In the midst of Celebrate the BOY last month, this little girl turned 5.
For her special day we decorated the house with colorful streamers.
We ate cupcakes for breakfast, using our favorite Low-fat secret:
Our favorite friends popped in with birthday balloons for the birthday girl.
And then we ate cupcakes again!
Hooray for friends! Hooray for birthdays!
Hooray for a scrunched up little nose. I never tire of that cheerful face.Doesn’t it look fun to be 5 again? Of course that means you have to go to bed at 8pm, eat 5 big bites of peas for dinner, and live through jr. high and high school again. I hope she’s enjoying the ride.
Thanks for being a goose, Luce! We love you.
I’ll share the Olivia Birthday Party with you in another post.