Christmas Stills, Advent, and Countdown to 12/25

Today is December 1st.

For some of you that means another day of snow. For those in the southern hemisphere, summer is creeping up! And for me, December 1st means that I never got around to making that advent calendar I wanted to do last year and this year. Phoey.
One can’t do everything, right? And so I continue to admire these 3 favorite calendars, with the goal to get my sewing hands in gear next year….

From Elsie Marley, a very cool String of Lights Advent calendar (seriously, been wanting to try this for 2 years now). Each bulb has a little gift inside!
Homemade by Jill is currently hosting an Advent Calendar sew-along and her ornaments are just adorable. Jill does amazing things with felt, amazing.
And this recycled countdown calendar is just brilliant. From Maya Made, the calendar is created from toilet paper rolls! And it was featured in Woman’s Day this month. Even cooler!
If you’re curious about Advent, check out this info and this. In a nut-shell, the word Advent is latin (Adventus) for “arrival or coming” and represents a season of preparation. It’s a Christian tradition that focuses on Christ’s birth, his life, and most importantly, preparing for his 2nd return to Earth again. Some Advent involves fasting and each Sunday in December marks Advent 1, 2, 3, and 4. As with Christmas, it’s a time to reflect on Christ, and the glorious gift of Atonement and Resurrection that he gave to each of us. Somewhere over the years, Advent has morphed into cute calendars and small treats but there’s definitely nothing wrong with artistically counting down to the special day and teaching our children the importance that the day represents.

Though I’m too late this year to make a tangible calendar, I thought of another idea; something I can share with you throughout the month; a photo advent calendar! How about a countdown to Christmas through pictures? Nothing extravagant. But every morning this month (till 12/25), I’ll have a Christmas Still to share with you. It’s almost as fun as tearing a construction paper link off the chain each morning? Almost. I’ll continue with the normal blogging as well; this will just be a little morning treat, counting down to the 25th.

So here we go with Christmas Stills, Day 1

“Now Dasher! Now Dancer! Now Prancer! Now….”
(taken 2 years ago after a day of preschool. I just love her scrunched eyes)

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