Fun mail day this week!
I got a copy of the new Stitch Savvy book by Deborah Moebes of Whipstitch.
Then I plopped down on the couch and absorbed the pretty pages. Isn’t that best way to look at sewing books? Like a box of dark chocolates you just can’t put down?
Stitch Savvy is the follow-up book to Deborah’s first book Stitch by Stitch–which teaches you to sew from a very beginner level. This new book is geared toward beginners and intermediate sewers and has a good variety of simple and complex projects.
And I love the book’s concept: projects and skills that build on one another so you’re ready for the next, more challenging project.
The book has five categories:
• Home Decor
• Patchwork & Quilting
• Bags
• Sewing for children
• Clothing.
Then within each section are 5 projects with a skill-level of 1-5. So if you’re a beginner and you feel intimidated by making a woman’s jacket, just start with all the #1 projects in the book and then move on to all the #2 level projects.
Deborah reviews all the basics first. She even has a few quick refresher projects for you to try out (and plenty of clever writing to go along. I love her writing style).
Then she jumps right into the projects.
I’m sure we’ve all wanted to make an ottoman cover at some point?
A pair of woman’s pants WITH a zipper in front and fitted in the back?
Very impressive.
I love this cool Wherever Jacket (and love the model too. Can I have her hair?)
There are cute kid clothes,
Cute home decor and pretty pictures. Whenever I flip through a sewing book I mostly love looking at the photos and how it was all designed.
But one thing I really love is that Deborah doesn’t leave out any details. She has great tips along the way and even has a section at the end of the projects called “Try This Too” where she shows variations and other ideas on the project. Such a neat feature!
And there’s a CD in the back with all the printable pattern pieces for 13 of the 25 projects.
Ah. My Deborah Moebes collection is now complete (for the moment….I’m sure there’ll be more in the future)
Would you like to try out Stitch Savvy?
Today we’re giving away one copy!
• Leave a comment, that’s it.
• Only one entry per person.
• Open to US and Canadian readers
• ONE winner will be picked via
• Giveaway ends, Friday 1/18/13 at 11pm (Central Time).
Winners will be announced next week.
That book looks lovely. Even if I don’t win I think it will find it’s way to my library.
Looks like a great book! Thanks for the chance to win.
Yay! Love that wherever jacket!
I love the purse on the front cover, and i love the jacket. What a fun looking book.
What a wonderful book! I’d love a copy.
Wow! I love all the projects in the book! Fingers crossed!
Thanks for hosting this great giveaway!!
Oh! This looks like such a fun collection! 🙂
That book looks awesome! I love being able to ‘make’ my own patterns, but need help with sleeves, they are the death of me!
Mmm! With a baby girl, I would love to boost my sewing skills… If I can find the time.
I’d love to see the little details in this book!
Ooo–looks like a great book. May have to get it regardless. Thanks!
I was just thinking I should go pick up the book before I read about the giveaway! Thanks for the introduction to Debroah!
Wow, when you said geared towards beginner to intermediate I was thinking bags and skirts but the variety of projects in this book looks quite impressive!
This book looks great and so much fun!
I would love to try those pants! Looks like a great book!
The little girls reversible dress is very cute
Would love to start sewing some new things, looks like a great book to help with that.
Looks like a lot of fun! I’d love to win 🙂
What a beautiful book!!
Oh my gosh, I want one. Why yes, I would like to try Stitch Savvy.
Would love a copy. I see lots of fun projects!
looks like a great book! would love to get it!
I’d love to have this!
That book looks awesome!
this would be a great book to add to my collection.
I would LOVE this book!!!
Very cool projects! Thanks for the chance to win!
Yes Please!
What a beautiful book – I recently got a brand spanking new sewing machine to replace my hobbled oldie – would love to break it in with a reversible dress for my girl 🙂
Oh my…love that Wherever Jacket!
Love the purse on the front! I can envision myself making tons of those to give as gifts! And that reversible dress for little girls, I could have so much fun with that one!
You are the right. The photos are beautiful. I like the way she has the projects organized by sewing levels. Thanks for the chance to win.
OMG i would love to have a copy of this book.
Amazing book! 🙂 Pick me!
Books looks great – just started sewing a few months ago and I am addicted. Need to pick up the first one, but would love the second one too!
It looks so lovely, thanks for the chance
I have been following the online book tour and love all the projects shown so far. I love the jacket and I believe it has a quilted satchel I want to try. It’s on my Valentine’s gift wishlist for the hubby to see. 😉 Thanks for hosting such a great giveaway.
I’d love this book! I really need to start stretching my sewing skills. It’s been about 2 years and I’ve never done a zipper or anything fancy at all…
I would love to read this book and try these projects!
What a lovely book!
Um, yes please! I love the Wherever Jacket and the peacoat. By kiddo would be totally stylin’ in that!
looks like a great book!
This would make a great birthday present, I love the pea coat for boys and would love to attemp the ladies pants with zipper. I never sew for me anymore, just the husband and the kids.
Love your review. I’d love to check it out myself!
I am going to have to get this book to make that coat for my son, it is so amazing!
I love the book and all of your ideas! If I win, I’m giving this to my daughter. Growing up, she was not interested in my crafts and sewing. Now that she has children of her own, she has become very crafty! HAVE A GREAT DAY!
Oh My! I can not wait to get my hands on this book! How beautiful
I’ve been wanting this book! THanks for the chance to win it:)
So I recently tried the no-sew-fold-and-tie pillow cover? Yeah… total pinterest fail ha ha so that instantly sparked a desire to REALLY learn how to sew, so I can STILL use that cute kind-of-expensive-fabric! Then I came across this post and got so excited ha ha I would love Stitch Savvy! All I’d need is a sewing machine….? hmm…
Great review! I really want this book now! 🙂
love it!
yes, yes i would love to try out this book! thanks for the opportunity!
Looks like a great book! always looking for new inspiration.
Looks like a fun book! Thanks for the giveaway!
Looks like such a fun book and more fun projects for me to try.
That looks fun!
Looks like fun! I would love to add this book to my collection!
I have heard several great reviews of this book. Thanks for the giveaway!
I love that women’s jacket. What an awesome book!
looks like an awesome book!
Love the book ideas.
Would love to get my hands on yhis book! That jacket looks amazing. So fun and inspiring!
Great giveaway! The book looks beautiful.
Since being on maternity leave, I have wanted to break out my sewing machine again (it has been collecting dust for a while :S ) and this book would give me the motivation to do that I think!
I have Stitch by Stitch and love it and very much want this new book. Thank you for the chance to win it!
Wow – that looks so cool!
You’ve inspired me to get her 1st book Stitch by Stitch. I’ve been teaching my daughter to sew and this will be a great reference!
I’ve been eyeing this book. Love the pea coat!
Yay for books! Double yay for sewing books! And triple yay for sewing books with beautiful designs!
pick me!!! looks like a perfect book for a beginner like me!
I’d love to read up and try some new projects, and love that the book is full of tips.
Please pick meee!!!! I just started sewing and this would be awesome!
Love the description you gave. It make me feel like I need to get sewing again.
THe book looks great. I always have wanted to make a bag like the one on the cover.
Not only do i love books, but i really really love sewing books! Would love to get my hands on this one.
That book looks awesome!
i would love this book! might have to go buy both….
I would love to win this book!
Would love this!
I have the perfect person in mind for this! Hope I win and can gift it on…
What a great book ~ I hope I win!!
I am a beginner- intermediate level, and this book looks really great! Either way, I think I will have to get it!
I’d love a copy!
Those pants look amazing! Yay for new books!
I love the pea coat for little boys!
Please I would love to win this book!
I could really use this! I really really really want to make the little boys pea-coat.
What a great book! Thanks for the giveaway!!
oh my! count me in…
Love this. Would especially be interested in the section on sewing clothing as that honestly terrifies me. 🙂
What a lovely book! It will definitely go on my wish list =-)
I’d love to try out the projects in this book and learn from them!
I love seeing new sewing challenges. What a beautiful book! Thanks for the giveaway.
I would very much like to improve my sewing skills with a book like this! So many fun projects!
My sewing needs all the help it can get! 😉
Oh, I’m dying over the little boys’ pea coat!
I’m pretty sure you can never have too many sewing books. I’d love to win a copy!
finallyfinishedcrafts (at) gmail (dot) com
The pea coat really caught my eye. Looks like another fantastic bunch of sewing projects!
What a wonderful book! I would love to make ottoman cover!
this book looks so fun!! i would love to win.
I would love to get my hands on this book. Thanks!
Oh man! That ottoman cover is crazy fun. Thanks for the chance to win a copy!
I have taken several classes from Deborah and just love the Whipstitch shop. Thanks for the giveaway.
This book looks awesome! I want it 🙂
I would love this!
This would make a great tool for a beginner like me!
Neat book! So many great projects. Love that the patterns come on a cd.
Looks like a fun book with lots of things to try
These projects look super cute! I would love to try them.
I would love Stitch Savy. I’m a new sewer and would love to make more clothes and am dying to try quilting. I think this book would be just to tool to get me started!
What an awesome book!
Yes, please!
This looks lovely!
Boy oh boy would I love to win that book!
Definitely the inspiration I need to keep working on my sewing skills…
I saw this book featured on another blog recently and requested that my library purchase it right away! I am excited to see it.
Looks great, thanks for the giveaway!
Taking my sewing to the next level is what I have been dreaming about!
What a fun looking book! I love the kisslock purse on the cover
This book looks amazing! I would die to win it! Thanks for having this giveaway!
That looks as delicious as a cookbook. The pictures are gorgeous, and I have been itching to learn to sew a pair of zippered pants for myself and can I sew a pea coat for my baby girl? It’s the CUTEST!!!
That book looks great!! Here’s hoping!
This is going on my wishlist.
Ooohh I would LOVE to win a copy of this book! Thank you!!
The little boy’s coat is so stinkin’ cute! Fingers crossed!
so fun. would love this.
Yes, please!! The book sounds lovely.
I agree. I can read sewing books like a novel!
This would be so nice!
Looks like an awesome book to add to my collection!
This book looks like it has so many project inspirations!!
This book looks fantastic, it’s been added to my (VERY long) craft book wishlist! Speaking of craft books, last weekend I was at the library and I found a copy of your Fabrics A to Z book! It made me smile. I love seeing books from bloggers I “know”. (And would love to KNOW for reals haha)
I love the cover project, but now that I have seen some of the projects inside – I NEED THIS BOOK!!!! fingers crossed I’ll win, but if not, I will have to buy it. thanks, for the giveaway.
Oh, that book looks awesome! I would love to win!
I would love to have this book!
Oh wow! What a great looking book!
Thanks for the giveaway! Making a pair of pants would be scary but hopefully fun too!
What a wonderful looking book. Thanks for the giveaway!
I desperately need a reason to make time to sew.
looks like a lot of doable projects! thanks.
Yes please!
I’m a total beginner–this book looks perfect!
Oh my! That looks perfect for me! Thanks for the giveaway!
Just the motivation I need to start another project!
I love the pants, and jacket you showed. I also have several grand children and it looks like there would be project for them as well. Thank for sharing with us all.
I would love one of these!! I love sewing books although I don’t get to see a whole lot yet. I would love to make that little boys jacket!! 🙂
Thank you for writing such friendly and inspiring posts. I have been “brought back” to my favorite hobby, sewing! I would love to win this book. Its pretty cool that she spiral bound it!
I so need this book, been contemplating making my own slacks since I cannot get a proper fit from retail!
What fun looking projects! Thanks for the chance to win!
Yay! What a great book, pick me!
I love sewing books, this one has such beautiful pictures!
I would love this to add to my budding collection. I tend to sew by the seat of my pants…sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t 🙂
Thanks for the offer. Thanks for including Canadians.
First time commenter (ever!!!) but can’t pass up the chance to win that beautiful book!! Love your blog! I love spending part of my little ones (too short) nap time with you!! Thanks for the chance to win!!
Wow! What a great book!
Love the look of the Sassy pants … and oooh the tea cosy! Crossing my fingers!
would I like a copy? hee hee.. that’s like asking if I’d like that box of chocolates you referred to earlier in your post. It looks like this book is going to have to live on my shelf, too. I would love to win it here, thanks for the chance! 😉
I would love to own this book..especially since it ones with patterns!
How neat! Would love to check it out and try some projects!!
i love that everyday jacket pattern! what a cute book!
I have an ottoman that really needs a cover but I’d make the Wherever jacket first. I just love it! and those boots are to die for. Thanks so much for the giveaway!
How fun! I could use this right about now : )
Yes, please!
A book! Yes’m, I’d like this book!!
All of the pics that you showed have some really gorgeous projects. I agree that purple ladies jacket is beautiful. I would love to add it to my sewing library! Shh don’t tell my husband he thinks I have too many sewing, knitting and cookbooks as it is. I feel that you can never have too many!
I’d love to win, looks like a beautiful book!
Lovely inspiration – thanks for the giveaway!
I would love to stretch myself and sew some of the things in the book.
This book looks amazing! I want those pants!!!! Thanks so much for the chance to win!
Love it!! Can’t wait to see who wins
I can never find these great sewing books!! My mother would just love this book and I will give it to her as long as she lets me oggle the great pictures!
Would love to win this and get to work!
Nice! I have her first book and it helped me a lot. It would be nice to have the second one to add to my library. I really like the jacket! Thanks for showing us!
that book likes amazing! need it!
Oh, I’m intrigued! Must check this out! Thanks for the chance to win.
Either way, this book will end up in my sewing studio. Looks fabulous! Thanks for the review.
I’d love to win Deborah’s book please!
Thank you Dana!
Yum, yum!
I’d love to win – and if not, then I may just have to add these to a wish list for a future gift!
I would love to have a sewing how to book. Thanks
I would love this!
Looks great! Definitely want to take a good look at this book!
What a great book! Would love to win.
what a beautiful book!!! i would love to make some of those things 🙂
Seriously? Pants with a zipper? I’ve got try this book!
I just recently started to make an effort to build my sewing library. (Of course Fabrics A-Z sits front and center) =) I’ve got a few that I picked up that I’m not to crazy about, so it is always nice to get recommendations on good sewing books. Thanks!
This book looks great!!!
That book looks AMAZING! Would love a copy!
What a fun book! I would LOVE a copy! Thanks for the giveaway, Dana! 🙂
I was just talking about how I need to get good at sewing pants!
Beautiful book!
What a lovely give-away. I am always interested in improving upon my basic sewing skills!
I know a few beginner’s things but have never even used a pattern. I’d especially love this book because I’ve really been wanting to get into quilting. 🙂
I have those same scissors and that ruler, I just need the book to match! Plus I have four boys, and I think they need that adorable jacket:)
What a great book!! I would love to absorb all the pages myself! 🙂
Thank you!
I’d love to win!
I am such a fan of Whip Stitch!!! I would love to win this book!!!
marlasmamaatyahoodotcom : )
Why, yes…yes I would!!!
Would love this book!
OH! Pure excitement!! I have her first book (know exactly what you mean about enjoying her writing style- makes me smile). Now I MUST have this book! 🙂
Deborah Moebes makes things so approachable and gives lots of useful tips. She’s the one who taught me what that little strawberry thing is for on the tomato pin cushion, LOL.
Hoping I win….
I would love to learn the basics of sewing! I don’t sew (yet) but I follow your blog religiously!!
I would love to win this book! It would be frequently used lol
Oh my goodness, I would love a chance to win the book! So many pretty projects!
Of course, I’d love a copy of Stitch Savvy! So many fabulous projects and pretty pictures. Thanks!
I would love to try out these fresh ideas in my sewing adventures!
I’d love to win a copy of this book! So cool.
I would love to add this to my bookshelf. Thank you for making it available.
On, wow! I would love to win this book! It looks fabulous.
I’ve been on a sewing hiatus for the last few months and I think this book might be the perfect place to jump start some new projects. I’m thinking the Wherever Jacket is calling my name!
Oh yay! This looks amazing 🙂
Would LOVE this!
Pick me! Pick me!
love how the patterns are on CD. thanks for hosting!
What a cool book! I’d love to read all her tips and try some new sewing projects!
(waving my arm frantically) Oooh! Ooooh! Pick me! Pick me! Those look like fabulous books!
Ohhhh lokes great! It’s such a pity I’m not in US or Canada
Oh yes, please! I love a good sewing book, and the fact that it includes the patterns on CD is fabulous. Thank you!
Looks wonderful! Love the idea that she wrote more than one way to accomplish the project. Thanks!
I would love to have this! Thanks for the chance to win. =)
I would love that book! I’m a teach myself kind of sewer, but this is just too good to pass up!
Beautiful book – and I love that you advertise other authors’ books. Such kind advertising! Thanks, Bug
Beautiful! Those pants look awesome. I always have a hard time buying pants and would love to sew my own, but they seem so intimidating.
We need to make the little boy lined pea coat!
What a cool book!
I love Deborah’s blog (in fact, that’s how I first learned of you and MADE!). Now I know I would love to have her book! Great job on the review, Dana.
Thanks for offering this giveaway.
looks like a fun way to spend the weekends!
Once, just once, please?
I would love a reason to get back to my sewing machine!!
I LOVE new sewing books, thanks for the chance!
I did my first sewing project this weekend and broke FOUR needles! I need all the help I can get. I would love this book!
Neat book. Love the pictures. I usually look stuff up on the
Internet but it’s not quite the same as leafing thru a book.
This looks like a great book! As a ‘self-taught’ sewer, this is the kind of book I have been looking for. Keep up the good work! I love to see all your projects.
The book looks great and I love the variety of different projects!
What a wonderful giveaway! It looks like a great book!
Looks like a great book! Thanks for the giveaway! It’s now on my list-to-buy even if I don’t win it 🙂
i want this book. I am new to sewing and always looking for something teach me more!!!
Oh how I would love this book!! Thanks for the giveaway!
The more reviews I see for this book, the more I want it!
This looks terrific! Thank you for a generous opportunity!
Ooh, this book looks so cute! I would love to win a copy.
Would love to have this book. Such neat things to look at and sew.
Thanks for the giveaway Dana – I’d love to win!
Oh, I would love this!! Thanks for the chance!
It looks like so much fun! I love new sewing books.
I would love this book! Those pants are so intriguing!
I so need this!
I LOVE that corduroy jacket! So adorable!
Ooo! Would love to win. 🙂
There are so many if the projects you posted I want to make! I have always wanted to attempt a pair I pants for myself. Would love a copy : )
Oh I’d love this book! It looks great! Thanks for doing this giveaway!
I would love the challenge of these projects!
I love my copy of STITCH BY STITCH so I’m sure I will need a copy of STITCH SAVVY to go with it!!!
What a great combo of projects! Even though I’ve been sewing for years, I can see lots of potential new lessons and projects!
This book looks fantastic!!
I would love to win! That CD with printable patterns is such a great feature!
I am looking to develop my sewing skills and this would be a fun book to have in my sewing library!
Oh wow, what a lovely book. I think I could use alittle instructions with some of my sewing adventures.
I would love to make that little corduroy jacket!
Looks like a great book! Thanks!
I SO want to win this!!! Looks like there are some amazing patterns in there! Crossing my fingers & toes, praying I win!!! 🙂 Thanks for offering this giveaway!
The projects do look beautiful and fun 🙂
I sooo need this!!!! I have been dying for some cute new projects!
Ooh, that book looks amazing! I’d love to win it! 🙂
Looks like great refresher book….Love to read it..
ahhh! That peacoat! How sweet.
This book looks fantastic!
Love that it has the CD for the patterns! Thanks.
Love. This. Book.
Thanks for the opportunity to win!
What a great giveaway! I usually don’t enter them but this… I gotta try for!
Ooh! Those look like great projects, and I could see myself wanting to do them all, a sign of a great book! Great give away, thanks!
Looks like it’s a great book!
Ooooh!!! That looks awesome! I especially like the pattern for the pants!
This is something I would love! Thanks! melcollette at gmail dot com
That looks like such a great book! Thanks for the giveaway!
Love love love!
That looks like a wonderful book, and the jacket is super cute! I would love to own it.
I would LOVE to win this book!!!
This is awesome. I have just started really sewing in the last year. I would be so excited for this!
I would love this book! Thank you!
This book looks AWESOME!!
awesome!!!!!! Thank you!
Wow. Looks like a fantastic resource. I would LOVE to win one. If not, I may need to purchase one. Thanks for sharing some of the pages and a chance to win.
I really really want to learn to sew! This would be fantastic!
That book would be what I need to amp up my sewing skills!
Thank you!
Would love to own a real sewing book to start my collection!
Thank you for offering this up. I would love to win a copy, but plan to purchase one if I don’t.
This book looks lovely! I’d love to add it to my slowly growing sewing library!
Oooo… I would love it!
What a great book! Would love to win this!
I would LOVE a copy! Get my 2013 sewing off to a great start!
This is very cool! Love the sassy pants 🙂
awesome book! would love to win!
Love!! the fabric used in the book is also nice!!!
This book looks like a great one to own. Thanks for the chance!
Looks really fun. I love that little boy pea coat.
I love that boys lined pea coat. My nephew needs one. 😉
Great book. Love all the pictures!
Ooh I love the little boy coat!
That looks like a great book!
Just began sewing this month! I already have your book, and would LOVE to own this one, as well. 🙂 fingers crossed!!
Would love to try sewing those fitted pants and ottoman cover!
Love the levels! Looks like a great book.
The pants have me sold!
Love! The first book was so great, I would so enjoy checking out the new book!
This would be a great companion book to yours!
The book looks interesting! Thanks for the giveaway.
Thanks for a great review of the book. I’ve always thought the Stitch by Stitch book would be a great one to add to my collection, but why not start with the most recent.
Thanks for the giveaway! I love that you showed off the great pictures in the book and I would really like to make those women’s pants. They look very comfy.
This book looks so great! I would love to win it and try some of the patterns!
What a lovely book! Those projects look so practical. Thank you for the giveaway. I hope to win.
Would love a copy of this book! I really like the clutch on the cover too!
I want one! I love that reversible girl’s dress!
I would love this book!!!!
Pick me! Pick Me! I’d really like to improve my skills in garment sewing and learn real quilting techniques instead of just hacking something up and slapping it together. 😛
What a wonderful new book! Looking forward to checking it out soon. Here’s hoping I win it 🙂
What a fantastic book! Even if I don’t win, I think I may have to pick both her books up!
That looks like such a great book!
I already have Deborah’s first book and I want to take one of her online classes, AND I’m coveting the fabric of the clutch on the cover … so yeah! A shot at the 2nd book is awesome! Thanks!
This seem a lovely book! Thank you for the opportunity!
The projects look amazing!
Would love to win. I have her first book and love it! How exciting that she is offering this!
Fun! Yes, please!
Looks beautiful! I love her stuff.
What a fantastic book! I would love to have that in my library.
I’m a sucker for beautiful sewing book!
This book sounds so great! I’m sure I’d learn lots of new things!
What a great idea to include the cd. Would love to have this book!
What a fun book!
How exciting! I’d love to win 🙂
I would love to participate, thanks for this great give away.
Neat! Looks like a really nice book.
I have her first book and love it! I would love to try this one too. Thanks!
Looks like an awesome book!
Eeks! What a great looking book! And a cd with printable pattern pieces? Finally! No more tracing a million patterns so I don’t lose any sizes.
I would love this. I just love to look at sewing books. I think I spend more time doing that than actually sewing.
Ooh, I’d love a new sewing book I feel like I’m in a rut and need inspirations!
I too love looking at the design of the photographs! I get inspired by them and the projects. 🙂
I could sure use a good book like this to get me back on my sewing machine.
What a lovely book!
It’s January and I need to bust the blues. This book would be wonderful!
I love her first book! I definitely need this one too!!
Would love to add these to my sewing library.
Adding to my amazon wishlist now!
How fun that book looks! I need to get a sewing machine so I can really get into sewing! All the stuff I’ve hand sewn takes too long.
I really need this book.
I love the little boy lined pea coat!
I love Deborah (took some online classes with her) and would love to add her second book to my collection! Thanks for a chance to win!
Super cute book!!!
I’d love a new sewing book that teaches from basics up! Gotta build up my crafting library
Awesome! would love to win!
I would love a new sewing book! Thanks!
the book looks awesome!!!
This would be a great resource for the sewing class I’m going to be teaching. Thanks for the chance to win!
This looks like a great book. Hope I win!
Looks like the perfect book for a beginner! Thanks for sharing!
This book looks great! Would love to have it!
I would love to win this book! Yay for new exciting patterns and getting better at sewing!
What a great book! Would love to win a copy.
Looks like a great book. Happy sewing!!
Looks like a great book – thanks for the giveaway!
I love picture books 🙂
In all seriousness, this actually looks like a book I might buy and I am fussy about sewing books.
I love that it has less intimidating projects for beginners, like myself!
I would get so much use out of this!
I’d love to make the jacket for my son!
What a great book! Thanks for the chance to win!
This looks like a great book. I’d love to win it.
I would love the chance to complete my collection as well!!
Would love to win – pick me! pick me!
Ooo! Those pictures just make me want to sew right now! I would love to have this book.
What an awesome book!
Thanks, Dana! It seems like a really great book!
That book looks great! I hope you pick me!!!
This book looks amazing…I’d love to win a copy!
oh! oh! *fingers crossed*
what a great book!
I really want to make a quilt and this book makes it look so accessible!
I can always use more projects!
The book looks great and I’d love to win. If not, I’ll be buying one. Thanks for offer.
i love new sewing/quilting books!! thanks for the giveaway!
I would love this book!
AHH!!! They all look so exciting! And her pictures are BEAUTIFUL!
Just in time to make a cover for my shabby old ottoman! Love the other projects too. Thanks for offering a chance to win this great looking book. 🙂
The book looks lovely. 🙂
I love her store, Whipstich. I can only shop through the etsy site, though. I’m so glad she brought it back!
This book looks amazing!
I’d love to sew up some of these projects!
Oh, I want one of these BAD!
I’d LOVE a copy!!
This sounds like a fabulous book!
What a lovely book!
Love the ideas in this book. It makes me think of one of my dear friends and I would love to win it for her!
Of course I would!
What a lovely looking book!
Hi there! Thank you for a chance to win! Looks like a great book to add to my sewing library!
Fantastic book. Would love to get my hands on it!
Pick Me
This book is beautiful!!! Would love to give a few of those projects a whirl!
The books look like fun!
Love the book, thanks for a chance to win.
What a great book! I’d love to win it!
This book looks like fun!
Looks awesome. I love when sewing books come with patterns.
Enjoyed reading your summary of the book!
would love to enter, thanks! 🙂
Those look great!
Would love to own this pretty book!
Great book! Love to attempt jacket making!
What a wonderful book!
oh wow! looks like a great book. would love to sew some of those kid’s fashions!
thanks for the happy dance chance!
I’d love to try making my own pants. Sounds like such an adventure!
Oooooooooh, this looks like a great book! I need to make an ottoman cover now!
oh such sewing fun! thanks for having the giveaway 🙂
I would LOVE that book! I am at that ready-to-be-adventurous stage in my sewing.
What a great concept! I love the approach!
That looks like a lovely book. I would love to have it in my collection!
This looks like the exact book I need.
I have her first book and would love love this one! Thank You!
I love to sew!
ohhh…those pants are amazing!
How fun! What great mail to receive. Fingers crossed!
What a beautiful book! Love the boys lined peacoat, I have been wanting to make one for a while!!
Oh fun!! Looks like a great book to challenge my skills and get me to step outside of my box! Thanks for the chance to win!
What a fun book….i would love it.
I would absolutely love to try this book.
That looks like a great book!
Love looking at sewing books! They are so happy!
These books alone make me want to start sewing again. Oh, how I miss it!
Huge fan – can’t wait to buy it… unless I win it 😉 Fingers crossed.
Please, please, please, please, please!
…and on a less beggy note…looks like it’s full of great projects!
I would love to win this book!!! I love sewing books and this one looks so inspirational. Thanks for the chance!
Looks like a great book!
I totally have a boy’s peacoat on my “to make” list! Thank you for the chance to win! If I don’t win, I will definitely be picking it up at the store!!!
Love that dress! Thanks!
Ooo crossing my fingers! This looks so great to help me learn and improve!
I’d love this book! Thanks for the giveaway!!!
leannolsen at hotmail dot com
The little peacoat is so cute! I would love to make it for my son.
What an awesome prize! Thanks for a fun giveaway!
I would love this book!
Awesome giveaway! Thanks for a chance to win.
I have a weakness for sewing books and cook books. My grandma would be proud. This one looks just lovely!
Me! Me! Me! I want the book!
love the pea coat! (but it looks like a lot of people do!)… would be way over my head as a beginning sewer, i’m sure… but nothing like being frustrated for a loved one. 😉
sounds like a fun book!
Oh please pick me. I am loving sewing right now and my mind is swirling with projects. I would love this book.
Yes! Awesome!
Looks like a fun book. I’ll be adding this to my wish list!
This looks great! I just saw the cute knit top over at Whipstitch and had to come back to enter!
I have that book on my Amazon list but its true I won’t be able to even think about getting around to getting it for months. Thank you so much for the review and giveaway!
Yes please, this book looks just lovely!
This book sounds awesome and a must in any sewers library. Thanks for the giveaway.
looks like just the book i need to learn more techniques – and the projects look like things i’d actually make!
I love the range of projects.
I would love to win!! Thanks for the giveaway!
Such a beautiful book, exactly what I need to get back into sewing. Those pants look like something I need in my life. Thank you for the chance to win!
Thanks for the giveaway! This looks like an awesome book for a beginner but ambitious seamstress.
I would love to wint the book! The ottoman cover is really cute.
My goal this year is to sew more. This would be perfect! Thanks for the giveaway!
Love this book. It would really be helpful to me!
That book looks great! Pretty sure I’m going to win…
Ahh! I would love that book! I’ll be a Stay at home mom with my first little one this March and looking forward to getting a chance to improve my sewing skills!! This would be a great tool!
I would love to get a copy!
Looks like an awesome book! Would love to win!
What a beautiful book! I think it probably deserves to be looked through with a bar of chocolate. 🙂
I need this book! Fingers crossed 🙂
Thanks for the giveaway! I’d love this book – I’m a beginner learning to sew clothing.
i’ve been needing just a book like this. i love the concept!
What great projects! And I love the idea of slowly increasing the level of difficulty.
How exciting, this looks like a fab follow-up!
Love that little pea coat. My son would look adorable in one!
I’d love to win this book!
Looks like a fun book, thanks for a chance to win it Dana?
What a beautiful book! I would love to win that!
I want to make just about everything in that book! My little guy would look great in the pea coat, and lord knows I could use some new pants! 🙂
Such a cute looking book! Thanks.
I would love to win a copy of this book. thanks for the opportunity.
This book looks great.
This looks so helpful! I’d love to win it!
Love those pants!
That looks like such a great book! Love the wherever jacket!
So lovely! I want to make that baby jacket, and the women’s jacket, oh, and the pants! It looks like a beautiful book to look through. Thanks, Dana and Deborah!
It sure would be nice to win this book!!!
Looks like fun!
I really like the projects in the book! Hope I win!
Looks like a great book!!
Ooo! Pick me! (waving arm in the air and holding my breath all Hermione-style)
That would be the perfect book to go with my new sewing machine! 😀
That book looks fantastic!
This looks like a great book, I definitely consider myself a “confident beginner” and would love to try more things other than baby clothes and pillow covers! Thanks for the chance at a free book:)
Looks like a great book. Would love to try it out.
would love a copy of the book! I need that jacket too!
That sounds like a fantastic book! Thanks for the heads up and the giveaway!
This looks like a beautiful, useful book! Thank you for the chance to win!
Sewing books are such fun to look thru!
Looks like a great book! Thanks!
Love her first book and I’m sure I’ll love this one also!
I’d love that!
i’m always looking for new patterns. this looks great!
I would certainly benefit from a book like this!
I want it! 🙂
This looks wonderful. Thanks for the chance to win!
Looks like an amazing book! Love the projects.
To say that I would love to own this is an understatement!
would love this book, thanks for the opertunity.
What cute projects! Always looking for a good book to increase my collection. Thank you for blogging too, I always enjoy reading it. Thanks!
Me! Me please!
I really think I’ll need to own this one!
The ottoman cover looks great! Thanks for the giveaway
Oooh a new sewing book for the new year sounds so fun!
That looks like a great book!
Oh! I really, really need this!!!!
Ooh, I’ve always wanted to enter one of your giveaways, and now I live in the US i can! I’ve just had my fourth boy, so do really need to make that corduroy pea coat.
Can’t wait to check out these books!
Oh groovy! I’d love a book like this.
Looks fantastic! Thanks! I like looking at the pictures as much as sewing the projects!
I love looking at sewing books; sometimes I even get around to making a project or two! 🙂
This book looks amazing! Thanks for the giveaway!
i would LOVE to win! i’m a beginner and this would help me alot! thanks!
This book looks so cool. I love your blog!
I’m intimated by the mere thought of fitted, women’s pants with a zipper. But if this book makes it possible… I’ll give it a try!
Oooh, looks fun!
I am so excited to get my hands on this book!!!
Would love this! These projects look adorable!
Oh that book looks wonderful! I would love to learn from it! Thanks for the giveaway! Meredith
This book looks wonderful! I’d love to win a copy!
Oh my goodness, how cute is that corduroy coat!? I am in love with this book!!
I’ve been looking for a dress pattern to make a dress for my daughter’s birthday party. That reversible dress would be perfect!
Holy cow I’d love to win this book. You’ve inspired me to make pants for my kids but it’s about time I made a pair for myself!!
This book looks AMAZING!
stitch by stitch is my favorite sewing book – it was my go to source when I first learned how to sew!
Looks like a great addition to my sewing library.
Seems like a wonderful book. Can’t wait to find it and check it out
I would love this book!
i would LOVE a copy of that book.
Oooh! I would love to win! I just bought a brand new sewing machine!
What a neat book. I would love one
Looks like a great book! I love the little boy’s pea coat!
I would love this book. Looks great. Hope I win!!!
This book looks great. Thanks so much!
Looks like a great book!
I would love this book! Cute projects!
Oooh yes! Pick me please 😉
What a great book! My younger sister is wanting to learn how to sew, and I was thinking of getting her a copy of this book! Winning it would be even better! (Then I could get one for me, too!)
More sewing books! Fantastic! Thanks for the chance!
Dang, just when I have stuffed my sewing shelves full (some pattern books came home for Christmas 🙂 there is another great book. That jacket looks awesome!
Oh please please please! I would so love this book. I’ve been looking for a great trouser pattern for ages and this look alike the one – and there are so many more things I would like to make from it. Fingers crossed!
OOh that looks like a cool book!
This book looks amazing…so many fun projects!! Thanks for the chance 🙂
Love this book! Would love to own it!
Wow. That looks like such a lovely book to build on my skills! Thank you.
Love that this book is a skill builder…including the “Try This Too” is an awesome idea!
I’d love to have Deborah’s new book; I was reading her other one just this morning!!
Thanks for the review, the giveaway, AND the openness to Canadian entrants! Hooray!
Great review! Adding it to my wish list!
Would love to have a copy of the book and try out projects.
OOh, would I love to win this book! If not, I hope it is on Amazon so I can put it on my Wish List! It looks great.
What a great book. I’d love a copy.
could really have fun with this!
This looks like a truly beautiful book! Thanks for sharing.
would love to learn some new skills!
Let me just add this onto the growing wishlist of sewing books i have!
Those projects look great!
Oh these patterns look like so much fun. I would love to win a copy of this book!
Lovely book. Great giveaway
I really want it
I want one! It would be the birthday present for me. 🙂
Looks like a great book!
I NEED a sewing book 🙂
Wow, great book!
I keep saying I need custom tailored pants. So sign me up so I can learn to make my own! : )
I would love to win!
Looks like a great book! I would love to try those projects.
What a great book! Thanks for the giveaway!
I would love this!
This is great! Thanks!
Would love to win! Always up for learning new techniques!
Wow! I love every project you showed us in there. I’d love to win this book.
I would love to use this book! and have it, of course! thank you!
I would love this book! Thanks for the chance to win it 🙂
I’ve been wanting to get this book ever since I heard about it. I would love to win it. It looks like it has so many great projects with a lot of helpful techniques.
Beautiful! You never can have enough sewing books…
That corduroy jacket! So darling!
This book looks great!
YAY! How great! I’d love this book!
I really need to start challenging myself with some new projects. This would be the perfect way to do that!
This would be a great start to my sewing library! I love those clothing designs!
I’ve just started sewing and this book would be a perfect way to keep me motivated!
I agre with the perso before me. I would love to win this book but if not I hope I can find it at the library. Thanks Dana I looooove your blog. Paige
This looks amazing and will be great inspiration to get me sewing!
This would be a really great book to start off my sewing book collection:)
I could so use this book! I’m wanting to start making s lot of things but have very limited sewing skills! I have made a few simple items and would really like to expand my knowledge!
Oh my goodness, this is amazing! I would love this book!!
How fun! I would love a copy of this book.
Would love, love, love this book! I’ve been doing lots of sewing lately and this would I’m sure, inspire more projects (OK maybe my hubby doesn’t want me to win this!)
thanks Dana!
I would LOVE this book! I love looking at these types of books to and then leave little sticky notes on the projects I want to make when I find time.
please & thank you! xo
How lovely!
Looks like a great book. I would love to try sewing things for me!
would love a copy…thank you. 🙂
Oh I would love this!
What a great book! I’d love to own it. 🙂
I love Deborah’s first book and I’m sure this one is just as great. Thanks for the give-a-way 🙂
I am so very excited to get started on the softy blanket.
I love the reversible dress. I hope to win so I can make one for my niece!
I love that how you review books for us on this blog. I appreciate that you review each section and give us an idea of what we can expect if we would like to purchase a book for ourselves. Thanks for doing such a great job!
Awesome giveaway! Thank you!
Hope my number comes out of the hat!
What a beautiful book! That little boy jacket caught my eye!
Pick me!
How fun!
pick me! pick me!
Oh my gosh I would love this book. LOVE
Wow! That’s a lot of people interested in that lovely book!
I love sewing books!!! This one looks like fun 🙂
My goodness, that coat!
I love to sew and would love to learn more with this book!!
Book looks great! Thanks for the chance to win a copy!
Both those books look great! If I don’t win, I will look for them at the library 🙂
Looks like a beautiful book! Would love a copy, thanks for the opportunity. 🙂
looks like a beautiful book!
This looks great, thanks!
This looks awesome!
I’d love this.
If this had been out before Christmas it definitely would have been on the list. It looks fantastic! Thanks for the chance.
That books looks SO INSPIRING!
I want to get sewing this minute just from glimpsing into the pages!
This book sounds like it would be a great addition to any library–I hope it finds a home in mine!
Oh my goodness, this would be perfect! I received my first sewing machine for Christmas and all I’ve done so far is stare at it!
I have the first book and I love it.
I’ll take it! Love that little pea coat!
I am just getting back into sewing and this would be perfect!
Would love this book!!!!!
Great looking book! I like the the look of Section 2 Patchwork and Quilting …
something I have been scared to try.
Looks like a nice book for my sewing daughters.
hope i’m not too late for the book party! would love to add this to my collection!
Oh I would love to have this book! I am a beginner and this looks like a great book to start with! Thanks for the giveaway!
What a great book. I would love to add it to my collection!
what a beautiful book. love the pictures. pictures are so motivating! 🙂
Thank you so much for the awesome giveaway! I would LOVE to be the winner:)
That books looks fabulous! Thanks for the chance to win!
Thank you for your blog. I am an artist, but am new to sewing. I have found many wonderful ideas and helpful tips. Thanks!
I hope I win this book!! It looks awesome!!
Love that little boys pea coat
OOooooo!!! Ive been eyeing this book! Lovely!
This book looks amazing! Thank you for the chance to win!
I just bought her first book on your recommendation. I want the second! I love the extra details too.
Ohhh – YES PLEASE!!!! I would love this book – already have ideas for the jacket!
oooohhhh!!!! I want to make one of everything you have pictured. The pants are a definite.
The book looks like it is filled with wonderful projects! Thanks for the giveaway!
Looks so much fun and beautiful! Would love one!
This book looks amazing! Love how it’s set up with the levels too. Thanks for the give away 🙂
How cute is the boy’s pea coat? Would love to sew one for my son!
I would LOVE that book! 🙂 I love the idea of something being good for me now as a beginner that I can still use and learn from through all my stages of sewing in future years! Not to mention that all of those projects look so fun. Thank you for showing me such an awesome book.
This book looks amazing
Beautiful book!
That looks great! I love that the projects are rated on difficulty level.
I’d love it!
I really like that little boy’s jacket. It looks like there are some useful projects in that book, a lot of things I’d actually make!
Oh! That looks wonderful!
BTW, don’t you have some curl in your hair? I bet if you researched the Curly Girl method you could have hair like that too, but your own, and amazingly wonderful and EASY. Just sayin’. Let me know if you have questions…it can seem intimidating from an outsider’s view.
I love Stitch by Stitch so I would love to add this to my collection!
I just had a baby, so I haven’t rejoined the sewing scene. But when things [hopefully] calm down and we’re in a routine I’ll be able to get back in, and this book would be great to go through. I’m a self taught sewer so this is right up my alley with projects to improve your sewing skills.
Looks fun!
I want that book!!!
wow! looks like a great book!
That book looks great! I hope I win 😀
I love sewing books!!
I would love this, Im not soo good with knowing how to sew and would love to learn the projects in this book!!!!! Thanks so much for your blog 🙂
Wow, I love the CD with printable pattern pieces, what a great feature for a sewing book!
What a wonderful book. I love the idea of the different levels of projects.
This looks like a fantastic book! Thanks for the chance to win. 🙂
Oh please pick me. please!!
This looks like fun book to add to the collection. Thanks for the chance!
I love Stitch by Stitch! Would love to have this ‘sister book’!
This looks great! Even if I do not win I will still get one because it has wonderful projects!
I just ordered her first book and would love to complete my “set” too. It looks like it will be awesome!
totally awesome giveaway. Looks very easy to follow!
Hooray! Looks great.
That looks like a great book!
Looks like a cool book! Thanks for the opportunity!!
The book looks awesome! Thanks for the chance to win!
Oh I would LOVE this book! I’m trying to learn how to sew and feel like I need to take my sewing to the next level and don’t know how.
Love the look of this book! Thanks for the chance!
Would love to have this book! I’m always looking for better techniques and ideas.
Beautiful book. Thanks for the opportunity
Ohhhh Ahhhhhhh. Looks lovely
This book would be the perfect addition to my sewing library!
Yes…I would love to check this out and give it to a brand new sewist! Thanks for throwing my hat into the ring!
I would love to win this!
Oh the book looks great! I would love to have it 🙂
Wow this book looks awesome! Would love to own it!
This looks awesome!
Would love this!
I would love to have it. It looks like a very good book.
Looks like a great book!! Thanks for the chance to win one 🙂
Mmmmm… I would love a copy!
I have her first book and would love a copy of this one too. Thanks!
I am learning how to sew and this book looks to be helpful. Thank you for the giveaway 🙂
wow! that book looks like fun and I’d love to try some of those patterns!
I’d want it just for the image on the cover!
I want one! I want one! (And I want that model’s hair, too.)
Looks like a great book! Love the ottoman cover 🙂
Hi Dana,
You continue to be an inspiration, I look at your site almost everyday and use your tutorials often. I would love to win this book to fill in the gaps and I’m dying to make a quilt, seems like this would be a great help. Thanks for the opportunity and for your great inspirational, and informative blog. It doesn’t hurt that your subjects are adorable either. 🙂
Sounds like a great how-to book.
I was just pouring over this book today at the bookstore. It’s amazing! Thanks for the chance.
I want this book for the women’s knit top. Love it!
What a fun book!
would love to have this book!!
Thanks for the thorough review. The book looks awesome!
Looks like a good book. Thanks for the giveaway.
looks like a lot of fun!
oh please! I need all the help I can get.
What a fun book! If I don’t win I’ll probably buy one for sure!
Oooohhh, I want to win this book!!! Love it!
This book sounds amazing! I’m really trying to work on my sewing skills, this would be perfect.
Looks like a great book, thanks for the giveaway!
looks like a great look/read/inspiration!
I’m loving the little man’s coat! This one is being add to my wish list.
I’ve never purchased or even flipped the pages of a sewing book. I would love to give it a try!
Um, yes please, I would love to have this. I would also like that model’s hair, too. Seriously, it’s gorgeous.
I love that there are fun-looking intermediate projects in there!
I have her first book and would love the second! 🙂
Oh, I would love this!
Love the pants…i’m really tall and can never find pants that are long enough. Would love to make them in fun colors!
That looks fantastically fun!
Hello! Thanks for the chance of winning this lovely book!
I love,love,love this book!!
I am still learning to sew and would love this little book to add to my library. Thank you so much.
I love your site by the way!
I am obsessed with those “Sassy Pants”!! Love love love.
Ooh where was this book before Christmas? The crafty book that ended up in my Christmas stocking was sadly disappointing — too simple and cutesy. I’m a motivated beginner, so I wanted some skill builders, and this looks so wonderful. Hmmm… Valentines Day is approaching?
I keep on wanting to learn how to sew. This book would finally get me to try it.
looks like a fun book!
This book looks amazing! I would love to have a copy of it.
I would love to win, but even if I don’t ill be adding this book to my sewing collection.
I just received your lovely book for Christmas, I hope I can add this one to my collection of sewing books! Thanks Dana!
Always looking for a new project and way to do it. Fingers crossed!
Thanks for the chance!
The book looks amazing! Perfect for a novice seamstress, like me 😉
Sounds like a fun book!
Such a lovely book! Thanks!
This book looks awesome! thanks for the giveaway!
I could do so much with this book! I have needed some inspiration for new projects and this fits the bill perfectly!
So fun I’d love to win!
I absolutely love every project glimpsed in this post. Fingers crossed!
that book looks amazing! thank you!
would looooove to take a peek at this book! fingers crossed! thanks for the chance to win! 🙂
I LOVE deborah’s everything =) her blog and her tutorials… i would love a copy of her book too. thanks for the chance!
This looks like a great book. Would love a copy!
I have a new sewing machine and so want to see but scared to where to start. I would love this book to help me get going!
I would love a copy. I hope I win!
I would love this book, looks like some great projects.
Seeing this book makes the Ma Inglalls in me want to come out!
That ottoman cover is too cute!!
Such cute projects!
This book deserves a spot on my Craft Bookshelf!
This book looks very fun and I would LOVE the chance to win it! In fact I would love her 1st book too…I will have to look for that for my bestie who is just learning to be more of a confident sewer. (is that a word?):). Thanks for this chance to win!
Lovely! Sewing books are addictive… so inspiring! Thank you for doing this giveaway!
I love the first book! Would love this one too!
I’d love to win this! Looks like there’s some fun mother-daughter projects!
This book looks awesome! I would love to win this!
I have used her first book and it is fabulous. I would love to win her second book.
I would love to add this book to my small collection of sewing books.
Looks great! Can’t wait to start fabric shopping for some of the projects 😉
Oh i would love this book.
This book looks awesome. I would love to have it.
Yes, please! I would love this book!
Thank for the chance, the book looks fantastic!
This looks like a terrific book. Thanks for the chance to win a copy.
Oo, those pants and that jacket look daunting for someone who mainly does pillowcases, but the presentation in the book makes me want to try!
I need all the help I can get!
I have been teaching myself to sew by reading blogs, books and just plain jumping in. Would love this book to guide my sewing projects to create some order to learning techniques.
That book looks pretty awesome – I may get it anyway.
What an awesome book! I love that the CD has the pattern pieces! If I don’t win I will be definitely be buying this book! Thanks for the chance to win!
Sign me up for the savvyness!
I really could use some sewing skills!!
I love that little pea coat!!!
What a cool book! Too bad I never win anything, ha ha!
Awesome! Would love to win
What a gorgeous book!! Would love to have one. Thanks for another great giveaway!
I would LOVE to win! Thanks for the chance:):)
Come on, pick me, pick me! This book looks fantastic.
I will be buying her first book for a friend! Hopefully i win this one for me!!!
I would love to win this book!
Ohhhhh! A new sewing book to inspire me would be fabulous 😉
This book looks fantastic! I’ve been wanting a new craft book…
It looks like a fantastic book! Thanks for the chance!
Yes! I definitely need this book in my library! 🙂
Thank you for the give away. I would love to try the boys coat.
Oh, pick me..I never win anything. This I could use, I love sewing and learning new tips.
That book looks awesome!
It looks like such a beautiful book! I love that jacket especially 🙂
I would love to win this book! Thanks so much for hosting a giveaway (and also for making it easy to enter!) for such a fun item!
Looks so great!!!!! i would love to win this beautifull book!!
That book is gorgeous! Pick Me!
I have her1st book! I WOULD LOVE her second!
I’m taking Deborah’s Craftsy class for Design and Sew an A-Line Skirt. Her teaching techniques are awesome! Would love this book to learn her other great tips and ideas.
This would be a fabulous addition to my collection. Can’t wait to try the jacket.
This book look great, would love to win it.
Wow…would love to win 🙂
I am definitely in need of a step by step guide. This book looks perfect.
This book would be a great addition to my collection!! Please?! And Thank you!
This book looks great – so many fun projects I could try!
Looks like a great book with plenty of projects to try. Thanks for the giveaway.
Looks like a great book!
what a fun book!
How awesome… sign me up! What a great book!
Thank you so much for the giveaway!
MEEEEE!!!! 🙂 Thanks for this lovely giveaway. 🙂
This book seems to have some really cool patterns! Love it!
Would love to have this book! Thanks for the giveaway!
I would love this book! It looks great.
I’ve been eyeing this book already! Thanks for the chance to win.
What a coincidence that you are having this giveaway. I just added this book to my amazon wishlist yesterday.
Yes please!
what a great book!
Looks like a super fun book!
I have her first book Stitch by Stitch and just love it! This would be a great addition to my library.
I would love to win a copy of this book.
Having realized that I own no tangible sewing books, I would very much love to own this particular book as “my first sewing book.” Therefore, it’s waiting in my amazon cart so if I don’t win, she’s still coming home to me! Thank you for introducing us!
The book looks fantastic! Oh, the things I could do with it! 🙂
Lots of inspiration
Sassy pants!
What a fun book! Yes, please!
Yes please! I love Deb!
I have her first book and love it…would be thrilled to add this one to my bookshelf !!
What a lovely book! Yes, please!
Oh! I think I would like to try several of those projects.
Oooooo, looks like a lot of fun 🙂
Nice book review. Always looking for something new. Thanks for the chance. Love your blog!
I want that pants pattern!
I would love to have this book and will buy it, if I don’t win it here. I am really just getting into the sewing stuff and this would be a great teaching tool.
Those are some great patterns! I would love to get my hands on that book 🙂
OMGoodness! I looked at this book the other day in the book store & have it on my wish list. I have itching to make kids clothing! Love the ottoman cover too!
I’d love to win this book! Thanks for the chance to.
Looks lovely!
I have Deborah’s first book and love it! Can’t wait to get my hands on the new one!
Would LOVE this book…may have to get it myself if I don’t win…looks so fun!
Looks like a great book, thanks!
That book looks like the inspiration I need to start some new projects!
Oooh. I would love to make the pants in a linen! So fun. If I dont win I think I will pick up a copy myself!
That’s exactly what I need to motivate myself to start sewing again!
I’m looking forward to relaxing with this book and a good coffee!
Pick me, pick me!
I just started back sewing after a long hiatus! I just love her books!
Thank you for the chance!!!
I just checked out Stitch by Stitch from the library this week!
What a great review! This would be a fantastic birthday gift for ME! 🙂
I love sewing books…..and since I have to have inspiration before I sew this looks like the book that has it all from cover to cover. Love it.
I’d love to try some of the projects in this book. Thanks for the chance to win a copy!
This book looks really interesting. I’ve taken one of Deborah’s classes, so I know how thorough she is. I love it that there are all different types of projects in this one book to make the reader a more well-rounded sewist!
I want it! Please!!!
I would love to gather yet another beginner-ish sewing book. This one looks fabulous!
maybe the 850th comment is the lucky winner;)
i would love a new sewing book!!!
thanks for the giveaway!!
I have ugly radiators that desperately need a makeover. Pick me. Please!
Wow, looks like a GREAT book!
Would love to own a copy of this!
Oh this looks super fun! Maybe it’s my lucky day? 🙂
I would love to add this to my collection. 🙂
I love the purse on the cover. My current purse is on its last leg and I’ve been looking for a new one. I have recently started looking at purse patterns so I can just make my own, but I’ve been intimidated by all of the ones I’ve seen at the fabric store because I haven’t been sewing very long.
What a great book! Thanks for the chance!
Looks like a beautiful book. Thanks for the opportunity to win!
Wow, those projects look so fun!
wow cool book
This book looks amazing! I’d love the tips to make things look more professional. And my 2 year old needs that peacoat!
i would do the math and figure the odds of winning but that’s just sad.
What a great Friday giveaway and what a great looking book!!!
Aweome book! I’d love to win!
Thanks for the great book suggestion….it looks fabulous and the lovely pictures are so inspiring. Think I am going to have to pick this one up for sure!
Looks like a great book to have on hand.
All I need is…this book! Thanks for the chance!!!
Love your giveaways! And yup, that model’s hair is pretty fantastic.
Both books look to be a great addition to any sewing collection! Thanks for the chance to win!
What a gorgeous book! Thanks for the chance to win one!
looks like a great book, hope i win 😉
Love that little guy’s jacket! Looks like a great book!
Those patterns look very intriguing. Can’t wait to look at this new book in detail!
You know, although I just might be at the level of a Master Seamstress (and they do need to update ‘seamstress’ to ‘sewist’…I find that I am anxious to try some of the projects in her book because they look so darn cute! And if we can bring all level of competency to the table, the more our craft will travel and spark interest.
The book looks very accessible and easy to understand, and I like the CD idea rather than copying pattern pieces from an insert.
What a gorgeous book! I’d love to have some new kids’ patterns (still too intimidated to sew for myself…)
The book looks so nice! I love the boy pea coat you showed! Thanks for the chance to win one!
I would love to win! Here’s hoping I am lucky this time! 🙂
I would love this book!
This book looks great! I would love to know how to sew!
I’ve just decided to start building a patterns and books library, since tutorials with measurements will only take you so far! This looks like a good one to start with.
Thanks for the giveaway!
I think that one way or another, I’m going to have to own this book.
I thought Stitch by Stitch was a great book… can’t wait to read Stitch Savvy, too!
This book looks great! I just had a baby girl a couple months ago, so I’ve been doing a lot more sewing this year. I’d love to try so many of the projects in this book!
I’d love to have this book! Thanks for the chance to win
I like the fact that this book covers a range of sewing projects: apparel, home decor, quilting and so on. Savvy indeed! The addition of a CD makes it more savvy!
I would love that book. Regards from Barcelona!
What a lovely book! I also love the jacket.
Pick me! Pick me! Great giveaway!!
Ooh! I just received her first book for Christmas – I’d love to add to the collection. Thanks for the chance to win. 🙂
i am in love with this book and would love to play around with all the patterns.
My bookshelf has been begging me for a pretty sewing book! Right now the only books it gets to hold are boring, heavy textbooks… this looks much more exciting!
How fun! I could use some sewing tips.
This book looks awesome! What lovely projects and pictures!
What a lovely book. I can’t wait to get my hands on a copy!
I have her first book, which I love. Would love to get my hands on the new one!
i’d love to give some of those patterns a try!
Thanks for sharing pictures of some of the projects. I’ve been wondering what is inside this title.
Would love to soak in a beautiful book while hiding from the cold weather.
I loved the first one, so I’m sure I’ll love this one too!
Would love the book! Thanks for the great giveaway!
Love the book… I’d love to try my hand at those pants and that cute little pea coat!
What a great book! Looks like lots of fun inspiration inside!
This book looks great!
this books looks awesome. of course, i need to get it sooner as i’m 5 months PG w/ my second baby, so i am trying to sew all that i can now. thanks.
Looks like a great book with neat projects! I’m always looking for more sewing ideas – thanks for the chance to win!
Such as great book. I might just go out and buy it!
Thanks for the giveaway!
Thank you! This would be fantastic to forge new sewing territory!
this book looks so fun!! thanks for the giveaway!
What a great book! I would love a copy!
love it, can’t wait to get my hands on a copy!
Looks like some excellent new projects, I love the kids pea coat! Thanks for the give away!
Loved the first book, can’t wait to own the second. Great review, too, by the way!
Thanks for the giveaway!
Would love to win this book! I got my first sewing machine for Christmas and the book would help me out so much !
Would love the book! If I don’t win I might have to buy!
Would love this! Thanks for the opportunity!
Wow, what a wonderful book, would love to win it!
Wow what a valuable tool to have in your library, the pictures look SO lovely! Thanks for the opportunity to win, and I hope I’ll be able to add it to my library regardless!
What a fantastic book. I’d love to add it to my collection. Thanks for a chance!
Ah! What a pretty book!
I loved Stitch by Stitch, and all the classes I’ve taken with Deborah have been amazing – she’s single-handedly taught me to sew! Can’t wait to check out this book!
That looks awesome!
Thank you – I am trying so hard to be brave and get sewing some more.
love, love!!!
I would love to try these fun projects!
Would love to win!
I adore that little peacoat!
Now that’s a book I would love to own!
I would love to win this! Thanks!
What a great-looking book! I think it’d be the perfect thing to get me back into sewing projects!
I just discovered your blog today–what fun! I’m anxious to look around. 🙂
Ooh! That clutch on the front is very intriguing!
I love that it starts with the basics. Cute book!! If I don’t win, I am buying this one!!
Wow…this book looks great. Thanks for the chance to win 🙂
I’m a beinning sewer and would love a few tips!
I would love any and all sewing tips. Thanks
Oh how fun to get that book!
Looks like a beautiful book!
What a great giveaway!!! Keeping my fingers crossed.
I’d love to win a copy!
Love it all. New to your blog… Please check mine out too!:)
I love your blog! I will have to look for these books the next time we head to the book store! Thanks for sharing! Would love to win a copy! :o)
This book sounds awesome. I’m putting it on my Amazon wish list.
Just lovely…I’m ready to try it out.
That women’s pants pattern looks lovely- it’s so hard to get ready-made pants that fit properly! Definitely the kind of book I would love to have in my library 🙂
Fingers crossed! What a great book!
One of my resolutions this year is to really learn how to use my sewing machine. This book would be a perfect motivator! Crossing my fingers!
thats me, intermediate!
I have plenty of fabric. It just needs ideas! I would love some inspiration!
I am a beginner at sewing and would love that book!!
Looks like a fun book full of great projects. Hope I win, I’ve been needing some inspiration!
Fabulous book, looks like a must have for my “library”! I’d love to get my hands on a copy.
I love it! I hope I win!
What an awesome book — would love to win a copy! Thanks for the great giveaway 🙂
Looks like a great book! I’d love to learn some new skills.
Hope to be on time!!
I’d love to add this to my collection!
I’d love to get such a copy!
I peep her blog at breaktime too and saw bits and peices of the book! love it!
I am new to sewing and would be so thrilled to win this book! My sewing book collection so far only consists of your fabric book, so I need to add to it!!
Thanks 🙂
this looks like a perfect book for a new sewist like me.
I would so much like to win the book, but I live in Belgium,…
but by leaving this comment I let you know that you are read overseas also!!!
I really love to read you, regularly opening your pages.
I would love this book. It’s always nice to get sewing inspiration and then have the instructions to do it yourself.
I love it!! So much beautiful inspiration…
Yes, please!
woud love to win this one!!!
Would luuuuurve this!!
I have hair like that! I’ve dyed it dark red-brown, but I got my stick-straight hair permed in August, and it looks like that. Sucks that I can’t use the EXPENSIVE shampoo and conditioner I bought last summer, but I’ve been wanting curly hair for years.
And as I was looking at the pics you posted, my first thought was “I want that book” – before I saw you were giving it away. Early mother’s day present to me I’m thinking.
What a FAB book!
That book looks awesome! I would love to have it!
Yes! I would love this book!!
This book looks incredible! I’d love to try some of those projects!!
Love to check out this book….Thank you for the chance to win.
This looks great and one to curl up with a warm cup of chai!
looks like a great book! i love the idea of the cd!
Oh! I’d love this to give to my daughter-in-law. She received a nearly new sewing machine as a gift but has never sewn and wants to learn. New, young and fun ideas may be just the ticket to encourage her efforts. Thank you, Dana, I love your blog.
oh yes! i’d love to check out this new book.
I have currently got the stitching bug so this would be perfect
Oh pick me! 🙂 Looks like an awesome book!
I want that book! Thanks for the chance to win it! 🙂
What a great book…..would be fun to win it!
Thanks for the chance!
sounds amazing ! as a beginer sewer this book would be a great !!!! 🙂
I would love to win the book. I am a beginner sewer and would love all the help I can get!
oh my goodness, I would love to win!
What a great book!
Looks like a really fun book!
Hi, I’m a beginner & the book looks like a great source of information.
lo lo lo love it!
I would love a chance to have this book!
That looks like a fun book! I love little projects 🙂
I soooooo need this book!!
I sure would love some new projects!
I’m new to sewing and would love to bulk up my library!
Oh would LOVE to have this book! :).
I really would like to have a copy of this book. First thought I wouldn’t have a chance, but I have as good a chance as anyone else. Thanks
Pick me please! Love the preview/review of the book! Thanks Dana!
I would love this book – looks wonderful!
Super cool book!
I’d love to make that pea coat for my little guy!
What a fun book with so many pretty projects
Love Whipstitch. Will love the new book! So lucky to live in Atlanta so I can take classes there and soak up the knowledge!
This book looks amazing! I love that it includes projects for the whole of life…for mama, for children, for the home. I would love to own this book!
very very cute book… i would love to have it!
Would love to try these patterns!
The book looks great. Beginner at sewing but would like to try making clothes for my boy and baby girl!
This book looks awesome! Hope I win!
Oooh, this book looks full of great ideas! Thanks for the chance to win!
I drool over sewing books at the store … I’m not a fly-by-the-seat or make-it-up-as-you-go kind of girl when I sew – too frustrating. I’m totally a book/pattern person.
Pick me pretty please! Thanks for the giveaway. I heart your blog…
I love sewing books!! Looks like there are a lot of great sewing projects!
The book looks awesome. I would love a copy. Thanks for the chance to win.
Ooh! Adding this to my “need” list.
I really would love to make that childrens coat! I love your blog!
This would be the perfect book for me.
Both of those books look fantastic! I would love to have some help in learning to sew better. 🙂
I would love this for my daughter. She wants to learn to sew her own clothes and this would be a great idea starter for myself as well!
I could use some skill-building! 🙂
Just learning to sew…would love to win!
Stitch by Stitch combined with my copy of Fabrics A to Z and I can take on the sewing world! Thanks for a chance at greatness 🙂
How fun!! I want one!
Love flipping through inspiring sewing pages. Good luck everyone!
HI there, thanks for sharing, I could Sooooo use the help : )
OOOh I would love this!!
I would love a copy of this book. I would really like to learn to sew better and this book would be good inspiration.
Would love to win a copy of this but I will also see if the Library will get in a copy of it. Thanks!
What fun ideas! I love this book!
Pick me!
what a beautiful book!
This book looks awesome! I want one!!!
I would love to win it!
Just what I need to improve my sewing skills!!
That book looks lovely. How fun to get surprises like that in the mail!
These books look great!
Ohh.. Just what I need to add to my collection!
Sounds like the perfect book for me to improve my sewing skills!
I have the first book and I love it, it will be nice if I can get the second one for my collections and future projects.
Love it already! And would love it even more if I won!
i’d love a copy! thanks!
That book looks amazing! Thanks for the chance.
Ah, I want in!
“Thank you for any other informative site. Where else could I am getting that kind of
info written in such a perfect approach? I’ve a undertaking that I’m just
now running on, and I have been on the glance out for such
Me, me, me! That book is beautiful!!! It’s going on my Amazon wishlist right now!
Pick me!
Oooooh I love this!!!! Fingers crossed that I will win!
Oh oh if I don’t win the giveaway I may have to buy the book. So tempting!
I have Stitch by Stitch and would love to complete my collection, too! 🙂
I’m just learning to sew and stumbled upon your blog today. It’s actually fairly difficult to find such well thought out tutorials, so thanks for that!
Wow, incredible blog layout! How long have you been blogging for? you make blogging look easy. The overall look of your website is fantastic, let alone the content.