KNIT HEADBANDS (How to sew with Knits)

New video guys!
I’m soooo excited about this one.
So get ready to sttttrrrretch your sewing skills….


That’s right….we’re talking all about KNIT FABRICS!
And we’re going to sew them on a standard sewing machine.
So if you’ve ever been afraid to sew with knits, today is your day!

I’ll show you a variety of stitches to use, the right and wrong way to do it, and then we’ll sew my favorite stretchy headbands!….cause if you know me in real life, you know that there’s always a headband on my head.
Then we’ll show you some fun ways to style them.

Just hit the play button below and enjoy!

MADE EVERYDAY with Dana is a fresh new sewing show, where we create everyday items you will love and use.
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  1. Great video! My sewing machine is pretty old, but now you’ve got me curious what some of those stitches on it do! I’ve only ever used the straight stitch and zigzag…

  2. 2) Lana

    Hi, Dana! I love your videos!
    Question: Do I need to use a special needle when sewing with knits?

    • HI Lana! yes you do need some stretch or jersey needles!

  3. 4) Jess

    Love the video! My hair is super thick and stretchy headbands from the store are never wide enough to keep it back. So excited to try making my own!!!

  4. 6) Janae

    Thank you for your videos! I had no idea about the cool turning the headband trick! I am excited to try that. Thank you!

  5. 7) Chancy

    This was great. Now, this is gonna come off as a little creepy or stalker-ish, but you have a great speaking voice…and on video nonetheless! I’m so jealous because whenever I hear my voice recorded, it’s horrible!

  6. 8) Wendy

    So fun. Looks like a great use for all those t-shirts I have.

  7. Thanks for the new video–that was really good and the headbands are really cute!!

  8. 10) Jess

    Thought of a question, if using a serger, would you use 3 or 4 thread?

  9. 11) Katie

    Hi Dana,

    I really like all of your video tutorial.
    I am a professional maker and designer and I have to say you got the talent. πŸ™‚
    Please let me notice something. One little thing is missing from this video tutorial. Knit fabric need special needle. πŸ˜‰

    All the best!


  10. 12) KKann

    Beautiful headbands.

  11. 13) Stacey

    Dana, love everything you do! Your videos are always so great. Where do you like to buy your knits?

  12. I loved this!! I love headbands!!! I have to definitely try this! Time to put my fabric stash to use! πŸ™‚

  13. 15) Rebekah

    You make everything so clear and easy to follow!! Thanks!

  14. 17) Susan

    love your blog and videos! You need your own tv show

  15. 18) Sasha Henning


    I have only watched the tutorial on making headbands but I am now addicted to your website and can’t wait to start sewing again!

    I’m sure you have been asked this a million times but I was just wondering what kind of sewing machine you are using in the video. My mother in law gave me her old sewing machine (she says its vintage) and its just not easy to use and I find myself getting frustrated and giving up on my sewing projects. I have sewing machine envy!

    Thank you for your time!!

    Sasha πŸ™‚

  16. 19) Lindsey

    How do you keep your knit fabrics from rolling? I have the hardest time keeping the edges together because they won’t lay flat. Thank you!

  17. 20) Sarah

    I am curious how many headbands you can get from a yard of fabric.

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