I’m a sewer. But I wouldn’t necessarily say I’m a “Crafter”. For the past 5 years of our marriage (and two kids) we’ve lived in a two-bedroom apartment. Things always felt tight to me and thus, the thought of adding more seasonal decor just made it feel clutter-over-board to me. So I’ve kept it simple and haven’t tackled many “crafts”. Over the years though I’ve adored blogs with fabulous ideas for party garlands, pumpkins, front door wreaths, ghosts and goblins, and all things Christmas.
I’m happy to say that in our new house, things are very un-cluttered and there’s now plenty of space to add a little holiday cheer. So…today as it poured rain outside, I got out the craft supplies. I quickly remembered why I also don’t do many crafts (with kids that is). Messy, prep-time, unhappy 22 month old, happy 3 1/2 year old, and everything in-between. But, when all was said and done, we had a fun time. And we have a surprise for Dad when he walks in the door tonight.
It’s nothing fancy. And though it looks like Lucy made it, I actually colored most of the pumpkins. It’s cool to make it look like a 3-year old project right?
Simple paper pumpkins, colored with crayons and glued on paper-scraps, hole punched on the sides, and strung together with yellow yarn. Happy Halloween!
For Before and After pics of our new home, check it out here on our family blog: 88 miles per hour.