Whenever a plate of fajitas walks out in a restaurant, everyone around you is immediately jealous. And they should be. Fajitas are freaking good.
And they’re very easy to make. For years, I used to buy those Fajita seasoning packets when making this dish because I didn’t want to mess with figuring out the spices myself. Then one day when watching Guy’s Big Bite, he made simple fajitas with cumin and lime, and I was hooked. You didn’t need many ingredients at all! So I stopped spending a buck on the packets and started buying lime and cilantro instead (you can skip the cilantro if it’s not your thing).
If you’re wondering what to make for dinner tonight, I highly recommend picking a few things up at the store….
Then no one will be jealous of your sizzling goodness cause everyone gets to enjoy.
You’ll find the complete recipe Here (and in the Recipes link at the top of the blog)
Have a great Thursday!