As a woman who likes ruffles, I just assume my daughter would feel the same. Well……since she’s hit the full-blown princess stage, we’re in luck! Ruffles, ribbons, and frill are IN.
I bought this adorable petticoat at a Ventura thrift shop last year and wasn’t sure what to make with it. I knew that somewhere down the road it would come to me. Then, as I was cleaning out boxes before our move, I found this black shirt (also thrifted) and thought, a-ha!….
I’ll market it to her as The Princess in Black.
She bought it.
It’s still a work in progress. The petticoat is a little too bunched-up around her and it’s a bit itchy. So it needs tweaking. But as I looked at the dress I realized, it looks very similar to my black dress from Forever 21. It’s true, our children are a reflection of ourselves. So um, I guess Lucy is my kind of gal!
She likes plenty,
and plenty of (tasteful) ruffles….
and very girly Princess Slippers.
(a gift from my husband to wear at our wedding luncheon five years ago. How great is that?)
Sorry Luce for making you a mini me. One day you’ll have your own opinion, your own style, and funny teenager language to go along. And then you’ll be teaching me a thing or two about what’s IN. Maybe then I’ll be a mini you.