5 months

I am so in love with this little girl.
Did I win the lottery?
She is the best baby ever. For sure a gold medal.
So far at least (we’ll talk in a few months when she’s mobile).
Clara is just a happy girl!
She puts up with the not-so-gentle hugs.
She doesn’t mind being dragged around from place to place.
And left to fend for herself at times.

Mostly she just chills and smiles when you look at her and slobbers on everything her chubby little fingers can hold.
…and she makes the best faces (photo via Instagram. If you need a baby fix, there’s usually a daily pic of her in my feed. @danamadeit)
The biggest change this month is the hair color. It’s still strawberry but more blonde is showing through. And in the right light looks golden.
Here’s the 5 month comparison:
6 months is coming up in just a week. Yikes. Our summer trip put me behind.
So….more baby pics coming soon.
Have a great weekend!
Read about each month here:
1 month
2 months
3 months
4 months
5 months
6 months
7 months
8 months
9 months
10 months
11 months

  1. Oh my word, that third picture down? She is just SO so so cute!!! What a fun baby she is!

  2. Oh, Dana, you did win the lottery! What a cutie!! My little man (11 months) is such a dream baby too……I think it’s the 3rd child thing. They have no choice but to be good or they would put us over the edge. Can you even imagine your 3rd being fussy and colicky? Nope. Don’t even want to think about it. Thanks for sharing her with everyone…….such a beauty šŸ™‚

  3. 3) Leigh Anne

    Adorable Dana! Always love your monthly posts of Clara…..what a doll! Love her hair…..and that smile is priceless šŸ™‚

  4. She is so adorable! This post just induced major baby fever over here šŸ™‚

  5. 5) kellie

    oh. my. heavens. she is just too much!! love the faces!

  6. 6) Kristin

    You totally won the lottery! Three times in fact!!! All your kids are so cute and you capture such great photos of them! Love to see their pictures!

  7. 7) Tami B

    After seeing the pics, I can see why you’re so smitten! Clara is adorable (It runs in the family!!!)

  8. She is so cute – and the little curl is too adorable! I can see why you are smitten!

  9. 11) Lar

    So cute child! You are lucky mom!

  10. Good lordie, those chunky thighs and cheeks kill me! My little girl Bradli has the same rolls on the top of her thighs. They absolutely crack me up! I wish I would’ve done a cute little monthly montage like yours. It’s crazy to see how they change so much each month.

  11. O.K. You just need to stop, every time I see a picture of Clara it makes me want to have another one! šŸ™‚ She really is just the cutest baby.

  12. What a DOLL! Love her! Our third one is also an angel baby and gets smothered with kisses and unwanted hugs all day! šŸ™‚

  13. Not that you need another person telling you how adorable she is, but really she is! I love her hair right now too!

    Oh and I also laughed a lot at your added captions! “Really? just gonna leave me here?” haha!!

  14. She is darling– I love this age where there personality starts to shines through!

  15. She is so beautiful!! Love the updates on how she is doing.

  16. 20) Neelawan

    God bless! She is adorable Dana.. Wish you have a book signing in NYC too!

  17. 21) cris

    shes absolutely gorgeous!!!!!!!!!!!!

  18. 22) Carina Garcia

    Congratulations!! She is so adorable!

  19. oh MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Month 3 is sooooo lovely!
    She is amazing.
    Hugs from across the ocean!

  20. Um, aaaaand she’s beautiful. And adorable. There needs to be a baby word for that. Love this post šŸ™‚

  21. She’s soooo adorable! I love that you do month pictures of her, it’s really cool to see how much she’s changed, because you don’t realize how much kids actually do change as they get older. That picture of the kids hugging her is my favorite šŸ˜‰

  22. 26) Tina

    She is absolutely beautiful.

  23. 27) darlene

    one word: gorgeous!

  24. 29) Trina

    Thanks for making me smile. This was fantastic!

  25. That is one pretty baby Dana. She is getting prettier in every pic. I love her hair too!

  26. 32) Catherine

    You have such lovely children, cute toeheads (blondes) your littlest one reminds me so much of my youngest sister when she was small, such happy smiles from all.
    Makes me smile!!!

  27. I love Clara posts! She does make some of the best faces. Your word bubbles are hilarious and match perfectly with her expressions. I can’t believe our babies are growing so fast! Seriously. I wish I could just freeze ray them for a month or two. šŸ™‚

  28. Aww too cute! Spitting image of your kids!!

  29. 35) VickiT

    Oh my gosh! She’s adorable and with SO much hair too. She must’ve been born very close to the same date as my granddaughter (who has VERY little hair to date sadly) because she will be having her 6 month birthday in about a week also.

    But that hair is so cute. I swear, I couldn’t put a bow in my granddaughters hair without resorting to super glue. LOL Maybe if I used about three strands of embroidery floss? HA

  30. 36) Lynne Tilley

    That is just ONE ADOREABLE little munchkin you have there. Actually, all your little munchkins are adorable! šŸ™‚ You are blessed šŸ™‚

  31. Clara is a very cute little girl! Congrats to Happy Mama! You sure scored the gold!

  32. 38) celine

    My! she is a doll!!!! I ‘ve got a 1 year old little boy! They would be cuuuuute together!!! ; ) just sayin’!

  33. 39) Heather D

    She is absolutely beautiful!!

  34. She is absolutely precious. And so photogenic. I just won’t to reach through the monitor and squeeze those cute little cheeks. She looks so happy. And the pictures of her bring smiles to my face. Gold medal for sure.

  35. She is just gorgeous! Great photos, too šŸ™‚

  36. Oh, how cute! She has her lovely personality showing through in the pictures šŸ™‚

  37. What a beautiful baby! Seriously, that hair and those chubby cheeks.

    My kiddos have left babydom far behind. I always loved me some kissable, chubby baby cheeks.

    I can see why you’re in love. All your kiddos are cuties.

  38. 44) Carol Benesh

    Dana, your kids are darling. Little Clara is beautiful. And, do you take all of these pictures? You’re a good photographer, too.

  39. 45) Alyson

    She is just SO adorable! I have a nine month old little girl, and I have to say, that Clara comes in a CLOSE second to the cutest baby alive!

  40. 5 months? 5 months?? My how time flies!!! Clara is such a little sweetie. You definitely hit the jackpot on babies! I’m crossing my fingers that I will be in the same boat. šŸ™‚

  41. Sweet Clara! My baby #3 is a gem as well — Cooper just turned 1 and is always happy as a little songbird. Yay for babies šŸ™‚

  42. 48) Nickie

    She is the epitome of “joy”! Dana, what brand is that high chair…the white one?

  43. 49) JulieL

    love the last pic (well all of them), she is adorable. And I love her name. Clara was my mom and my grandma’s name.

  44. OMYGOD. she’s cute. really really cute.
    I need a better lense. I can’t catch my kids indoors like this at all.

  45. 51) Destiny Lair

    You have gorgeous children! I totally think that you should enter Clara to be the next Gerber baby šŸ˜€

  46. Clara is just so cute! I’m not telling you anything you didn’t already know ā€¦. I am expecting a baby girl too , third kid as well . I love those little circle skirts you make, and hoping to make some like them !

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