random stuff

Just some randomness for a Tuesday morning…

* Thank you for your response to the Crib and Toddler Bed Sheet Tutorial over on luvinthemommyhood. I’m glad I wasn’t alone in the “um, you can make your own sheets?” category. YES! I was so happy when I realized that. Down the road, I hope to expand the tutorial so you can make larger bed sheets, or even smaller ones for a bassinet. Of course, you can always do what I did…..just take an old sheet, cut it apart, and use that as your new pattern!
In the meantime,
You can now find the Crib and Toddler Sheet Tutorial HERE in our TUTORIALS section. So check it out if you haven’t already!

* Thank you also for entering the Vintage Pearl Giveaway. WOW. There were 928 of you! I guess we ladies love pretty jewelry, especially something as lovely as the vintage pearl.
and the lucky WINNER is: #864 – V Mom (Brandy), who said: I really enjoy your site! These pieces are gorgeous!
Enjoy your new jewelry Brandy!


* did you know that when your Google Reader gets to over 1,000 unread blog posts it stops counting and just says (1,000 +)? Ah. Thank you Google for easing the guilt. I hate seeing that number jump up and up and up (since I’m super behind on reading blogs). So, sorry if you haven’t heard from me in a while. I hope to get caught up this week!

* While I’ve been writing this post, Lucy informed me that she’s going to clean-up her room and Owen’s. I’VE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS DAY TO COME. She just showed me the results and wow, it actually looks really good. Of course I haven’t looked in the closet or toy baskets to see what was actually stuffed in there. And the blankets on her bed are all sideways. But I love a self-motivated cleaner!
(pics from our old Pasadena apartment – sans a dishwasher – when she liked to help me “wash” things by hand)

* Finally, I think the Texas summer heat is here to stay. And to kick it off, the kids ran off the sparkly afternoon in diapers and panties. There are few things as simple, happy, and filled with summer cheer than kids running through sprinklers on the front lawn. Brings back my own 1982 memories.
Whether you’re looking at late-spring snow or early-summer heat….have a wonderful Tuesday!

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