Well, the radio interview on Fave Crafts was last night and I think it went okay (except that I talk way too fast – my Dad always tells me that – and at one point I wasn’t paying attention and had to ask her to rephrase the question. Dorky).
Thank you for those who tuned in! If you missed it, I have it right here for you. Click the play button below. OR (what I did), click on the iTunes icon to listen in itunes and skim through stuff. (If the player isn’t loading here on my site, you can find it on their site HERE. It’s the box next to the host’s picture)
The entire show is about 90 minutes long. My segment starts soon after the 38 minute mark. We talk for about 7 minutes and then I come back at the 1 hour mark for the roundtable discussion and my giveaway.
At about 1 hour 16 minutes, is when I sound like an idiot. Tiffany asks me to answer the same question as the person before me and (since I was only sort of paying attention while reading blogs online) I had to ask her to rephrase the question. I’m still not even sure if I answered her question. But the next guest did the same thing, so…..I’m not a total spaz.
Two other guests on the show that I found interesting were:
* Vickie Howell (host of DIY Tv shows, author, cool lady)
* Cristin Frank (who talks all about turning “trash” into cool furniture and other treasures)