any occasion:
• journaling • creative writing • drawing • coloring •
• doodling • penmanship practice • lists • goals • reminders •
Let’s sew books! Just click the play button below and enjoy… or WATCH IT HERE.
If you’re new around here, MADE EVERYDAY with Dana is a fresh and fun sewing show, where we create everyday items you will love and use.
To watch other episodes–Subscribe to my Youtube channel so you’re updated as soon as the episode goes live.
Such a perfect way to capture memories… and play with pretty paper! Win-win.
I’m thinking Kindergarten TEACHER GIFT!
Dana – what a great idea! I can see these as a project for our kids this weekend. Thanks for the video tutorial. Quick question — What type of needle do you use when sewing the books? Thanks!
Awesome yes! It’s the perfect weekend project 🙂
I just use a standard average sewing needle when I sew with paper. But you probably want to change the needle afterward, because the paper will dull it.
Have fun!
Dana what a good idea, Watching your video I think it would be nice to make some invitation cards too. Thank you
This is awesome!! I have made little homemade books for my 8yo daughter for years from regular old colored construction paper and staples. Lately, I think she has grown tired of the staples, even though her love for writing stories has intensified. She’s going to love these (especially the sparkly ones)! Thank you for sharing these ideas!
Love this. Making some for a women’s group at church. Thanks
Hi I am new to your channel and living all your videos. Watched the sun glasses case which gave me an idea for your cute little books – you could make these from vinyl too. Thank you also for the pillow case piping tutorial , I love your way of explain everything and easy to follow steps. Thank you , Linda from ENGLAND XX
Oooo yes! That would be super cute! I’ll have to try that!
Thanks Linda 🙂 Have fun sewing!
I made a few of these for my mom using lined binder paper for the pages. She loved them! Then I made a few for myself in card stock that matches my bedroom fabrics. 🙂 They’re great for writing down recipes, notes for sewing projects, book recommendations or reviews from on line, etc. And they can sit on my nightstand and look fabulous because … they match my room. Thanks for all your great tutorials.
Oh awesome! That makes me so happy to hear! Have fun making more…for more rooms 🙂 haha.
So when you sew the spine is it a zigzag stitch? Or is the whole book done in a straight stitch?
P.S. I just found you on YouTube and I love all your videos. I’m new to sewing and you’ve helped me a ton.