Please don’t throw-up as you look at the first two pictures. I’m having a hard time posting them.
After posting about Split Pea Shamrocks I thought, I should probably try Split Pea soup once in my life. Right?
It wasn’t that it tasted all that bad. I mean, I added ham, a little onion, some chicken stock. The peas actually tasted a lot like bean soup. And the soup did look a little better and less lumpy the night I made it (I took this picture the next day). BUT…..
It was the SMELL of them cooking! No one told me they were smelly!As I was cooking them on the stove, Lucy walked in from the other room.
Lucy: I smell something
Me: Oh really? What does it smell like?
Lucy: Like a stinky dad!
NOTE (for Casey’s sake): she didn’t say MY stinky dad. It was just any old stinky dad. Cause you know, there must be plenty of those out there.
So, to set things straight on our Day of Green, I also made Asparagus, using Tyler Florence’s “Brown Paper Bag” Method. It worked great! A nice palette cleanser from the aforementioned dish.
But before I give a final nod to Split Peas, let’s check out what YOU guys made.
LEFT: Rylan and his Shamrocks from MarcyDarcy7
RIGHT: From Some Bright IdeasAnother great photo from Fenominal. Robyn made a yellow button for her son to wear to school and glued a split pea shamrock on top. Brilliant. Looks like their kids enjoyed St. Patty’s Day!:
And lastly, a shamrock necklace from Kelley Allred. Great contrast with the hot pink shirt!
We hope you enjoyed your St. Patrick’s Day by wearing green and eating green treats. No one at our house was pinched (Lucy insisted on taking a group picture).
We really took our green to the limit and also purchased The Princess and the Frog. Lucy was a giddy leprechaun all afternoon; chilling in her Rollie Pollie, eating a sandwich, the DVD cover on her lap:
Goodbye Green and Gold. See you next March 17th.