giveTHANKSaway – free fabric from Online Fabric Store (CLOSED)

With only one week till Thanksgiving, let the festivities begin!
To say thank you to you guys, thanks to my sponsors, and just to spread a little cheer, this week we’re giving away loads of free stuff!  It’s our annual giveTHANKSaway event, and each year it keeps growing.
If you’ve entered a giveaway before on MADE, you know that it’s straightforward: just throw your name in the hat by leaving a comment.  One equal chance for everyone.  No extra points; no need to join a facebook page, etc.  Just old fashioned random raffles.

A few things to note:
• There will be appx 4 different giveaways each day throughout the week.
• Giveaways will last about 2-3 days, so check in daily so you don’t miss anything.
• Many shops are also offering discount codes that last through the week, so look for those.
• Winners will be announced next week.

Have fun!

And let’s start it off with something I know you love: fabric from the Online Fabric Store.

You know that moment when you stumble on a new website and you wonder where you’ve been the last few years…like the whole world is hip on something you didn’t know about?  And you’re so happy to find it you can’t stop clicking around? And then you want to  buy everything on the site because it’s all so pretty and beautifully arranged?

Yep. That’s the Online Fabric Store.

Friends,this place is so cool!  Have you been there?  I mean just look at the photos.  You know I’m a sucker for good pics and simple branding.   But this store isn’t just eye candy….it’s filled with fabrics you need and will use!  From apparel to Home Dec to Craft fabrics to Craft supplies, they have a great variety.  And the site is very easy to navigate.  Search by type, color, brand, design, price range.   It’s lovely.

And so are these.
Chartreuse polka dots anyone?


Or maybe some fabric dye, Rust-oleum paint, or a freaking cool bag??
I totally need one.  Looks like its free when you order!

So go browse the store, shop around, and if you’re a Cyber Monday kind of person….you don’t want to miss what they’ve got going on next week.  Check out all the details HERE and check back often as they are always updating the info.

Okay.  Today from the Online Fabric Store we’re giving away Two $50 gift certificates to the shop!
Open to international readers.

The Online Fabric Store is offering a few discounts:
$5 off orders over $50 (There’s free shipping within US on orders over $50 too)
Valid Monday Nov 18 through Midnight EST Saturday Nov 23

• Leave a comment, that’s it.
• Only one entry per person.
• Open to anyone!
• TWO winners will be picked via

Good luck!
And Check out our other Giveaway too:
Simple Sewing books by Katie Lewis
Photoshop 101 and Illustrator 101 online courses from Nicole’s Classes
Stained Glass Stars and Twine

  1. 1) Lori D

    Thanks for keeping it simple Dana!

  2. 2) ktr

    ooohhh free fabric! Perfect since I put myself on a buying hiatus for the time being

  3. 3) Brooke S

    Free fabric…always a hit!

  4. Thanks for the giveaway, I am pretty sure everyone needs more fabric in their life.

  5. 5) Hiro

    Nice! I would like to enter!

  6. 6) Diane

    I would love some free fabric! Good luck to me!

  7. 7) Denise Smith

    Awesome! THANK YOU!

  8. ooh, I never say no to free fabric!

    I like the name of the store. Online Fabric Store: does what it says on the tin, heh.

  9. 9) Patricia

    Love it! Thank you!

  10. 10) Antje Kuipers

    Thanks for the chance to win!
    And greetings from Germany…

  11. 11) Sophie

    ‘Open to international readers’ yay!

  12. 13) Kathryn

    I’ve been looking to expand my fabric shopping – there is greater choice online! Can’t wait to check it out!


  13. Awesome! I love that you keep it simple.

  14. Thank you for the great giveaway! Would love to win!

  15. 16) Andrea

    It’d be the perfect way to break in my new fabric die cutting toy!

  16. 17) Joy

    Oh, lovely lovely fabrics! Would love to win! Thank you for hosting the giveaway, Dana. 🙂

  17. Not sure if my comment went through, so sorry if I have a double

  18. 20) Tracy

    How fun! Happy Thanksgiving!

  19. 21) Julia C K

    Great giveaway!

  20. 22) Ashley

    I just had a baby and won’t be out and about for awhile. This would be great so I can sew and not leave my house! Thank you for the opportunity!

  21. 23) Stephanie Pierson

    Thanks for the opportunity to win!

  22. 24) Emily

    I need to make a bigger Rollie Pollie! This would be great!

  23. 25) Lindsay

    I’ve never bought fabric online before….this would give me the push I need to just do it!

  24. 26) Rachel

    What a great giveaway!

  25. 27) Anna

    Awesome giveaway! I dare not look! I dare not look!! (Maybe it’s too late already…)

  26. 28) Lisa

    Love all the fabrics! So pretty

  27. 29) Laura

    I need some fabric for my son’s birthday party – this would be perfect! Thanks!!

  28. 30) maureen

    It’s great to find a new source for apparel fabric.

  29. 31) lindsey s.

    Mmmmmm….I love fabric!

  30. 32) tanya

    omg omg so tempting! thanks!

  31. 33) Renata

    Yay! A contest! Maybe I can win…

  32. 34) Denise

    Nice! Thanks for the great giveaways!

  33. 35) Sarah C

    That site looks great. Glad to know about it!

  34. 36) Leslie

    would love this.

  35. 37) Kristen

    Those pictures are lovely!! Thanks for sharing!

  36. 38) Anna

    Free fabric??? right up my alley!

  37. 39) karen

    I need some apparel fabric!

  38. 40) Cathy Grande

    Love simple raffles and beautiful fabric!

  39. 41) Alexis

    I hadn’t heard of the site before, I’m stoked to check them out. Cyber monday deals on fabric…. can’t go wrong

  40. 42) Ellen

    Would love to win this! Thanks for the opportunity 🙂

  41. 43) Crystal

    Thanks for this!

  42. 45) Sara

    I’m a sucker for new/pretty fabric!

  43. 46) Jess Z

    Looking forward to checking out Cyber Monday deals! Thanks for sharing! 🙂

  44. Oooooooooooh! The colored canvas would make awesome totes!!!

  45. 48) Sandra

    What a great chance! Mmmm! I wish I could win it!:)

  46. 49) Natalie

    I love this!! And I love the polka dots.

  47. 50) Jessie S

    Wow! Thanks for the chance to win!

  48. 51) Absolutelykathy

    Love it!

  49. This would be so wonderful! Thanks so much!!!!

  50. Sure…I’ll take some of that. Awesome, Dana. Thanks.

  51. 54) Nicole

    I don’t know about the chartreuse dots, but definitely fabric love going on….

  52. 56) Jennifer S.

    You have blown my mind with all the fun projects that can be created with this fun fabric!!!!

  53. 57) Summer

    I am sure I can find room for a bit more fabric…right?

  54. 58) Júlia

    wow!! thanks for the giveaway!

  55. 59) neisha

    I love free fabrics!!!

  56. 60) Jodi

    My 10-year old daughter and I have been sewing a lot lately. I would love to pick some fabric out with her on this website! Fun!!

  57. 61) Samantha

    This is my kind of giveaway! Thanks!

  58. 62) stone

    perfect!!! thank you!! greetings from greece 🙂

  59. 63) Laura

    Would love some new fabric!

  60. 64) laura

    Love that its so easy to enter, thanks!

  61. 65) Karen

    Love it!

  62. 66) Pippin

    Love the new store!

  63. Lovely giveaway. I like the fact it’s this simple!
    Thank you!

  64. 68) Colleen

    I love your giveaways! Thanks for hosting.

  65. 69) Micaela

    Thanks for the chance to win!

  66. 70) Amy

    Fun giveaway! Thanks!

  67. 73) Lindsey

    Free fabric would be wonderful for all those last minute Christmas presents I’m about to start making!

  68. 75) martetxu

    I love your blog!

  69. 77) Nancy

    Oh so many different things to buy! Not sure I’d be able to decide:) Thanks for the giveaway.

  70. 78) Jessica

    I need to feed my fabric obsession!

  71. 79) Laura

    Good luck everybody. Love all fabrics!

  72. 80) Amanda C.

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  73. 81) Krista O

    You are awesome, Dana! Thanks!

  74. Thanks for introducing me to a new fabric store, it looks fantastic! Thanks for the giveaway!

  75. 83) Cathy Vande

    Hurray for fabric!

  76. 84) Vanessa

    Drool…so pretty


    My favorite tutorials for this novice/intermediate sewer! And great photography too. Thanks.

  78. 86) Martha

    Those fabric pictures are great. I love how vibrant the colors are!
    What a great giveaway!

  79. Thanks for the chance to win – this fabric store looks RAD!

  80. 88) Emily

    Love this giveaway!

  81. 89) Jolien

    Yesss! Thanks for the giveaway! I would love to see (fake) chenille blankets in my near future with those awesome prints! 🙂

  82. I was just thinking yesterday how I’d love a big pile of minkie.

  83. 91) Janell

    FREE, who doesn’t love FREE!!!

  84. 92) stephanie

    Pretty, pretty fabric!! Thanks for this! 🙂

  85. 93) Mindy

    Oh man. This would be fantastic! Thank you!!

  86. 94) Nina

    You can never have enough fabric. Thanks for the chance to win! 🙂

  87. 95) Hannah

    Definitely will check out this site!

  88. 96) Kelly

    Fabric! Great giveaway!!

  89. 97) Lindsay E

    Yay! Thank you!

  90. 98) Beatrice

    Pick me!

  91. 99) Patty

    Yes, please. I’m about to move to a place that doesn’t have an affordable fabric store. Eeesh.

  92. 100) Jenny

    love all the beautiful prints; would love to win!

  93. 101) Karin

    Yay! Free fabric!

  94. 102) Kristie

    Quilting fabric, awesome! Thanks for the give away!

  95. 103) Renee

    Awesome!! love me some fabric 🙂

  96. 104) Valeria

    Love it all, the giveaway, the store and that you make it so easy, THANKS

  97. 106) Hilary

    Would love to win some beautiful fabric! Thanks!

  98. 107) ruth

    You are the best, Dana!

  99. 108) Jill

    Such great choices! Thanks!

  100. 109) Abi

    Just in time for Christmas crafting!

  101. 110) Nicole gagnon

    What a fun store!! Thank you for the intro!

  102. 111) Jessica

    Awesome fabrics.

  103. 112) kelly

    I just discovered this store last week! Thanks for having the giveaway!

  104. 114) Megan

    What a great giveaway! Thanks for the opportunity to play this week!

  105. 115) Karen

    Free fabric! What’s not to love?! 🙂

  106. 116) Flavia Gaspar

    Thank you for all the inspiration and thank you for the giveaway!

  107. 117) Amber Arnold

    Always love finding a new fabric shop online!

  108. ooohh! Perfect for Christmas gifts!!
    Thanks Dana and The Online Fabric Store!

  109. 119) Melani

    Thanks for the chance 🙂

  110. 120) alexa

    Yay for fabric! Thanks for the great giveaway!

  111. 121) Susannah T.

    ADORABLE! Am totally going back once I organize my projects list in my head!

  112. 123) Mary

    Wow…Im headed right over to make my choices… My grangirls will be thrilled. 🙂

  113. 124) Tearsa

    I always love more fabric, especially free fabric!

  114. 125) jarianne

    Awesome giveaway! Thank you so much.

  115. 126) Jami Luallin

    Love fabric!!! Can’t wait to check out this store! 🙂

  116. 127) Mae

    fabrics are gorgeous! hope I win some!

  117. yay for fabric! thanks for the chance

  118. 129) Carrie Simpson

    Thanks so much for introducing me to a new-to-me place to shop!

  119. Cool! They’ve got some cute stuff!

  120. 131) Beth L

    Looks like they have some great stuff!

  121. 132) Roberta

    Have you checked out the gift bags?! Awesome – thank you!

  122. 133) Meagan

    This is an awesome giveaway!! I would love to win this! Christmas is coming and I already have a list of things I would love to sew for my kids and family.

  123. I love a good fabric website! I hadn’t heard about it yet, so you weren’t the last one! 🙂

  124. 135) Amanda

    Ooh! fabric!

  125. Love it! Thanks for the great giveaway!

  126. 137) Jessica

    Pick me!! Thanks for the giveaway!!

  127. 138) Sara

    Woo hoo! Who doesn’t need more fabric?

  128. 139) Jessica

    This is a great giveaway, thanks!

  129. 140) Kate

    This site looks amazing. Thank you for the awesome giveaway!

  130. I love that your offer easy, straightforward giveaways. I NEVER enter any of them that are a million clicks or liking 15 facebook pages.
    Thank you!

  131. 142) Rita

    Love, love, love!

  132. 143) Meghan D

    I love their fabric!!!

  133. 144) Carriek

    Ooo, pretty fabric! Yes please!

  134. 145) Michelle

    I would love to win!

  135. Cool. Thanks for the heads up on a great fabric site!

  136. 147) Amber Hamblin

    Great giveaway – always love the possibilities there are with cute fabric!

  137. 148) Jennifer

    Yay! Free fabric! Thanks!

  138. Fabric!! For free! Haha thank you for keeping it simple! I dont have all that other stuff so this is great!

  139. 150) Leah K

    Oooo. I love that website!!!!

  140. I think I may need ALL of that fabric!

  141. 152) Mrs M

    Thank you so much for doing the giveaway and for not requiring facebook or twitter to enter. Greatly appreciate that!

  142. 153) Lauren

    Love those pics.

  143. 154) Sheridan

    Free fabric??? I’m in! Thanks so much for the chance to win.

  144. 155) Emily

    Lovely! Can’t even think of where to begin…

  145. 156) Lesley

    I’ve never found this online store before, love it!

  146. 157) Laura H

    What a fun giveaway!

  147. 158) Patricia Rohrbach

    These fabrics are amazing! Can’t wait to order…..

  148. 159) Roxanne Flores

    I would love to win some fabric, since my husband has restricted me from buying some more until I use what I have. 🙂 He doesn’t understand my fabric obsession.

    Can’t wait to check out the site, when it’s more in my budget. Thanks.

  149. 160) Charisse

    Love free fabric!

  150. 161) Tracie S

    Yea for free fabric!

  151. 162) Angela

    LOVE all the color!

  152. 163) Zenobia

    I can always use more fabric!

  153. 164) Stephanie B

    So nice to have a straightforward simple giveaway! Thank YOU and your sponsors!

  154. 165) Margaret

    Awesome! I know just what i’d use new fabric on!

  155. We’re moving into a house and having a baby so more fabric is a must!

  156. 167) Courtney

    This would be awesome!!!

  157. I love the chevron minky! Thanks for the fantastic giveaway.

  158. So great! I’m always searching for more places to buy apparel fabric. Thanks!

  159. 171) Kandace

    Thanks for all tge giveaways!

  160. 172) gillian

    Crossing my fingers!

  161. I love fabric! thanks for the giveaway!
    seemesew84 at gmail dot com

  162. 174) Lily

    Hey Dana,

    You make my heart leap with joy with your simple yet adorable, colorful yet tasteful, happy and amazing designs. And now, free fabric?? WoW! You inspire me to sew, sew, sew my heart away!

  163. 175) Carolyn

    I love fabric giveaways! Thanks!

  164. What a fun site! Thanks for the giveaway. 🙂

  165. 177) heather

    I love the colors of the fabric. This would be so fun to win.

  166. 178) Heather dela Cruz

    I love a simple giveaway that doesn’t require me to follow a zillion Pinterest pages or Like a bunch of Facebook pages. This is awesome. Thanks for the chance!

  167. 179) Rhonda A

    Love your blog! Would love to win some fabric! Thanks!!

  168. 180) Ashley L.

    I’m up for free fabric!!

  169. 181) Erin

    OOh I love all the colours! Fingers crossed!

  170. 182) Annie

    Pooh, pretty fabric! Thanks!

  171. 183) Julie R.

    Free fabric. . . there is nothing better than that. Thank you, Dana, for blogging and for all the wonderful stuff you bring to us!

  172. 184) Victoria

    Thank you for keeping it real Dana!

  173. 185) Ruth

    Always love hearing about a new fabric source!

  174. 186) Sarah

    Love your give aways! Thanks for keeping it simple…I’m not a social media person, so this is nice 🙂

  175. 187) Rachel Henderson

    I would love free fabric!

  176. 188) Nat79

    Count me in please! Love your blog.

  177. 189) Kate

    Love a giveaway that doesn’t involve having to tweet, like or follow anyone/anything! Thank you!

  178. 190) Mandia

    Thanks Dana – love a new option for online fabrics!

  179. 191) fotini

    Hi Dana!
    Would looove to win!!
    All my best

  180. This is wonderful! Thanks for the opportunity!

  181. 193) Jenna H

    I love free fabric.

  182. 194) Leanne

    Yay fabric! I LOVE your giveaways <3

  183. All that fabric is so wonderful! I would love, love some free fabric.

  184. 196) Melisa Kwong

    Thanks for the giveaway! All the way fr Malaysia!

  185. 197) marnae

    Thanks for the giveaway, I need to check this site out! (can’t wait for the basket pattern by the way:)

  186. 198) Cindy

    Love Fabric!

  187. 200) Ashley V.

    I never say no to free fabric!

  188. 201) Erika

    Free fabric! Love it!!!

  189. 202) Leanne

    I would love some new beautiful fabric to add to my stash!

  190. 204) Alyssa

    Good luck to all! Although there can only be one winner of each giveaway and I hope one of them is me!

  191. 205) Nancy

    Beautiful colors. Thank you Dana for all that you do!

  192. 206) Sue R.

    Gorgeous fabric! Thanks!

  193. 207) Jenn B. in AK

    oh la la! Great giveaway!

  194. 208) Leisel

    Free fabric? Sign me up!

  195. 209) Clover

    So fun! Thanks Dana!

  196. 210) J

    I’ve used some of your patterns and they are very easy to follow. Thanks for being an inspiration to many. I for one love stopping by when you post a new tutorial!

  197. 211) Stacy P.

    Awesome website! Thanks for the giveaway!

  198. 213) Allison B

    fabric – yay! 🙂

  199. 214) Jessica

    Thanks!! I really love your blog:)

  200. 215) Dana

    Love all the fabric!

  201. 216) Liesbet Rombaut

    I would like to win this, I’m in!

  202. 217) Teresa McNorton

    Thanks for the great giveaway!!

  203. 218) Rebekah

    I’d love to make new tablecloths for my sister and mom for Christmas. This is a perfect giveaway!! Thanks so much 🙂

  204. 219) Ann

    super prize. Hopefully I’ll win!

  205. 220) Amber

    Thanks for the sweet giveaway!

  206. Perfect giveaway! I’m working on gathering fabric for my daughter Sophia’s quilt!

  207. Those pictures are candy for the eye! Thanks for the giveaway. Ana

  208. 223) LeAnn

    Thank you for the easy entry!

  209. 224) Jessica

    What fun! Thank you!

  210. 225) Bridget

    Yes, thanks for keeping it simple and thank you for the awesome chance to win!

  211. 226) Erika

    You are awesome Dana!

  212. 227) Destiny

    Lovely fabrics!!! Thanks for the simple giveaway !! <3

  213. 228) Jessica

    It all looks so wonderful!

  214. 229) Brenda

    I seriously love this site – I’ve always been greatful for the ability to search by color, brand, you name it. And I love that they have the vertical and horizontal pattern repeat for all of the fabrics – this is a MUST for the home decor fabric, and I have seriously loved having the peace of mind that my fabric prints will come in the dimensions I imagined (rather than so much bigger/smaller than I expected). I have been planning on buying a bunch of different fabrics recently, I just haven’t finished the transaction yet…..$50 would go a long on all I want from them!

  215. 230) Vicky

    Dear Dana, you make me smile. Love you

  216. 231) Lisa s

    Great fabrics!

  217. 232) Shannon

    happy thanksgiving and fabric is oh so fun!

  218. 234) Ali B

    Awesome – I love finding out about new online fabric stores woo hoo!

  219. 235) Lisa

    Love their fabrics!

  220. Yay, what a great giveaway!

  221. 237) Renee

    The fabric colors are very catching!

  222. 238) deeanna

    Free fabric? Yes please!

  223. 239) Jennifer Norman

    I would LOVE some fabric!! I’m working on nursery bedding right now.

  224. 240) RaShonda

    Ohhhh, who loves quick and free give aways!!!!! THIS GIRL DOES!!!!!!

  225. 241) Betsy

    Love the simplicity of the giveaway.

  226. 242) CarlaK

    Count me in please !

  227. 243) Laura J.

    OOOooooooh!!! A dangerous new way to spend too much time and money!!!

  228. 244) Carla

    I always need more fabric!

  229. Yay, who doesn’t love a new fabric store?! 🙂

  230. 246) Sarah

    Free fabric – wahoo! Thanks for the chance to win!

  231. 247) dita sable

    free fabric :))

  232. 248) kathy delmotte

    Jippie! open for international readers! Lucky me I adore these fabrics… Greetings from Belgium!

  233. 249) Danae

    Hooray for free fabric! Who wouldn’t want to add some of these lovely prints to their stash?

  234. 250) Julie

    hooray for fabric!!! who can’t use more!

  235. 251) Kerry

    Yes, please! Thanks for the chance to win! 🙂

  236. 252) Veronica

    YAY!!! Let holiday sewing begin

  237. 253) katie

    Love it!

  238. How could anyone not enter a fabtic give-away?!
    Of course I’ll take a gamble and cross my fingers hoping to win. Good luck to everyone!
    Love from The Netherlands

  239. 255) Jennifer F.

    Love it!!!

  240. 256) Ashlie

    I think pretty fabric may be in the top ten of things I’m grateful for this thanksgiving. And PS you’re the hippest person I “know”. I get all my awesome ideas from you.

  241. 257) Melanie M.

    Awesome! Thanks

  242. 258) Kylee

    Love free fabric!

  243. 259) Amanda

    What a fantastic prize, thanks for the opportunity!

  244. 260) Laura

    Love your Give-Away…
    Fingers crossed!

  245. 261) Jenni Shaver

    I would love to win this! Fabric is a huge inspiration to me to start a new project. =)

  246. 262) Sarah

    Ooohhh.. gorgeous fabric… thanks for sharing the site with us and for the wonderful giveaway 🙂

  247. 263) meganleiann

    Thanks for the great giveaway!

  248. 264) Heather

    Who doesn’t love free fabric?

  249. 265) lori

    I am building my fabric supply now so this would be wonderful!!!

  250. 266) Bethany K

    Thank you so much for the giveaway! I LOVE your blog and I LOVE fabric. 🙂 And I could use some serious yardage of Braemore’s Gorgeous Petal Fabric for our sunroom. Can’t wait to redo that space early next spring!

  251. 267) Janette

    Please pick me! 🙂

  252. 268) Jenny Mom

    ohh new fabric!!! Pick me!!!

  253. 269) Michele Spring

    Glad I’m not the only one who does that “find new website, think I am the only one missing out in the world, buy everything” thing. 🙂

  254. Lovely photos and bright colours – yay!

  255. 271) Jill Wright

    Love it!

  256. I must have been living under a rock because this is the first time I’ve been to that site. Thanks for the heads-up. I can’t wait to look around some more!

  257. 273) Nicole

    Thank you so much for the chance to win

  258. 274) Megan V

    Looks like a great store! Thanks for the giveaway!!

  259. Thanks for the opportunity to help us add to our stash. 🙂

  260. 276) Jo

    thanks for the opportunity! happy Thanksgiving!

  261. 277) Ginger

    Yay fabric! I’ll make room for it somehow! 🙂

  262. 278) Kati M

    Thanks for the giveaway and making it easy!

  263. 280) laurie

    Thanks for the chance to win beautiful fabric!

  264. 281) Katie

    Beautiful eye candy. Love the fuzzy chevrons!

  265. 283) Valerie K

    Free fabric AND a Wicked Good Fabric bag?! I’m in. Thanks for the awesome giveaway!!

  266. 284) Kat Chavez

    Yippie more fabric to horde!!!

  267. 285) Cathy

    Thanks! Love your site.

  268. 286) Sheila

    Yay! My stash is definitely wanting…

  269. 287) Susan hicks

    Love to have some free fabric …never ordered online before

  270. 288) Jennifer

    I could always use more cute fabric!

  271. 289) Sandra

    Free fabric and just before Christmas – I am in 🙂

  272. 291) Leah Johnson

    Lovin this fabric

  273. 292) Kelley

    Please, please, please, I want free fabric! 🙂

  274. 293) Dawn Simon

    Need more fabric. Need more fabric. Need more fabric. lol

  275. oh what fun cute fabric! I would love to purchase something beautiful to make a quilt for my baby boy due any day! 🙂

  276. 295) Jill

    There is nothing better than new fabric! Thanks.

  277. 296) Ai

    Hope I win!

  278. 297) Kaleigh

    MADE is my favorite sewing and crafting blog! I love simple tutorials and even simpler raffles!!! Thanks Dana!!!

  279. 298) Kelsey

    So many lovely fabrics!

  280. 299) Faye C

    Great giveaway!

  281. 300) Ellen

    Oh please pick me!

  282. 301) Cassandra

    Awesome fabric!

  283. Hi i’m from mexico and here i don’t find fabrics so cute… i wanted…

  284. 303) Sri

    Love, love, love!

  285. 304) Jen

    Thanks, Dana!

  286. I love all that fabric. Thanks for keeping it simple!!!

  287. 306) Kathy

    Super fun fabrics!

  288. 307) Andrea

    Looks like they have a great selection! Maybe I will find something for my Christmas Stockings! Then I would just have to actually sew them…

  289. 308) cait

    I’d love to win – always looking for new/unique fabrics.

  290. 309) Madison Phippen

    Love it! Thanks for the chance to win!

  291. 310) michelle

    Thanks for sharing a new fabric store, one can never have enough 🙂

  292. 311) Nathalie B.

    Thanks for the chance to win !

  293. 312) Amy Watson

    Can’t say no to free fabric! Big wave from the UK!

  294. 313) Melissa

    Thank YOU Dana, love all the tips and fun info. And fabric of course!

  295. I know eh! this store has awesome looking fabric–$50 would be spent in the blink of an eye :p

  296. 315) Caitlin

    Free fabric is the best!!

  297. “Open to international reader”: I like the sound of that 🙂

  298. 317) Anne C.

    Ooh! Wicked great giveaway 🙂

  299. 318) Sarah T

    I just started sewing two weeks ago. I would love to start a fabric stash with this!

  300. 319) Becky

    What beautiful fabric! And I’m glad to know about another fabric source. Thanks for the giveaway!

  301. 320) DLG in Mich

    Oh, the projects this could inspire! Thanks for hosting the giveaway.

  302. 321) Spark*Amy

    Ah, Dana… had me at “fabric”!!

  303. 322) goldsud

    yes please 🙂

  304. Love the simple directions on this giveaway and love the giveaway too!

  305. 324) Sara W.

    I need Mod Podge, yay! Thanks Dana!

  306. 325) Darla

    Oh! I have been looking for a good fabric store to buy new fabric for some fun, new projects coming up! Can’t wait!

  307. 326) Melinda

    Awesome! Thanks 🙂

  308. Oh boy, I forgot about Cyber Monday sales for fabric – – trouble, trouble, trouble! 🙂

  309. 328) Aubrey B

    Wow, that fabric is gorgeous! Would love to win.

  310. 329) Andrea

    Oh, thank you for introducing me to a new source for online fabric! This is a good one!

  311. 330) Susie

    Love it! Thanks!! 🙂

  312. 332) Tracy Meeks

    My hands are itching for that beautiful quilting fabric….

  313. 333) Anna

    Ooh, shiny! Now I have to go explore the site…

  314. 334) meghan

    Yay, love the prizes!

  315. 335) Beth

    What a great giveaway! Thanks for the chance!

  316. 336) Sue

    I am going to check out their website right now!

  317. So much beautiful fabric ! I’d love to win 🙂

  318. Oh my gosh — the photos of that gorgeous fabric made me tear up a little since my machine is in the shop this week! What beautiful colors. : )

  319. 339) betsy

    thank you so much! how fun!

  320. 340) Becky

    Wow! Never been to their website before….and now have a quilt in my brain. 🙂

  321. 342) Nicole J.

    Amazing – what a great giveaway and new resource to drool over fabric options 😉

  322. 344) Lise

    Ooh, I always love your giveaways! Thanks!

  323. 345) Brittney

    Another place to look at beautiful fabric?! Yessss!

  324. 346) Meagan M

    gotta love free fabric!! thanks Dana

  325. 347) Jan

    It would be fun to win something 🙂

  326. Woo to the hoo! Thanks for making it open to international peeps!

  327. 350) Adrienne

    Thanks for the fun giveaways!

  328. 351) rachael

    Loving the fabrics!

  329. what a cool shop! I can’t wait to look around. Who am I kidding? I have no doubt I will be placing an order quite soon!

  330. 353) Becky T

    Yes please!!

  331. 354) Isabel A.

    I always want more fabric! Thanks for the giveaway.

  332. 356) Lynn D

    Got to love old fashioned random raffles.

  333. 357) Veronica

    I wanna win, I wanna win!

  334. 358) Lindsey

    Such a great site–thanks for the giveaway and info on a great new source!!

  335. Oh so many fabrics to choose from… Awesome giveaway, thanks!

  336. 360) Theresa Preus

    Awesome fabrics!

  337. 361) Amanda

    As a bit of a Luddite I love a simple raffle! Thanks so much.

  338. 362) Sarah Keith

    Great giveaway!! Thanks Dana!

  339. 364) Ris Golden

    three cheers to fabric!:)

  340. This shop looks cool. Thanks for the giveaway.

  341. 366) Stacy

    love the easy entry! and love the fabric. i was thinking my daughters and their cousins could use some new skirts for Christmas. off to check out their site.

  342. 367) M

    Oooh this shop looks so good !!

  343. 368) Mel

    I love this! Thanks so much!

  344. 369) Heidi K

    Looks awesome. I’d love to win.

  345. 370) Heidi V

    Wow what beautiful fabrics and I appreciate the simple giveaway!!

  346. 371) Joanna A

    What a fun giveaway! I love fabric…especially free fabric.

  347. 372) Victoria

    Can’t pass up an offer for free fabulous fabric! I’m in!

  348. 373) Liz

    I love fabric!! The pictures are so vibrant and gorgeous.

  349. WooHoo! My mind is swirling with ideas now!! thanks for the thankfulness giveaways!

  350. 375) Pam

    Thanks for the give away. I love your site!

  351. 376) Tiffany

    Yum, eye-candy!

  352. 377) Nicole j

    How have I not heard of this place yet?? Thanks!

  353. 378) Phoebe U

    I love fabric! Thanks for the giveaways!

  354. 379) Lindsey

    Nice! I need to win this! 🙂

  355. 380) Angela

    Who doesn’t love a giveaway!! Thanks!!

  356. 381) Kristi Andres

    Would love to win more fabric because more fabric means more clothes for my family!

  357. 382) JillyL

    Yay more fabric!

  358. Happy Thanksgiving Dana and family! Thanks for the giveaway.

  359. 384) Shannon

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  360. 385) Alissa

    I love fabric and would love to win some!

  361. 386) Susan Rogers

    Oh yes please. These fabrics are lovely.

  362. 387) Laurel

    Ohhh! Beautiful fabric…. I think I need some!

  363. 388) chandra

    Gotta love fabric! That tote is cool

  364. 389) Lacey

    Gorgeous fabric! Thanks for the giveaway!

  365. 390) Melissa

    Fabric! Thanks for the giveaway—I’d love to win and get some supplies for holiday gifts.

  366. 391) Kally

    Free Fabric?!? Thank You for a great giveaway!

  367. 392) CLAUDIA

    I wanna Wiiiiin!

  368. Thanks for the straightforward giveaway and for introducing me to a new resource!

  369. 394) Sarah

    Thanks for the giveaway, I would love some free fabric.

  370. 395) Kelly Borsman

    OHHHHH, I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE fabric!!!!!! Thanks for the giveaway!!!!!!!!

  371. 396) Joy

    Yep, never enough fabric…

  372. Oooh, fabric! Would love to win!

  373. 398) Sarah

    There is a little space left on my fabric shelves. It looks really lonely and could use some fabric to fill it 🙂

  374. 399) Monica Licher

    Free fabric!! What a great giveaway!

  375. I can give a great testimony to this store. Great selection and fast shipping. I have a few things picked out!

  376. I would love this! Thank you for the chance to win! And thank you for not asking me to muddy up my Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, Reader……. to get an entry. 🙂

  377. 402) Liana M

    Thanks for the chance!

  378. 403) Starly

    Yay! Great giveaway!

  379. Dana, I am so happy to find another place for online fabric! Thank you!

  380. 405) Liz Cox

    Oooooh! Such fun!!

  381. Thank you for the chance to win! You can never have too much fabric!!! ♥♥

  382. 407) Jennifer Allen

    When I go fabric shopping, I always seem to walk out with fabric the same color as the shirt I’m wearing! Ordering online means I might end up with a zebra print to match my pajama pants! 🙂

  383. 408) Ashley

    I love it. Just in time to make some Christmas presents. Thanks Dana.

  384. 409) Cameron Broome

    free fabric?!! how wonderful!!

  385. 410) Amy G

    I could always find a project with fabric. I’m thinking a quilt for my son next!

  386. 411) Rebekah

    I would love to win! Pick me!

  387. 412) Chiara

    Love, love, love this giveaway!
    But more than anything I love your blog, Dana. I love the way you write, your pics, your awesome projects and the encouraging attitude that is behind all this.
    Thanks to you I took confidence and just started sewing. One day maybe I’ll be successful even in sewing straight, but for now I’m happy for all the cute and funny things I was able to make for my boys.
    Thank you!

  388. Love this store! Thanks for the giveaway!

  389. This would be amazing! Please pick me!!

  390. 415) Amanda Fry

    I love it! I need some new fabric, it would be awesome to win!

  391. I love your blog, Dana! I’ve been following it for sewing inspiration for a couple years now. It’s always so bright and cheerful! And I love a good giveaway — yes, please! So many scrumptious fabrics! And with a little girl on the way, oh the projects I have in mind!!

  392. 417) Annita

    I would love to be a happy winner!

  393. 418) JenP

    Fabric! Yay! Beautiful photos! Off to browse…. 🙂

  394. 419) emily

    Thank you! 🙂

  395. 420) Jolene vdM

    This would be perfect!

  396. 421) Melissa Evans

    I love a good excuse to shop at a new store. Thanks for the coupon!

  397. 422) Danielle Phillipp

    I hope I win! I’ve never heard of this store! Yikes! Looks amazing.

  398. 423) Jackie Keck

    Yea for fabric!! You can never have too much, right? 🙂

  399. 424) Tommie @ Ilene Books

    I would love some new fabric for next year’s projects.

  400. 425) Hanna

    Fabric, fabric, fabric…! What a wonderful giveaway!

  401. 427) Amanda S

    Love the giveaway!

  402. 428) Nicki

    So fun! Thanks!

  403. 429) Cecilie

    So fun! Thanks to you for all you do!

  404. 430) Marie-Christine

    Ouiiiii s’il-vous-plaît! (yesss please!)

  405. 431) Tammy

    What a great giveaway! Thanks!

  406. 432) Chelli

    awesome. Love it when you keep it simple!

  407. 433) Amanda c

    Perfect for christmas!

  408. 434) Jenni S.

    Yay free fabric! Love the colors.

  409. 435) Lisa Q

    how fun! what a great giveaway…thanks!

  410. 436) Kara

    Shouldn’t be too hard to check in daily, I’ve been doing that since you posted the updated baby doll bed. Love, love, love your site!

  411. 437) Ilene

    I always like simple. Simple is good!

  412. 438) AllisonA

    SO much wonderful fabric. Pink chevron minky – swoon!!!

  413. 439) Hilde

    Thanks for the chance to win!!! WOuld love to finally win a giveaway!!!

  414. 440) Julie H

    Thank you, Dana! Fingers crossed!

  415. 441) Uran

    Love the blog! And the giveaway 🙂

  416. 442) Ellen

    What a great looking store!

  417. 443) Kim DiGiorgio

    Shopping just for me!! Well, for anyone I might sew for. Thanks!!!

  418. 444) Jessica Smith

    This would be the perfect early Christmas present! YES, PLEASE!

  419. 445) sarah w

    love fabric shopping – the ideas are endless.

  420. 446) Caitie

    free fabric is the best kind!

  421. 447) Holly

    Fabric fabric fabric … yay! Thanks so much, Dana!

  422. 448) Angela

    you have the BEST giveaways!

  423. I’d love this, but it would be soooo hard to pick fabrics from that gorgeous selection! Will you ehelp?

  424. 450) Cori

    I am obsessed with beautiful and fun fabric!

  425. 451) Kristin

    Thanks for the giveaway Dana!

  426. 452) Katie

    I love fabric, this would be awesome!

  427. 453) Jillian

    I had never heard of this site before – now to lose the next 30 min poking around!!! Just started learning to quilt and am becoming obsessed with new fabrics!

  428. 454) Rachael Telford

    Thanks to you and the online fabric store for offering this giveaway!

  429. 455) lindsey

    This would be so fun! Just in time for Christmas!

  430. Happy Thanksgiving! Let the holidays begin!
    Love & peace,

  431. 457) Kim

    Awesome giveaway! Thanks!

  432. 458) Holly

    Beautiful! And thank you for not over-complicating the entry process. Happy TG to you and your family.

  433. 459) Tami

    Oooohh – look at all the pretties! Thanks for sharing with us!!!

  434. 460) Dana

    Yay fabric!

  435. All this fabric looks delicious and no, I wasn’t one of the cool kids that knew about this shop! Thanks Dana!!

  436. 462) Erica Renee

    Yes please!!

  437. 463) michelle

    YAY! Thank you for sharing with us 🙂

  438. 464) Linda

    Love your blog ánd the give-away!

  439. 465) Allison Crouse

    Ooh! I would love some new fabric! My mom and I are making my son a quiet book so this would be great!

  440. 466) Machelle Z

    pick me pick me!

  441. 468) Brenda

    Thanks for the great giveaway!

  442. 469) K

    Thanks Dana!

  443. 470) byrney

    Oooo I also love fabric and it all looks gorgeous!

  444. 471) sara

    while i don’t necessarily need more fabric, i can’t say no to FREE fabric 🙂

  445. 472) Erin Lundgreen

    Have loved your site for so long! Just made some “Minnie” circle skirts for Disneyland next week!

  446. 473) Emma

    Oh the things I could make! Yes please! 🙂

  447. 474) Barbora

    Thanks for giving us the possibility of winning such a great stuff!

  448. 475) Kate

    What beautiful fabric! yes please =)

  449. Thanks Dana! These giveaway period is such a sweet idea of you 🙂

  450. 477) jennifer k

    here’s to getting lucky! thank you!

  451. 478) Katri

    pick me!

  452. oooo pretty! Thanks for giving me another black hole to get sucked into 😉


    Love all of your stuff!!! Thank you so much!!!

  454. 481) Deana

    Free fabric would definitely get me in the holiday mood! Thanks for the giveaway.

  455. 482) Becky M.

    Thanks! I love free fabric!

  456. 483) Larissa

    I really, really need more fabric! 😉

  457. 485) Natasha P.

    Ooooooo free fabric and discounts!!! That makes me one happy momma!!! 🙂

  458. 486) Angela

    This would be great for those Christmas projects!

  459. 487) Liesel

    I <3 FABRIC!

  460. 488) Bekah M.

    Sooo pretty!!

  461. 489) Cecilie

    I would just LOVE to win this!

  462. 490) Suzanne

    Would totally waste some time on this awesome site.

  463. Wow, they have such a great selection!!

  464. 492) Chelsi

    I NEED this!!! I love fabric!

  465. 493) Nick Cee

    Lovely fabric and website. Fingers crossed.

  466. 494) Noelle

    Fab(ric) prize Dana … delighted it’s open to international readers! 🙂

  467. 495) Lori B.

    Wow! That would be amazing!

  468. 497) Jaima

    Beautiful fabrics! I always love your selections, Dana. Thanks for so much sewing inspiration!

  469. 498) Allie

    Oooh! These are great! Awesome giveaway 🙂

  470. 499) Meredith

    A great giveaway! Thanks!

  471. 500) Kathleen

    Fabulous! Thanks for the chance to win.

  472. 501) Erica

    Awesome! Thanks for the chance 🙂

  473. 502) Lisa

    Yay! Thanks!!

  474. 503) Sarah

    Fantastic! Love your site. :o)

  475. 504) Melissa

    So exciting!!

  476. 505) Kourtney N.

    I love all of the polka dot fabric! Thanks for the giveaway!

  477. 506) Heidi L

    I have been wanting to try making some clothes for my daughter and some apparel fabric would be wonderful!

  478. 507) Carol

    Hi, I love your site. I’m a quilter but I’m also about to welcome a brand new great niece into the world so I thought it was time to start sewing clothing. I’ve gone through all your posts and tutarials. I’ve never won a give away before maybe this will the first. Thanks so much for the inspiration.

  479. 508) Becky Creason

    Thanks for the giveway! I love all your fabric!

  480. 509) Nele

    I’m definitely entering this give-away!

  481. 511) Elena K

    Let’s give it a try!
    Thank you for your blog, by the way! It is awesome!

  482. 512) Alexandra

    I need to start a fabric stash.

  483. 513) KelliO

    I’m so exctied for this week! Love to see new posts. I need some fabric for a baby blanket! Thanks, Dana and Online Fabric Store!

  484. 514) Kristine J

    Thanks for the chance! Love fabric!!!

  485. 515) Katie

    I need fabric for christmas presents! What a wonderful giveaway! Thank you!

  486. 516) Mariah

    Finally a contest that doesn’t take an hour to enter!

  487. 517) Stacey

    Would love some new fabric!

  488. 518) Patricia

    Love the fabric! Thanks.

  489. 519) Martha

    Thanks for a great giveaway!!!!!

  490. 520) Carmen

    Thank you, thank you for the simple way to enter for give-a-ways! So much easier! Love!

  491. 521) Sara B.

    Thanks for the chance to win, would love to work on a quilt for my little guy on the way!

  492. 522) Sara

    Thank you for the chance to win.

  493. 523) Torrie

    Yay, who doesn’t want to win. Thanks for the Giveaways.

  494. Giveaways…… YEAHHHHH!!!!
    Please enter me to win! (only to win mind you!)LoL….;)

  495. 525) Courtney J

    Who doesn’t need more fabric?!

  496. Those fabrics are so bright and pretty!
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  497. 527) Stefanie

    Nothing better than free fabric!

  498. Such an awesome giveaway. And thanks for the tip, I am always on the hunt for a good online fabric store.

  499. I would love to win some fabric! Thanks for the chance!

  500. 530) susanna

    love free fabric. Thanks for the giveaway!

  501. 531) Danielle

    i hope i score some awesome fabrics with this!

  502. 532) erika

    thanks for the giveaway! hope to win! love finding new fabric places!

  503. 533) Vero Et

    Thanks for the opportunity

  504. 534) Jennifer

    I could really use this for some Christmas gifts I am making.

  505. 535) Carolyn Baker

    I love the online fabric store! Thanks for a chance to win!

    • 536) Jacqueline

      What a wonderful giveaway! Thank you for you generosity and chance to win…

  506. 537) Kaely

    I would love love love to get some new fabric!!

  507. 538) Audrey

    Love knowing about another fabric website!

  508. 539) J

    Wow! Look at all these comments!

  509. 540) marian

    A definite YES!

  510. Thanks for putting on the giveaway! I hope I win. 🙂

  511. 542) Laura F.

    Lovely fabric choices. Great giveaway.

  512. 543) Angela

    Awesome! Thanks Dana!

  513. 544) Melissa Whittle

    All those pics make me neeeeed some beautiful fabric too!! Thanks for the chance 🙂

  514. 545) Lori Miller

    Yay for simplicity!

  515. wow what a great shop thanks for sharing!

  516. 547) Jennifer

    Woohoo!!!! Beautiful giveaways!!!!! Throwing my name in the hat now!

  517. 548) Laura Pletsch-Rivera

    Sweet! Never been to the online fabric store, going to check it out! Thanks!

  518. 549) Hannah

    oh my goodness, yes please!

  519. 550) Leigh Anne

    Yay for free fabric!! Love the eye candy 😉

  520. So fun! Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

  521. 552) valerie

    I’d love some free fabric, thanks for the contest!

  522. 553) Jeanette

    Great giveaway and yes thanks for keeping it easy!

  523. 554) Nadine Van der Gieth

    The fabrics look awesome! Greetings from Germany!

  524. 555) Kerstin Klassen

    My daughter would love this inspiring book!


    Love the website & the way its so easy to enter contest.

  526. 557) Alice

    They have fun fabrics! Time to get crafty!

  527. 558) Sharon Jordan

    Thanks Dana for being so generous to your readers!

  528. 559) Angela

    Finger’s crossed!!!

  529. 560) Wendy H.

    Mmmm… fabric! Sewing= my happy place!

  530. 561) Sydnie

    What a great giveaway. And thanks for not making it exhausting to enter!

  531. 563) Alana

    Wow, I love those fabric shots! And I definitely need more polka dot in my life. Thanks for the giveaway!

  532. 564) Amy W


  533. 565) Alisha

    Beautiful projects, as always!

  534. 566) Lin

    Thanks for the giveaway. These fabrics are so pretty.

  535. 567) Mary Ann Carlson

    What an opportunity to be creative. Thanks

  536. oooh – some of these fabrics would be great for all the baby girl sewing i’m doing for my new little one!

  537. 569) Joelle

    Free fabric? I think that might qualify as “husband approved” lol

  538. 570) tameka

    Very nice! I need some more fabric too.

  539. 571) Jody

    Thanks for the giveaway! Your site is very inspiring and creative!

  540. This would be so great to win!! What a great selection of fabrics, and I could use a refresher for my stash with baby girl coming next week!

  541. 573) Sabine

    A new (to me) online shop with apparal fabric? Solid chiffons in luscious colors? I’m game!

  542. 574) Mandy

    Fabulous giveaway!! Hmmm, I wonder if I could keep from spending the prize until after Christmas. 😉

  543. 575) Kirsten

    so fun! i would love to win!

  544. 576) Michelle Harrison

    Love your simple giveaway rules! Thanks!!!

  545. 577) Wombatish

    My entry! I’m dying to make the shower curtain I just can’t find elsewhere now, just from the previews.

  546. 578) Jan Murry

    What a great giveaway – thanks for all the great ideas, too!

  547. 579) Britta

    I’d love to win!

  548. 580) Vicki Anderson

    Thank you for the chance to win some fabric!

  549. 581) Katharine

    Fabric is soooo addictive. I buy it just because it’s pretty with no project in mind. Dana, you are super!

  550. 582) Christy

    This is exactly what I need to get my Christmas projects moving!

  551. 583) Marianne Woodcock

    this looks like an amazing site – going there right now!

  552. 584) Richa Agarwal

    Thanks for the giveaway.

  553. 585) Erin


  554. Oooooooh, fabric!! Eye candy indeed : )
    Thank you for the simple entry. Amen.

  555. 587) Brooke

    Lovely fabrics!

  556. 588) bleu

    fabrics for new project ! YAH

  557. 589) Nancy Tee-Michel

    I just love giveaways that are simple to enter! What better way to get motivated than with FREE fabric!!

  558. 591) Mama Tango

    Lookie at all the fabric!! Whoah!

  559. 592) JoLyn

    Such beautiful fabric, how fun to try to choose!

  560. 594) Jennifer

    Oh my! These are gorgeous!

  561. 595) Liza Brost

    YAY new fabric 😀

  562. 597) Bree

    What gorgeous looking fabrics. I think it’s important they are represented in my stash 😉

  563. 598) Sarah

    Love this! thank you!

  564. 599) Sara

    I feel today will be my lucky day! 🙂
    Such beautiful fabrics!

  565. 601) Elis

    Love me some fabric!

  566. 602) Catherine V.

    All this fabric looks wonderful. I can’t wait to see the rest!

  567. 603) Correne J

    I really need to win this for all of my Christmas projects! Thanks for the giveaway!

  568. 604) Lisa

    great giveaway!

  569. 605) Eleanor

    Great giveaway!

  570. 606) Cari

    woohoo! Hope I win!

  571. 607) alicia

    pick me!

  572. 608) Ina

    Cool fabric is so hard to find. Hope I win!

  573. 609) Alicia

    Love how simple this is 🙂 thanks!!!

  574. 611) Maggie

    Wow! This would be THE giveaway to win! Such gorgeous fabrics! Those delicious pictures got my mind working overtime on Christmas gift ideas.

  575. 612) Chelsea

    All I have to say is PICK ME! PICK ME!!! Pretty pretty please!

  576. What fun fabrics! Thanks for the chance to win! 🙂

  577. 614) SueB

    How exciting!! I’ll be making my daughters wedding gown! The $$ would come in handy. I love the onlinefabricstore

  578. Wow! I love the fabulous patterns on the fabrics you shared here. Can’t wait to have some time to browse the site. Thanks for a chance to win. 🙂

  579. Can’t wait to see who wins.

  580. 617) Barb

    It doesn’t get any better than this! Thanks Dana!

  581. 618) Sharon

    Fabric would be wonderful!!

  582. 619) Cassandra

    Yeah…I love fabric!!! Thanks

  583. 620) Leah

    I’ve never bought from them before–thanks for the head’s up.

  584. 621) katie

    I love fabric. Thanks for the giveaway.

  585. 622) Tiffany

    Love the fabrics – just what I need to feel inspired. Love Made!

  586. 623) Diana

    Oh lovely fabrics for sure .. Thanks for the opportunity to win …

  587. 624) British American

    Very colorful! And it is nice not to have to follow a bunch of stuff on pinterest just to enter. Thanks for the chance to win. 🙂

  588. 625) Chantiel

    Would love to win, thanks for the chance!

  589. 626) Tiffany

    What beautiful fabric!

  590. 627) Carrie

    Thanks for the opportunity.

  591. 628) AmberC


  592. 629) Heather

    nothing better than new fabric 🙂

  593. 631) Katie s

    Hooray for fabric!

  594. i’ve never ordered fabric online, this would be a neat way to try something new and exciting and also get some neat fabric!
    thanks dana!

  595. 633) Lydia Curtis

    Yay fabric!

  596. 635) Jana

    Thanks for the giveaways, and thanks even more for not making your readers jump through hoops! I don’t even have a Facebook account (and I don’t want one either).

  597. 636) Jordan L

    I love giveaways all the time but they are especially fantastic during this season! Thanks!

  598. 637) Felicia

    One can never have too much fabric!

  599. So many pretty colors! Thanks for sharing the site!

  600. 639) Michelle

    Oh how I would love to win this! I’ve been ogling so many fabrics on their site!! 🙂

  601. 640) Robin Armacost-Felton

    Would so love some apparel fabric! So much thankfulness, how fun.

  602. 641) Taryn B

    Oh, this would be so fun! I could do a lot of damage on my pocketbook…

  603. 642) Mary Kay

    I love fabric giveaways – and yes let me buy it all cause it all looks so pretty!

  604. 643) Carolyn Thornley

    I love fabric!

  605. 644) Lindsey Castle

    Love the fabric! Thank you so much!

  606. 645) Gillian Petersen

    Awesome giveaways Dana!

  607. 646) Sally

    Simple and simply fantastic! Thank you, Dana.

  608. 647) Mindy

    Awesome! My fabric stash needs replenishing! Thanks for hosting!

  609. 648) abbie

    I always love fabric. Thanks for the giveaway!

  610. 649) Emily

    Love me some great fabric! Now if I only had your organizational skills with my fabric stash!!

  611. Fabric is my favorite!!!! Free fabric?!?! Well now I’m on overload. ;). Thanks for the giveaway!

  612. 651) Sandy

    Thanks! I didn’t know about this one. Can’t wait to check it out!

  613. 652) Tammy

    They have such a huge selection!! Thanks for the giveaway!!

  614. 654) Stacey

    Fabric makes me smile. Looking forward to growing my stash.

  615. 655) Catherine Tumason

    yeah!!! i love awesome online fabric stores that are easy to shop. thank you!

  616. 656) Kelly

    Would love some free fabric!

  617. I love fabric shops, thanks for giveaway 🙂

  618. 658) Jenn

    How have I not heard of this store? Can’t wait to check it out some more!

  619. 659) Katie

    oooo, I would LOVE some more fabric!

  620. 660) Emily T

    Woot! You always have the greatest giveaways!

  621. 661) Rachel

    Looks like a great store!

  622. 662) joyce vazquez-knox

    Dana, thank you for posting simple giveaways. I have never purchased fabric on-line but I am infrigued. Have a great day and good luck to all!

  623. I want free fabric! And thanks for the discount codes, too! It is a lovely store.

  624. 664) rebecca L

    Wahoo! Thanks for thinking of us!

  625. 665) Becca

    Yes Please! Free fabric for Christmas would be awesome.

  626. 666) Cynthia

    I could always use some more fabric!

  627. 667) Tracey Mayo

    Lovely prize! Thanks for the opportunity!

  628. 668) Michelle

    wow! what a great store! thanks for the great info and the fun giveaway! 🙂

  629. 669) Ying-Ying

    Love all the pretty photos of fabric!

  630. 670) Kelly O.

    OOOh!yay! thanks for the chance to win!

  631. 672) TerriSue

    This store looks wonderful. Thank you for the chance.

  632. 673) Alisa

    Me! Me! Me! I’d sure use it.

  633. 674) Ruth

    Wow! Sounds like a cool fabric shop! Can’t wait to try it.

  634. 675) Wendy

    Yay for new fabric!

  635. 676) Julie

    i think it is so cool that they giveaway a tote with every order! thanks for the chance!

  636. 677) Collette

    I’ve never heard of this place! You’re dangerous!

  637. 679) Kelly

    Great give away. Would love to win Fabric

  638. 680) Catherine

    Ooh, a new fabric source could be dangerous!

  639. Maybe this’ll push me to purchase more knits!

  640. 682) Mary

    Those look like fun fabrics!

  641. 683) Sarah

    Free fabric? Yes please! Though the hard part is choosing…

  642. 685) Cathy Schwenk

    Thank you!

  643. 686) Penny


  644. 687) ellen


  645. 688) Cassandra Blomberg

    In a country where fabric sources are difficult to find, this would be a lifesend for me and would love to win. Thank you for the opportunity!

  646. Free Fabric! I know this doesn’t sound very exciting, but I’d buy fabric for my man to make him some pants. He has been asking for me to sew up a few pairs of pants for him….and I’d love to give it a try!

  647. 690) Kristen

    Yes, please!

  648. 691) Gayle Martin

    Giving away free fabric? Of course I want it….. pick me!

  649. 692) Hannah

    oh fabric, how i love thee…

  650. 693) Kristi

    Beautiful things! Thanks!

  651. 694) Tabitha

    Thanks for the hoop-free chance!

  652. 695) Melanie

    Oooh, looks like a great site! Thanks for doing a giveaway!

  653. 696) Sarah Mencke

    Fabric looks delicious! Thanks for all the great stuff on your blog – I am thoroughly enjoying making fun pants for my son (and other stuff too!).

  654. 697) Kris

    Thank you!

  655. 698) Kat Dellinger

    I would love this!

  656. 699) Cathleen H.

    I’d love free fabric! Thanks for the giveaway!

  657. 700) Jennifer Seace

    Would love some free fabric 🙂

  658. 701) Lauren

    Yay, fabric! Just what I need! 🙂 Thanks for the chance….

  659. 702) Esther

    fun fabric!!!

  660. 703) Justina

    Yay! I love a good give away!

  661. 704) Kham

    Love free fabric. Have so many sewing ideas.

  662. 705) Teri

    I can’t wait to check out this shop in more detail! Thanks for the giveaway.

  663. 706) Lindsey

    These fabrics are delicious! I am excited to show my 5 year old daughter some new “favric” options for her pillow case project.

  664. 707) Sophie

    What a lovely giveaway. And thank you for making it open to international readers. 🙂

  665. 708) Jan Richards

    Thanks for a chance to win some beautiful fabrics.

  666. 709) Robin H.

    Thanks for the chance!

  667. 710) Kathi

    awesome! 🙂

  668. 711) christina niosi

    Ooh fun fabrics! Fingers-crossed…

  669. 712) Donna

    Just getting back into sewing and I have no stash. Would love to get free fabric.

  670. 713) Brenda Picanco

    What an awesome giveaway. I always need more fabric!

  671. 714) Erica

    Of course I would love to win fabric!

  672. 715) Rosie B

    Gorgeous fabrics. These would inspire me to get moving!

  673. 716) Amanda


  674. ooooh awesome! I love give aways 🙂

  675. 718) kit

    Thanks for the chance!

  676. 719) Ruby

    Looks great!

  677. 720) Joyce Mitchell

    Wonderful giveaway – thanks for the chance.

  678. 721) Kate V.

    Free fabric — love it!!

  679. OOoh! I’d LOVE to win some new fabric!

  680. 723) Hope Guerena

    Thank you for the chance!

  681. 724) Ilana Machado

    I need it!

  682. 725) Amanda

    I absolutely love your blog – you’re amazingly talented 🙂 THANKYOU for sharing you always inspire my creativity…

  683. OMG I hope You don’t have to write all of these names by hand and put them in your hat 😉 But I al happy to enter the give aWay! Iy’s not. oftewel You gin dan international one! Good luck everyone!

  684. 727) Jana

    What a neat shop!

  685. 728) Dagny

    You can never have too much fabric, right?

  686. 729) Anke

    Great fabrics! Greetings from Germany!

  687. 730) Karry

    Awesome, thanks for the giveaway!

  688. 731) Loretta

    Is that a bundle of chevron fleece? That screams pajama pants to me. Thanks for the giveaway!

  689. 732) sarah

    awh, come on, who wouldn’t love this?? I *adore* fabric.

  690. 733) Renee Jones

    Thanks for a great (simple) giveaway. Fingers crossed!

  691. 734) Belinda Randall

    Ohhhh I’d LOVE to win this!!!

  692. 735) Alysson

    That store looks amazing! Thank you for the giveaway!

  693. 736) Marci Heugly

    I’m crossing my fingers for this one!! Thanks Dana 🙂

  694. 737) Madeleine

    Awesome! Love this giveaway!

  695. 738) bdaiss

    Squee! Thanks for the chance! (Now…to get my craft room finished…)

  696. 740) Kristen

    Oh how I love fabric and free is even better!

  697. 741) Colleen

    That would be awesome!

  698. 742) Kristin

    Getting a sewing machine for Christmas. This would be perfect timing. 🙂

  699. 743) Emily Wilson

    Awesome! Thanks for the chance!

  700. 744) Jessica

    Gorgeous fabrics and giveaways- have to love it

  701. 745) bea

    what a lovely giveaway! i’m in!! thanks

  702. 746) Jess A

    Cant get better than this!

  703. 747) lux

    yes!! for the xmas cat carriers I need to sew!

  704. 748) Bukofamily

    It sounds like a great store. Thanks for introducing us to it.

  705. 749) Megan

    Gorgeous fabrics! Hope I win!!!

  706. 751) Natalia

    Beautiful fabrics!!! Wonderful giveaway, thanks!!!!

  707. 752) Rachel

    I love me some yummy fabric!

  708. 753) Shalise Fisher

    I absolutely love fabric! Thanks for the opportunity!

  709. 754) Scarlett

    Loving the polka dots right now for my girl. Thanks!

  710. How did you know I NEED more fabric?? 😉 Thanks for the chance to win!

  711. 756) Danah

    I love pretty fabric! Good luck everyone!

  712. 759) Jaimie F.

    What great new inspirational fabrics and ideas!!! Thanks!

  713. 760) Rachel M

    Would love to win this as I have lots of sewing for a new baby coming up!!

  714. 761) Jenny Egbert

    Always fun to have more fabric to play with. 🙂

  715. 762) Lisa


    Can I say that about fabrics?! 🙂 Thanks for the amazing giveaway(s)!!

  716. 763) Grace

    PICK ME!!!!!!!! Oooooo….such pretty fabric. I could ALWAYS use more fabric. Ignore what my husband says.

  717. 764) Ally W

    In need of some new fabric! Thanks for the opportunity!!

  718. 765) Julie

    Fingers crossed…

  719. 766) Marci

    Wow! Great Give away! Thank you for your generosity!

  720. 767) Grace

    PICK ME!!!!!!!! Oooooo….such pretty fabric. I could ALWAYS use more fabric. Ignore what my husband says.

    (PS. This is the one with the correct email. :D)

  721. 768) Melissa F

    I need new fabric! Happy Thanksgiving!

  722. Hope I win, I love fabric!!!

  723. 770) Hilarie O'Kane

    This is a great giveaway, thanks. I’d love to win some apparel fabrics.

  724. 771) Jessi

    Love me some fabric, this would be amazing!

  725. 772) Lindsay

    Awesome! I love having another online fabric source to browse through. Thanks for the giveaway!

  726. 773) danya

    Dana, you made me get into sewing although i’m still a beginner. Thank you for the opportunity for giving a chance to win!

  727. 774) marcela

    New fabric = more fun! Thank you for sharing great new websites!

  728. I’d love to do some fabric shopping!

  729. 776) Vicky P

    Great giveaway.

  730. 777) Jess M

    I love these kind of giveaways because then I find a new source for fabric!! Thanks 🙂

  731. 778) Debbie

    Eye candy is right! Would love to win this!

  732. 779) Nanci Fitschen

    Would love to win it!

  733. 780) Daniela

    My kids would like if I sew for them from this staff.

  734. 781) mrs r

    Thank YOU, Dana, for providing a great website filled with fun ideas!

  735. 782) Amy

    Great store! Thanks for the giveaway.

  736. 783) Leslie F.

    Thanks for the wonderful giveaway!

  737. 784) Allison

    Beautiful fabric!!

  738. 786) Susan Loo

    Your fabrics are wonderful eyecandy! I look forward to winning so I can have some of my own 🙂

  739. I would love to win some fabric…
    Thank you for this giveaway!

  740. 788) Trisha H.

    Awesome giveaway! Thanks so much for the chance! I love your blog.

  741. 789) Avalon

    Wow finally made it to the end of comments list! Lots of love for you! 🙂

  742. 790) Shelly

    I love giveaways and I love your easy entry method. Thanks!

  743. 791) Emily

    I would love some awesome fabric!

  744. 792) Jenny

    I don’t think I have seen this store! Thanks!

  745. 793) Kimberly

    I have been cringing at the idea of paying for fabric when I have so many old clothes to remake into something new. I would love a giftcard to help me out!

  746. A new store to browse! I agree with the pictures, it’s much more fun to shop when they have wonderful pictures of the fabric. Thank you for the giveaway!

  747. 795) Debra

    i would love some extra fabric for some christmas projects i’ve got in the works. great giveaway!

  748. 796) AKing

    Would love to win some fabric in time for some Christmas projects! Thanks for the chance!

  749. 797) Jean

    Lots Of Luck To Everyone, Happy Holiday`s To All!

  750. 798) Cristina Vidal

    I love FABRIC!!! 🙂 Thank you!

  751. 799) June

    Love your blog! Everything you make is so neat and cute!

  752. 800) Christy Haggard

    I am itching for some new apparel fabric for Christmas pajamas. 🙂

  753. 801) Andrea


  754. 802) Marisa Ibrahim

    Aloha! Oooo I wanna win some beautiful fabric, I’m crossing fingers and toes!

  755. 803) Shelly

    Great giveaway!!

  756. 804) maalooh

    free fabric! Yay! What’s not to like?

  757. 805) raj

    Love ur tutorials and love free fabric even more

  758. 806) Sílvia Soares

    Thanks Dana, you are great!

  759. 807) Becky C

    I need to update some pillow covers. Thanks for the chance to win some free fabric!

  760. 808) Cami

    Fingers Crossed!

  761. 809) Manny Pangilinan

    I’d love to win this!

  762. I would LOVE some new apparel fabric. Thanks so much for a chance to win the gift certificate and for a lovely and inspiring blog.

  763. 811) Nicole

    More fabric?! Hooray! Thanks 🙂

  764. 812) Elizabeth S

    Fantastic source for fabric!

  765. 813) Ellen

    Love this!

  766. 814) Jill P

    Fun! Would love some new fabric…

  767. 815) Mariam

    I love fabric. Can you have too much?

  768. 816) Jill

    I love your blog … thanks for the chance to add fabric to my newly formed fabric stash .. just started to sew again after 25 years … and WOW !

  769. 817) Leah

    I never say no to cute fabric!!

  770. 818) Lizzie

    Looks wonderful – all of it! Thanks.

  771. 819) Leslie C.

    Rainy weather is great sewing weather 🙂

  772. 820) Deresa

    Yay Fabric! This is really cool. Thanks for a giving Spirit!

  773. 821) Kelly H.

    What lush photos!

  774. Ooh! Fabric! Sounds good to me.
    Thanks for the giveaway.

  775. 823) Jenw

    Yay, I love simple entry giveaways and I love fabric! Double great! Thanks Dana!!

  776. 824) Leigh

    This will mean a trip to Ikea too to get more storage. My expedit is getting really really full of fabric.

  777. 825) Lexi

    oooh! so fun! I have been starting to shop around for my girl’s new quilt fabric.

  778. 826) Christen

    Would love to shop the Online Fabric Store with a little extra to spend. 🙂

  779. 827) nancy johnson

    Oh something new and fresh

  780. 828) CLeigh

    Love the THANKSaway – thanks Dana!!

  781. 829) Ruth

    Hurray for fun fabrics!!

  782. 830) carry.d

    Hi from Tasmania!

  783. 831) Vanessa

    Sewing is my respite from grad school labwork— the more fabric, the better!

  784. 832) Erika

    I’ll have to check this site out. Would love to win a gift certificate to use on it!

  785. 833) Kristen Maxwell

    oh, free fabric please please!

  786. 834) Linda Nelson

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  787. 835) Katherine

    Pick me!

  788. 836) Trisha Pull

    Awesome giveaway! Thanks, Dana!


  789. 837) Bardara

    Nice! Thanks for the great giveaways! 🙂

  790. 838) Lilia Stan

    what can be better than free fabric??? Thanks!!!

  791. 840) Amy G

    Wow! So many great fabrics here! And so many helpful search options!

  792. 842) Nichole

    Awesome giveaway! Who doesn’t need more fabric?? 🙂

  793. 843) becca

    Yummy fabrics!!

  794. 844) Katie C.

    Yay for a fabric giveaway!

  795. I can only imagine how long it would take me to choose the perfect fabric…

  796. those pictures are irresistable, how could I not enter? Now I just have to hope for the best!

  797. 847) Susan N.

    Awesome Fabric!!!

  798. 848) gina

    Thanks for sharing your creations and for the chance to win

  799. 850) Leah hall

    Thanks for the new site. There goes my next three hours. Haha

  800. 851) Sherri

    Thanks for free stuff!!

  801. 852) Kae

    I would like a chance. Thank you, Dana!

  802. 853) Richa

    Free fabric? How can I resist!!

  803. I would love some new fabric! thanks for the giveaway.

  804. 855) Laia

    i want to win it!!!!

  805. M’encantaria guanyar aquestes teles per els meus projectes!!!

  806. WANT! I so wish we had such beautiful fabrics here in Spain! There’s definitely a niche here… Thanks a lot for the chance! (and for the discount!)

  807. 858) Ruth Washington

    Sooo glad I found your site! Planning my first purchase!!

  808. 859) Cathy Odom

    Hope I win!

  809. 860) Katie M

    Who doesn’t love free fabric;)

  810. 861) Rebekka

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  811. 862) Jody

    Thanks for the Chance!!

  812. Wow.. so much comments already… Well, I’ll give it a shot. Great fabrics, thanks for the chance to win.

  813. 864) marilyn

    fabulous giveaway

  814. 865) Katrin

    I would love to win!

  815. 866) steph

    you have to love fabric! Thanks!

  816. 867) Carolyn

    Woot! Free Fabric!

  817. 868) Sara

    This would be like hitting the jackpot! Thanks!

  818. 869) Rachel

    I love the fabric store! Hoping I win this one 🙂 Thanks for the great giveaway!

  819. 870) LindsayB

    Goodness, fabric love runs deep!

  820. 871) Kandice

    I would love to win some fabric!! You can never have too much, right?

  821. 872) Christy Berry

    Thanks for sharing, this looks great!

  822. 873) Jo Batey

    Oh how we love fabric!

  823. 874) marije

    Really nice fabrics and only 867 other fabric lovers. This must be an easy chance to win 😉

  824. 875) Chrissy

    Oooo… pretty!!!!

  825. 876) carol reilly

    love all the orange fabric…. so fun!

  826. 879) Amanda

    Great giveaway. Thanks for the chance to win.

  827. I’d love some fabric! Thanks for the chance!

  828. 881) Aubrey

    Oh I could use some new fabric! Thanks for the giveaway!!

  829. I can’t say no to polka dots! And that tote bag is awesome.

  830. 883) Lynne Tilley

    Oh boy oh boy, we love FABRIC!! Yay!

  831. 884) Amanda

    Oh, yes please! My fabric budget is $0 right now so I’d love a chance for some cute fabrics. 🙂
    Thanks so much for hosting these giveaways. What fun!

  832. 885) Sandy

    oh I would love some free fabric. My stash could use a little help.

  833. 886) Kristin

    I just learned to sew and I am loving it – some fabric would be awesome!

  834. 887) Valerie Nelson

    I DO love OFS and have ordered a time or two before (You’re right… super simple to navigate the site!). Thank youuuuuu! <3

  835. 888) Jane

    It all looks gorgeous, that website sounds amazing for those of us in Australia!

  836. 889) Tonya

    Wow. I’d love some new fabric. I’m sure my husband would prefer I not add to the stash, but what is a sewing girl to do when faced with beautiful fabric.

  837. 890) Whitney B

    I love me some fabric! Fabulous! Thanks for the giveaway!

  838. 891) Amy

    I would love to win! Who doesn’t love free fabric?

  839. Free fabric? Count me in! Thanks for the giveaways!

  840. 894) JulMaz

    Love the simple giveaway! Thanks!

  841. 895) Erin

    Yay! I love fabric!

  842. 896) Yuki M

    Would love to win free fabric! Thanks for the giveaway!

  843. 897) Emily

    YAY! Thanks Dana!

  844. 898) Mohr

    Looks so great!

  845. I appreciate the giveaway with the one chance for everyone, leave a comment only, sort of entry 🙂 I’m trying to put myself on a fabric no-buying budget, so winning would be great 😀

  846. 900) Jen

    WOW these are soooooooo pretty! I LOVE the bag!

  847. 901) Kim

    Whoop whoop!

  848. I love your blog Dana and have been reading it for years. I also love that the giveaway is for international readers too. 🙂

  849. 904) Grace

    Hooray for giveaways! This looks like a great store – off to look at fabric instead of doing the dishes!

  850. 905) Olga

    This giveaway is great! Thank you!

  851. 907) Laura

    Oh we are starved for fabric in Australia! Would lovvvve a wee gift voucher! Your website is the BEST!

  852. 909) Sharron

    Loving the colours. The fabrics would make the best kids quilts ever.

  853. 910) Nikki

    Despite what my husband thinks, I can never have too much fabric. Especially when it is that gorgeous.

  854. 911) bettina

    Thanks for the chance to win.

  855. 912) Karen

    I love the fabric. So many things I can make for grandbabies and friends. love it,

  856. 913) kiss chang

    love your blog! what a fun giveaway! 🙂

  857. 914) AmyL

    woohoo – fabric! thanks!

  858. 915) Kristy

    Just like dessert, there is always room for more fabric.

  859. they’re beautiful, wish i win them all! Oh… and welcome within the Illustrator users: it’s magical, isn’t it?

  860. 917) Sheena

    Yes. Where have I been? I would love some new fabric to play with!!!

  861. 918) Alona

    I would love to win. The fabric is beautiful! Thanks

  862. 919) Stephanie s

    A chance for free fabric – YES, PLEASE!

  863. 920) Carla

    I would LOVE to win this one! Thanks for the chance!

  864. 921) Krissa


  865. 922) Nicki

    Mmm…dots, lovely dots!

  866. 923) Kristi

    Me, please…

  867. 924) Lauren :)

    Whoo! Thanks for the chance! I’m a college student, and look forward to the holiday break to get some major crafting and sewing done!

  868. 925) Aimee

    This giveaway rocks!

  869. 926) Alyse

    Looks like a great chance to win some beautiful fabrics!

  870. 927) Elizabeth Howell

    Thank you! I love fabric and free fabric is even better!

  871. 928) Nicole

    I must check this site out!

  872. 929) Marybeth

    Free fabric, it really must be wicked good.

  873. 930) Gwynne

    Holding myself back from buying fabric lately, so this would be awesome.

  874. 931) Alyssa Tsuchiya

    I love fabric. What an awesome web site!

  875. 932) Casey

    Oh, yes, please! I still have lots of holiday sewing to do!

  876. 933) Natalie Newman

    Awesome 🙂

  877. 934) Alice

    I love the chevrons. One of these days I’ll be brave enough to buy fabric online.

  878. 935) Ag

    Such beautiful fabrics!!!

  879. 936) Tiffany

    I would love to win some fabric!

  880. Hello!!! who wouldn’t love to win fabric? Thanks so much for the chance! palak.makeithandmade (at)

  881. 939) Laura W

    Yay, fabric! What a sweet giveaway. Thanks and happy thanksgiving!

  882. 940) Patti McGarry

    Free fabric? Yes, please!

  883. 941) Lori

    Getting ready to hunker in for a Michigan winter…time for some sewing projects to get checked off my “to do” list! Thank you!!!

  884. 942) Brooke

    What a great shop! I totally love the tote bag too!!

  885. 944) Cara

    You can never have too much fabric….right?!?

  886. 945) Cait

    Thanks for the chance!

  887. 946) Stephanie

    Awesome!! Thanks for the giveaway.

  888. 947) Meriel A

    I will never say no to free fabric! Thank you!

  889. 949) Kimberlier

    Thank you for the chance to win some beautiful new fabric!

  890. 950) Maggie

    This fabric looks amazing!

  891. 951) Becky N

    Look at all those pretty, bright fabrics!! Swoon worthy, for sure. And free? Yes, please!! And totally bookmarking the site. I think I like browsing fabric online more than in person. Just like all my shopping. 😉

  892. 952) Jessica

    I’d love to have some of these fabrics!

  893. 953) Chancy

    Love those polka dot quilting fabrics!

  894. It just so happens I have a thing for fabric – he he!

  895. 955) Elspeth Naramore

    Fabric! I love buying fabric!

  896. 956) evitafjord

    Holy carp, I would love to win some of that luscious fabric.

  897. 957) Deb Booker

    Thanks to YOU Dana, for so many lovely give aways.

  898. 958) Jenny B

    I love your giveaways – I don’t do Facebook/Twitter so I feel a little left out sometimes on other people’s giveaways.

  899. 959) Faith

    Awesome! Thanks for the giveaway.

  900. 960) bel

    Wow! It’s open to international readers too! Yay!
    Thank you Dana!

  901. mmmmm….. fabric…… I love fabric. Thanks, Dana, for creating a stress- free giveaway!

  902. 962) Allison P

    Woohoo! I would love to win!

  903. Yipee!! Who would pass up FREE fabric. A Giveaway I can enter. I do not do Twitter, Facebook and Rafflecopter is NOT my friend. Thanks for making this available to everyone! Hats off to you!

  904. 964) Brooke

    Hooray! ‘open to international readers’ – my favourite words 🙂

  905. 965) Pam

    I so appreciate that you are keeping it simple. 😉 Thanks for the giveaway.

  906. 966) Kimberly R

    gimmie gimmie gimmie!

  907. 967) Sarah

    Christmas projects need new fabric! Would love some….

  908. 968) Allison

    Looks like a great site! I’ll echo others before me…thanks for keeping the entry process simple.

  909. 969) Hanni Guinn

    Fabric, yes, please!

  910. 970) Amy

    Nothing better than fabric!!!

  911. 971) Matteson

    I could always use more fabric!

  912. 973) Alexis

    Merry Christmas to me! Of course, this is a fabulous prize. I would be so excited to win.

  913. 974) Angela

    This is awesome!

  914. 975) Emily P

    Love this! And who doesn’t love gorgeous fabric?!

  915. 976) S. McC.

    Thank you for your fun & helpful website and the raffle too!

  916. I’m crossing my fingers……and toes!

  917. 978) Carrie

    This would make my Christmas present sewing even more fun!! Thanks for the chance to win.

  918. 979) Kim

    I have a list of projects I want to get started on!

  919. 980) Anne Marie

    Oh would I love to win this – fabric is my true love!!

  920. 981) Stephanie Merritt

    Love this! Thanks for the chance to win!

  921. 982) Gina F

    Wonderful – I already have stuff waiting in my cart!

  922. 983) Katherine Keys

    Yay!! Fabric!!

  923. 984) Carolyn

    Please pick me! It’s hard to find nice fabric where I am.

  924. 985) Pippa

    All the fabric in your picture looks amazing. How would I choose!

  925. 986) Susie Gomez

    I hope I win.

  926. 987) Alisa

    Would love this! You can never have too much fabric!

  927. 988) Sarah La Rose

    Oh dear, I don’t think my bank account is going to appreciate you introducing me to a new online fabric store!

  928. 989) Emily S.

    I always need more fabric!

  929. 990) dayna

    I’m always looking for more cute fabric!

  930. 992) Sam Oldham

    I have a fabric addiction and am not afraid to admit it!

  931. 993) Alexis

    Ohhhh! Love giveaways. I have so many ideas for these fabrics if I win. Thanks!!

  932. 994) Jennifer

    Awesome fabric

  933. 996) Arianna

    All that yummy fabric!

  934. 997) kassie searle

    Nothing BEtter Than Yummy Fabric!

  935. 998) Stargirl

    Fabric!!!!! Those pictures are so yummy. Mmmm.

  936. 999) Ann-Marie

    Thank you so much for these great giveaways!

  937. 1000) Becca

    YEAH for beautiful fabric…it’s all just so fantastic! What a fabulous giveaway!

  938. 1001) Angela

    So pretty!

  939. 1002) Angie Rogers

    Beautiful fabrics!

  940. 1003) Pat Hodges

    This sounds like a great giveaway, I get so tired of “liking” .

  941. 1004) Katrina

    I am always nervous ordering online so would love to try out a new shop!

  942. 1005) Brittany

    Danamadeit, i love you!

  943. 1006) Kati K

    I NEED this! I’ve got a few baby blankets that need to be sewn, but I need the fabric first!

  944. 1008) Kathie

    Thank you!

  945. 1009) Deanna H

    WooHoo! FABRIC! Christmas may come early for me!!!

  946. 1010) Kimberly

    Would love this! Need to make my girls some dresses for Christmas…

  947. 1012) Melanie

    I would love some fabric!

  948. 1013) Margaret

    Love to win!

  949. 1014) Ruth

    Oh yes please

  950. 1015) Laurana

    Scrolling through the comments is daunting! Randomly pick me please!

  951. You are so right, where have I been? Thanks for the opportunity!

  952. Never heard of this site before but now I need to check it out bc those pics aregreat!

  953. 1018) Jessica blood

    Thanks guys

  954. 1019) Kylie C

    I love their selection of Linens! Thanks for a great giveway.

  955. 1020) Sarah


  956. 1021) Jodie

    Oh my, closet material hoarder here! Would love more to fill my ever bulging cupboard! Thanks Dana 🙂

  957. 1022) Rebecca

    Thanks for the chance to win! I love fabric shopping!

  958. 1023) Emily

    Currently brainstorming my first quilt–this would be great! Thanks, Dana!

  959. 1024) Erin

    you’ve got some cool stuff to give away this year!

  960. 1025) Louise Barber

    I’m on maternity leave so I can’t spend too much money on fabric these days. It’s a shame, because at the moment I have a bit of extra time to do more sewing.

  961. 1026) Karen J

    Wow, this would be so great for all the Christmas gifts I have on my “to sew” list! Thanks!

  962. 1027) The Mrs.

    I’m loving this giveaway!

  963. 1028) JK

    Free fabric? Yes, please!!

  964. 1029) Marie Lussier

    I love the colors. I hope this store has some nice knits to make some nursing tops from.

  965. 1031) Ellen Davis

    Hello lovely fabrics! Thanks for the chance. Have a great holiday.

  966. 1032) Brandy

    Free fabric + everything else today! You’ve got it going on! Love your blog and generosity.

  967. 1034) Katherine

    Who doesn’t need great fabric??

  968. 1035) Gina

    I definitely don’t need another place to drool over fabric. This looks dangerous. 🙂

  969. 1036) tiffany

    how in the heck have i not noticed this shop before? i’m in love! thanks for the chance.

  970. 1037) Heather

    Yay for fabric!

  971. 1038) Carla G

    What a fabulous giveaway! Would love to win a shopping spree! 🙂

  972. 1039) Sam

    So fun! Thanks for the giveaway!

  973. 1040) Lindsey

    Fabric! There are so many cute options!

  974. 1041) Teresa

    Thanks for the chance! Gorgeous fabric photos!

  975. 1042) Paige

    Ohh, Ahh, Pick me, pick me.

  976. 1043) Vanessa

    I really need more fabric!

  977. 1044) kate

    Can never have enough fabric! Thanks for this

  978. 1045) Claudia OBrien

    Giving many thanks!

  979. 1046) Marcie

    This would be so much fun!

  980. 1047) Regan De Marines

    Could easily spend this! Great giveaway. Thanks.

  981. 1048) Chantalle

    Great giveaway!

  982. Free fabric, would so LOVE to win. Definitely checking out the shop, but maybe after payday… 🙂

  983. 1050) Mel

    Oh! You’re go great! Love giveTHANKSaway!

  984. 1051) Becky

    Always great to know of another great fabric source! Thanks!

  985. 1052) Kristie King

    Hooray for the day! I’m a sucker for fabric and love this website!

  986. 1053) Laura Grady

    All their fabric is so beautiful!! Thanks for the chance to win!

  987. 1054) Nancy P

    Free fabric…the price is right!

  988. 1055) Dana

    This is the perfect give away for me…I love free fabric and cute free bags:) thanks!

  989. 1056) Kellie

    This is so fun!! Yay! Thank you for such a great giveaway!

  990. 1057) Stephanie

    OMG. This is a dream giveaway! How fun would this be?!

  991. 1058) Elizabeth lind

    I love simple!!

  992. 1059) Alexis

    Free Fabric?! I’ll take it! Pick me, pick me! And thanks for such a fabulous giveaway!

  993. Ooh, thanks for opening my eyes to a new place to shop for fabric!

  994. 1061) Geraldine

    Yay for free fabric! Thank you!

  995. 1062) Sarah

    Who doesn’t need this? 🙂

  996. 1063) Heather

    thanks for the giveaway

  997. 1064) Trish G.

    I <3 fabric! THanks for the giveaway!

  998. 1065) Tanny

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  999. 1066) Cara

    Who doesn’t need more fabric??

  1000. I never turn down free fabric! Thanks for the chance!

  1001. 1069) Erin

    I would love to win this! I am a new sewer and would love to have some cute fabric!

  1002. 1070) Rachel

    I love online fabric stores and I could browse for hours brainstorming what I could make. I hope I win this!

  1003. 1071) Lisa

    Love this!

  1004. 1073) Kelie

    I’m pretty sure Heaven is in a fabric store.


  1005. 1074) Maaike

    Thanks for hosting such a fun and easy giveaway!

  1006. 1075) aly

    I have fabric on my very own Christmas list! Would love this prize.

  1007. 1076) Debbie

    No such thing as too much fabric!! This all is so awesome.

  1008. 1077) laura r

    Such a fun giveaway! Thanks!

  1009. 1078) Julie

    This would be an awesome way to start my Christmas sewing!!!

  1010. 1079) Haley C.

    Yay! Free fabric!

  1011. 1080) erin

    Oh man, free fabric is an awesome giveaway!

  1012. 1081) Mandy

    Thanks for the awesome prizes!

  1013. 1082) Heather Musser


  1014. 1083) Karyn

    Love this shop I’m addicted to fabric!! Hi from Australia 🙂

  1015. 1084) netty

    Love it! Their stuff is so cute!

  1016. 1085) jenette

    Fingers and toes crosses!

  1017. 1086) Brandi m

    This give away is awesome! Anyone who wins is very lucky 🙂

  1018. 1087) Quinn Savona

    Yay fun! Please and thank you:)

  1019. 1088) Tina C.

    YAY! Crossing my fingers! Thank you for such great giveaways!

  1020. 1089) Cheryl

    I need fabric, thanks for the chance to win some!

  1021. 1090) Betzy Rivera

    Love all your holidays ideas!! And hopefully I can’t get one of the gifts

  1022. 1091) Amy

    New quilt for my littlest!

  1023. 1092) Becky

    What a treat to think I could win some free fabric!

  1024. 1093) Alison

    What a treat! I hope I win!

  1025. 1094) Jodi

    Yes, please! I love fabric!!!!!

  1026. 1095) Jane

    Yay for new fabric! I would love to win this!

  1027. 1096) Erica

    So many project ideas in my head! Yay for fabric.

  1028. 1097) Erin F

    Great giveaway! I’m on the hunt for great apparel fabrics, so this would be amazing!! Thanks for a chance to win.

  1029. 1098) Sylviane

    Oh! the colours!!!… and just in time for holiday sewing…. fingers crossed!

  1030. 1099) Mari Moya

    So many cute fabrics!!!

  1031. 1100) Aubrey

    I love all of the fabric! So pretty!

  1032. 1101) Amy

    I was a fabric addict before, and then I had a baby girl, and now it’s worse! Fabric is my favorite!

  1033. 1102) Cailin

    Oh you’re so brilliant, Dana. Thanks for making it simple and sharing beautiful stores with us!

  1034. Cool shop! I will have to check it out!

  1035. 1104) anca c

    i could always use some more fabric, i have the ideas

  1036. Step one: win the giveaway. And then it’s the hard part: deciding what to buy!

  1037. 1106) Whitney C

    Yay for free fabric!!!

  1038. What a wonderful idea! Thanks, Dana – Love your site 🙂

  1039. 1109) victoria

    Thanks for making your giveaway simple. And open to Canadians eh?

  1040. 1110) susana

    1000 Gracias Dana !La esperanza de ganar nos alegra el día.

  1041. 1111) Rita Montgomery

    Beautiful polka dot material…who doesn’t love dots. Thanks for the giveaway.

  1042. 1112) mary j

    My motto is live vividly. These fabrics embody this!

  1043. 1113) MARIA

    Please count me in…. You have some wonderful quilting prints!

  1044. 1114) brooke

    Aah…I love pretty fabrics.

  1045. 1115) Michelle

    Beautiful fabric! I want to win!

  1046. 1116) sarapete

    This is a dream! I would love to win.

  1047. 1117) Kaitlin

    LOVE new fabric!

  1048. 1118) Honora

    Fabric! Fabric! Fabric! Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeze!

  1049. 1119) Jessie

    Man, I’m with you. How did I not know about this site? Off to buy… I mean, browse. 🙂

  1050. 1120) kristen good

    Oh, this would so much fun!!!

  1051. 1121) Jayne

    Lovely! Thanks for the chance to win.

  1052. 1122) Sarah C.

    I love fabric and could use some new yardage!

  1053. 1123) Skye Little

    You can never have enough fabric! Thank you for enabling international readers to join in.

  1054. 1124) Shauna

    This is an amazing giveaway.

  1055. 1125) Claire

    In love with fabric…great giveaway!

  1056. 1126) Kelly

    Thank YOU Dana and Online Fabric Store!

  1057. 1127) Christa

    Fingers crossed.

  1058. 1128) Mary W.

    Ooh! I’d love to expand my stash!

  1059. 1129) Samantha S

    So drooling over this website of fabrics! Love it!

  1060. 1130) April

    Um this is awesome. Thank you!

  1061. Love it, I need fabric!! Thanks for the chance!

  1062. 1132) Becky


  1063. 1133) Jenny

    One can never have too much fabric!

  1064. 1134) Bethanie

    Wow – awesome giveaway! Woohoo for fabric! Good thing I just went through my stash and cleared some out to make room for more. 🙂

  1065. 1135) Amy

    A girl can never have too much fabric in her stash! Would love to win:)

  1066. 1136) Linda

    Awesome giveaway! Would love to win.

  1067. Beautiful fabrics! Thanks for this…would love to win!

  1068. 1138) Sarah De Visser

    Would love to win — who doesn’t want more fabric??

  1069. 1139) Jamie

    Thanks for a week of great giveaways!

  1070. 1140) maryellen f.

    This is exactly what I need!

  1071. 1141) Jocelyn

    Ooo, pick me please! I could use some fabric!

  1072. 1143) Lindsey

    Thank you for such a great offer!

  1073. 1144) Quoll

    Ooh! Fun!

  1074. 1145) Bug

    I have loved making pants lately, I need some cool pants fabric. thanks, dana!

  1075. 1146) Melissa Gravert

    Thanks for the giveaway! I would love to win so I can share the treasures with all my crafty friends!

  1076. 1147) Sarah Schulz

    Ooooh I love drooling over fabric!

  1077. 1149) morgan

    Yes! I love fabric! I’ve been working on some dresses for my little one… Could definitely use some more fabric! Thanks for the chance to win!

  1078. 1150) GretchenP

    LOVE LOVE LOVE! thanks for the giveaway!! 🙂

  1079. Such a fun giveaway! I’d love to select some great fabrics as a prize. 😀

  1080. I’m definitely keeping my fingers crossed for this one!!!

  1081. 1153) Laurel

    I am a fabric hoarder, please enable me.

  1082. 1154) Toni

    Yum, fabric! I’ll give thanks to this!

  1083. 1155) Amy Hoffman

    Such pretty fabric

  1084. 1156) LindsayW

    Thanks for the chance to win some fabulous stuff Dana!

  1085. 1157) Heather

    I want to make a quilt for my baby’s first birthday next month. This would just be perfect.

  1086. 1158) Katydid

    What a great giveaway! You’re amazing Dana!

  1087. 1159) Amy

    I love new fabric sites, I can’t wait to check them out!

  1088. 1160) Gayle

    I can always use more fabric. I have plans for the holidays!!!!

  1089. 1161) Sarah B.

    Yay fabric!! Thanks for the chance to win.

  1090. 1162) Sara

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  1091. 1163) jessica

    great giveaway! the shop looks great!

  1092. 1164) Kimberly F

    Thank you for the wonderful giveaways!

  1093. 1165) Tonya

    A gal can never have too much fabric! 😉

  1094. 1166) Carol

    Yes please! 🙂

  1095. 1167) Valerie

    This is great! Love the fabrics 🙂

  1096. 1168) Casey

    Is that chevron fleece? Oh my!

  1097. 1169) yael badur

    It’s always good to have more fabrics, especially such a beautiful fabrics 🙂

  1098. 1170) Kim

    Online fabric shopping is more fun!

  1099. 1171) gracehepburn

    OOoh I am thankful for giveaway chances 🙂 Oh and for fabric, lots and lots of fabric

  1100. I love giveaways – especially for fabric. Happy Thanksgiving.

  1101. 1173) Shannon

    Woohoo! Gotta love free fabric 🙂

  1102. 1174) Katie

    Free fabric!! My husband likes the sound of that 😉

  1103. 1175) Jess E

    Love it!! Thanks!!!

  1104. 1176)

    Sheesh that would be wonderful!

  1105. 1177) C&E

    Have an upcoming project that this would be helpful for! 🙂

  1106. 1178) Lacey

    Open to international readers? I’m in!

  1107. 1179) Irene

    Very,very Happy!

  1108. 1180) Sarah in sydney

    * hyperventilating at the possibilities…*

    and for us internationals too !! thanks!

  1109. 1181) Stephanie

    I would LOVE some free fabric! I’m doing a lot of baby sewing these days

  1110. Delicious fabrics – thanks for the chance, I need a fabric pick-me-up right now!

  1111. 1183) Kate

    This store looks dangerous! so much fabric!

  1112. Gorgeous fabrics, great giveaway!

  1113. 1185) Eleena

    A girl can never have enough fabric!

  1114. 1186) Lauren F.

    Beautiful fabrics!

  1115. 1187) Susana

    Ya tambien me apunto!!!!

  1116. 1188) Mhairi

    What an awesome shop and a great giveaway too. Thanks so much for your great blog!

  1117. 1189) Christie

    Fantastic! Thanks for the chance 🙂

  1118. 1190) Amber

    Love fabric, what a great store!!

  1119. 1191) Rebecca Bell

    Do Brits qualify…?! America has all the pretty fabrics – to the detriment of my bank account…(!) Thanks for the chance to enjoy hobbies at a lower cost 🙂

  1120. 1192) Kim P

    Pretty fabric!

  1121. 1193) Danielle

    What gorgeous fabric!

  1122. 1194) Angie

    Just the thing to get me ready for Christmas projects. Thanks Dana!

  1123. 1195) Keiki

    Oh open to us Aussies too – thank you,

  1124. 1196) Alexandra

    Thank you Dana for opening it internationally.

  1125. Rockin’. Can’t wait to browse and buy! Thanks!!

  1126. 1199) Tessa

    Yay…thanks ! Would love to pick out some fabric 🙂

  1127. 1200) Andrea

    Okay I want the fabric but I REALLY want the bag!! 🙂

  1128. 1201) Lucy

    Hooray! Open to international readers! 😀

  1129. 1202) christiane

    YAY, please, I#d like it, I have so many ideas!!

  1130. 1203) Rachel

    I love free fabric!

  1131. 1204) Jessie

    oooh, nice! thanks for the giveaway 🙂

  1132. 1205) Ingrid

    Oooh, a new fabric website! Super excited to look around. Thanks for the giveaway!

  1133. 1206) Chrissy

    Free fabric and a simple giveaway! Thanks for both!

  1134. 1207) kellylynn

    Oh my goodness! Fabric heaven!

  1135. 1208) Heather79

    Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

  1136. 1209) Cristin

    I love this store/website (and would LOVE free fabric)- thanks!!!

  1137. 1210) Christy W

    Oh I need this!

  1138. 1211) Kelly P

    Oh, how fun! I could really use some fabric. . . 🙂

  1139. Ooo Ooo! Pick Me! I wanna win! I LOVE FABRIC! I am totally serious here… I LOVE it! Going to visit the site now to see all the lovelies they have to offer.

  1140. 1213) Tyree

    Thanks for the chance 🙂

  1141. 1215) KimL

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  1142. 1216) Rebekah

    Love that fabric!

  1143. 1217) Jill

    You can never have too much fabric in your stash!

  1144. 1218) Megan

    Yummy fabric!

  1145. ooh, I so need some fabric in my stash that isn’t from the 70’s.

  1146. 1220) Kristen

    Fingers crossed. What a treat!

  1147. 1221) Emily

    Always thinking of new things to sew, would love to win some new fabric!

  1148. 1222) Stephanie

    Thanks! I would love to win

  1149. 1223) Bridge

    Cannot go wrong with free fabric! Loving the holiday sharing!

  1150. Free fabric is the best! Thanks so much for the chance!

  1151. 1225) Amy K

    Such pretty fabric!!

  1152. 1226) Tiff

    Woohoo! Can never have enough fabric!

  1153. 1227) Robyn C.

    Free Fabric! Yes, please and thank you!

  1154. 1228) Ranee

    Oooh, fun!

  1155. 1229) Erin

    Love a good fabric store… especially when I can shop from home! Thanks for the find.

  1156. 1230) Anna Jordan

    Some new fabric would be wonderful! Thanks for the chance to win!

  1157. 1231) windie d

    not that i need more fabric, but how fun would it be to win this! 🙂 thanks for the chance

  1158. 1232) Michelle G

    Straightforward- just my style!

  1159. 1233) Karie

    Fabric is fun!

  1160. 1234) Paige Harris

    I would love this!

  1161. 1235) Sheila

    Me again…thanks

  1162. 1236) Laura

    CUTE fabric!

  1163. 1237) April

    Love the fabric choices!

  1164. 1238) Stephanie

    Great fabric! Thanks for the chance.

  1165. 1239) Nikki

    Fabric is one of my biggest weaknesses!

  1166. 1240) Kari C

    Awesome! I’ve never seen the Online Fabric Store, I’m gonna go check it out now. You can never have too much fabric!

  1167. 1241) Lauren

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  1168. 1242) Lisa

    Thankful for a great giveaway!

  1169. 1243) Danielle

    I’m off to spend hours drooling over fabric now. Thanks!

  1170. 1244) Dena Wimette

    Ooh fabric!!

  1171. although my fabric pile is threatening to shift and suffocate me, I’d LOVE more!

  1172. 1246) Samantha Hardcastle

    That store is so fun. I could get in a lot of trouble browsing too much.

  1173. 1247) Mai

    I’ve always wanted to try online fabric shopping.

  1174. 1248) Gizala

    Ooooh. I’d love to get some fancy fabric to make something for my little cutie.

  1175. 1249) Angela Y.

    Would love a chance to win 🙂 Thank you!

  1176. 1250) ss

    Yeah, free fabric! I’d love more 🙂

  1177. 1251) christina♥

    Who doesn’t need more fabric? 😉 Thanks for the chance!

  1178. 1252) Melissa

    You can never have too much fabric! Thanks for hosting the giveaway.

  1179. 1253) Beverly

    Thanks for the opportunity! And also for pointing me in the direction of a new online source for fabric. (Although I’m pretty sure my dh won’t be as pleased as I am ;P)

  1180. 1254) Andrea

    So exciting, love fabric shopping.

  1181. 1255) Katie

    There are so many entries already but I’d love to win!

  1182. 1257) Rebekah

    Beautiful pictures. definitely could use some new fabric

  1183. 1258) Kristi

    I would so love this. I have been in a fabric slump and this would be perfect!

  1184. 1259) Kristen

    pick me! pick me!

  1185. 1260) Jess C

    Who doesn’t love free fabric!!??!?!?!?!?!

  1186. 1261) jannaB

    Hooray for free fabric.

  1187. 1262) Mandy

    Free fabric yay!

  1188. 1264) Kayla K

    Free fabric is like the best surprise ever. Y’all rock!

  1189. 1265) Michelle

    Yay! Free fabric! And a giveaway I can enter without a Facebook account! Thanks very much!

  1190. 1266) Lynn

    This is great! Thank you!

  1191. 1267) Cherie cox

    Dana thanks for the upfront, simple drawing! I usually dont do the other drawings on other blogs because it is just a trap to hike their “follower” numbers up! Thanks for being a true friend and knowing we “follow” because we LOVE you!
    Love everything about your blog!
    love to win fabric,

  1192. 1268) Ellen

    I’d love to get some of this fabric for a quilt I’m making for a friend’s new baby sister.

  1193. Though I’m sure Nate would disagree, I totally need some more fabric!

  1194. 1271) Ute

    Free fabric for christmas sewing!! Thank you!

  1195. 1272) HW

    I’d love to win!

  1196. 1273) Crisanne D.

    Fabulous giveaway!! One ALWAYS needs more fabric!

  1197. 1274) lynne h

    fabric!! yum..yum

  1198. 1275) Lorena Gleason

    I need some great fabric for an a-line skirt!

  1199. 1276) metka

    what a great giveaway! thank you!

  1200. 1277) Libby

    The only bad part is that I would have to choose from all the fabric!!

  1201. 1278) Michelle Echeverria

    THANKS to You too! I love a simple give-away… but mostly I love beautiful fabric… and EVERYONE could use more beautiful fabric in their lives!

  1202. 1281) Megan

    It would be “wicked good” if chose my number! Thank you for keeping it simple and for hosting this giveaway!

  1203. 1282) Leni

    Cute fabric! Thanks for the giveaway!

  1204. 1283) Quateela

    Count me in!!

  1205. 1284) Holly

    This would be amazing to win. Thanks!!!

  1206. 1285) Sarah

    This would make a great Christmas gift. Thanks for the chance to win.

  1207. 1287) Lisa Bright

    Would love to have this! Thanks~

  1208. 1288) Jennifer

    The husband can’t argue about more fabric if it’s free right? Thanks for doing this for us Dana.

  1209. 1289) Jodie

    I SO want this! 🙂 Thanks!

  1210. Move over Pinterest, hello Online Fabric Store as my new time suck…

  1211. 1291) RaeLyn

    wow! What a great resource, thank you!

  1212. This would be so great! Just in time for Christmas sewing projects 🙂 Thank you!

  1213. 1293) nikki

    always in need of ways to cut down on fabric costs!

  1214. 1294) Betsy

    I’d love to win!

  1215. 1295) Erin

    Just starting to sew – would love some free fabric to start building a stash!!

  1216. 1296) Tawnya Roy

    Yay for an international giveaway (hello from Canada) and the chance to win some awesome fabric. Thanks so much!

  1217. 1297) Mary

    Free fabric…be still my heart!

  1218. 1298) Sara k

    I am not sure why i am entering, I love fabric, but I have no room or time to sew lately.

  1219. 1299) Jessica

    Great giveaway! So many beautiful fabrics!

  1220. 1300) ninfalis

    Great giveaway, thanks!

  1221. 1301) Kristina

    Thank you Dana!

  1222. wow this is an awesome giveaway, thanks for the chance to enter!

  1223. 1303) Sally

    I love discovering new online fabric shops. Thank you!!

  1224. Would need these beautiful fabrics for my granddaughter to learn to sew with Jatie’s how to sew book.

  1225. 1305) Megan

    Free fabric? Yes please 🙂

  1226. 1306) Katie T

    Free fabric is awesome! And I love the way you do giveaways!!

  1227. Love their array of fabrics! I could use this Gift Certificate for sure!

  1228. 1308) Stephanie

    This would be wicked awesome!

  1229. 1309) Jess

    Love to win!

  1230. 1310) Michelle Warnke

    Yes! I love fabric!! Thank you!!

  1231. 1311) susan g

    Oooh, sweet giveaway, I’d love to win!

  1232. 1312) Rana

    Thanks you for keeping it simple. I feel like I miss out on a lot of contests because I don’t have Facebook or twitter.

  1233. 1314) Andrea

    Beautiful fabric!

  1234. 1315) Lauren

    Who can resist a giveaway for free fabric?! Not I :]

  1235. 1316) Kellene

    Great giveaway, thank you!

  1236. 1317) candice

    I love fabric!

  1237. 1318) Amy

    I would love to win this.

  1238. 1319) Laura Foster

    Fabric just makes me so happy!

  1239. 1320) Lenetta

    Love free fabric, thanks!

  1240. 1321) Melanie K.

    Love this! Great giveaway! 🙂

  1241. 1322) Erin

    Awesome! The best and most basic kind of giveaway.

  1242. 1323) Allison D

    Ooooh, I love finding awesome fabric shops! Thanks Dana

  1243. 1324) Lori Walker

    I love fabric! And freewould be totally awesome!

  1244. 1325) Sally b

    Oh so much choice. Imagine all the projects. Thank you X

  1245. 1326) suzanne

    free fabric! I need this 🙂

  1246. 1327) Allison

    Ohh…so many pretty patterns!

  1247. 1328) Fawn

    Umm, how awesome? Thank you for the chance.

  1248. would love some more fabric for my stash!

  1249. 1330) susanna

    I need more fabric. Always. Wish me luck!

  1250. 1331) Kate

    Just what I need for Christmas PJs!

  1251. 1332) Brooke B.

    LOVE all the bright colors and patterns! thanks for the chance to win!

  1252. 1333) Tina Santillo

    Thanks for spreading the love!

  1253. 1334) Amanda Angert

    OMG I’d love new fabric!!!! I made myself a little challenge to use as much of my stash as possible before the end of the year….and of course I’ll need new fabric to replace it 😉

  1254. 1335) Amy

    free, cute fabric!! absolutely <3

  1255. 1336) Mary

    Oh please please please, let it be me!!! 😉

  1256. 1337) Sherri

    I would love to win. Thanks for the great giveaway.

  1257. 1338) Fine

    Great fabric, great giveaway!

  1258. 1339) Wendy Schlensker

    My Kiddo’s are growing like Weeds! I’m in Need of New Fabric to make them New Larger clothing!! I hope I WIN!

  1259. 1340) susy

    Great giveaway! thanks!

  1260. 1341) Ali

    Oh fun! I am going to check this place out..dangerous.

  1261. 1342) Marcie

    Love all the options!

  1262. Love your blog, starting some projects of my own.

  1263. 1344) Candace

    thanks Dana. I need more fabric!

  1264. 1345) Beth @ Turn2theSimple

    yeah! love fabric!

  1265. 1347) Candy Mak

    Yes please, I’d love more fabric.

  1266. 1348) Anne

    Chevron and Polka Dots, so awesome!!! Thanks for the chance 🙂

  1267. 1349) Lidia

    These fabrics are like candy to a crafter! So many beautiful options!

  1268. What gorgeous fabrics! I will definitely need to check out this website! winning this one would be amazing!

  1269. Fabric! Fabric! Fabric! Who could resist all that eye candy?!

  1270. 1352) Jessica Maye

    Oh yeah, this fabric is awesome! Thanks for sharing, Dana!

  1271. 1353) Sarah Schulz

    Ooh drooling over their fabric!

  1272. 1354) Tara

    Ahh! I love fabric! No problem spending this certificate!

  1273. 1355) Callie

    Gorgeous, gorgeous fabric!

  1274. 1356) Anna

    OMG! It is beautiful! Would love to win!

  1275. 1357) Andrea

    ooohhhhh!!!! this could be dangerous!!!

  1276. 1358) Sara

    Free fabric is always a welcome sight! Thanks for all the giveaways!

  1277. 1359) Chiara Aldridge

    LOVE the fabric! Free fabric is always wanted.

  1278. 1360) alissa

    YEA! Thanks for the giveaways (and for keeping them simple)!

  1279. 1361) Amanda K

    I loved browsing through this stie.

  1280. 1362) Marilyn

    Oh my goodness… I’m like a kid in a candy store looking at all the cute fabric!

  1281. 1363) Sonja

    …you can never have enough fabric….

  1282. 1364) Valerie

    Thank you for the simple giveaway rules. I am not a big fan of the rafflecopter ones where you have to like them on facebook and tweet about them. Anyhow, I would love to get some minky to make some blankets for my kids for Christmas. Thank you!

  1283. 1365) Annette

    Oooo pretty please!

  1284. 1366) Joanna Kalisz

    I would be so THANKFUL for some fabric!!!

  1285. Ooh, I like this new site. Thank you for introducing us. =)

  1286. 1368) Karen's Sew Hub

    You’re right, where have I been?

  1287. 1369) Carla Lockwood

    I love fabric – I think it makes a great decor item! At least that’s what I tell myself as I have it placed in my sewing space!

  1288. 1370) Jessica Scarbrough

    So excited! These fabrics rock!

  1289. 1371) Sangrid

    Great Giveaway!

  1290. 1372) Sandrea

    OOooooo! Their home decor fabrics are devine!!

  1291. 1373) Judy

    Yeah for FABRIC!! Thanks for the chance.

  1292. 1374) susan hicks

    will be retiring soon and have always dreamed of learning to quilt. A perfect time for some free fabric!

  1293. 1375) tukimu

    I am in! thanks so much….

  1294. 1376) Doreen

    You can never have enough fabric/DIY stuff, right?

  1295. 1377) shae

    So cool!!

  1296. love the variety of fabric to choose from!

  1297. 1379) sarah

    such yummy fabrics!

  1298. 1380) Nicole Gagnon

    I would really love this Thank you so much

  1299. Happy Thanksgiving! And happy winning to all the lucky ones! You always have great giveaways lined up 🙂

  1300. 1382) PB

    Hello! Thanks so much for the giveaway. Please count me in. The fabric is gorgeous!

  1301. 1383) Via

    Yay for free fabric!

  1302. 1384) Heather d

    Oh my I been eying some of those fabrics for a a while!

  1303. 1385) Carol

    So little time, so many fabrics! Love it.

  1304. Wow! Thanks! I’d love to add a bit more color to my stash!

  1305. 1387) Ven

    I want fabric to make a quilt. thanks

  1306. 1388) Amanda

    $50 would be great!

  1307. 1389) Rebekah

    great giveaway!

  1308. 1390) Kesha

    My eyes popped open at some of the pictures. I find it so hard to find fabric that catches you online…

  1309. 1391) Danielle H

    I want to go to their what’ve house and frolic through their aisles!!

  1310. 1392) Janelle

    Oh, the choices!! 🙂

  1311. 1393) Melissa A.

    Thanks for the giveaway! Hope to win!

  1312. 1394) Serenity

    This would be so awesome!

  1313. 1395) Carrie Alexander


  1314. 1396) Marsali

    Hooray for adorable fabrics!

  1315. 1397) victoria g

    yeah baby!

  1316. 1398) Courtney

    I would love to win!

  1317. 1399) Laura

    I want to win!!

  1318. Would love to win some free fabric! <3

  1319. 1402) Danielle

    What a great shop!

  1320. 1403) Rossella

    Please, it is for me, me, ME!!

  1321. 1404) carolee c.

    Thanks for such a “simple ” giveaway! Simple to give, hard to choose for the winner!

  1322. 1405) Katie

    Woohoo, cute fabric. Thanks Dana!

  1323. 1406) JBS

    I’d love to win!!!

  1324. 1407) mary anne

    Fabulous prize!!

  1325. 1408) Colleen

    Fabric shopping sprees are totally the best kind!

  1326. 1409) Dayna

    Thanks for making the start of the holiday season so much fun. I love give-a-ways.

  1327. 1410) Becky

    woo hoo, new fabric!

  1328. 1411) Lori

    I love this giveaway! Thanks so much!

  1329. 1413) leslie moon

    My sister just found out she is pregnant. I need lots of fabric!

  1330. 1414) Nerissa

    Wow! Free fabric! You have my number.

  1331. 1416) Agnieszka

    I love your work, i love all your giveTHANKSaway 🙂 and you are awesome:D

  1332. 1417) Jill Hayes

    more fabric please! pick me!

  1333. 1418) Amy Kokke


  1334. 1419) nicole weaver

    I would love this!!!!!

  1335. 1420) Nancy

    You are awesome Dana and I love fabric!! 😉

  1336. 1421) Erin A

    I’d love to use this to start my fabric hoard 🙂

  1337. 1422) Kristin M

    I LOVE fabric!

  1338. 1423) Karli

    I love your simple giveaways…..and this one would be awesome to win!

  1339. 1424) EG1972

    Great giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win!

  1340. 1426) tana

    Amazing!! Fingers crossed.

  1341. 1427) Kim M.

    Who doesn’t need more fabric for their stash? Awesome giveaway. 🙂

  1342. 1428) Jennifer Chaplin

    Who wouldn’t want free fabric?! Awesome!!!

  1343. 1429) Katie

    Yes please!!

  1344. 1430) Elaine

    Great give away!

  1345. 1432) Sandy Cruttenden

    Thanks for the giveaway! Fun fabric

  1346. 1433) Raquel Olivo

    Love it, thanks!

  1347. 1434) Mary

    I love the blog and would love to win!

  1348. 1435) Carlie L


  1349. 1436) Jeanne Jones

    Whoo, hoo, free fabric. I’ m hoping to win.

  1350. 1437) Robyn

    Such great giveaways!

  1351. 1438) felicia

    Who doesn’t love free fabric?

  1352. 1439) Abby Vaagen

    This would be awesome! Fabric of my dreams. Everything Is so pretty!

  1353. 1440) Becky

    I’ve been good about only (mostly) using my stash up…but it’s time to restock!

  1354. 1441) Crystal Davis

    Dana, not only do we mostly have you to thank for my granddaughters’ rockin wardrobes, but maybe for this stylin fabric too. Thanks for the chance!

  1355. 1442) amy

    OMG, what’s better then a whole lotta fabric? Thanks!

  1356. 1443) Lisa C

    Finger’s crossed 🙂

  1357. 1444) Lisa C

    Love it!

  1358. 1445) Lauren

    Love love love it!

  1359. 1446) Julie C

    cute fabric !! thanks for the giveaway and keeping the entries simple !!

  1360. I’m drooling over all of these prints!!!

  1361. 1449) Cherri Shaw

    Pick me!

  1362. 1450) Margaret

    Gorgeous fabrics!

  1363. 1451) liudmila

    Thanks for great giveaway! Would love to win.

  1364. 1453) Sara Lee

    Fingers crossed~~

  1365. 1454) Carissa

    Oh my word. I would kiss the computer screen if I won this.

  1366. 1455) sherry

    Oh thank you so much for a chance to win xx

  1367. 1456) Bethany

    I need supplis for my hexi quilt.

  1368. 1457) SG

    Nice giveaway!

  1369. 1458) Amber E

    Such cute stuff!

  1370. 1459) Lisa j

    My stash would love a refresh!

  1371. 1461) PaNa

    Nice! Thank you.

  1372. 1462) Corey :)

    I’m learning to sew and trying to build up my stash – this would be perfect!

  1373. 1463) Tara S

    You are the best!

  1374. 1464) Mel Vo

    Oooooh! My stash is in dire need of a fabric transfusion!! Thanks for all the awesome giveaways!

  1375. 1465) Julie

    Best give away ever!

  1376. 1466) Kim

    I need some new fabric!

  1377. 1467) Tenille

    Love the fabric selection. Just gorgeous.

  1378. FABRIC??!!! Oooh did I shout?
    My favorite!

  1379. 1470) Jen

    It looks beautiful. I think it would make my holiday season!

  1380. I’ll need to check this shop out!

  1381. 1473) Lucy

    So much beautiful fabric!

  1382. 1474) Hayley

    great fabric!

  1383. 1476) Lauren Beach

    Yes, please!!

  1384. 1477) Cameron Lawracy

    Yay! Thanks!

  1385. 1479) Darcy


  1386. 1480) Paige

    Love the fabric!! THanks!

  1387. 1482) Michal

    Free fabric, wonderful! Thanks

  1388. 1483) Raechel

    Oooo crossing my fingers! Thanks!

  1389. 1484) Shannon S

    Who wouldn’t love more fabric?!

  1390. 1485) Amy W

    Ohhhh. I’d love to win! So many sewing possibilities. Thanks for the great giveaways.