Happy Mother’s Day to all the wonderful Mom’s out there!Disney and I hope you’ve enjoyed our CELEBRATION. Hopefully it sparked new gift ideas or even things you can make for yourself.
When I think of Mother’s Day I think of great women. In fact, I don’t even think you need to have given birth to a child to feel like a special woman on Mother’s Day. There are handfuls of amazing ladies that have influenced my life….from my own mom, to my Mother-in-Law, my Aunts, church leaders, teachers, sisters, cousins, friends, even bloggers! My life has been shaped by a variety of women who share their talents with those around them. And this day is for you.
Motherhood is a legacy that stretches back to the women who have shaped us, and continues on in the children we will shape. And reaching back with one hand is, my Mom:She’s beautiful, full of energy, loves being a mom and grandma, enjoys people, can play the piano and organ. She loves to cook and entertain and go on hikes. She’s great at organizing and planning family vacations. She likes mexican food and pretty colors. She has a beautiful garden. And she can multi-task better than most people I know.
She can be cool and composed…..then act silly and dance with the rest of the kids.My mom has a way of making everyone feel welcome and included. And it’s something she’s tried to instill in her children. She is a woman of many talents and skills. And most of all, she likes to have fun.
As I look at the talents God has kindly given to me, it’s fun to look to my parents and determine where the traits come from. What part of the genetic code has been passed down the line? Though my Dad is the artist of the family, my mom is full of her own creativity as well. She’s a wonderful writer and chef, she can come up with school plays and roadshow topics off the top of her head, she writes silly songs for people’s birthdays. She’s definitely an idea lady.
And she inherited that from her mother, my Granner. Here she is with baby Lucy, at her 80th birthday party:Granner was a lady who engaged the whole room. People noticed her cheerful smile and wanted to be around her. At 5’11”, she was someone you noticed. And when I look at my love for sewing, I know that much of it came from her. She loved to sew and she loved fashion. She sewed almost all of her clothing as a young lady and as a married mom. It wasn’t until she passed away a few years ago that my mom brought out her dresses for us to look at. They were amazing! (and so was her waist-size). Such detail, such skill. I’m sure these ensembles looked even cooler in color but here are a few Patricia Rogerson originals (from the 40s and 50s):
Looking to the past emphasizes even more, the importance of teaching my children what others have taught me; and helping them grow up to be good people, kind people, smart people, talented people. Those little bodies each have their own personalities and talents that are just starting to grow. I can’t wait to see what they turn into over time!
Being a mom is a hard job. There are days I feel overwhelmed and inadequate for the task. But I am thankful to carry the title: Lucy’s and Owen’s Mom. What a privilege.
The amount of happiness and laughter that comes from my these two make the whole process worth it.
Their faces make me smile:Their stories are clever and help me see life through little eyes.
I love that they love each other.
Their cheeks never tire of my kisses (I think).
And their laughter is the best sound in the house.
Thank you for enriching our lives, little ones.
And have a wonderful day everyone!
I still have a couple Mother’s Day posts to wrap up this week. If you have any Celebrating Mom creations (based on our tutorials), add them to the YOU MADE IT flickr group. I’ll be doing a roundup!
And definitely stop by Ruffles and Stuff. Many darling photos: