I hope you had a nice Thanksgiving holiday filled with yummy food and family.
We debated driving to AZ to be with my extended family. But 17 hours in the car sounded pretty miserable and to top it off, everyone who went came down with the stomach flu. I hope nothing like that passed through your home!
So…we took a quick weekend trip to Houston where we hung out, visited the famous water wall, spotted fire-hydrants that looked like smurfs, and enjoyed our friends’ cozy cute house.Oh, and we broke down and became official owners of a mini van.
It was time.
I was a little sad to say goodbye to my Accord. But since this is the 4th Honda I’ve driven since I was 16, I felt right at home behind the wheel.So, I’m a 35 year-old mom of (almost) 3 who drives a van.
And I love Phil Collins–I think?
I’m okay with it.
Of course a new orange coat from the Old Navy sale makes it all seem a little better. Even if I can only close the top button right now.There’s that bump.
Beyonce style reveal?
Okay. There you go. Me and the babe at 28 weeks. Just 3 more months to go.
But what I’m really here to announce…..is something SWEET coming soon on the blog!
Last December I shared a photo advent with Christmas Stills. I wanted to do something similar this year—So I’m sharing Sweets and Treats for the holidays!
From Dec 1st to Dec 25th, my favorite bloggers and I will share recipes to fill your tables, freezers, cookie exchange plates, and tummies of course. Just a small gift from us to you.I’ll have some normal blog stuff/tutorials going on too. So don’t worry. MADE won’t become a complete recipe-fest (just sort of).
If you want to grab a button and join along, copy the entire code in the html box below (make sure you scroll down in the box to get it all). The button code is also in the sidebar of the blog.
As the month goes on, I’ll add links to all recipes on the Sweets and Treats post HERE. Get ready for a yummy month!