A few months ago when the earthquake hit Japan, the gals at How Does She got to work and found a creative way to help out. They asked 50+ bloggers to contribute their favorite recipe which they compiled into a recipe book, and at a donation price of $10…all the proceeds go directly to the Red Cross. And it’s finally available for purchase!
Each page has a colored photo of the recipe, a short bio about the blogger, and well, there are 50+ yummy recipes in there.
I contributed the Veggie Muffins my kids love to eat.
And you’ll find yummy cinnamon rolls , pizza bombs, blackberry cobbler, good stuff like that.
There are two donation options:
Purchase the ebook for $10 HERE.
Purchase a spiral-bound copy of the book for $10 HERE.
Follow the steps on the paper coterie site for purchasing. And please NOTE: there are shipping fees on top of the $10 donation.
It’s touching when people continue to give back months after a disaster, when most of us have moved on with normal life. I’m sure the people of Japan could still use relief from the Red Cross.
So purchase your $10 copy today!