Wow, wow, wow! What an episode! How annoyingly awesome was all the drama? Heidi and Ivy and Michael, oh my. Yes, we’ve pretty much decided that Michael C bugs. BUT, Ivy is hands down the most frustrating contestant on the show.
She’s a total meanie. And yes, I’m in 5th grade but apparently so is she with all the petty finger-pointing. She and Michael C. are sitting in the workroom and this conversation casually starts up:
With her back to Michael (it’s easier to say cruel things when you don’t have to look someone in the eye) Ivy asks him how he feels about his status.Michael: I’m still in shock that I’m still here.
Ivy: Why because you cheated?Michael: No
Ivy: That’s funny because we actually saw the dress that you cheated on.
(Pause. Silence)Michael: Well, how does it feel to be eliminated for a crappy design?
Ivy: Um, you know it’s a TV show, so, you can say what you want.
What a comeback Ivy! Way to show him!
Oh the drama.
So, apparently back on the Jackie O episode, some of the designers thought Michael C used tape to keep his model’s boobs from falling out of her dress. Funny thing, if you look at the photos, she’s wearing a jacket the whole time! Pretty sure that holds the girls in just fine.
Now, I’m not sure what the standard is on tape, top stick, or double-stick tape. I’m pretty sure it’s used all. the. time. on the runway or at red carpet events (J. Lo). But I guess it’s a no-no for the Project Runway contest. So of course Ivy was the first to jump all over it, bitter Betty. In fact, she even made that point to the camera by saying that Michael C. is taking up a spot that she, Valerie, or Michael D. should have. Whatever chick. I knew from the very first episode that I wasn’t going to like you. The moment you said it should be “the Ivy show” all the time, I voted you off the island.
Well, word quickly went around the workroom about cheating this and cheating that and everyone got in on the gossip session, except for two people: Gretchen and Mondo. In fact, Gretchen grew on me this episode. She had a sweet moment with Michael C, telling him be strong and not worry about what everyone was saying. Now I still don’t want to hang out and holla! with her. But she wasn’t quite as annoying this week.
On the other hand….this face.So, finally Tim came in the room, wrangled the designers, listened to both sides and told them zip it and move on. Well, he said it much better than that:
As far as I’m concerned, there is no malfeasance here. This is merely a case of he said, she said. These are the tangibles: the judges saw nothing on the runway. I saw nothing in the workroom. And our many cameras saw nothing. So this is a case of a non-case! End of story.
(I love it when Tim uses that words that require me to look up the spelling….and meaning…)And that was that. We moved on.
Phew, this is going to be the longest Runway Rundown ever, sorry. Because next….we also had Heidi sparks flying around. But first, let’s actually recap the challenge here so it’s clear why all the drama queens were in one room together.
This week Heidi Klum was the client. Each designer had to create a look for her new line of “active wear” clothing, to be sold on were given fabrics from her line and mixed them with additional fabrics from MOOD. They were thrown a curve ball and had to create 2 additional looks as well but they were given an extra pair of hands….the past designers! It was so fun to see Casanova and Peach again.
And all the designers were happy to have the extra help (except for Michael C. who wanted to do it all on his own. I can see both sides of that.)
Okay, activewear. I’m not sure I could totally define that but my first thought was vamped-up jogging suits? Laura Bennet states it so perfectly on her blog (she was always one of my favorite sassy contestants):
I thought that active wear was gym clothes, but apparently it’s what fashionable moms wear to the grocery store. Sort of watered-down sportswear, which you don’t wear while doing sports. This would lead us to conclude that while wearing resort wear you can neither do sports nor go to the grocery store, unless it’s white before Labor Day. Fashion is hard.
Totally Laura.
So the designers set out to make Heidi-Happy clothing, while still infusing their own personalities. And then, Heidi walked in the room to give them a critique. And my husband looked up at the TV screen and said, “wow, she looks hot. I’d ask her out” Don’t worry our marriage is fine. It just makes up for the times that I’ve made comments about Robert Downey Jr. (since I have a secret crush on his actor persona; aside from his totally insane personal life). Oh and we’ll add Johnny Depp to that list too.
So I quickly noted to him, “It’s because her bangs are pulled back!!” (and she’s wearing a hot outfit). The shaggy bangs are gone!We like this Heidi better:
But the designers didn’t like her at all. It started with happy times:
But it quickly turned tense as Gretchen tossed the fabric across the room and proclaimed, “fine! I’ll go with your fabric.”
Now, the Mondo/Heidi scuffle. Hmmm. Not sure which person I side with here. Probably neither of them and both of them. Heidi was correct, Mondo’s pieces weren’t good “active wear” and didn’t work for a mom-on-the-go. However, she could have phrased her comments a bit more constructively, making points about the type of clothing mom’s with children prefer since that’s clearly not Mondo’s social circle.On the flip side, I can see why Mondo was annoyed. I would have been. But he could have taken it more in stride and moved on. And eventually he did, which is why he gave us those beautiful looks in then end! I loved all of his pieces and thought he should have won.
So….let’s check out the Runway!
I love, love, love Mondo’s looks. These are pieces that many of us would totally wear. And I loved the headbands, tying it all together.But this jacket was probably my favorite of the whole show. The satin trim and the look from the back?….it’s just beautiful. I think it would look great with a drawstring tie at the waist too. I think Mondo should have won. But it’s nice to spread the winnings around.
Which brings us to, Andy! Now, when the looks came down the runway, I actually didn’t like them, and I still don’t like those pants in the middle. But with closer inspection, the hoodie is really cool. I can’t believe he pieced together jersey knit and chiffon like that. That takes quilting to a whole new level. So, it wasn’t my favorite ensemble but I’m happy for his win.
April’s looks. I would have put her somewhere in the middle. I guess with only 6 people left you can’t do that anymore. I did like the short dress on the right but that see-through black number? Hasn’t she done that 3 times already? Boring.And I did NOT like this dress. Looks like she’s wearing a curtain. Where would you ever wear that??
I did love it when April asked the stylist to give her model a bun and he replied, “you mean your signature look?” Nailed it. I can’t really talk. Anyone that knows me can attest that my hair is in a headband and bun most days. But I do wear it down from time to time. I’d love to see what April looks like without the bun. Twiners:
Poor sweet Christopher. He got the boot. You know, I think he would do very well designing casual wear for women. Those pants from last week, the napkin dress, these legging pants below…all great! But he never has the wow factor that the judges are looking for.
Michael Kor’s referred to the dress on the right as “sad” but I actually thought it was kind of interesting the way he pieced the fabrics together. Maybe if it wasn’t so sloppy looking…However, this look was icky to me. Looked cheap. And yes, that red tank thing hanging out of the jacket looked unintentional and messy. Sorry Christopher. We loved having you around.
Both of these were actually in the bottom but they didn’t both me so much.
Everyone made fun of Michael C’s ensemble for looking like Thanksgiving turkey, which is funny when you’re shooting the show in the spring. But when the episode airs in October, it’s perfect! I think the pants are fine and I thought for sure the judges would go for his over-sized red-riding hood cape on the right. They’re so unpredictable.——————————————————–
And finally, Gretchen. Not sure this is active wear and I agree with the judges that the biker shorts are weird….
Heidi: Those black tight leggings, peekaboo things. She looks like a sausage. It’s too hoshkiposh? What do you call it?
Micahel Kors: Hodge Podge. In a weird way, it’s like transparent spanks are showing.
Totally.And I hate the turban on the hair. But overall, it wasn’t horrible to me. I thought she would have placed more in the middle.
And phew. You made it the end.
That’s a Runway wrap!
Sorry for the abrupt finish but this was a long, long post.
So, let’s hear your thoughts on the dramatic night.