Thanks for your interest in the Silhouette giveaway! I’m sad there can only be one winner–which will be announced tomorrow! In the mean time, here’s one more quick project I made in about 10 minutes:I’m sure the steps are obvious but it was cool to figure out how to create Graphic Images on the Silhouette, by importing my own images. AND, you might be thinking this is Etched Glass…but it’s simply frosted vinyl! So easy to make, so easy to peel off whenever I’m sick of it.
Okay, Here’s how it goes….
I used my Silhouette, a boxed picture frame from Ikea (about $5), Silhouette Vinyl (frosted glass color), fabric, and freezer paper (for stabilizing the fabric).I found an image online and used it to create my own Silhouette image cutout.
While in the Silhouette software, select “import to my library”, select the photo, and when you’re finished….find it in your library on the left-hand side.
On the top right, click the blue/yellow “trace” icon, select the area you wish to trace, and click the red “trace” icon below. Then send it to the Silhouette and watch it cut the outlined area.
Now that image is very simple, since it’s just an outline. But the tracing tool is really cool for creating graphic images in the Silhouette. I wanted to try out a more detailed image, so I used this food photo:
I followed the above steps and came up with this (use the buttons on the right to adjust the thickness of the outline and shading). Might be cute painted on a kitchen towel. The possibilities (especially combined with Freezer Paper stenciling) are endless!
Okay, so…..cut out the state of Texas on the Silhouette, with frosted glass colored Vinyl.
Peel it off and center it on the glass frame. This is a box frame, so there’s some distance between the front glass and the back of the frame, creating more dimension.
Almost done here–just need to place fabric on the back of the frame.
The fabric is a simple calico print (and cheap–from Walmart, $1.50/yard). It reminded me of Texas wildflowers.
Use a piece of Freezer paper to give the fabric more stability in your frame so it doesn’t sag. Iron the shiny side of the paper to the fabric:Then cut out the fabric/freezer paper combo to the exact size of your frame:
Place it in the frame, and you’re done! The look is very subtle but when you catch it in different light, the state outline really stands out.
Oh Texas. I look forward to your blue bonnet beauties. And I promise not to pick them this time (and not because it’s not illegal–too many negatives in that sentence?–but because the social faux pas makes every one go crazy).
This is the last day to enter the Silhouette SD Giveaway HERE.
Talk to you tomorrow!
Hi Dana! Thanks again for letting me include your Texas Wildflower Art in my frosted vinyl round-up. Here is the link if you want to drop by my corner of the blog-o-sphere and check it out:
Found your project through Lauren’s round-up at The Thinking Closet and I just love this idea. Definitely going to keep it in mind for future gifts or decor for my own home.