I’m back! And hopefully with a more simplified look.
Welcome to the new and improved site!
It may feel like not much has changed–and not much has. I really wanted to keep it at the core of what I love about blogging…the blog posts themselves. So the format is the same with full posts to scroll through (I love browsing pictures. If they’re hidden in a teaser I know I’ll miss some goodies). I may shorten a tutorial post here and there to save you from boredom. But all in all it’s still a blog for sharing and connecting.
Things that have changed…
* A new site address! We’re still called MADE but I got rid of the hyphens in the url. It’s just danamadeit.com now.
So please, please, please take a moment to grab the new domain and change it in your Google Reader, RSS feed, whatever you use to stay up-to-date so you’re routed to the new site directly. The old domain will always redirect but it’s much slower/takes longer to load.
Here’s the new domain again:
* I finally got with the program and added social media buttons. Yay!
You can easily find me on Facebook, Pinterest, Flickr, email, and through RSS feeds by clicking the little circle buttons up top. I do have a Twitter account. But in all honesty I never use it. So, sorry if your a tweety bird.
* The Navigation bar is improved. Some items have drop-down menus and some are a work-in-progress. Something to work on next month with a newborn on my lap?
Things to come….
* I hope to have a more detailed archive system. That’s always on my radar–making the site easy for you to navigate through. For now, type anything you’re looking for into the search box at the top and you should be able to find stuff. You can also click on the archive button, scroll down, and browse by category. Not the easiest, but I’m working on it.
And that’s about it!
Thanks for being patient with me. There are still kinks to work out (like…the tons of comments that wouldn’t migrate over to the new site. Ugh. If you click on a post that shows “empty comments” sorry about that. We spent days trying to figure it out. Blasted Blogger). But hopefully the site loads well for you. Please let me know if you have any major issues.
Also, I know many of you use Blogger, rather than WordPress but please continue to leave comments as you normally would! I have it set-up so that anyone can comment and you know I just love to hear from you.
Okay, Happy Friday!
yay ! glad to have u back n like your new look 🙂
love the new look! Which theme is this? I use the same font on my site 🙂
I think it’s really beautifull! I’m happy that we can read the whole ‘article’ and not have to click to read more… 🙂
Good work!
Absolutely love the new look. It is still clean, simple, and easy to use/navigate but feels more “put together” now. Great job, Dana!
Love the new look!!!! It’s really nice!
Love the new look!
Fabulous new look.
The site looks fantastic! Great job!
Clean & refreshing (as always :)). Your site is so organized & easy to read. I love that! Praying precious baby comes safely. So happy for you.
yay! love it, and love all the thought you put into blogging and making easier for the reader. So my old rss subscription doesn’t seem like it’s pulling in the new feed, right? off to add the new address to my reader… 🙂
LOVE IT! Nice, clean, easy to navigate! Congrats and keep the joyful & fun stuff coming 🙂
oooh fun! I loved your old site but I love this too! Very easy to navigate and very good reasons for change! I’m a wordpress girl! PS the baby bump is looking gorgeous!
I love it! Great job! I’m looking forward to the new site filled with fun stuff!!
This new website looks very cool. Great job! I love all that purple.
I like. It’s so fresh and easy to navigate. Well done.
Love it, looks great! Well done!
It looks great! Did you do it yourself? I’m impressed!
Lovely Dana! I hope you are feeling great and enjoying the belly bump. Also, Looking forward to seeing the sewing you have done.
Great job, Dana!
Congratulations from Catalunya!
Lovely thanks for all the hard work you do! I look forward to every post. A few favorite blogs are usually my only downtime! So thank you!
I seriously love it!
Yeah! I love it! Thanks for all your hard work!
Like the name change, simpler. I found your site some time ago and loved the shirt dresses. I have triplet granddaughters and their mom also loved the idea. I modified your pattern a bit but I loved how they turned out. I just don’t know how to share a picture.
looks great! i love the circles/color combo for your header!
Love the new look! So you converted, eh? I’ve been thinking about it… Congratulations! So fun to start the new year with something fresh.
I love Dana! Baby Matthew gave a happy coo when he saw it 🙂
Oh, I was just thinking yesterday how much I appreciate _not_ having to scroll through entire posts to get down the page… I guess it’s really just personal preference!
Ooo I like it. I love the purple and pink bubbles for the header. Those are my favorite colors. Great changes!
Love it!! Love your blog!!! Thanks for always sharing!!
I can’t believe your due next month already!
Thank you for keeping all of your posts up and not just the intro and then having to “click here to read more”. I honestly stop looking at pages that do that.
Thanks again!!
wow! so cool!
very lovely choices: style, colors,fonts…
you are awesome!.
Luv the look, good job!
Love it!
love the new look! Very sleek.
I kind of miss the old logo. Being able to scroll through the article is nice, though.
Oh I don’t envy the work you had to put into changing everything. I have The Vintage Moth on blogger and I sooo want to move it to wordpress but it seems like so much work! (Years of posts over there) I like the theme you used here, is it Thesis?
the site looks beautiful! i want to thank you for all the sewing confidence this blog has given me personally (and i’m sure so many others!). after reading made-by-rae’s “kniterview” with cirque du bebe about your 90 minute shirt, i totally have the confidence to attempt sewing with knits!!! the fabric should be here any day and i can’t wait.
thank you again!
I love your new look! It looks very clean and organized. I was just wondering what made you want to make the switch to Word Press. I am a new blogger and do not know the differences between the two. If you have any helpful hits that you would like to pass on I would love it!
Beautiful! Like the whole fam!
Thank you for keeping the whole entry on the page. I hate clicking the button to “keep reading.” The fact is that I usually won’t/don’t.
This looks amazing :)) I love it
I love the new look!!! It looks clean, simple, and stylish all at the same time. Success!
WOW! I really love it. The time you put into it shows! Great job. 🙂
Beautiful! It loads 10 times faster too… thank you!
Love the new look, especially the header! Awesome job!
I love the new look!!! Really pretty!!!
Me encanta tu nueva imagen!!
(I love your new look)
yayay !! your site looks awesome! congrats ! cant wait too see some new projects!
Congratulations! I love your site as always, and am happy for changes, as I assume they mean great things for your blog/business.
Ooooooooh, love the new look! I’ve been thinking about making the switch also, just don’t know where to start. Love the clean look of your site!! Great job, Dana!
I much prefer this look to the previous. It is much easier on the eyes. Good job!!
Hi Dana! Jennifer at ConversionDiary.com just migrated from Blogger to WordPress and mentioned that she was able to figure out how to migrate comments. She had to go offline a couple of hours I think, but it may be worth it to send her an email?
Welcome to WordPress! I switched a long time ago and have never regretted it. It takes some getting used to but it’s such a great platform! Looking forward to more goodness from you soon!
The website looks great. Welcome to the world of WP… I made the switch over a year ago and am so happy. Blogger is so hard to use.
Love the site! It’s very fresh and clean. Your old site was great too, but this looks a little bit more tidy. Love it. Congrats! Lots of changes this year for you!
Love the new look. Clean and simple, but still with pizazz.
And im so glad you didn’t truncate the posts. I like seeing the whole shebang on the main page.
The new site looks wonderful. GREAT job.
Oh, Dana, it’s beautiful! Love the new logo!
You made the switch! The husband works for WP, so I’m always a fan when somebody crosses over, haha. Love the new look!
Oh love Dana! It looks so sleek and clean 🙂 I’ve been debating switching too so I just may pick your brain about how it all went down…always so much to think about!
I LOVE love love the new look!
Sabra and I are in the process of watching missed seasons of runway so we can have more fun watching the new one. I’m loving watching the old seasons but have thought it won’t be as fun without Heidi and Tim!
Love the new design, it looks awesome!
Hey dana love the new site it loads up so fast on my computer now the old one use to take forever!
Is it just me or does the new domain name look like damnit.com? I like the new look of the blog, dammit!
Love it. Glad you left the hyphens behind. So much simpler. I’m wondering if you had someone do your site design for you or if you did it all yourself?
Where have I been all weekend? How did I miss this? Love the new look! thanks for all the time you certainly spent organizing this new space so nicely 🙂
I am SO glad you don’t have the “Read the Full Article” tab to click. Your site looks great!
Dana, I love the new site! The layout is so crisp, professional, and user friendly!
I could never have envisioned all of this, but it looks so good! Everything is so nice and neat, and that makes it so inviting. I enjoyed your site before and would have said you didn’t need any stinkin’ updates…but I love it! Congrats 🙂
Love love love love *love* the new logo!!! And god bless you for remaining full steam ahead with a baby on the way and two young ones underfoot! Best of luck on the new baby and your new ‘baby!’
like the new look, seriously don’t know how you have the time to do so much Dana!
Nice new look!! hope the last couple of weeks of your other baby will go smoothly 😉
Love it here even more now!
Congratulations on your new site! It looks fantastic!
hello, i love coming to your site and catching up on all the projects you have completed…sadly usually a month at a time. so, sorry if i missed it, but i am wondering if you might sometime in the future be planning to post how you switched? i have wanted to just for the safety of always having my blog. i would love to know the steps involved.
i also love your hello sign. where did you get it?
xoxo, sarah
Hi Dana!
Your new look is good. But I miss those four beautiful skirts in your earlier header area!
In fact no matter if someone doesn’t understand after that its up to other people that they will help,
so here it happens.