Last week, just as we started BOY month, Casey had to go to LA for the entire week for work. So I had him take Owen along and he spent time with Grandma. Which means I spent the first week of Celebrating boys…by pushing all the boys I love out of my life. A little ironic. And though it’s fun to have one-on-one girl time with Lucy (and I had a much more productive sewing week), I really missed these two:And so, just a little ode to the two Boys in my life…..
You may be 35 years apart but you really are much of the same.You love to conquer silly feats:
You play in the mud:
You look so manly on a hot swimming day:
You understand the role of a princess:
and you (secretly) don’t mind dressing up like one:
Football is important:
But so are hugs:
You’re tender:
You have moments like this from time-to-time:
But mostly, you know how to suck it up and take it like a man:
Sometimes we make you sleep in the kitchen:
Your face often carries a war-wound:
But it’s nothing that an Otter Pop won’t fix:
It’s rough being in Time Out.
But you look so darn cute doing it.
And best of all, you both like to have fun:
and that’s why we love you.
Thank you for being part of our lives.
Aw, these pictures gave me goosebumps! Wonderful!