Goodmorning friends!
Today Rae and I are thinking about February. Strange? Maybe. But maybe not.
We’re brainstorming about something that can always use more air time in the blogosphere, something we often seem to forget (ME included), something that’s often overshadowed by princess costumes and sparkly shoes: BOYSIt’s just so much easier to make a ruffly tiered skirt! But have no fear, we’re taking our creative energy back to the drawing board to concoct another month full of BOY, BOY, BOY oh BOY good stuff!
For those of you who weren’t around last year (welcome new readers!), this will be a month completely focused on the BOY. We feel strongly that boys get the shaft when it comes to sewing and crafting, and for a whole month we do our best to rectify that. Last year in addition to our own posts and tutorials we had a ton of guest posts, a number of giveaways, and lots of BOY roundups. If you’d like to check it out, you can see MADE’s Celebrate the Boy 2010 archive here and Made By Rae’s here. You can also take a look at the Celebrate the BOY photo pool which now has thousands of reader-submitted photos.
This year we’d like to invite you to submit your ideas for BOY month ahead of time. We’re setting up a special email account specifically for Celebrate the BOY and both Rae and I will have access to it. If you would like to contribute in some way to CTB 2011, please email us now and tell us about it at:
celebratetheboy (at) gmail (dot) com
Friends, strangers, new bloggers, old bloggers, Welcome!
Submissions will be accepted until the end of this year. We will sift through the emails and pick a few favorites to turn into blog posts on MADE or Made By Rae in addition to the things we already have scheduled.
* Tutorials and other ideas for posts relating to unique sewn or crafted items for boys of all ages. If possible we prefer to link TO your blog with a teaser post to bring traffic to your site rather than keeping full posts on our websites.
* Cool visual styling and good photography. You don’t need to have a snazzy camera, but try to think outside of the box with your photos. Show your clothing in an interesting setting, on a cute model, with beautiful natural light (rather than a flash in a dark room). The more you inspire us with your photo, the more likely we are to like your idea!
* Send us a description of what you are thinking along with links to things you’ve done in the past if possible so we can scope it out. And feel free to send us something you’ve already posted; it doesn’t have to be a brand new idea!
* Cool giveaways for our readers during Celebrate the BOY. If you have a sewing or crafting business and would like to give away something for boys or parents of boys, or sewing or crafting items that are boy-related, let us know.
DISCLAIMER. The following things may seem obvious but still need to be said:
1. We will not be able to include everything that gets sent to us. What we post on our blog will be based on our own personal preferences and we appreciate your understanding.
2. We will strive to link to originating ideas, giving credit when needed. BUT it should come as no surprise to you that many of the ideas floating around in CraftBlogLand are similar or even (gasp!) the SAME. That’s how that goes, and again, we appreciate your understanding.
Please submit your ideas no later than December 31, 2010. We look forward to hearing from you!