I love to blog.
I really do.
But with back-to-back big projects (So You Think You’re Crafty from November to January, and Celebrate the Boy in February) I haven’t had much time to just, you know, blog about whatever and whenever. I’m not complaining. It’s all been fun and cool and very worthwhile. But this week, we spent our time doing……whatever.
I didn’t feel any pressure to sit at the computer each night, formulating blog posts. If my Oilcloth chairs didn’t happen, no biggie. All I wanted to do was hang out at the park, find a good In ‘N Out replacement in Austin (which we DID! and don’t tell me it’s Mighty Fine because it’s toootally not), and just feel the sunshine on my face.
First off, I finally threw away this paper. Um, yea. Talk about organization. Do all your calendars look like this?
Maybe we should make it an I Spy game. Find your favorite Guest Blogger’s Project on the calendar?
We packaged up and mailed off 5 little 90 Minute Shirts:
I always let Lucy help me color the envelopes. She’s getting pretty good at staying in the lines and I think she enjoys being part of my hobby? Maybe?
She’s a very orderly person and keeps everything in it’s place. She lined up each envelope before coloring the next one. Funny girl. Or perhaps funny mom who passed along the genes?
I just love seeing things lined up like this too:
And we spent two afternoons enjoying the beautiful March weather,
and little ducklings.
I sat on a park bench feeling the afternoon sun and watching the kids play together. They climbed on toys, made “rock angels” on the park pebbles, and laughed constantly. I tried to freeze-frame the moment in my mind. Just one of those “normal life” kind of days that reminds you what’s really important in your life.
So, this week we spent a little less time doing this:
and more time doing this:
I hope you had a great week too!