March 27, 2010
The one day it snowed in Austin
I’m not a real snow person (mostly, I’m not a “cold” person). But I openly admit that falling snow, snow on branches, snowmen, kids playing in snow, and large fields of untouched white are absolutely gorgeous. I lived in snow country during college and though I hated trudging through it on my walks home, I loved watching it through the front window of our cozy house, while sipping hot chocolate. Those 4 years that I had real winters helped me emphasize with Bing a little bit more. Sometimes I dream of a White Christmas too….but I’d like the stuff to melt away by Jan 15th. So you can imagine how excited we were last spring when a rare snowfall flurried over our house, cars, and frozen grass. For one day we got to enjoy the snowy life.
Casey quickly built a 5-inch tall (alien?) snowman on our back porch before leaving for work.
Then he decided to ditch out on work early and came home to give the kids a proper snowball fight. It was Lucy’s first time and she held her own quite well.
To those of you living in snow country, enjoy the festive weather!
And for those of you wearing short-sleeve shirts to the park on Christmas Eve, you can dream along with the rest of us.