3 free necklaces (closed)

Remember when I had a baby, so I needed a new necklace?
I still wear that thing every day.
I love the Vintage Pearl.

Want to love them too? We’re giving away 3 of their new necklaces today!
The Chunky Sunshine
Beyond the Sea
Vintage Name Charms
Giveaway Rules:
• Leave a comment, that’s it! (specify which necklace you prefer)
• Only One entry per person.
• Open to anyone in the world!
• THREE winners will be picked via random.org
Giveaway ends Saturday 8/11/12 at 10pm (Central Time).
Winners will be announced on Sunday.

  1. 1) heather

    I like the chunky sunshine

    • 2) CANDY-WLSON

      vintage pearl necklace would make me feel special with a well done art pc..

  2. 3) Alyssa

    Am I really the first comment? I love the Vintage Name Charms the best! (although the Chunky Sunshine is also beautiful…) What a fun giveaway!

  3. I LOVE the sea necklace!
    Lighthouses remind me of the people in my life that help me find my way during stormy trials in my life.

  4. 6) Sarah

    I love the Vintage Name Necklace!

  5. 7) Kathie B.

    It is so hard to decide between the 3! If pressed, I’d say the Beyond the Sea because I grew up at the beach and try to spend as much time on the beach as I can (with lots of sunscreen, of course).

  6. 8) littlelee

    I love the beyond the sea neaclace. Would go great with my choose joy from vintage pearl 🙂

  7. 9) AubreyB

    Definitely the Vintage Names!

  8. 10) betsy

    i like the vintage name necklace. it would make a perfect gift for my mom!

  9. 11) katie

    I like the Vintage Name Charms necklace.

  10. 12) Rosie

    I love the Vintage Name Charms. I’ve been looking for something like this for a while and I think it’s perfect.

  11. I fell in love with the Beyond the sea necklace!!!

  12. 14) Marci

    I love the Vintage Name Charm! Pick me, pretty please with a cherry on top!

  13. 15) Anne M.

    VINTAGE NAAAAME! Such goodness for the eyes.

  14. 16) Felicia Mathis

    I LOVE the vintage name charm necklace! Always wanted one of those, keeping my fingers crossed!!! 🙂

  15. 17) Bridget

    I LOVE the vintage name charm necklace.. been looking for something like that to put my children’s names on!

  16. I love that Chunky Sunshine! 🙂

  17. 21) Daiga

    Beyond the Sea totally caught my eye!

  18. 22) Sara B.

    I love the chunky sunshine, i think it’s a lovely reminder of the sweet little ones in our lives!

  19. Love it! I’d be torn to pick a favorite… The vintage name charms or chunky sunshine? Both are lovely!

  20. 24) Elizabeth

    They are all gorgeous! But I really love the vintage name charms.

  21. I love the vintage name necklace! I can see myself rockin that daily!

  22. 27) Melanie M.

    Love the Vintage Tag necklace!

  23. Gah, this is so hard to choose! I adore Beyond the Sea, but I feel like I should choose something with my kids names so I’ll go for Vintage Name. I think.

  24. 30) Mari Monroe

    Love them all! I would LOVE to be picked to win the Vintage Name Charm!!!!

  25. I love all of these necklaces – I think I especially love the Beyond the Sea one – thanks for the giveaway!

  26. 33) Britt

    i love the name charms!

  27. 34) tiffany

    oooh – the vintage name charms are SO beautiful!

  28. 35) Kristie

    The chunky sunshine is adorable. Followed by the beyond the sea. Both are so adorable!

  29. 36) Morgan

    Beyond the Sea is my favorite! Thanks for a chance to win!

  30. 37) Ashley

    Beyond the Sea? Adorable.

  31. 38) Jen C.

    I’d love the vintage name charms. I’ve wanted a necklace like that for a long time and just feel like I can’t just go buy it for myself.

  32. 39) Cathy V

    love the vintage name charm!

  33. 40) Veerle

    I love the chunky sunshine! We need a bit of sunshine over here, it’s been raining for days now…

  34. 41) Maria E

    I like the vintage name charm necklace. My daughter is having her first baby in September and this would make a great gift with the baby’s name.
    Thanks for the chance to win.

  35. 42) Devin

    Love the Vintage Name Charm!

  36. Well, I love them all, but Sunshine is my top pick!

  37. 44) Karen

    Vintage Name Charms

  38. 46) Melissa s.

    I love the vintage name charms. So pretty!

  39. 47) Tawn

    I like the vintage name charms. So cute!

  40. 48) karen

    love the vintage necklace ! so adorable !!

  41. 49) Marsha Bailey

    I saw the Beyond the Sea necklace and immediately thought of my best friend. She would love it and I would love to give it to her!

  42. 50) Cori Hintze

    Being from Florida, I love the beach themed ones. I’m also having a baby (this week!) and the vintage names would be cute for the new little ones!

  43. This is so nice of you! Chunky Sunshine would sure brighten my day!

  44. 53) Caitlin

    The Vintage Name charms are so cute! I would love to wear that!

  45. 54) Nina

    These are so pretty!

  46. 55) Bethany K

    I LOVE the Vintage Pearl. Fingers crossed for a certain necklace from my hubby for Christmas. 🙂 Thanks so much for the giveaway! If I could choose between these three, I would choose the vintage name charms necklace.

  47. 56) Kandice

    Oooh, that one’s tough! I love the sunshine one, but I think I’d pick the vintage name tags one…so pretty, and it’s very different from most personalized jewelry…it looks less DIY. Awesome!

  48. my eldest boy used to sing “you are my sunshine” to me when he was little, so that one is my fave.

  49. I would love the vintage name charm to celebrate my baby girl, Chloe.

  50. 59) Anni

    The Chunky Sunshine would be nice. Thank you.

  51. 60) Erika

    Love the Vintage Name Chain.. So cute!.. What a nice giveaway!

  52. 61) Jennifer

    The Vintage Names would be my favorite.

  53. i’d love to win, thanks so much for the opportunity! definitely like the vintage name charm best. thank you!

  54. 63) Melissa

    I love the Vintage Names. Though the sunshine is a close second. 🙂

  55. 64) damris

    they are all so pretty, which one…hmmm I’ll pick…Sunshine =)

  56. 65) Lisa Ferguson

    Vintage name necklace!

  57. 66) Chloe

    Love all of them! The Beyond the Sea necklace will be great as a birthday gift for my girl since she loves the sea.

  58. 67) Maria

    If I had a choice, I’d pick vintage names, but I like them all a lot!

  59. I would love to have the “Vintage Name Charms” necklace. My second daughter is due this November and we finally decided on a name so this would be a perfect gift for me.

  60. 69) Ashley

    I like the Vintage Names necklace:)

  61. 70) Ronda

    These are beautiful! I am in love with the vintage name charms. So pretty!

  62. 71) Nicole B

    Love Vintage Pearl! I keep meaning to just order one of these 🙂 Thanks for the giveaway!

  63. 72) Joelle


  64. 73) jean juhnke

    I love these! I would love to have one with my family! PS I LOVE your blog!!!

  65. 74) Beth

    The Vintage Name Charm necklace is lovely, it would be a wonderful thing to win.

  66. 75) Kellee Reilly

    love the beyong the sean and the vintage name tags (I have #5 on the way)

  67. Wonderful giveaway! I like the Beyond the Sea necklace.

  68. The one with the names is so pretty! I really like that one.

  69. 79) Courtney G

    Love the vintage name charms!!

  70. 80) Theresa

    They all are beautiful, but I love “Beyond the Sea” the most.

  71. i love the vintage name charms, adorable!

  72. 82) Katie

    Vintage name charms…in fact, may have to request for my anniversary!

  73. 83) Heather

    Chunky sunshine!

  74. I love the vintage name charms necklace. My baby is almost 1 year old and I still don’t have a necklace for her.

  75. 86) alexandra

    I love the vintage name charms

  76. 87) Faith

    I love the “You are my Sunshine” necklace. My kids and I sing it all the time. My mom used to sing it to me. ANd sometimes my kids will get very teary eyed when we sing it because they say it is “too sweet”.

  77. 88) meganleiann

    I heart Beyond the Sea. I love to go boating up here in the PNW.

  78. 89) Kellie

    Oh, I really love the vintage names charms! What a fun giveaway!

  79. 90) Nicole Anderson

    I love the vintage names. So cute!

  80. 91) violeta

    i love the chunky sunshine <3

  81. 92) Erica

    i just had my first little one so i would love to win the vintage names necklace!

  82. 93) Bekah

    Beyond the sea is my favorite!

  83. 94) Amy S

    I would LOVE a flower and a circle. Love all these necklaces!

  84. 95) amanda

    This is perfect timing for me – I’m expecting my second on Friday! I would pick the vintage name charm. Cheers!

  85. 96) Felicia

    Vintage name all the way! I’m pregnant with baby number three and would love to get one for all three of my kids names!

  86. 97) Lynne Tilley

    I love the vintage name charms

  87. 98) betsy

    I love the sunshine necklace. I love the sun and the warmth it gives me.

  88. I love the vintage name necklace!!

  89. 101) susan g

    I’d love the vintage name charms necklace. Great giveaway – thanks so much!

  90. I would love the Beyond The Sea necklace. We spent our honeymoon in Oregon on the coast -it would be a perfect reminder! (we just celebrated 13 years on Monday!!)

  91. I loooove the sea so I would really love to win the second one :))

    Good luck to me 🙂


  92. I LOVE the sea one! reminds me of my wedding day 🙂

  93. I like the Chunky Sunshine one but really, I like all of them!

  94. I have wanted one of these since the minute my daughter was born. She is now 3 1/2 and I have a 4 month old boy. I keep dropping hints during holiday times, but It never comes. I LOOOoooooooovvveee the vintage name charms one 🙂

  95. 107) Connie

    So cute and so simple, Chunky sunshine is my favorite!

  96. 108) Estelle

    Thanks for opening this to overseas readers! Much appreciated, Dana. The Vintage Name Charm is beautiful.

  97. 109) Carina Garcia

    Hola! Soy Carina de Argentina y creo que nunca comente, pero realmente quiero decirte que AMO tu web, siempre estoy sacando ideas para hacerle ropa a mis 2 hijas .
    Hoy me gustaria participar por el sorteo!! Me gusta Vintage Name Charms.
    Muchas gracias por todos tus tutoriales!!! Ayer compre el patrón New Beach Robes y espero hacerlo apenas llegue el verano por estos lados!!

  98. 110) Carrie

    I would LOVE the vintage name charm! They are all beautiful though!

  99. 111) Aimee

    I love “Beyond the Sea”! Thank you!

  100. 113) Janine

    I LOVE the chunky sunshine! Holding thumbs! Thank you for the giveaway!

  101. 114) Katie

    Love The Chuncky Sunshine necklace!

  102. 115) Wendy S

    I LOVE the chunky sunshine necklace!!!!

  103. 116) Melinda

    I love the chunky sunshine one!

  104. 117) Carrie

    I would love the vintage name necklace. Three weeks away from my due date and it would be great to honor my two children.

  105. 118) Molly

    They’re all so beautiful! I would choose the vintage name one. 🙂

  106. Great giveaway…thanks for the chance to win!

  107. 120) Jennifer M.

    I LOVE The Vintage Pearl! I think the viintage name charm is my favorite of the three 🙂

  108. 121) Kara Helzer

    What a fun giveaway!! I just love them all but especially love the vintage name charms! Keeping my fingers crossed!

  109. Thank you for reminding me of this company. I did a search the other day for “mom” necklaces and couldn’t find them!

    I like the Vintage Name necklace the best!

  110. 123) Stephanie

    I think my sister in law would love the vintage name charms necklace. She just had her third child. I think it would be a lovely gift for her.

  111. I love the vintage name charms, they are a great way to keep you loved ones close to your heart!

  112. 125) Lindsey

    Ooh! I can’t decide! I love the chunky sunshine, but the vintage name charms are beautiful. I think I would have to flip a coin to make a decision!

  113. 126) Delyn

    They are all fantastic, but if I had to pick, I would pick the vintage name charms.

  114. 127) leandre

    Oh, as a Cape Codder I love ‘Beyond the Sea’ .

  115. 128) Megan

    I’d love to win the vintage names necklace as a gift for my friend who just had her daughter this morning!!

  116. 129) Brandi Wilson

    LOVE the vintage name necklace! 🙂

  117. Oh they are all beautiful! I love the vintage name charm!

  118. 131) Kristen Trappett

    vintage name charms, so fun.

  119. 132) Melissa

    I love the vintage names necklace!

  120. The Vintage Name one is lovely. =) Vintage stuff are always so pretty.

  121. 134) maria mulfort

    I love the sun one but would be happy with any of them!

  122. I’d have to pick the vintage names charm necklace. I love the simplicity.

  123. 136) brandi scardina

    i love the beyond the sea necklace! thanks for the giveaway.

  124. 137) Kelli

    Would love any of them but the sunshine one is my fav!

  125. 138) Meghan

    The Vintage Names! I absolutely love this necklace!

  126. 139) Mandy

    I love the vintage names! But I also like the chunky sunshine.

  127. 140) Jennifer wilkes

    I love the vintage name charms. Thanks!

  128. 141) Patty

    I love the vintage name charm. Darling!

  129. 142) Michele J.

    My pick would be the vintage name charms necklace – a piece from the Vintage Pearl has been on my “wants” list for some time now.

  130. 143) Daina

    vintage name charm necklaces. so cute! hello from Latvia!

  131. Sooooo hard to choose! I LOVE them all. I guess Beyond the Sea? We live by the beach. They are all my style though.

    • 145) Noelle

      I LOVE the Chunky Sunshine!! Thank You!!

  132. 146) Miyo

    Vintage Name Charms is so sweet – fingers crossed!

  133. I’m having difficulty choosing between “Beyond the Sea” and the sunshine one…I think I must choose the sea because I’m never there but when I do visit, it always invigorates and refreshes me. I love how there’s a seagull on it too – uplifting is the word for that simple necklace. Lovely stuff – especially how the competition’s open to anyone in the world! 🙂

  134. 148) Julie

    Yikes! Decisions to make…beyond the sea? At least for this second.

  135. I have to pick just one? I love the Vintage Pearl, they’re in my old college town right across the way from my Alma Mater. I love the Vintage Bloom necklace!

  136. 150) Kylie

    I love the chunky sunshine one! My sister used to sing that song to me all the time when I was little

  137. 151) Inês

    I love “chunky sunshine”! Please luck make me a winner! love it! thanks!

  138. 152) Tabitha

    I really love the vintage name charms! I am expecting twins, so it would be great to win!

  139. 153) kalley

    I like the rectangular one

  140. 154) devonlynne

    Loving Beyond The Sea!

  141. I love the chunky sunshine necklace! Have my fingers crossed…

  142. 156) Jessica Blood

    I would love to have the Vintage name charms.

  143. I love vintage pearl too! Love the name charms and the beyond the sea!

  144. 159) Cheyenne

    Definitely vintage name charms!

  145. 160) Jeanne G.

    I like the vintage name charms. I can envision myself starting with who we have (me and my husband) and adding babies names!

  146. 161) Laura H.

    Love, love, LOVE the Vintage Name necklace!

  147. I’ll take a chance on the vintage name charms! Thanks for this opportunity!

  148. I LOVE the name charm necklace! thanks for the giveaway 🙂

  149. 166) Ellen

    These are so pretty!

  150. 167) Lori

    I love the Vintage Name Charms necklace! beautiful!

  151. 168) Kelly Weston

    Love the vintage name charms!

  152. 170) Carrie

    Vintage name charms! I love it!

  153. 171) aly

    Definitely the chunky sunshine- I sing that song to my kids all the time!

  154. 172) Korey Lindberg

    What a great giveaway! I <3 the Chunky Sunshine, I sing that song to my boys every morning when they wake up and now my 4 year old routinely asks me to sing "His Song" throughout the day 😀

  155. 173) -kim

    if i have to choose just one, i guess it would be vintage names. but they are all so darling!

  156. Oh wauw ! Such a beautiful give-away, and open for worldwide entries, Yippie !!!
    I took a look at their website; ooh gosh, I need to win the lotterie….
    Or maybe I can win here???? Beyond The Sea please! (fingers crossed)

  157. 175) Krista Hansen

    I love them all!!! But I would choose the vintage name one. I just had a baby and would love to have all three kid names.

  158. 176) Bethany

    I like The Chunky Sunshine!

  159. i love the first one.. lovely!
    thanks for the giveaway.

  160. 178) Maryellen Franklin

    While I love all three of them, I think my favorite is the chunky sunshine!

  161. 179) Jill Janssen

    I have been wanting one since you posted about yours. I even hinted at my husband for Mother’s Day, but no luck!

  162. 180) lorena

    If I have to pick just one then I have to say I love the Vintage Name Charms! Thanks for the giveaway!

  163. All three are so beautiful but I love the chunky sunshine one. Oh how I love vintage pearl too!

  164. 182) Courtney

    I love jewelry that display my connection to my children, so the Vintage Name Charm it is.

  165. I love the vintage name charm necklace. I always look at The Vintage Pearl necklaces, but haven’t ever ordered one. Thanks for the giveaway!

  166. 185) jen smith

    i am slightly more partial to the ‘beyond the sea’ necklace but they are all lovely!

  167. 186) Tawnya Collard

    I like the Vintage Name charms. 🙂

  168. 187) Christina Lopez

    Would love the Vintage Names!! So Adorable! 🙂

  169. 188) Kelly W.

    I LOVE The Vintage Pearl! I really like the vintage name name necklace!

  170. These are so lovely – I really love all of them. Beyond the sea is wonderful – thank you for the opportunity!!!

  171. 190) Heather

    Love the Vintage Name Plates the best! Love Vintage Pearl, thanks for the great giveaway:-)

  172. 191) Andrea Johanna Diaz B.

    Hi I really like the name of the loves of my life, my husband and my son, I would like vintage name charm necklace.

  173. 192) Kelly Larson

    I like the chunky sunshine. And I love the Vintage Pearl. Thanks Dana!

  174. 193) Gail Cooper

    I love The ChunkySunshine one. Love all their jewelry. Thanks so much.

  175. 194) joyce

    I love them all, but if I had to choose I would love the “by the sea” as that’s where I live and love. . .

  176. 195) Louise Belcher

    I love all 3 but my favourite has to be the vintage name charms xxx

  177. 196) karen c

    I’m loving the vintage name charms!

  178. 197) Adi

    Wow – I’d be really happy to win the vintage name charm! But they are all so beautiful!!!

  179. I love the Vintage Names necklace, but I also love the Beyond the Sea, though I’d probably go for the latter. They are both wonderful!

  180. 199) megan

    They’re all beautiful, and I’d be happy with any of them.

  181. 200) HollySharp

    Chunky Sunshine is so wonderful!

  182. 201) jill

    beyond the sea is so cute!!

  183. 202) Angie Davis

    Love the Chunky Sunshine.

  184. 203) Cindy

    Thank you again for hosting another giveaway. You are too nice to us. All of the necklaces are beautiful, but I love “Chunky Sunshine” the most. I sing that to my daughter all the time.

  185. 204) Melanie

    I bought a vintage pearl necklace for my mom for mother’s day and she absolutely loves it! I love the “by-the-sea” one!

  186. 206) Laura

    I love the vintage name charms!

  187. 207) Carol H.

    I like the name charm necklace. They are all really pretty.

  188. 208) kellylynn

    Love the vintage name one, but the chunky sunshine is awesome as well.

  189. Oh, I love the one on the bottom right! Thanks for the giveaway! 🙂

  190. 210) Angela W

    Love the Chunky Sunshine!

  191. 211) Mrs. Schmid

    Beautiful pieces! I love the vintage name charm necklace.

  192. 212) Jess

    Oh My! I prefer the chunky sunshine 😀 What a wonderful giveaway!

  193. 213) Erica L

    The Beyond the Sea charm is adorable!! Fingers crossed. 🙂

  194. 214) JD

    Oh…”Beyond the Sea” necklace is the one for me!!! <3

  195. 215) Emily V

    I love the Vintage Names. Thanks for the giveaway!

  196. These are lovely. The vintage name charm is my favorite.

    • 217) Dena

      I love the vintage name charms. They are so different!

  197. 218) erica

    i would love the beyond the sea necklace. they’re all so beautiful, thanks for the great giveaway!

  198. 219) Sonia

    Es precioso el sol, me encanta.

  199. 220) Beth Atkinson

    I love the chunky sunshine necklace!!

  200. 221) Jill Kennebrew

    I like the vintage name charms. 🙂

  201. 222) Mel Johnson

    I love the beyond the sea one! 🙂 Thanks for the opportunity!

  202. 223) Tina Pierzynski

    I have to say I love the Vintage Names for myself..My 3 daughters names would be great!…..But My sister just had her first child and she is always singing “you are my sunshine to Denali (her little girl). I would have to say that if I won it would have to be the Chunky Sunshine. They are all lovely and look like they would go with anything! Thanks for the giveaway!

  203. 224) Sydnie

    I love them all, but I would probably pick the beyond the sea one.

  204. 225) Rosalie Mollins

    I love the chunky sunshine necklace! It would be a great gift for my sister-in-law who is due to have her first little boy in October! 🙂

  205. I love the Vintage Names. 🙂 They’re all so pretty that it is hard to choose.

  206. 227) Amy G.

    They are all great, but my favorite is the beyond the sea.

  207. 228) Libby

    I LOVE them all but if I had to choose…… Vintage Name Charms would be my pick!!! Ohhhh I hope you pick me….

  208. 229) Michelle JC

    I love all of these necklaces! Thank you for the fab giveaway!

  209. 230) Rosalie M.

    I love the chunky sunshine necklace. It would be a perfect gift for my sister-in-law who is due to have her first little boy in October!

  210. 231) jennifer d

    Vintage Names!

  211. 232) Rachel

    I LOVE the light house necklace! I had a penpal growing up who was a Catholic Nun and she loved light houses. She passed away a few years ago at the age of 92 and every time I see a lighthouse I think of her!!

  212. 233) Amy

    I love the Chunky Sunshine necklace… I used to sing that song to my youngest when she was an infant!

  213. 234) Kimberly

    I like the chunky sunshine!

  214. 235) JenP

    I love them all, it is hard to choose a favorite! I guess I would have to choose the chunky sunshine, since I often sing that to my 3 boys as a wake-up song. 🙂

  215. 236) Fiona

    I love Beyond the sea

  216. 237) angie mann

    All 3 are beautiful and would be happy to win anyone of them but my favorite is the Sunshine 🙂

  217. 238) Celeste

    Chunky sunshine is my favorite. Thanks so much for the fun giveaway!

  218. 239) Audrey

    So lovely. The first one with the sun is my choice.

  219. love, love the Chunky Sunshine. thanks for the chance. 😉

  220. 241) Genn

    love the chunky sunshine necklace!

  221. I love the vintage name charm! So awesome! Thanks for the giveaway 🙂

  222. Oh I would love the vintage name charm! we just had our 3rd child and I’m suddenly wanting a necklace that has all the kids’ names on it!

  223. 244) Cathy Taylor

    I love the vintage name charms.

  224. Hi Dana,
    i just fell in love with the Vintage Name Charms!!! i hope i can win!! thanks for the chance! regards from Berlin!

  225. 248) annelies

    My husband thinks “beyond the sea” is beautiful for me…so I would like to win that one… 🙂
    They are all beautiful, but for once I’ll listen to my hubby!

  226. love.love.love the vintage name necklace…though all are awesome~

  227. 251) Lexie

    Love, love, love TVP! Thanks for the great giveaway.

  228. 252) Mandy Foss

    LOVE the Vintage Name Charms!

  229. 253) AllisonA

    I love the vintage names. Love!

  230. 254) Rachel N

    I think the sunshine one is my favorite!

  231. 255) Suraya

    All 3 look so NICE! I love Vintage Name Charms 🙂

  232. 257) laurel

    oh, gosh, they’re gorgeous. my favorite is the vintage name charms, with chunky sunshine being a very close second!

  233. 258) Sarah

    I love the vintage name charms necklace!

  234. 260) Heidi L

    I would absolutely love the name charms for my two sweet boys and wear them everyday!! 🙂

  235. 261) Nicole L

    I love the vintage name charm necklace!!!

  236. 263) Sara R.

    Love the chunky sunshine necklace! I have been eyeing the Vintage Pearl stuff for a while now. Thanks for the giveaway Dana!

  237. 264) Kelly

    I LOVE the beyond the sea necklace- so pretty!

  238. I love this giveway is for the whole world.
    If I won I would love to receive the chunky sunshine with the initials of my two sons.

  239. 266) Becca

    I would love to ge the name charm necklace to my sister who is trying to adopt a little girl.

  240. 267) laura

    I like the Vintage Name Charms!

  241. 268) Angie

    I love the chunky sunshine! My grandma would tell me ‘you are my sunshine’ and it makes me smile so much.

  242. 269) heather e

    I love the vintage names one. If my husband never gets the hint, I’ll just get one for myself somehow!

  243. 270) Melissa Kroeker

    I adore Vintage Pearl and I’ve had my eye on the Vintage Names necklace since it came out (I follow VP on fb). I’d sure love to win one! Thanks for the giveaway!!

  244. 272) Lauren

    Ooo, the sunshine one! I sing that song to my girls almost every day!

  245. 273) beth

    love the vintage names!

  246. 274) Valerie

    I Love Love the vintage name necklace!

  247. Beyond the sea for me please! Very sweet necklaces and lovely giveaway – thank you

  248. 276) Carrie Alexander

    Chunky Sunshine or Vintage Names, both are super cute!

  249. 277) Corinne

    I would love the vintage name charms necklace! So cute!

  250. This is amazing! I actually found them on Pinterest and was looking at their website yesterday! no lie ! I love the “Beyond the Sea.”

  251. 279) Dana S

    The vintage name is my favorite 🙂

  252. 280) Kristy

    I love the chunky sunshine! Great giveaway, thanks!

  253. 281) Jenny Krumtinger

    I love the Vintage Name charms! Just had baby #2, what a wonderful way to celebrate 🙂

  254. 283) Julia

    They are all gorgeous! But I totally covet the “Beyond the Sea” one!

  255. 284) Penny

    I LOVE LOVE LOVE The Chunky Sunshine!
    I sing You are my Sunshine to my 3 dear grandchildren all the time and I sang it to my dear mother while she was in a coma after surgery in 2000.
    What a great necklace!!! Would LOVE to win it! If not, I think I’ll have to buy it!!
    Love the Vintage Pearl and Love your blog, too, Dana. Thanks for the chance!
    Have a great day!

  256. I love the Sunshine necklace. I used to sing that song to my son when he was a baby (he’s 28 yrs. now!!)

  257. i like the vintage name charm best, although the beyond the sea is also really cute!

  258. 287) Marie

    Love Beyond the Sea one!

  259. 288) Lisa

    Beautiful! My favorite is the Vintage Name.

  260. 290) Julie

    I love the Chunky Sunshine! My mom used to sing it to me my whole life, up until she passed away, and now I sing it to my girls. It makes me she is close to my girls!

  261. 291) Kimberly

    so hard to choose! i got my first TVP necklace for mother’s day and i adore it! but, my parents always called me their little sunshine and now that’s what i tell my three girls, so i think the sunshine necklace is calling my name!

  262. 292) Meleah Printz

    I live the vintage name pearl.

  263. 293) Sameeha

    Would love to have th chunky sunshine necklace.

  264. 294) Amanda

    I adore the Chunky Sunshine. What a cute idea.

  265. 296) Deanna

    Oh my…love them all. The beyond the sea and vintage names are my faves though!

  266. 297) Carolyn

    My favorite is the vintage name necklace, but I like them all. They are clever and cute. Thanks for the great tutorials too.

  267. 298) mary m

    I love the beyond the sea necklace.

  268. 299) Sarah H

    I’d have to go with the vintage name charm… my baby’s name belongs on one of those!

  269. 300) Erika

    I would love vintage name charms…how fun:)

  270. 301) Bree

    Love the vintage name charms!

  271. 302) Sylviane

    Hi Dana – have to admit that after your last post about the Vintage Pearl I had to order a necklace for myself. Love love love the company. Excellent service and product. I really like the chunky sunshine (and the beyond the sea…). Crossing my fingers! xox

  272. 303) Janna

    Vintage name charms! I love meaningful jewelry!

  273. 304) Martha

    Love them all! My first choice would be the Chunky Sunshine.

  274. 305) KatieP

    It’s a tie between the chunky sunshine and the vintage name necklace! I would love either one!

  275. I absolutely love the chunky sunshine. 😀

  276. 307) Alison

    I love all of them! I probably like the vintage name charms the best.

  277. 309) Sylviane


  278. 310) beatriz Espitia

    beyong the sea is my personality. I will love tohave it.

  279. 311) Chus

    My favorite is the chunky sunshine, though I love them all!
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  280. I LOVE The Vintage Pearl. Finally got my own necklace for Christmas. 🙂 I’d love the Beyond the Sea necklace, we’re moving to the coast soon and this would be perfect!

  281. 313) Jen B.

    I love the Chunky Sunshine necklace!

  282. 314) shelley

    love the vintage name!!

  283. 315) HeatherM

    I love the vintage name charm necklace, the Sunshine necklace is fantastic, too.


  284. 316) ruth

    I love the name necklaces! I hope I win but if not I will have to let me husband know this would be a great birthday gift!

  285. 317) Sophia

    I <3 the vintage names!

  286. 318) Alice S

    I really like Beyond the Sea. Our family loves our beach vacations.

  287. 319) Jen

    I love the chunky sunshine!

  288. 320) anne

    Love these necklaces! would make such a sweet gift too

  289. 321) maria hoekstraMaria Hoekstra

    vintage name charms for sure!

  290. beyond the sea and vintage name are my favorites, i think that lighthouse stamps might win out by just a smidge though. they are all so pretty.

  291. 323) Alyce Rodriguez

    I would love to win the Beyond the Sea necklace. Thanks!

  292. 324) Heather m

    I love love the vintage name necklace!

  293. 325) Marlena

    The vintage name charms is my favorite

  294. 326) Mrs. Rachel

    Oh wow, how to choose!? I guess I like Chunky Sunshine best if I have to pick. Thanks!

  295. 327) Chelli Jones

    Love the Chunky Sunshine–a special song my Dad sang to me and my sister when we were kids.

  296. 329) chris

    Awesome! They’re all great!

  297. 330) Hilary

    The name necklace would be darling!

  298. 331) Brenda

    I love the Vintage Name necklace!

  299. 332) Krista

    Love the vintage name necklace! Love all their jewelry 🙂

  300. 333) Lisa Beinin Ratz

    I like the chunky sunshine, because I like anything with the sun!
    Love your site – keep it up.

  301. Beyond the Sea! Thanks so much for the chance to win! 🙂

  302. 335) Leslie

    I love the chunky sunshine.

  303. 336) Casey J

    I love the Beyond the Sea! I am really into nautical these days 🙂

  304. 337) gretchen floyd

    Chunky sunshine is my favorite!

  305. 338) MAGDALENA


  306. 339) orinailah

    I just love the “beyond the sea”!!!

  307. 340) Shannon

    I love the chunky sunshine! So cute! I am very particular about jewelry, but I would definitely wear that everyday!

  308. 341) darcy

    I LOVE the Vintage Name Charms!!

  309. 342) Friederike

    Oh, I really like The Chunky Sunshine!! 🙂

  310. 343) Andrea J

    I like the vintage name charms the best, though they are all darling! Thanks for the giveaway!

  311. 344) Lorrie Munson

    I love the vintage pearl. Thanks for having a give-a-way.

  312. 345) Becca R.

    I love the name charms! 🙂

  313. 346) Ag

    awww! so cute! beyond the sea and vintage name charms are my favourites!

  314. 348) Edit Bihari

    My favourite is the vintage name charms.. 🙂

  315. 349) Diana

    I love the vintage names charm, but they are all beautiful. Would love to win one.

  316. 350) bdaiss

    I love the vintage name charm necklace, but the chunky sunshine one would be perfect too – I sing that song to my daughter every night at bedtime! Thanks for the chance!

  317. 351) Alison

    I have a Choose Joy necklace from the Vintage Pearl. Love it. I wear it all the time. I think I like the Sunshine one best. Such gorgeous necklaces! Thanks for a chance to win!
    aliben7 (at) gmail (dot) com

  318. 352) Linda

    Thank you so much for the giveaway. I love the vintage name necklace. I have three children, and I am so proud of their names. I would love to display them.

  319. 353) Ilene Reilly

    I like the vintage names! Very cool

  320. 354) Tyree

    I like “beyond the sea” the most, but vintage names is cute as well.

  321. 355) Jenna

    Love the vintage names necklace!

  322. I like the vintage name charms. Very cute!

  323. 357) Leanne K.

    I am LOVING the Vintage Name Charms! Absolutely gorgeous…

  324. 358) Aimee

    I love the name charms! Love your blog, Dana. 🙂

  325. 359) Fiona

    Definitely the vintage names one! Thanks for the giveaway!

  326. 360) Sterling

    I love “Beyond The Sea” so pretty! 🙂 I’m dreaming of wearing it with Fall scarves…

  327. 361) Emery

    I like the vintage name charm and the sunshine! Love them both! 🙂

  328. 362) Dakota

    I love the vintage name charm necklace! It is so pretty! Thanks so much for the giveaway, Dana!

  329. 363) Shelly

    The Vintage Name Charms are my favorite!

  330. 364) Erin

    I love the vintage name charm necklace. Thanks!

  331. 365) Katie

    I love the “Beyond the Sea” necklace, it reminds me of happy days with my boys by the seaside!

  332. 366) Lisa Pope

    Love these! The name charms are my favorite!
    Thanks for the chance to own one!!

  333. 367) Michelle Lee

    I love the beyond the sea one! the vintage name charm comes a close second though 🙂

  334. 368) Jaclyn

    The Vintage Name Charms look wonderful! It all looks wonderful!

  335. 369) Daisy Frisch

    The vintage name charm is so unique, love!!! Thank you!!

  336. 370) Sarah

    VIntage names!!!

  337. 371) Brenda

    I love the vintage names necklace – so beautiful. Thanks for the chance to win, Dana and Vintage Pearl!

  338. I love the name charms. I have been wanting a necklace like this since my third was born!

  339. I love the vintage names necklace! I would love to give it to a friend 🙂

  340. 375) JillMichelle

    Love the Vintage Pearl! It’s a tough choice, but I would love to win the vintage name charm necklace!

  341. 376) Bonnie

    I’d like the vintage name charm necklace. Fingers crossed!

  342. 377) Brooke B.

    So cute! Thanks for the chance to win. I think my favorite is the vintage name charm as well. Seems to be a popular choice!

  343. 378) Correne

    I love the Vintage Name charm necklace! I hope I win!

  344. 379) Talina

    They’re all beautiful, but since we live near the Atlantic Ocean I think I’d pick ” Beyond the Sea “.

    Thanks for the great giveaway!

  345. I love the vintage name necklace.

  346. 381) Jennifer Morrison

    I love the Vintage Name Necklace

  347. 382) Jenn

    The vintage name charm necklace is quite lovely, and definitely my favorite. Thanks for offering this opportunity! Love your blog!

  348. 383) Adria

    I love the Beyond the Sea! If I won I would give it to my Grandma for her 82nd birthday 🙂

  349. 384) Hannah Moses

    i love “you are my sunshine”….my mom used to sing me that song as a kid. fond memories 🙂 thanks for the giveaway!

  350. 385) maria roth

    I looooove the Vintage Name charm! So Sweet, Simple and Beautiful!

  351. 386) Katie

    Love them all, but especially chunky sunshine.

  352. 387) Kristy

    I have always wanted one of their necklaces! I would love the vintage names necklace! Thanks!

  353. 388) RebeccaB

    I love the vintage name necklace, I have wanted one for my three babies for forever but have not found one yet, this is perfect.

  354. 389) Karin B

    I love the vintage name necklace and what a great giveway Thank You

  355. 390) Carrie

    I love love the new vintage names charms. They are both masculine and feminine. Love that!

  356. 391) Lissy

    I like the vintage name charms!

  357. 392) Bernie

    Vintage name necklace!

  358. 393) Bridget

    They are all absolutely gorgeous but I think the vintage name charm is my fav. thanks for the chance to win!

  359. 394) Michele Mecca

    I hope chunky sunshine will become mine!

  360. 395) Brooke

    The Vintage Names necklace is beautiful but the Beyond the Sea necklace is a close second!

  361. 396) Laura

    Well, I know my comment’s a drop in the ocean, but I hope I win! I absolutely love them all, but I think I would choose the chunky sunshine. 🙂 thanks Dana!

  362. 397) Georgia

    Love “You are my Sunshine”! So The Chunky Sunshine pretty please!!! 🙂

    Thanks for the awesome giveaway!!!

  363. LOVING that Beyond the Sea necklace!!

  364. 399) Karolina

    I like the chunky sunshine.
    Love your blog!
    Greetings from Estonia!

  365. 400) Ashley Hagerdorn

    Such a fun giveaway! I love the vintage name charms!

  366. 402) Josie

    I have been wanting to get one of these…the vintage name charms would be perfect!

  367. 403) Chelsie

    I LOVE the vintage name charm!!! Such a sweet design. 🙂

  368. 405) Amanda Angert

    LOVE the Vintage Name Charms necklace! Thanks for the chance 🙂


  369. I love Beyond the Sea; it reminds me of childhood.

  370. 407) Michelle Price

    Love Vintage Pearl. I recieved one for Mothers day this year and wear it everyday. I really need to win the Beyond the Sea necklace. It would be THE PERFECT gift for my SIL’s birthday. She’s been going through some rough times and one of her loves is the ocean!

  371. 408) Christina

    I just had a baby so Vintage name all the way. Cute!

  372. 409) Theresa Ann

    There is no place better then “Beyond the Sea” on the beach enjoying the sunshine. Great give away!

  373. 410) Sarah Z.

    I like the vintage name charms

  374. They are all cute, but I love the sunshine one.

  375. 412) Rachel Mullins

    Love all three, but I’d choose the vintage name charm and have it made for my daughter with her furkids names on it 🙂 Great bday present!

  376. 413) Mauralee

    The chunky sunshine is my favorite, though the vintage names are beautiful as well.

  377. 414) Kylee Coles

    I love the vintage name necklace!

  378. I like the Chunky Sunshine one 🙂 The charms are adorable!

  379. 416) Jessie

    Vintage name tags!!! Just what I’ve been looking for!

  380. I like all of them. The sea one speaks loudest to me though.
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  381. Beyond the Sea, without a doubt!

  382. i love the chunky sunshine one. my gran calls me sunshine and my daughter little sunshine!

  383. 421) steph

    I adore the Beyond the Sea necklace! I love the beach, and don’t get to go there nearly often enough… 🙂

  384. 422) Cassie

    I LOVE the vintage name charm. I just had another baby and would love to have her name on one.

  385. 423) Judit

    All 3 are lovely, but, I’d rather have “the chunky sunshine”.
    🙂 crossing my fingers!

  386. They are all beautiful, I am torn between “Beyond the Sea” and the name charms, but I think I will have to cast my vote on the name charms because I would love to have something with my boys names on it 🙂

  387. 425) Sarah K

    “Beyond the Sea” is GORGEOUS!!! Want it!

  388. 427) Lindsey Castle

    Oh how neat! I would love the vintage name charm necklace! I love anything that symbolizes my babies. Thank you!

  389. 428) Amy Courtney

    Love th sunshine necklace! Carry abit of sun with you everywhere!

  390. 429) Xembra

    Definitely Chunky sunshine! 🙂

  391. 430) Caitlin Jung

    Oooh, I love the vintage name one! Cute! I’d add my pets names though. 🙂

  392. 431) Rena Gleason

    Love the vintage charms! What a treat to win any of them though!

  393. 432) ChrisE

    OH – I love all of those necklaces. I guess I’d have to go with Down By The Sea if I were forced to choose!

  394. 433) janice

    I love the vintage name necklace! Thanks for the giveaway! 🙂

  395. 434) Mary Williams

    I would love to have the vintage name charm!

  396. Oh my! How wonderful. I adore the vintage name charms necklace. So beautiful.

  397. 436) Natalie

    I love the Beyond the Sea necklace. So cute!! Love the Vintage Pearl.

  398. I love, love the vintage name necklace! So fantastic! Thank you!

  399. 438) Rachael

    The sunshine one is sooooo pretty!!

  400. 439) McStamper

    Thanks for the great give-away. Love the vintage name charms necklace.

  401. 440) Sara

    Beyond the Sea is my favorite!

  402. 441) jwitz

    i love the vintage names one!

  403. 442) Tine

    wow, my favourite is the vintage name charms :-), but I like the others as well.

  404. Oh, I love Beyond the Sea… thanks for the chance to win!

  405. 444) kathrin

    oh, I love the “vintage name charms”! it would be wonderful to read my kids names on it! greetings from vienna / austria

  406. 445) Diana

    Chunky sunshine is my fav!

  407. 446) Joanna

    It would be vintage name charm necklace for me!!!

  408. 447) Susie Renchen

    The name charm please, these are so cute.

  409. 448) Christina

    These are lovely. I would LOVE to have the Vintage Name Charms necklace with my kids names. 🙂
    Thank you for the Giveaway!

  410. 449) Taryn

    I really like Beyond the Sea! Beautiful!

  411. I love the vintage name charm necklace! Sweet giveaway!

  412. 452) enid

    I love the 3rd one with the names.

  413. 453) Jennifer Newel

    I LOVE LOVE LOVE the vintage name charms!

  414. 454) Rhonda S.

    I love the You are my Sunshine!

  415. 455) Joni

    Those necklaces are awesome! Pick me!

  416. I’d LOVE the vintage name charm one. They are all sooo great!!!

  417. 458) Heather E

    I love the vintage name charms!

  418. 459) Deanna

    This isn’t easy! I love the Chunky Sunshine and Beyond the Sea. Love their work!

  419. 460) Karin

    I love all of them, but would probably pick the chunky sunshine one.

  420. 461) Andrea

    Nagyon szépek!

  421. 462) Lauren

    Would love the vintage name charms necklace! I hope if I win I could wait a month to order so I can figure out who this baby in my belly is first 🙂

  422. 463) Meg

    So darling!

  423. 464) Michelle

    hmmmmmm….pick a favorite?! wow. hard. Vintage name. No, chunky sunshine. yes, chunky sunshine for sure. I think. 😉

  424. 466) Vanessa painter

    I love the vintage name charms! Fingers crossed!

  425. 467) Lissette

    They are all fabulous but if I had to pick a favorite I would go with Vintage Name. I can feature my little one on there. 🙂

  426. 468) Jaimie F.

    So hard to decide! It’s between two. The “Rectangle names”, or the “flower and a circle” Beautiful!

  427. 469) Ana López-Alonso

    I love “beyond the sea”, but the three of them are really beautiful.

  428. I like the chunky sunshine!!! but they are all great.

  429. 471) Shawnda W

    They’re all adorable but I like Beyond The Sea the best!

  430. 473) Cynthia

    I want one, I love all their designs! I’d pick the vintage names.

  431. 474) alesha

    I love the Chunky Sunshine!

  432. 475) Sarah

    I love the chunky sunshine! I used to sung that song to my daughter when she was little. 🙂

  433. 476) Ivonne Delgado

    I love the vintage name charms!

  434. 477) Jana

    Vintage Pearl has so many beautiful pieces. Oh how I would love to win the chunky sunshine.

  435. They’re so lovely. I like chunky sunshine the best

  436. I love the Beyond the sea necklace!!!

  437. 480) kate

    Beautiful! They are so unique!

  438. 481) Becca R

    Love beyond the sea!

  439. Wow aren’t they beautiful? And very unusual in England 🙂 I love them all… Though I think I love the seaside ones the best as we don’t get much sun here!

  440. I have had my heart set on one of these for a while now… I love the Vintage Name Charm! Fingers crossed!

  441. 484) Jennifer Seace

    I love the vintage charms! 🙂

  442. 485) lux

    love the birdie one!

  443. I’ve been lusting after the Beyond the Sea for a while!

  444. 487) Heather L

    Love the vintage name charms!

  445. 489) Amanda

    I love the vintage name charm necklace! I’m due with baby #1 in a week and this would be an awesome tradition to start!

  446. 490) Renea

    The Vintage Name Charm has to be my favorite. Thank you for the awesome give-away!

  447. Oh my, they are gorgeous! I love the chunky sun and the vintage name tags. Thanks for a chance to win.

  448. 492) JessK

    Ooh, pick me! I love the beyond the sea necklace.

  449. OH MY! I am so in love with the lighthouse one. Just bringing back some fond memories of vacations to the Cape. I would love to win that one.

  450. 494) Sally

    I’ve been hunting to my husband about these necklaces for awhile now, to no avail…I love the chunky sunshine! So sweet

  451. LOVE the chunky sunshine!! 🙂 Thanks for this great giveaway!!

  452. 496) Wendy

    The Vintage names necklace is my
    favourite, although all three are gorgeous! Thanks for the wonderful giveaway!! Fingers and toes (and hairs in my nose) crossed we win! 🙂

  453. 497) Mary Lou Hart

    Love the Beyond the Sea one! I’ve had at least one of their necklaces on my wishlist for a while so it would be awesome to win one.

  454. Wow! those are really beautiful. I especially like the Beyond the Sea necklace because it’s oh-so perfect for my new life adventure. I just moved to Nova Scotia, Canada and am soaking up the east coast culture of ocean life, lighthouses and anchors. Great contest, awesome jewelry. Win win.


    — Steph

  455. 499) Lowell

    Love the vintage name charms!

  456. 500) lori

    WOW!! I really like the vintage name charm necklace!! I have one grandchild now and one on the way(due in Nov) and would love to put their names on the charm necklace

  457. 501) Anna

    I like beyond the sea or the vintage name charms please~ thanks!

  458. Oh I LOVE that vintage name necklace. It’s perfectly beautiful!

  459. 503) Lauren

    While I absolutely love all of them, the Chunky Sunshine is my favorite. My mother always sang “You are My Sunshine” to soothe me when I was younger.

  460. 504) Rachael

    J’adore! That lovely little lighthouse most of all!

  461. 505) Jill

    I love the beyond the sea necklace =)

  462. 506) Stephanie Merritt

    They are all beautiful and such a generous giveaway! They are all gorgeous but I think my favorite is the vintage name charms. Thanks for the opportunity to win wearable art! Fingers crossed!

  463. I love the sunshine and the name charms one. Super fun giveaway! Thanks!

  464. 508) Sara

    Count me in! SO CUTE!!

  465. Love the vintage names.. My last kid, my baby is moving outta the house, outta our home state next month. What a way to hold my 3 kids close to my heart all the time.

  466. 512) Kelly

    I have been wanting to get a name charm forever!
    kwoods13 (at) gmail dot com

  467. 513) Kelly Borsman

    Thank you for the opportunity to win one of these wonderful necklaces. Can’t decide between the chunky sunshine and vintage names….I would just be happy to have either!!!!!!!!!!

  468. 515) Amy Y

    I have a Vintage Pearl necklace too and I love it! I’d love to add the Vintage Name Tags to my jewelry box too.

  469. 516) Fran Alen

    I LOVE the Vintage Name……I also love their website….always dreaming of another piece to purchase…..

  470. Love the vintage name charms. I have been wanting a personalized necklace since baby #1 was born 7 years ago…

  471. Oooh what a lovely giveaway! I really like the vintage names necklace but they are all great!

  472. 519) Rebecca

    i LOVE the name charms! A lot.

  473. I love the vintage name charms. I have one daughter and a son on the way in 3 weeks, so this would be so perfect! Thanks for the opportunity to win!

  474. 522) Sara

    I’d love the name charms!

  475. 523) IRIS

    Based on your recommendation, I purchased necklaces for my girls last Christmas! (and they love them!) I like the “vintage names” necklace. Thanks for the giveaway!

  476. 524) Kelly

    The Vintage Name Charms would be a perfect gift for my expecting sister! Love it!

  477. 525) Emilee

    I LOVE Vintage Pearl!! I would choose the Beyond the Sea necklace.

  478. 526) Robin G

    I have been looking into a name charm necklace…this one is perfect! 🙂

  479. 527) Allison

    I love the vintage name. I just had my first baby, a boy named Owen (who looks kinda like your Owen, but just because he’s a blondie too) and the necklace would be perfect!

  480. the beyond the sea was made for me! love it!

  481. 529) Naomi

    LOVE the “Chunky Sunshine”.

  482. 530) Stacey

    It’s so hard to pick! I think my fave is beyond the sea! Love them all!

  483. 532) Shay

    Whoa….what fun!! My granddaughter’s family lost their house due to hardship and economy. I would choose Chunky Sunshine for her to represent brighter future~

  484. 533) Annina

    I love the Beyond the Sea necklace! What a nice giveaway 🙂

  485. 534) claire

    beyond the sea she there watching for me 🙂

  486. 535) Marcia

    love the vintage name charms!

  487. 536) Jeanine

    I like the vintage names!

  488. 538) Amarissa

    I love that vintage name charms necklace! Thanks for the chance!

  489. Definitely digging the Vintage Name Charms 🙂

  490. 541) Cate Cheek

    I love the sunshine one, it’s so cute!! Their stuff is adorable at the VINTAGE PEARL!

  491. 542) Kimberly F

    I love them all, but especially the beyond the sea one!

  492. 543) Terri Sue

    I would really like to get The Chunky Sunshine for my daughter. I sang it to her all the time when she was a baby. Then she sang it to both of he babies. in between she lived in Louisiana where it is the state song and fell in love with New Orleans. When I told her that her great great great great grandmother had been cajun, she was so excited and couldn’t wait to tell her LA friends. This necklace would mean so much to her.

  493. 544) Afton

    The vintage name charm necklace has been on my list of wants since I had my daughter! So in love!

  494. 545) Leigh Anne

    Chunky Sunshine for me…..what a beautiful necklace! Thx for the giveaway 🙂

  495. 546) Samantha

    Love the vintage name charm. Wondering if they can do 5 for my kids??

  496. 547) Sarah S

    Those vintage name charms had me at hello. Love them!

  497. 548) shweta

    love chunky sunshine!!

  498. 549) Christina

    My fave is the vintage name charms, but I’d be thrilled with any of them!

  499. 550) Pam

    ohhh, I really like the vintage name charms

  500. 551) AmyLou

    My favorite is the vintage name charms. They are beautiful!

  501. 552) Molly

    All are beautiful, like vintage name the best.

  502. 553) Hannah

    I love the beyond the sea necklace!

  503. 554) shaina

    I’d pick the vintage name charms! Just lovely!

  504. 555) Amanda Jean

    Oh how sweet. I love the Beyond the Sea charms. Thank you!!

  505. 556) Neena Findlay

    Hello from England! I love love love the vintage name charms xxx

  506. 557) Esthere

    I love the chinky sunshine! *keeping my fingers crossed*

  507. 558) the.mrs

    They’re ALL beautiful. I especially like the sunshine one.

  508. 559) Esther

    I love the chunky sunshine!

  509. 560) Julie Brown

    I LOVE the vintage name charms! Love them all though!

  510. 561) Laine

    I like Vintage Name Charms!

  511. 562) Zenobia

    The vintage name necklace is my favorite. Thanks!

  512. Vintage Name Charms for my mom, who come to visit us from Chile to Canada, a year without see her. I have one with my kids name, when you post about you necklace I decided to buy one for me. And I love it!!!

  513. 564) Mara

    I would like to have the Vintage Name Charms with my 2 babies names on it (Olivia & Teo) 🙂
    Kisses from Argentina (I did not forget the argentinian typical food recipes for you, Dana, I am a little bussy now, but I will send you them! )

  514. 565) Kay

    Hard to pick but I’m going with sunshine. Love vintage…almost as much as your tips. thanks.

  515. 566) jes

    Yay! My favorite is the Vintage Names but honestly I’d love to win any of them. Thanks!

  516. 567) kim

    Love Love Love the jewelry from this site! I love the vintage charm necklace.

  517. 568) Rachael

    Pretty. I like the Vintage Name Charms.

  518. 569) sandra

    I love the Beyond the Sea – they are all so beautiful…..thank you for sharing these!

  519. 570) Claire

    I LOVE the beyond the sea necklace!

  520. I love the pendants with the names on them…I have one but it’s beginning to tarnish. Would be awesome to win one.

  521. I like the vintage name charms. Very pretty!

  522. 573) celine

    oh!! how PRECIOUS!!! hope I win one if these!

  523. 574) Megan

    I love the chunky sunshine.

  524. 575) Erica

    I love the vintage name charms. I am having a baby in dec and I would love to have one with his name

  525. 577) Amy H

    i love the Vintage Name Charms necklace!

  526. 578) Carolin Tessaro

    I love the vintage name charms. And I just had a new baby 4 days ago and need a new necklace!

  527. 579) Lynaeve

    I love the one in the top pic.

  528. 580) Wendy Garcia

    Love Love Love the chunky sunshine!

  529. 581) Sarah

    They’re all great – Beyond the Sea is my favourite! Thanks for the competition!

  530. 582) Kelsey

    I love them all! But I guess if I had to choose I’d go with the Beyond The Sea on. Would make a lovely birthday gift for myself. 🙂

  531. 583) Amanda G.

    I love the vintage name charm necklace! It’s perfect!

  532. 584) Anna Hendrickson

    Ooh!!! All three are adorable, but I really lIke beyond the sea 🙂

  533. 585) Bianca

    The chunky sunshine is the ONE. Thanks for this wonderful opportunity. Bianca

  534. The vintage name charms necklace is great. I would love that!

  535. 587) Rachel

    I love to vintage names necklace. It is so beautiful.

  536. 588) barbara n

    I would love the beyond the sea necklace!

  537. 589) Amy

    I adore the vintage name charm. It is exactly what I need since I have three babies and my current necklace only has two names. Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

  538. 590) Annielaurie

    Oh that chunky sunshine is so cute!

  539. 591) Sara

    I love her stuff. What an amazing giveaway.

  540. 592) Christina Poynter

    I love the vintage name charms necklace!

  541. 593) Shanna

    I love the Vintage Name Charms necklace! Thanks 🙂

  542. 594) Kelly Paulson

    These are fantastic! I especially love the sunshine because it reminds me of my dad. Thanks for the chance!

  543. 595) katy roberson

    I love the vintage pearl! If I had to choose I would pick the vintage name charms.

  544. 596) Karolina

    I love the Beyond the Sea.

  545. 597) April Rahe

    The vintage name is gorgeous.

  546. 598) Anica

    By the sea with the Beyond the Sea necklace. Each one is special.

  547. 599) Liz

    I love the vintage names and the sunshine! probably the sunshine would win!

  548. 600) Tasha

    Love, love, love the vintage name charms!

  549. 601) MelissaT

    OOo. I would love to wear one of these to commemorate my little ones.

  550. 602) natalie

    Vintage names. Love vintage pearl.

  551. I love the Sunshine one!

  552. 604) Sarah B

    I love them too! I wear one of their necklaces daily as well. I would love the vintage name charms necklace for a friend. Thanks!

  553. 605) hope

    In love with the chunky sunshine!

  554. 606) Anne Marie

    Love the vintage name charms – love everything really!

  555. 607) Renata

    Very pretty necklaces!

  556. No doubt my favourite is the vintage name charms necklace!
    Ooooo And thank you for the game, it’s such a lovely idea!

  557. 609) Beth

    I love the vintage names!

  558. 610) serena

    love the beyond the sea one!!! they’re all gorgeous

  559. Lovin me that vintage name charm necklace, so perfect 🙂

  560. 612) Elisabeth

    I love the beyond the sea necklace!

  561. I’ll be happy to have the “Beyond the Sea”.

  562. 614) Lindsay

    I love the Vintage Name necklace!

  563. 615) Brandie

    The vintage names necklace is adorable

  564. 617) Shauna

    I like the vintage name charm. I would love having my kids names 24/7 around my neck. 🙂

  565. I love all 3 necklaces but if I have to choose, than I’ll pick “The Chunky Sunshine”! This necklace is so pretty.

    Thank you so much for this beautiful Give Away!

  566. 619) candice

    OOOOH the vintage name charm! We’re having a new baby this winter and this would be perfect to display both my little one’s names.

  567. Love these styles!
    With just giving birth to my second son 2 weeks ago, the vintage name charm necklace would be oh-so lovely to wear!

  568. 621) Nikki

    Love all, but I will choose the Chunky Sunshine…it is just happy!

  569. 622) Kelly

    They are all beautiful, but I work on an island and live by the water- in Texas so beyond the sea is perfect for me!

  570. 623) Lisa

    I love the beyond the sea! They do such beautiful work!

  571. 624) liron

    love them all

  572. vintage name charm, please!

  573. 627) tonya

    What a great give away! I would love to own the Vintage Name Charms necklace with my two daughter’s names.

  574. 628) Stacia

    Love vintage name.

  575. 629) Nicole J.

    Wow, these are lovely!

  576. 630) Emily

    These are all georgeous but I think I love the sunshine best. @

  577. 632) Whitney

    I love the vintage name necklace! Adorable!

  578. 633) Lisa

    I love the vintage name charms! Thanks for doing this giveaway–I’ve been debating what sort of momma-jewelry to get since having my son five months ago.

  579. 634) Sally J

    I would love the vintage name charms necklace! 🙂

  580. I {heart} the vintage names necklace! Thank you SO MUCH for the giveaway. 🙂

  581. 636) Naomi

    Loving the vintage name charms, super fun for us international readers to be able to partisipate as well ;D

  582. 637) Darla


    Once again you are incredible! I love the beach and miss it since I moved. The beyond the sea necklace is my fav, because it reminds me so much of the beach.

  583. I love these! Especially that chunky sunshine beaut. Please put me in for the drawing.

  584. 639) Erin

    These are gorgeous… I checked out their website, and really want one of the name rings.

    Of the 3 necklaces, I would choose the vintage name one. Thanks for the chance!

  585. 640) Carmie O'Jibway

    I live the vintage names necklace!

  586. 641) Robin

    I love those necklaces! So simple and sweet

  587. I love the Chunky Sunshine! These are so beautiful.

  588. 643) Angie

    Thanks for a great giveaway! I have never won one of these, but I still always try! 😉 I love the Vintage Name Charms! angelaevenson (at) gmail (dot) com

  589. 644) Kristi

    I love the beyond the sea necklace. They are all so fun!

  590. 645) Becca

    Love their website! I would love the Vintage Name Charms – so lovely! Thanks for the great giveaway!

  591. 646) Jacqueline

    OOh…love all of these but I love the vintage name charms one the most!! Common random.org!! 🙂

  592. 647) peggy simpson

    I love them all but my husband is my “Sunshine” so the chunky sunshine is the one for me. Thank you for offering a chance to win one of these fabulous necklaces….

  593. 648) Cassi

    Wow, beautiful! And I took all my jewelry off when I had children =(. I absolutely love the vintage names one.

  594. I would definitely pick the Chunky Sunshine, as my boys are the light of my life!

  595. 650) Ann

    Thanks for the awesome giveaway – I love the Vintage Name necklace!

  596. 651) Samantha

    I love the vintage name charms!! Thanks for the chance to win!

  597. Vintage Name Charm 🙂 I’ll be heading to work for the first time in 3 years… I’d love to have my sweet girls dangling from my neck!

  598. 653) Lori B

    Oh – I’m so in love with these!! I love the vintage name charms. Thanks!

  599. 654) Barbar

    Vintage name charms for sure!

  600. 655) Becky

    I love the vintage name charm necklace. If I don’t win it, I might have to buy it!

  601. 656) Jean

    would love the vintage name charm

  602. 657) Emily Krieger

    I love the Vintage Name Charm necklace – it would be a nice gift for my mom or grandma.

  603. 658) Katrina

    I love the vintage names one!!

  604. 659) Katie

    The vintage names necklace is beautiful!

  605. 661) Whitney

    Love the new vintage one! But also really want one with the coordinates – I’d put the latitude and longitude of our kiddo’s orphanage on there! 2 more months and she should be home. 🙂

  606. 662) Amber

    Love all 3 but I think the shuneshine one is my favorite 🙂

  607. 663) Tami

    I love the Chunky Sunshine and the Vintage Name necklaces!

  608. 664) Abbie

    Those vintage name charms are adorable!

  609. 665) Aubrey M.

    I love the Vintage Name necklace! Thanks for the chance to win!

  610. 666) Rachel

    I love the sea and the name necklaces. And I love love your site!

  611. 667) Stephanie

    Vintage Name so I can keep my sweeties close to my heart!

  612. 668) Amanda

    My favorite is the vintage name charm one. I would love one with my kiddos’ names on it!

  613. 669) Sena C.

    I love the chunky sunshine one! Adorable!

  614. I love the vintage name charms necklace — this would be perfect b/c baby #3 is due in a month…time for a necklace!

  615. 671) Katrina

    Definitely the Vintage Name Charms, how sweet!

  616. They are all really cute! I think my favorite are the name charms and Beyond the sea! What a fun giveaway!

  617. 673) Erin R

    Love the beyond the sea necklace! So Cute!

  618. 674) Lindsey

    I would love to win the vintage name charms necklace! I just got engaged to my best friend and the man of my dreams! I would love, love, LOVE to have our names on a necklace! Thanks for the chance to win! 🙂

  619. 675) Becky K

    Oh how I love the vintage name charms. It’s beautiful!!!

  620. 676) Heather

    I would love to win the chunky sunshine necklace!

  621. Lovely….Vintage Name Charms would be awesome.

  622. I love Vintage Pearl! My necklace I wear all the time is from there!!! The nest 🙂 LOVE!

    I would love to get the Chunky Sunshine one. Though, anything from VP would be great!

  623. 679) Nichole Vielleux

    Chunky sunshine for sure.

  624. Oooh oooh ooh, I love Beyond the Sea!! Such beautiful necklaces…


  625. 681) Liesbeth

    Open to anyone in the world? I’m in! 🙂
    I love this necklace!

  626. 682) Joy

    I love the vintage name charm necklace! Would look great with my 3 kids’ names on it! 🙂

  627. 683) Andrea U

    I prefer the Vintage Name Charms!

  628. 684) Micah

    Oh my goodness! I’ve been dying for that vintage names charm necklace ever since I saw it on instagram!! Id take any of them though ;). Vintage Pearl is the best!!! Please pick me!!

  629. The Vintage Name Charm Necklace is posilutely my favorite – but I’m fairly certain they are all adorable! 🙂 Thank you for running such great giveaways!

  630. I love the vintage name necklace. Reminds me of a necklace I bought prior to infertility treatment and still wear when my girls from said treatment aren’t there to break it off. Will be adding one to my birthday wish list if I don’t win.

  631. I adore these necklaces! I especially love the vintage name charms! 🙂

  632. 688) Barbarah

    I love the chunky sunshine! After your last post on the vintage pearl (about your necklace), I ordered a bracelet for my hubby that has the childrens and mine name on it. It’s way cool! And he wears it every day 🙂

  633. I love the vintage names necklace, and the chunky sunshine! So cute!! Thanks for the giveaway!!

  634. 690) Lianne Oosterwijk

    WOW, very nice!
    I would love to have the sunshine necklace!

    Big hug from a girl from the Netherlands 🙂

  635. 691) crazyestonian

    You always find the prettiest necklaces!
    I like Beyond the Sea best 🙂

  636. 692) Laura

    Vintage name one all the way! Thanks for a great giveaway!


  637. 693) Fleur

    I loooooovvvvvee the chunky sunshine :-p

  638. I’m drooling over that Vintage Name Charm Necklace! Love it!

  639. 695) Cherie cox

    I love the chunky sunshine! Thanks

  640. 696) Mandy

    I love the vintage name charm necklace….so sweet!

  641. 697) Bree

    oooooo fun. Vintage charm is my fave. xx

  642. 698) annemarie

    I love the vintage names necklace! Exactly what I am looking for!

  643. I really like the vintage names and the chunk sunshine – hard choice!

  644. 700) Jenny

    Awesome! I would really -like really!- love the Beyond the Sea necklace.

  645. I have one of their necklaces–I love it because all of my kid’s names fit! 🙂 I love the chunky sunshine one! Thanks!

  646. 702) Amy

    I love the vintage name charms. thanks for the giveaway! Amy @ gasudimack(at)sbcglobal(dot)net

  647. 703) colleen

    I love Vintage pearl! I have one that was a mothers day gift from my husband and wear it every day!

  648. 704) KristiM

    love all of them, but especially the vintage names necklace!

  649. 705) Mandy D

    I love Chunky Sunshine! Love their necklaces☀

  650. 706) colleen

    I love Vintage pearl! I have one that was a mothers day gift from my husband and wear it every day! I love the chunky sunshine!

  651. 707) Tracy Meeks

    I love the chunky sunshine. Lovely!

  652. I love the Vintage Name charm necklace. Cute.

  653. 709) Allison

    Love the Beyond the Sea! I’m such a beach girl at heart!

  654. I like the names. I’d have all my boys on it. 🙂

  655. 711) Gina F

    Love the name one. Thanks!

  656. 712) Tina W.

    Such cute necklaces! I have always wanted a necklace with my kids’ names on it! The Vintage Name Charm Necklace is adorable!!!

  657. Love the vintage names. 🙂

  658. 714) mindy

    I love them all! My favorite is the vintage name charms necklace. Such a wonderful etsy shop.

  659. Loving the Vintage name charms!! Would loveto have my two little girls names on there and wear it and cherish it everyday! Thank you Dana and Vintage Pearl!!

  660. 716) Ashlie

    Love the Chunky Sunshine.

  661. 717) Dorothy

    I love the vintage name charms.

  662. 718) Robyn

    Love the vintage name charm necklace

  663. 719) Heather D

    Love the chunky sunshine!!

  664. 720) Emma

    The vintage name charms are beautiful

  665. 721) Jenny D.

    I love the Beyond the Sea necklace, and I love the Vintage Pearl!!!

  666. 722) Hilary

    I like the vintage name charms.

  667. 723) Hagar

    I love the Vintage Name Necklace! Thank you


  668. 724) Tanya S

    I adore Beyond the Sea. I’ve always had a thing for lighthouses and would love that necklace as a reminder of it’s special symbolism for me.

  669. 725) Valerie C

    The vintage name charms would be lovely, especially since we will be having our second baby in the next month.

  670. 726) Melissa

    I love, love the “chunky sunshine” necklace!

  671. 728) Shannon Smith

    You are my sunshine, my only sunshine you make me happy when skies are gray so please don’t take my sunshine away….

  672. 729) Marybeth

    They are all three so gorgeous, and I love the name charms and sunshine necklaces the most. But if I had to choose it would probably be You are My Sunshine.

  673. 730) Jeannette

    Love the sea. So the “Beyond the sea” necklace is my favorite…and it would be a great birthday present for me on 8/11/12 😉

  674. I love these necklaces!! Buying one has been on my to do list FOREVER… But it would be awesome to get it for free instead!! 🙂 Happy Wednesday!

  675. 732) Barbara

    I would love the Vintage Name Charms. It is so pretty!

  676. 733) Kari S

    so drooling over vintage name charms…..

  677. Oh my…what an amazing give away…I would have to say I love the vintage names the most. Somehow the idea of my two children’s names sounds so sweet.

  678. 735) Steph

    Loving the Vintage Name Charms!!

  679. 736) jennifer giacomet inda

    The Vintage Name Charm necklace is lovely, it would be a wonderful thing to win.

  680. I love the vintage name necklace!

  681. 738) cara

    It’s so a toss-up between the chunky sunshine necklace and the vintage name charms! But I think my fave is the vintage name, cursive 🙂

  682. 739) Julie

    beyond the sea is beautiful.

  683. 740) Vianely

    Oh, Lord! I’ll be very glad if I win the chunky sunshine! May I put my baby girl name or initial on it?

  684. 741) Floor

    I love the vintage name charms! Chosing between name daughter or husband is more difficult 😉

  685. 742) virag

    I like the one that is called Beyond the Sea.

    Dana, thanks a lot for your tutorials, especially the one on Bias tapes was essential for me:)

  686. 743) Sundae

    I like the Chunky Sunshine necklace. 🙂

  687. 744) Sara

    I like the Vintage Name Charms or the Sunburst.

  688. 745) Colleen Root

    Beautiful! Would love the vintage names one.

  689. I love, love, LOVE, the Vintage Name necklace,
    What a gorgeous charm!
    So beautiful, so unique,
    A treasure for my family to keep!

  690. 747) alli

    I would pick the Vintage Name Charms

  691. 748) Courtney

    I love the vintage names necklace the most. Very cute!

  692. 749) martina

    Beyond the sea for me,please

  693. 750) Angie

    I love Vintage Pearl necklaces! My family gifted me with the vintage name necklace. I love the Chunky Sunshine necklace. I call my granddaughter “Sunshine”

  694. 751) Tisha

    I love the chunky sunshine necklace! Love love love it!

  695. The Clunky Sunshine is perfect…I sing that song to my kids all the time.

  696. 753) Stephanie Bates

    I love the vintage name charms!

  697. 754) Mellissa

    I love the vintage name charm…so cute.

  698. 755) Michelle

    I love the chunky sunshine necklace

  699. I like the Chunky Sunshine necklace!! thank you!!
    J’aime beaucoup le collier Chunky sunshine!! merci pour le jeu!! bonne soirée!!

  700. 757) Anne

    Another vote for the Sunshine necklace 😉 Thanks for this awesome giveaway! I would be in heaven!

  701. 758) Celeste

    It would have to be the name charms. So sweet.

  702. 759) carrie martin

    love me some vintage name charms! my little ladies names malia pearl and noa jade would love lovely on a charm 🙂

  703. Ohhhh, I would love the Chunky Sunshine! Maybe that would brighten up the summer over here in Germany, the weather is TERRIBLE. 🙂

  704. 761) tameka

    all 3 are beautiful, but the vintage name charm is my favorite. thanks for offering these.

  705. 762) Missy

    I love the Beyond the Sea, just as pictured. It is perfect and beautiful. Sweet giveaway, Dana! =)

  706. They are all so cute! I think I like the vintage names the best. Thanks for doing the giveaway!

  707. 764) Erica Aljets

    LOVE LOVE LOVE the vintage name charm! My little Everly’s name would be so sweet to wear around my neck! Fingers are officially crossed 🙂

  708. I have wanted one of these for a while now. I LOVE ALL. Especially the sunshine and names.

  709. Vintage Name Charms. It’s so darling.

  710. 767) Jill Froelich

    Love Love Love the vintage name necklace. What a great giveaway!

  711. 768) Christy

    I like the vintage name charms the best!

  712. 769) Lisa

    What a lovely giveaway, thank you 🙂 My favourite is the vintage name charms!

  713. Beautiful!
    I love your lovely blog 😀

    I love Beyond the Sea and the chunky sunshine!
    We need a bit of sunshine over here, we’re so tired and exhausted!

    francesca silvietta

  714. 771) Sharon

    Vintage name charms! What a fun giveaway!

  715. 773) Toni-Maree

    La la love the Vintage Name Charms! 🙂

  716. 774) Colleen

    Vintage names – so pretty!

  717. 775) malindab

    I love the vintage name! What fun!

  718. 776) Amanda

    Love them!

  719. 777) julie

    the vintage name charm is so cute!

  720. 778) Danica Nelson

    I LOVE the Vintage Name Charms necklace!!

  721. 779) Raechel

    I would love to have something like the vintage names charm necklace with my kids’ names on them! What a sweet way to always have my babies with me!

  722. 780) Sabrina

    Vintage Name Charms for sure! I do love Vintage Pearl too!

  723. 781) Cindy Campbell

    I would love the chunky sunshine necklace. I would have my husband’s name stamped on the back. 🙂

  724. 782) Melissa

    I’d love the vintage name charm! Thanks for the giveaway!

  725. 783) Melissa Kozak

    I love the vintage name charms!

  726. 784) Jessica

    Love the vintage name charms! So cool!

  727. 785) Betsey

    Love the Vintage Names Charm, so cute!

  728. Oud baby arrived some weeks after yours and I still don’t have his name on a necklace…
    I’d love to win one, and all three necklaces are equally beautifull to me!

  729. 787) Michelle

    Chunky Sunshine. My dad used to sing ” You Are My Sunshine” to us kids when we were little. 🙂

  730. The chunky sunshine necklace sure is pretty, but it’s a tie with the vintage name charms for me!

  731. 789) Rebecca Hasselbach

    I love the “beyond the sea” necklace.

  732. 790) Rachel

    I love the chunky sunshine! Thanks did the giveaway, Dana! I love your blog. 🙂

  733. 791) Amelia Melchert

    I would LOVE to win the vintage names necklace. I’ve been wanting one of these for years. By the way, I Love your blog Dana!

  734. 792) Breane

    I love the Vintage Name!

  735. I love the chunky sunshine, they are all beautiful!

  736. 794) Darlene

    The chunky sunshine can come to me!!!

  737. I love the sunshine necklace, but I’d have to have five initial charms!

  738. ohhh I’m a beach chick so I LOVE the beyond the sea necklace!!

  739. 797) Missy

    Beautiful! I love the Vintage Name Charms!

  740. 798) Nicola

    Oh my goodness I love that sunshine necklace! Beautiful! xx

  741. 799) Loren Blust

    Beyond the SEA!!

  742. My favorite is the vintage name charms- so cute!
    Love your blog, thanks for doing what you do, you inspire me to create 🙂

  743. 801) christine

    i love the vintage charm necklace!

  744. 802) Rita

    All so lovely 🙂

  745. 803) Veronica

    I really like the vintage name and the chunky sunshine. But since I have to choose a favorite I’d go with the Vintage Name.

  746. I’d LOVE the chunky name necklace. I’m always coveting the name necklaces and I have 3 little lovies that I want to keep around my neck 🙂 thanks for the giveaway! I think I just moved closer to your neck of the woods in Austin!!

  747. 805) Abby H.

    I have one of their necklaces and love it! Wear it all the time. I love the vintage name charm and the beyond the sea…
    Thank yoU!

  748. 806) Christina

    I love the vintage name charm necklace! They are all so lovely. Thank you!

  749. 807) Jill

    Love the chunky sunshine necklace. I sing my girl that song for nap & bed time, so it’s super special to me/us.

  750. 808) Heather Durney

    Love the sunshine necklace!

  751. 809) Jennifer

    Vintage name all the way!!!

  752. 810) Sarah Keith

    I love the chucnky sunshine charm, but all three are lovely!

  753. 811) christian myers

    I would love vintage pearl one. I have four kids and I have been asking for a necklace like that forever!

  754. 812) Jasmina

    Vintage name is my favorite. 🙂

  755. 813) Kristin

    I would love the Vintage name Carms.
    Going to Hamburg, Germany ;o)
    Thanks for the great giveway, I love it.

  756. It’s a hard choice! I think I’d go with the chunky sunshine necklace.

  757. They beautyful! Sunshine ist life, ocean is full with is. I like Beyond the Sea.
    I like your tutorials and my boys have great pants now. Thank your Dana!
    Grüsse aus Berlin, Germany…

  758. 816) Alex

    Great Giveaway. The Vintage Name Necklace is sooooo cute.

  759. 817) Amy K

    I would love the vintage name charms…since my children have vintage names, and we’re still on the fence about #3…I could always add another name! Love Vintage Pearl jewelry and love your site Dana!

  760. 818) Gosia

    I would like chunky sunshine

  761. These are gorgeous! I’d never even heard of them, but now I want one. If only my anniversary hadn’t just passed… I love the chunky sunshine one and the name charm one especially.

  762. 820) Melanie Plante

    Love love Vintage Pearl. Love the Sunshine one! THanks!

  763. 821) Emily F.

    Absolutely love the Vintage Name Charm necklace.

  764. 822) Mackenzie

    The vintage name charms are adorable!!

  765. 823) Nathalie Harris

    I have been wanting one of these since you last posted about them! Vintage pearl for sure.

  766. 824) Erin

    Love the vintage name charm!

  767. I absolutely adore the beyond the sea necklace with the lighthouse charm. Thank you for the opportunity to win!

  768. 826) Allison

    Love the Vintage Name and the Beyond the Sea necklace!

  769. 827) RebeccaB

    Ooooooh! The vintage names necklace would be so lovely with my babies’ names on it!

  770. 828) Karry

    I love the vintage name charms necklace! Thanks for the giveaway!

  771. 829) Sarah

    I LOVE the vintage name charms. I’ve been searching for a mama necklace for 3 years now 🙂

  772. the vintage names necklace. and camden is my son’s name so we’re already 1/2 way there 🙂

  773. 831) Kari S.

    Vintage Name Charms – I have a new baby boy the same age as yours. I would love to have my 2 boys names in a necklace!

  774. 832) Mary Jo

    I love them all, but the vintage name charms are my favorite!

  775. 833) Kelly M

    LOVE the Beyond the Sea necklace, although it would be hard to pick which charms I would like! (but that would be a great problem to have! *wink, wink*)

  776. 834) Wendy Schlensker

    They are all so darling! Since I most pick, Chunky Sunshine, because I have always called my 7 year old daughter my sunshine and sing her the song. Her blond hair, blue eyes and toothless smile adds so much sunshine to my day.

    • 835) Wendy Schlensker


  777. 836) Dianne Lovelock

    I’d love the Chunky Sunshine necklace! We’ve also just had baby no 3 so this`would be a great way to celebrate 🙂

  778. 837) Amy

    I would love, LOVE the you are my sunshine necklace! Love it! Thanks for the fun giveaway!! 🙂

  779. 838) Linda

    Beyond the Sea is my favorite but I would definitely have a hard time choosing between all the charms.

  780. The one with the sun on it is my hands-down favorite!

  781. 841) Lourdes

    Love the vintage pieces, my faves are the initial charms, and the lovebirds necklace.
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  782. I love the Vintage Name Charms the best, thanks for extending it to include us done under in Australia. Clara is looking cute too, love the chubby cheeks

  783. 844) Katrina

    Oh, I LOVE these necklaces! I’ve wanted one for the last 3 years. I adore the vintage name charm necklace. Thanks for the giveaway!

  784. 845) katherine

    love the vintage names!

  785. 846) Reina

    The one with the names….absolutely lovely 🙂

  786. The Vintage Pearl, I love this store so much I keep leaving the website address in random places for The Husband to take a hint! For me it would have to be the Vintage Charms Necklace, Heather x

  787. I love the Vintage Pearl jewelry because it’s so unique. I would
    Pick a piece from their Beyond the Sea collection. I grew up
    vacationing on the Eastern Shore in Maryland and miss it greatly.
    We don’t get back that way often enough.

  788. 849) JJ Reid

    Super sweet! Love them all but Chunky Sunshine is my fav. Thanks:)

  789. They’re so cute !!! My favourite is the Chunky Sunshine but I like the Vintage Name Charm too.
    Thanks for this Giveaway, I hope to win !!!


  790. I Love the mama bird! it is understated and yet sweetly full of meaning.

  791. 852) angie foshay

    love the vintage name charms! baby #2 on the way!

  792. 853) Melody Vent

    I like the Vintage Name Charms….especially since I am going to be a mom in November 🙂

  793. 854) Jen

    I would LOVE the Vintage Name Charms for sure! So pretty, I love all of her stuff.

    Thank you!

  794. 855) Alison J

    I looooove the Vintage Name Charms!! Would love my sons names!

  795. I wish I’ll be’ lucky. Thank you for the opportunity.

  796. 857) susan g.

    i love the chunky sunshine necklace!!!! thanks for your website/blog!! i’m teaching myself to sew with your tutorials!

  797. 858) SuperErin

    LOVE The Chunky Sunshine!S

  798. OMG these are adorable!!! I love the vintage name tags!

  799. 860) Gaye Smith

    Love the chunky sun good luck all

  800. 861) Carol C

    stunning! I’m a sea girl :o)

  801. 862) carolee c.

    I love the vintage name charms!

  802. 863) Larissa

    The vintage names charm necklace is beautiful! Thanks for a chance to win it!

  803. lovely necklaces! I like Beyond the Sea, but also the one with names is nice.., I’ll decide if I’m one of the lucky ones!

  804. 865) Eva

    I love the vintage name necklace 🙂

  805. 866) Amalie Rose Ottley

    I love Vintage Pearl! I’ve been trying to convince my husband to get me one for a while now! I love the You are My Sunshine necklace. My great-grandmother used to sing me that song and now I sing it to my own kids. Crossing my fingers!

  806. 868) Amanda A.

    I like them all but I think the vintage name charms are the tops! Thanks!

  807. 869) Megan

    Vintage Name… so cute!

  808. 870) Natalya

    I love the name charms!

  809. 871) Erin

    i like the vintage name charm necklace the best!

  810. 872) Tamara D.

    They are all so cute… I think my favourite is the chunky sunshine!

  811. 873) Emma B

    Oh my I just love the chunky sunshine one, swooning over it right now actually 🙂

  812. 874) Lia Z.

    i love the Vintage Name Charms! i’m having my first baby these days (due tomorrow actually) and would LOVE to wear her name around my neck!

  813. 875) Talia

    I honestly LOVE them all, but my favorite is the vintage name charms 🙂 I also LOVe love all your amazing tutorials. You are one awesome lady Dana!!!

  814. 876) Sarah K.

    I’m following your fantastic blog all the way from Melbourne, Australia and I love the rustic charm of the Vintage Names necklace!

  815. 877) Cortney S

    I love the vintage name charms! So cute!

  816. 878) Hoosiermeema

    Loving the vintage name charms most of all.

  817. 879) Jen

    Vintage names and chunky sunshine ate my fave but frankly I’d be thrilled with any of them!!

  818. 880) Morgan W.

    I would love the chunky sunshine, but I am not picky! I actually directed my husband to their website (twice actually – birthday/mothers day) after I had my baby and needed an updated necklace. But he says he lost his paper with the info. I’ll show him and just win in myself! 🙂

  819. 881) Nicole

    The Vintage Name Charms are gorgeous! Do they ship to Australia?

  820. 882) jessica

    I LOVE the vintage name one! I really enjoy your blog and your pictures. I just wish I knew how to sew.

  821. 884) Laura W.

    I LOVE the Beyond the Sea necklace! As an avid Little Mermaid Fan, I’m always looking for cute nautical/sea inspired jewelry that is classy enough for nights out.

  822. 886) Janette

    I love the chunky sunshine!

  823. 887) Richa Agarwal

    Very pretty!!! Would love to have one of these.

  824. Vintage Names for sure! Thanks for such an awesome giveaway.

  825. 889) Carolyn

    I love the chunky sunshine!

  826. 890) Xanthe Grundy

    I would love the Vintage Name Charm necklace, and my daughter’s vintage name (Rose) would look perfect on it, as well as our second child, yet to be named 🙂

  827. 891) katherine

    LOVE VINTAGE PEARL! Beyond the Sea is darling!
    We are expecting a boy this fall….I have been planning my next charm:)

  828. Ohhh son preciosos!!!
    Gracias por tus tutoriales y por este sorteo, mi collar favorito es “The Chunky Sunshine”.

  829. 893) Amanda

    I’d love the Vintage Name necklace! Its beautiful!

  830. 894) Lori

    Love the vintage name. My hubs got me a necklace from here last Christmas and I wear it all the time!!!

  831. 895) Sarah

    I’d have to say “The Chunky Sunshine” is my fave! Love it 🙂

    • 896) Breeana talley


  832. 897) Whitney

    I love the vintage name charms!

  833. 898) Shayla Taylor

    I LOVE the vintage name charm necklace!

  834. I prefer the vintage name but they are all awesome!

  835. I love the vintage name necklace. Thanks for a lovely giveaway!

  836. i adore the vintage name one.

    my husband and i are expecting a baby in november… the necklace would be a wonderful motivator to settle on a name… 🙂

  837. 902) Stefanie

    I LOVE the Beyond the Sea – I have a fierce love for the water, and I love the smell of the ocean. It’s as close to being at ‘home’ as I ever feel.

  838. 903) Rebekah

    I LOVE the you are my sunshine one! Thanks for this awesome giveaway 🙂

  839. 904) Brittany

    Love all of their stuff! Love the chunky sunshine!

  840. 905) Rachel

    I love the chunky sunshine!

  841. 906) HW

    I love the chunky sunshine necklace!

  842. 907) Luisa

    There is the song “Beyond the Sea” 🙂 And I’d love that neklace. Do you wear yours a lot?

  843. 908) Kelli

    I LOVE all of them..but the Chunky Sunshine is my favorite!

  844. 909) Barb

    Love the Chunky Sunshine!

  845. 910) Sophia Patterson

    I love the Beyond the sea!

  846. 911) Sally

    I love the vintage name charms! They are gorgeous. Thanks for the competition!

  847. 912) Kim

    I LOVE the beyond the sea necklace! So gorgeous

  848. 913) adriana formento

    must try !!! finally one for everyone!!! love the vintage name charm!!

  849. oohlala! Vintage Name Charms! Perfect for this Mommy!

  850. 915) deanne

    love the vintage name charms!

  851. 916) Rebekah Stockton

    I love the vintage name charms.

  852. 917) Chantiel

    I would love the vintage name charms!

  853. 918) Heffalump

    Hmmm. So hard to choose! They are all lovely. I think I’d choose vintage names.

  854. 919) Sarah

    LOVE the sunshine one!

  855. 920) eve

    i would love the vintage name necklace!

  856. 921) Holly Burke

    Love the Vintage Name necklace!

  857. 922) Ruth

    Vintage name charms, definitely! 🙂

  858. 923) EMILY

    BEautiful!!! I love the vintage name charms!

  859. 924) Kirsty

    Vintage Pearl Necklaces are beautiful. I like all but given the choice I would choose “the Chunky Sunshine” thanks

  860. 925) Erica

    i adore the vintage name charm!!! fingers crossed!

  861. 926) Jill

    I love the chunky sunshine necklace

  862. 927) Alfie

    My pick would be the vintage name charms. Such a beautiful idea. Thanks for the great giveaway!

  863. 928) Annie

    love the vintage name charms, adorable.

  864. 929) Heather abram

    I just love the vintage name charms!

  865. 930) nessie lou

    Vintage names please. Please!!? 🙂

  866. 931) Cary

    I love the chunky sunshine and the vintage name charms…

  867. 932) Debbie G.

    Chunky sunshine is so precious! All of them are absolutely beautiful!

  868. Hello, OMG, thanks for made this open internationally and thanks for share this with all us, i want Beyond the sea.

  869. 934) Stargirl

    Chunky Sunshine! 🙂

  870. 935) Laura

    Love the Vintage Pearl. I have several necklaces from them plus I’ve purchased a few for gifts as well. I love the vintage name charm necklace. Beautiful!

  871. Oh, I love a good international giveaway! Those necklaces are all lovely but if I had to choose I’d go with the vintage name charms…

  872. 937) Sara

    That necklace is so adorable! I’ve actually had my eye on something similar for a long while.

  873. I would LOVE to win Beyond the Sea. My hubby and I love to take cruises and this would be a special reminder of the time we get to spend together on the ocean. Thank you for hosting, Dana!

  874. 939) Cara Staten

    If pressed to choose, I would choose the chunky sunshine necklace…I sing that song to my son every night! I love The Vintage Pearl!

  875. Oh my! Such a sweet and wonderful giveaway! I love the Beyond the Sea necklace! This would be so cool to wear with me being in a long distance relationship. Thank you for making it available internationally!!! :)♥

  876. 942) Deb H.

    I love the Chunky Sunshine. When my daughter was little, I used to sing that song to her all the time.

  877. 943) Linda

    I’d love to own the vintage name charm!

  878. 944) AmyLynn

    Would love a vintage name charm 🙂

  879. 945) Tammy

    Love the chunky sunshine necklace! I really enjoy your blog too. Love your easy and fun projects! Thanks for the giveaway!

  880. 947) Amy

    The vintage name charm is gorgeous, but the chunky sunshine is adorable as well

  881. 949) Laura

    I love Beyond the Sea!! So cute!

  882. 950) Allison

    I like the chunky sunshine

  883. 951) Nicole Ryan

    I love the Chunky Sunshine pendant – I have sung this song to my little girls since the day they were born xx

  884. 952) Meredith W.

    The chunky sunshine is lovely.

  885. 953) Brenda Andreasen

    Chunky sunshine!

  886. 954) Emma

    I cannot decide between the vintage name charms or the beyond the sea necklace. They are both so darling!

  887. 955) Emily Turner

    I LOVE the Vintage Name Charms necklace 🙂

  888. 956) Kristin B

    As a New Englander I love Beyond the Sea!

  889. 957) MaryE

    My favorite is the Beyond the Sea necklace. Love that little seagull!

  890. 958) Eva Scott

    I love the vintage names charms!

  891. 959) Kelly Clarke

    I like the vintage name necklace. I have wanted one of these for soooooooo long

  892. I love the the vintage name charm! So lovely!

  893. 961) Rebecca

    Oooh…ooooh…oooooh……chunky sunshine……soooo gorgeous!

  894. 962) christy

    I love the vintage name charms!!

  895. I like the vintage name one!

  896. I just love the simplicity of your giveaway rules! Thanks for the chance to win a beautiful necklace! I love the vintage name choice!

  897. They’re all great but I love the beyond the sea necklace.

  898. Love the chunky sunshine but who am I kidding, I love all 3!!

  899. 967) Krystal Hdz

    Loving the Vintage Name Charms. Hope I win! 😀

  900. Wow dana what a great giveaway! Thankyou. I love them all but really love the sunshine that i would gift to my daughter for lighting up my life xxx

  901. 969) Kelly

    LOVE The Vintage Pearl! I’d be happy to wear any of those beauties, but with another child on the way, I especially love the vintage name tags!

  902. 971) Khursten

    Love the vintage names one!! I’ve been in need of an ‘every day’ necklace!

  903. 972) Jamie

    Oh my goodness, I’ve had my eye on the you are my sunshine necklace! I would love to win!!

  904. 973) Nora Maldonado

    I looove the chunky sunshine!!! 🙂

  905. Oooh I don’t know how I hadn’t already seen the vintage names charms, love them, alot.

  906. This is had to choose! I just had a baby and can see both of my kids names on the vintage name charm necklace

  907. 977) Katy

    I would love the Vintage Names necklace! Thanks!

  908. 978) Kalli

    Love the Vintage names one. SO cute!

  909. 979) Melissa

    I like the vintage name tags!

  910. 980) Karin

    why chunky sunshine, of course!

  911. 981) mandy

    I am LOVING the vintage name charm necklace! It’s so sweet!

  912. 982) Ann

    Vintage name charm rocks, but they’re all lovely.

  913. 983) Erin

    So sweet. I’d love one with my boys’ names.

  914. 984) kelli

    I love the Chunky Sunshine.

  915. 985) Keah

    Love reading your blog here in Pubnico, Nova Scotia, Canada!! The Vintage name neclace is super cute!!

  916. I absolutely LOVE The Vintage Pearl, but I haven’t had the cash free to buy anything. And those vintage name charms are calling my name.

  917. 987) Jennifer

    Those are so lovely. I really love the vintage names. Thanks so much for sharing. I really love your blog.

  918. 988) Kim

    I love them all but I really like the Beyond the Sea necklace.

  919. 989) Stephanie

    I love the sunshine necklace!

  920. 990) Jenna

    Love It! Beyond the Sea please 🙂

  921. 991) Taryn Gray

    I love the vintage name charms. Perfect for my girls!

  922. 992) Nichole

    Hard to choose, but I think I like the Vintage Names best !

  923. 993) Amber

    vintage name. 🙂

  924. 994) Jenesee

    So cute! I would love one too!

    • 995) Jenesee

      oh and I love the vintage names one 🙂

  925. 996) MARIA

    I like the first one: I have a friend whose name IS Sunshine and I would like to give it to her: she is the sunshine of everybody who knows her!!!

  926. 997) Veronica

    Beyond the Sea is definately my fave.

  927. 998) Jeanie

    I love the sunshine one, the vintage names are a close second!

  928. 999) Jen Perrine

    LOVING the vintage names. My little girl is almost one so this is obviously a need ;). Thanks Dana!

  929. 1000) Sarah

    my favorite is the vintage name charm. so cute!!!

  930. Im commenting for the vintage name charms with the spunky font! i’m having a new baby next month and would love to have her name on around my neck!

  931. 1002) Ludmila Santos

    This Brazilian girl wants one!

  932. 1003) CarinaRdz

    I love the Vintage Names necklace. It’s so beautiful. Thank you for the opportunity!

  933. 1004) Kelli Davis

    I love the vintage name charms. Then you can just add a new name charm.

  934. 1005) Karina James

    Since first seeing this beautiful jewellery on your blog I have wished for some. I cannot find anything that comes close, its so unique and gorgeous, I would love the vintage name charms to keep my kiddies close to my heart always.

  935. They’re all beautiful. The vintage name necklace is my favorite, though.

  936. 1007) Kara

    The vintage name necklace is my favorite!!

  937. 1008) danellb

    Have been wanting a VP necklace for a LONG time. Crossing my fingers… Thanks!

  938. 1010) Dayna

    The chunky sunshine!

  939. 1011) Kristena

    I love the vintage name charms the most, like chunky sunshine as well but it’s not something I’d think to wear often.

  940. 1012) Leah

    Yes please!! I love the Chunky Sunshine, I sing You are my Sunshine to my baby girl every night.

  941. 1013) Catherine

    Love the vintage name charms, gorgeous.

  942. 1015) Brooke

    I love the names (but I already have a name necklace) Chunky Sunshine is definitely gorgeous!

  943. 1016) Jo

    Fingers crossed! Thanks for the chance to win! 🙂

  944. 1017) Karey

    I love the vintage names necklace.

  945. I like the vintage names. Love the vintage pearl!

  946. 1019) Melissa

    I love love love the chunky sunshine necklace!

  947. 1020) Robin

    I just got a necklace from the vintage pearl, I love it and highly recommend them. I would love to win the vintage name charm necklace for a dear friend about to have her first baby.

  948. 1021) kristi

    I like the vintage names!

  949. 1022) Christy

    I love love love the necklace with the tags and children’s names in cursive. That is the one I would love!

  950. 1023) maya

    love the vintage name charm necklace. very pretty jewelry!

  951. I love this shop! I got a necklace for my anniversary from here. The sea themed one would float my boat

  952. 1026) Sarah

    Love the vintage names necklace to wear my kiddos around my neck 🙂

  953. 1027) Whitney C

    Love their necklaces!

  954. 1028) Cailin

    Oh the chunky sunshine just makes me smile. I tell my kids they are my sunshine every day. What joy!!

  955. 1029) Laura

    I would definitely pick the vintage name necklace. I love my daughters’ (and their names! LOL!) so much and that would be such a special necklace!

  956. Ooh I would love ‘Beyond the sea’…they are all lovely and I love “the vintage pearl”!

  957. 1031) Sarahbeth

    Would love a necklace!

  958. 1033) Lisa

    Ilike the vintage names. One of these days days I’m going to order one of their pieces.

  959. 1034) Heather A.

    I love the Vintage name tag necklace!

  960. 1035) Esmeralda_Oz

    Love your inspiring site Dana.
    I discovered your wonderful designs a few months ago as I was bringing my rusty sewing skills up to scratch to share this great hobby with my 8 year old daughter.
    My 10 year old son thinks we are mad to be so passionate about fabric and sewing 🙂 especially as its taken over our dining table!

    What a truly unique necklace designs these are, thanks for sharing this link.
    I have my eye on the ‘Vintage Name Charms’ so then I can take Lucas & Olivia with me where ever I go

    PS I am living your American summer through your posts, here in Sydney, Australia we are having a very chilly winter, I am so looking forward to Spring & Summer.

  961. 1036) Carrie Overman

    I love the Chunky Sunshine!

  962. I love the Chunky Sunshine necklace!

  963. 1038) Debbie G

    Chunky Sunshine…I sang You are my Sunshine to my children every night before bed. Thank you for the giveaway.

  964. 1039) Julia

    I am so excited you are doing another one of these giveaways! I have looking at vintage pearl ever since and trying to decide what I want. I love the vintage name as I have been wanting to get something to put my kids names on. Although the others are really neat too. Thank you! I would love to win!

  965. 1040) Jacqui

    Beautiful necklaces.
    I like both, surprise me!

  966. 1041) Mercedes

    Vintage names! I love that is open to anyone in the world. You are really sweet Thanks:)

  967. 1042) Angela

    I love the vintage name necklace! So sweet!

  968. 1043) Consuelo

    I just love the Vintage Name Necklace..for the names of my petty little nieces

  969. 1044) Theresa

    All of them are so sweet! But I think my favourite is the vintage name necklace. 🙂

  970. Oh my, I love them all but I would really love the chunky sunshine!!!

  971. 1046) Katie

    I love the chunky sunshine!

  972. 1047) April

    I love Vintage Pearl!

  973. 1048) Brandi

    I love the Chunky Sunshine

  974. 1049) Leigh R

    I love the vintage name charms!

  975. yay! I’d love some chunky sunshine in my life 🙂

  976. 1051) Deanna

    They’re beautiful! I love the vintage name necklace.

  977. 1053) Jessica Marshall

    I love the vintage names… SOOOO pretty!! 🙂

  978. 1054) Sandra Ziniti

    Oh my I have to pick one? They are so beautiful! Alright here goes….the vintage names necklace. I love to wear things that have something to do with my children.

  979. 1055) Jennifer Johnson

    I love the vintage names!!

  980. 1056) Debra Lee

    I love the vintage name charms!

  981. 1057) Norul Huda

    Really need The Chunky Sunshine. Love it!!

  982. 1058) Mary Beth

    like the chunky sunshine!!

  983. Oh my goodness! I’ve been in love with Vintage Pearl for a while now (going on years) and I’ve never been able to own one! I have a hard time spending money on myself and my hubby hasn’t taken my hints!! I would so love the vintage name charms necklace (although I really would not be picky at all!!!)

  984. 1060) Abby

    I love the vintage names!!

  985. I LOVE All of the Jewelry but IF I were the LUCKY winner….I’d like the chunky sunshine necklace!

  986. 1062) Alison

    I hope they will post this to Australia if I were lucky enough to win one! I need some “chunky sunshine” down here!

  987. I LOVE these necklaces (especially the vintage name charms). 🙂 Oh, I would be so happy to win.

  988. Ohhh I desperately want the Vintage Name Charms one!

  989. 1065) Allyson

    I love the vintage pearl. But my favorite of the three is the sea necklace!

  990. 1066) Charlotte

    Love them 🙂 So cute 🙂

  991. I love the Vintage Names Charms! Thanks you for such a great giveaway! ~ Jena

  992. 1068) Charlotte

    I like the Beyond the Sea the best 🙂 Sorry for the double comment!

  993. 1069) Robyn C

    I love the vintage name charms. So beautiful!

  994. 1070) Lisa B.

    Beyond the Sea for me pls!

  995. 1072) Jess

    The “Beyond the Sea” necklace is adorable! And reminds me of family vacations spent touring lighthouses.

  996. 1073) stephanie

    So excited about this giveaway. Beyond the Sea!

  997. 1074) Aimee Scogin

    The vintage name necklace is precious!!! LOVE!

  998. 1075) Janelle

    Oh, how sweet! Definitely, you are my sunshine.

  999. 1076) Eleena

    Beyond the Sea is gorgeous!

  1000. 1077) Erica Ballard

    Love the vintage name necklace! 🙂

  1001. I especially LOVE the vintage name necklace!
    Wouldn’t it be wonderful to win this?

  1002. 1079) Jordane

    Love the sea necklace! Thanks for this great idea!

  1003. 1080) Sarah

    I love the vintage names necklace! So classic.

  1004. 1081) Mary Johnson

    I would love the vintage names necklace.

  1005. 1082) Nicole

    All of the necklaces are beautiful, but I love the sunshine one the most!

  1006. So Torn!!! I’m a naval aviator’s wife….so the beyond the sea with an anchor/bird would be marvelous. ….but I’m also a mama of 4 – and our special song is “you are my sunshine”!
    This is too hard.

    I pick chunky sunshine. 🙂

  1007. 1084) laura

    Oh how I love the vintage name necklace! Little reminders of my babies while they are young! I have to say I love the sunshine one too:) Thanks for the chance!

  1008. 1085) Jenny C.

    Love them all! But Beyond the Sea is my favorite! 🙂

  1009. 1086) Joni

    I love the rectngle necklace, it’s beautiful!

  1010. 1087) DeniseMarie

    Oohhh – pretty pretty! I’d choose Beyond the Sea.

  1011. 1088) Emily

    I love the vintage name charm necklace.

  1012. 1089) Abbie Simpelo-Dyer

    Wow! One of the best giveaways! I love all 3 and would be happy to receive any one! Thank you so much Vintage Pearl & Made for offering a great prize.

  1013. 1090) Katrina

    The vintage name charm is adorable.

  1014. 1091) Marie

    The Vintage Name Charm necklace please! 🙂

  1015. I love the vintage names necklace! Thank you for this fun giveaway!

  1016. 1093) sara

    beyond the sea for me!

  1017. 1094) Melissab

    Oohhh! I have been wanting to get one of these for a long time. I love the Vintage Name Charms, and since just deciding that 4 kids is our complete family, it would be a perfect time to get one!

    Thanks for the chance!

  1018. 1095) April

    Vintage pearl rocks!!

  1019. I love the vintage name charms! But really they are all so cute!

  1020. 1097) Sophie

    Love the Beyond the Sea…takes me to other places 🙂

  1021. 1099) Yana

    Vintage name charm that’s my choice:) thanks for chance!

  1022. 1100) Maria

    I would love the Chunky Sunshine!

  1023. 1101) Jane

    Ooh, I would LOVE this! I have yet to get this kind of necklace with all my kids names on it, and have really been wanting one!

  1024. Ooooo the vintage name charms are so cute and perfect since we’ve JUST picked out a name for little sister due in December. Thanks for the giveaway!

  1025. Beyond the Sea is stunning. I have lived all my life in the mountains (very landlocked) but relish anytime I have gotten to spend near the ocean.

  1026. I love the beyond the sea necklace. I have always wanted live near the ocean and therefore surround my self with sea things!

  1027. I love the Vintage Pearl. My hubby gave me a cute-ie-pie necklace from them as my “push” present…not that I push with my breach-ie babies :).
    I love the beyond the sea necklace, it’s so sweet and charming.

  1028. 1106) Kayla

    Lovin’ the Chunky Sunshine!

  1029. 1107) jenifer n

    Would love chunky sunshine!

  1030. I think the chunky sunshine is just great. I also love your shirt to dress tutorials. I have recreated some of my husband’s shirts for an older daughter by being inspired by your tutorials. Keep on blogging!

  1031. Ahhhhh! I can’t decide between the sea charms or the name necklace. I love them both! Such beautiful jewelry. Thanks for the giveaway!

  1032. 1110) Audy

    Beyond the sea! Very cute 🙂

  1033. 1111) Paige

    Beyond the Sea! I would love to wear it!

  1034. 1112) Kathryn

    I love them all! Though perhaps the Vintage Charms is my favourite.

  1035. 1113) Sarah

    Vintage Name Charms rocks. I am such a sucker for anything with my kids names on it!

  1036. 1114) lindsey

    LOVELOVE the vintage name charm necklace. I keep hinting to the hubby that I want a vintage pearl necklace for my birthday this month, but winning one would be pretty awesome too!

  1037. 1115) haley

    I have a mad crush on all things Vintage Pearl! We just moved to Germany (from Texas) and my oldest starts school here. I’d LOVE to give her the chunky sunshine!

  1038. 1116) tiffany underwood

    I love the Beyond the Sea necklace. My mother is an elementary school counselor and she loves starfish!

  1039. 1117) Anuja

    Hello Dana, Delurking – have started reading you recently and truly enjoy the amazing energy you have. The kids are super cute!

    Vintage name charms looks good.

  1040. The sea one is calling to me because I want to be a mermaid when I grow up!

  1041. 1119) Vicki

    Love the vintage name charms. Beautiful!

  1042. 1120) Laurel

    Oh how pretty! I love the vintage name charms, those are beautiful.

    Thanks for the chance to win one, Dana! 🙂

  1043. 1121) Annelize Webb

    What a great giveaway. They are all stunning…Beyond the Sea caught my eye though.

  1044. 1122) jessi

    Love the Vintage Names!!

  1045. 1123) Michele

    I think Beyond the Sea. I love it with the little pearl!

  1046. 1124) Melissa Burnett

    Love, love them all, but especially the vintage names 🙂

  1047. I really think the vintage name charms are so pretty, it is my favorite! Thank you very much for the giveaway.

  1048. 1126) Raegan

    Hi there, I love the vintage name necklace!

  1049. 1127) Michelle Smith

    I love the vintage name charm! Thank you!

  1050. 1128) louise

    I love the Vintage Pearl…chunky sunshine necklace all the way! Thanks!

  1051. 1129) Claudia OBrien

    Vintage names….so pretty!

  1052. 1130) Viki

    Szeretnék egy vintage nyakláncot:)

  1053. I would love to win the “beyond the sea” necklace, thanks!!

  1054. 1132) Ivana

    I like Beyond the Sea – we don’t have any in the central Europe 🙂

    • 1133) Ivana

      oh no… wrong email in previous post 🙁

  1055. 1134) shanna

    We gave my mother in law one of these! Wuuld love one my self!!!

  1056. 1135) Elizabeth

    I love them all! I think I like Beyond the Sea the best.

  1057. 1136) ninfalis

    I like chunky sunshine, with vintage in close second.

  1058. 1137) Aine

    Each piece looks so precious! Decisions, decisions. I really do love the ‘chunky sunshine’.


  1059. 1138) Amanda

    My favorite is the vintage name charm necklace.

  1060. 1139) Monica

    I’ll take the vintage names.

  1061. 1140) DAnie B.

    i Love them all!, but the Chunky Sunshine one~! it is just SUPER CUTE!!!
    thanks dana, ur site is awesome!!!

  1062. I have been heavily hinting to my husband that I would like one of these for Mother’s Day or my birthday, but no such luck yet. I love the Vintage Name Charms. Thank you!

  1063. 1142) Joolee

    i ADORE the Vintage Name Charms necklace. how i’d love to see my kiddos’ names around my neck! 🙂

  1064. 1144) Sukyee

    Definitely the vintage names!!

  1065. 1145) Lina

    I just love the vintage name charm necklace 🙂

  1066. 1147) Inma

    Hello!!! I tried from Spain!! I like Chunky Sunshine, because it remenber me the summer, the sun, the sea….. Thanks!!

  1067. 1148) Sarah

    The Chunky Sunshine necklace would be a perfect treat as I used to sing – You are my sunshine … to my son when he was first born and the necklace would be a fantastic reminder of those early years.

  1068. 1149) Fabi

    I like the chunky sunshine, so pretty.

  1069. I love, love, love the vintage name charm necklace so I could wear a reminder of my 3 beautiful children. 🙂

  1070. Love the chunky sunshine, I used to sing that to my daughters every single night at bedtime. :0)

  1071. 1152) María Galvez Cano

    Desde Spain, cada dia abro tu blog mientras desayuno. Hoy me he llevado la sorpresa de que habia un concurso en el que podía participar cualquier persona del mundo. Asi, que aunque no se mucho inglés, aqui estoy participando.
    Me identifico mucho contigo y con lo que haces. Eres fuente de inspiracion para mi. Gracias

    El colgante que mas me gusta es el del sol!!

    Un abrazo y hasta pronto!!

  1072. 1153) Tammy

    I love all of them, but if i had to chose, i would choose the vintage name tags. I have bookmarked the site for future ref, just a shame I am in the uk or I would have places an order already lol. Thanks for sharing

  1073. 1154) Jenelle de Jesus

    Oooooo, these are beautiful! I LOVE the Vintage Name Charms necklace. It puts a smile on my face:)

  1074. Really, anywhere in the world? Then I would love the beyond the sea necklace! Keeping my fingers crossed from the Netherlands 🙂

  1075. 1156) Alisa Leabon

    Loving the Chunky Sunshine necklace. So cute and cool!

  1076. 1157) Emilie344

    Hi from France !! I love the chunky sunshine it’s gorgeous ! Thanks for such a lovely giveaway.

  1077. 1158) Beth Kurtbedin

    Chunky Sunshine is my favorite! 🙂

  1078. Love them all! But, since I’m a beachy girl, I especially love the beyond the sea necklace.

  1079. 1160) Claire

    I love the ChunkynSunshine, t’would bring a little sunshine my way:)

  1080. 1161) Dorota

    I really love them all, but I would love to get vintage name charm.
    Greetings from Ireland 🙂

  1081. 1162) Lauryn

    How generous! I love the vintage name charm necklace. And how weird, I was just thinking about these necklaces because I want to give one to my son’s teacher at Xmas. Love your blog Dana :o)

  1082. 1163) Nathalie

    ♥ it!
    ♥ the vintage name charm necklace.
    Nathalie from Belgium

  1083. Vintage Name Charms!! hope it will be mine

    thanks for this great giveaway

  1084. 1166) Erin

    I like the chunky sunshine 🙂

  1085. 1167) Rosie

    I love the vintage names necklace.

  1086. 1168) Katherine

    The vintage names necklace with typewriter font is my favourite – gorgeous!

  1087. 1169) Hedija

    I love all of them, but as I live in Latvia near the Baltic sea . I choose Beyond the Sea necklace.

  1088. 1170) lauren r

    I love the Beyond the sea necklace. so cute. x

  1089. 1171) Alexandra

    Helllo, what a great giveaway.
    I just love The Vintage Pearl.
    If i have to choose, i choose The Chunky Sunshine necklace.

  1090. 1172) Jane

    Hi Dana,

    I love the chunky sunshine one… Reminds me that even when I am feeling at my absolute worse my children light my day with sunshine… Thanks for a great blog, I am inspired daily, just wish I had more time on my hands to get busy making…

  1091. 1173) Jenna

    The vintage name tags in typewriter is my favourite 🙂

  1092. 1174) Wendy

    Would love “you are my sunshine”……beautiful!

  1093. 1175) Katcze

    I like the Beyong the Sea necklace. Welcome in Belgium !

  1094. Hello,
    Very beautiful necklaces. I like more Beyond the Sea. Vintage Name is very elegant, but I have too many children (like you, Dana, three) 🙂

  1095. 1177) Sophie

    Like the Chunky Sunshine the most, but all of them are beautiful!

  1096. 1178) Ashley P.

    I love the Vintage Name Charm necklace. So pretty and delicate!

  1097. I’d love the Beyond the Sea necklace, although they’re all so gorgeous! Thanks for the giveaway!

  1098. 1180) Erin

    Love Beyond the sea! Thanks for the giveaway!

  1099. 1181) AKing

    Beyond the sea is gorgeous, I love that you can pick out your own sea themed designs too! I like the sunshine one a lot too, my hubby calls me “sunshine” so I would love to win either one!

  1100. 1182) Estee

    I love the sunshine necklace 🙂

  1101. 1183) Ashley Gilbert

    Too CUTE!!!

  1102. 1184) Jitka

    I like the Sea necklace. And this is my first participation on giveaway in my life ;-))
    Greetings from CR!

  1103. 1185) Hana York

    Love the seaside necklace – Love Dana and the Made site – would bring a bit of much missing sunshine to the UK!

  1104. 1186) Amy

    The Vintage name charms is so beautiful. I wear my necklace everyday also from Vintage Pearl….I have the inital necklace all three kids with different shapes and an added pearl. LOVE IT!!! So beautiful. My kids love that I wear them near my heart!! Would LOVE to win and have two to change off with!!! Thanks – so much for the giveaway chance.

  1105. 1187) Emilie

    awesome! beyond the sea

  1106. 1189) kim

    i love the vintage pearl necklace. adorable!

  1107. 1190) Kristy

    I love the vintage names charms, so beautiful!

  1108. 1191) Lis

    *Love!* Thank you for yet another great giveaway.

  1109. 1192) Lis

    *Love* Thank you for yet another great giveaway.

    • 1193) Lis


  1110. 1194) Kate

    I love all the necklaces, but I think Beyond the Sea the best. Thanks for the great giveaway!

  1111. 1195) nerissa

    i love the vintage name charms!

  1112. 1196) Lauren M

    I love the chunky sunshine!

  1113. 1197) Bridge

    How do you pick just one? the vintage name charm necklace… so cute.

  1114. 1198) Lenetta

    Vintage name charms – baby #2 is due in nine weeks! Thanks!

  1115. 1199) Kim

    Beyond the sea is my favorite. thanks!

  1116. 1200) Angela

    The Vintage Name necklace is beautiful but i also like the sea one.

  1117. 1201) Lydia Curtis

    Vintage name charms – so cute!

  1118. 1202) Joell

    I have always loved simple, beautiful necklaces such as these. I love the vintage name necklace! Great for a mom who adores her children!

  1119. 1203) Olivia

    I love the Beyond the Sea!

  1120. 1204) Kate

    I would love to wear any of the three! What fun!

  1121. 1206) Karen

    Oh, the Beyond the sea necklace is beautiful! Thanks for the chance to win!

  1122. 1207) Liesel

    The Vintage Name is my favorite!!

  1123. 1209) iHeartQuilting

    I love Beyond the Sea – the seashore is my favorite place to be. Thanks!

  1124. 1210) Mary Kay

    My favorite would be Beyond the Sea – My grandmother had a cottage on a lake where I would spend most of my summer – I sure miss that place.

  1125. 1211) Alyson

    I’m in love with the vintage name necklace – beautiful :0) x

  1126. 1212) marijke

    so cute! (like the vintage name charms the most!)

  1127. 1213) Sara

    Beyond the Sea.

  1128. 1214) Crisanne D.

    I love the look of the vintage name charms! Beautiful.

  1129. Chunky sunshine for me! I sang that to my girl when she was a baby!

  1130. 1217) Michele

    I would love to give the vintage name necklace with the chunky font to my daughter with the names of my granddaughters on it.

  1131. I’m in love with the vintage name charms. Thanks for reminding me about this wonderful artist!

  1132. 1219) Hilary

    I love the Vintage Name Charm necklace–thanks for the chance to win one!

  1133. 1220) Kat

    Love the vintage pearl! I would be delighted to win the vintage name charms!

  1134. I love the Beyond the Sea necklace! Thanks for the opportunity to win one 🙂

  1135. 1223) Heather d

    The Vintage Name Charms would be perfect for my babies names!

  1136. 1224) shae

    The vintage name charms are super sweet!

  1137. 1225) Mindy

    I’ve been wanting one of these necklaces since I had my baby 5 months ago! Love the vintage name charm 🙂

  1138. 1226) jennifer w.

    love love love the vintage name charm!!!!!!

  1139. 1227) bethany

    I like “Beyond the Sea”!

  1140. 1228) Meredith

    I love the chunky sunshine! my mom and I used to sing that when I was growing up and she would LOVE to have it : ) Thanks for sharing with us !

  1141. 1229) Julie

    I love vintage name charms.

  1142. 1230) Colette

    I love the Vintage Names. Thanks!

  1143. 1231) Tiffany Y.

    I love The Vintage Pearl! I love the chunky sunshine! 🙂

  1144. 1232) kasey

    Oh my, so beautiful!! PICK ME!!

  1145. 1233) Brenna

    I like the vintage name charms. So pretty!

  1146. 1234) Jill

    I love the Vintage Name charms!

  1147. 1235) Amy

    The Chunky Sunshine totally caught my eye!

  1148. 1236) Jeannette

    Ooh, I love the vintage name charms. They are all lovely, though. Thank you for the giveaway!

  1149. 1237) Sandy N

    I absolutely LOVE the Vintage Pearl! I would love the Beyond The Sea necklace. Thanks for the opportunity to win.=)

  1150. 1238) sue ward

    Gorgeous necklaces! Love them all but my fave would have to be the Vintage Name Charms.

  1151. 1239) Rebekka

    Soooo cute. I love the Vintage Name Charms … so beautiful.

  1152. 1240) moesha in mn

    Vintage name charms

  1153. 1241) matty d.

    The vintage charm necklace to give to my beautiful wife

  1154. 1242) Aileen Vasquez

    I’m hoping for the vintage name charms… My baby number 7 is arriving any day now 🙂

  1155. 1243) Tricia

    I like the Vintage Name Charms.. thank you!

  1156. 1244) Rachelle

    What a fun giveaway! I love them all but I think I would like the you are my sunshine the best. Thanks for the chance to win.

  1157. 1245) Amanda

    Beyond the Sea is definitely my favorite!

  1158. 1246) Alyssa

    Love, love, love em’. So cute, yet so perfect!

  1159. Wow, what beautiful jewelry! They are all gorgeous. Chunky sunshine is my favorite.

  1160. 1249) Liz J

    chunky sunshine

  1161. 1250) Ingrid

    Vintage names necklace, hands down. Thanks for the great giveaway.

  1162. 1251) Barbara W

    L*O*V*E “you are my sunshine!”

  1163. 1252) Kylie

    I like the vintage names necklace! Beautiful!

  1164. 1253) Mariken

    Love the vintage name charms!!!

  1165. I love the sunshine one! I sing that to my girl all the time.

  1166. 1255) Heidi L

    I love the chunky sunshine one! That is my favorite song that my husband plays on the guitar.

  1167. 1256) Therese

    Chunky sunshine is the one for me!

  1168. 1257) Kelly A

    I love the sunshine!

  1169. 1258) Kelly

    chunky sunshine!! love vintage pearl!!

  1170. 1259) Brei

    I’ve been unofficially following your blog now for months. I enjoy seeing what you come up with for fun summer projects. Keep it up!

    I like the “Beyond the Sea”.

  1171. 1260) Beka

    I love the vintage name charm! Thank you for the chance to win this!

  1172. 1261) Brigitte

    i would love to wear my girls names… the vintage name charms is my favorite!

  1173. 1262) Nina

    The vintage charm one looks great!

  1174. 1263) Holly

    Love the vintage name necklace. Thanks!

  1175. 1264) Emily

    I love the chunky sunshine!

  1176. 1265) Kelli B

    Love, love, LOVE the chunky sunshine!

  1177. 1266) Lisa

    I love following your blog! The Vintage name charm would be a perfect gift for my daughter who is having her first baby (second grandchild) yeah!

  1178. The Chunky Sunshine is my favorite! These necklaces are beautiful! Thanks for the opportunity to win one 🙂

  1179. 1268) Kathleen

    Vintage Name charms! (but i love them all!)

  1180. Great giveaway! I LOVE your blog and also LOVE the vintage charms necklace. Fingers crossed…

  1181. 1270) Jennifer

    They are all beautiful, but I absolutely love the Vintage Name tags. :o)

  1182. 1271) Laura

    love the vintage name one!!!!

  1183. 1272) Lindsey

    I love the vintage necklace! I have been wanting something especially now that I have a second little one!

  1184. 1274) Debbie C

    I love the chunky sunshine necklace – so pretty!!

  1185. 1275) Carrie

    These are so beautiful! And unique! My favorite is the Chunky Sunshine! It makes me smile. Love it!

  1186. 1276) Mila

    Beyond the sea is my favourite

  1187. 1277) Martha Berry

    I would love to win the Sunshine necklace! One of my close friends had a baby girl about a year ago and the baby’s name is Sunshine. I’d love to surprise my friend with this!!!

  1188. 1278) Jessica

    I love these! My favorite is the third one with the name tags!!!

  1189. 1279) Shelly

    LOVE the chunky sunshine!!

  1190. 1280) Hilary

    I’m 38 weeks pregnant. I love the name charm idea! Might need to get one to celebrate baby Charlie.

  1191. 1281) Trisha

    The Beyond the Sea necklace with a whale charm would always remind me of the glorious time I had whale-watching with my son.

  1192. 1282) Kelly

    I really love the Beyond the Sea necklace, very cool 🙂

  1193. 1283) Nancy

    Oh my gosh I would love to win the chunky sunshine (I sing that song to my kids all the time). I’ve been meaning to purchase a necklace from vintage pearl but I wanted to wait until my second child was born, she’s two months old already so if I don’t win you definately reminded me to go order one. Thanks for the chance to win.

  1194. Oh, I would just love to win a vintage name charm necklace! I have some names that I would wear proudly!

  1195. 1285) jacqui

    i adore the circle of love necklace. wearing my babies name all day would be amazing

  1196. 1286) Torrie

    The Vintage Name would be my choice!

  1197. 1287) Neelawan

    I love the Vintage name charm so much!

  1198. 1288) Joanna Marie

    I love ‘behind the sea’ it’s beautiful. And it’d look gorgeous with my holiday outfit!

  1199. 1289) Christine

    I love the Chunky Sunshine! Thanks!

  1200. The Vintage Name Charms necklace would make my day! It’s so lovely!

  1201. 1291) Melissa

    I love the vintage name charms!

  1202. 1292) Tiffani

    They are all so cute, but my favorite is the Vintage Name Charms. I’ve seen several people with jewelry from The Vintage Pearl – it’s all so cute!

  1203. 1293) Jo

    Love the vintage name charm! They’re all so lovely – I’ve been coveting them ever since seeing your necklaces!

  1204. 1294) sarah watkins

    wow what a fantastic give away. i have admired the vintage pearl necklace since seeing it on your blog. i particularly admire the vintage name charms as i think this is very unique and precious.

  1205. 1295) Sarah S.

    I’m a big fan of the name charms. Thanks for the free giveaway.

  1206. 1296) Gill

    I like the vintage name charms!
    Thanks for a great giveaway!

  1207. 1297) Lani

    I would love any of these – I would probably choose the chunky sunshine!

  1208. 1298) Jenn B. in AK

    I adore the vintage necklace!

  1209. 1299) Christy

    I’m going to have my first baby – a boy – soon, and I would LOVE to have his name on the Vintage Name necklace!

  1210. 1300) Connie Sanders

    Love the vintage name necklace!

  1211. 1302) ann stamaria

    I think all are really pretty. But, i like the vintage name charm necklace the most!:)

  1212. 1303) Jill

    oh I love love the vintage pearl!!!! I’d love the sun one. 🙂

  1213. 1304) Meg

    Ooooh, I was just coveting me sisters vintage pearl necklace! Would love the vintage name one!

  1214. 1305) Mallory

    I LOVE the vintage name charm. I hinted at one for mothers day….hubby didn’t take the hint.

  1215. 1306) Chelsea K.

    I love the vintage name charms necklace!

  1216. 1307) Stephanie Fallahee

    The sunshine necklace…it’s how I feel about my kids!

  1217. 1308) Sharon

    The vintage name one is a perfect keepsake for someone who recently lost a dear, loved one.

  1218. 1309) Kathleen Sullivan

    I would love the vintage name one!

  1219. 1310) Kat C

    With number three on the way I am all about the Vintage Name Charms

  1220. 1311) Liz

    I love the chunky sunshine necklace! So cute!

  1221. Ooh, would love to win! I have one adorable boy and another (assuredly) adorable one on the way…but I just love all these necklaces.

  1222. 1313) Jessica

    It’s hard to choose they are all awesome…but I think I would have to go with the vintage names…my third child is due anytime and it would be fun to have all three of my kiddos names! Thanks for the giveaway!

  1223. I love the beach! I would LOVE to win the “Beyond the Sea”! Thanks for hosting such a fun giveaway! Yay! ☺

  1224. 1315) Stacie

    Love them all – maybe the sunshine is my fav. Thanks!

  1225. 1316) Nicole McDonald

    I have always wanted a necklace with my kids’ names on it! I adore the font!

  1226. 1317) Ana

    I love the sea necklace…but would probably opt for the Vintage Name Charms because I would love more to have a necklace with the names of my two boys.

  1227. vintage name is what I would choose, but all three are lovely!

  1228. 1319) Beth

    Those are so pretty! Thanks for the giveaway. I really love the Vintage Name Charms, and it would be so fun to have a reminder of my boys everywhere I go.

  1229. 1320) lisa l

    love the Beyond the Sea necklace!

  1230. 1321) Diamond

    I love the vintage name charm as well. The sunshine is sweet and I know my mother in law would covet the beyond the sea. You couldn’t lose with any of them.

  1231. 1322) JulieL

    love the vintage names necklace. Love The Vintage Pearl!

  1232. 1323) Sandy

    I love the vintage name charms but they are all adorable!

  1233. 1324) Lindsay

    Beyond the sea! Beautiful pieces.

  1234. 1325) AliW

    They are all so pretty, but I <3 the vintage name charms!

  1235. 1326) Rebecca Siak

    I love the beyond the sea necklace!

  1236. 1327) Jenice

    I love the vintage ones!

  1237. 1328) Jacqueline I

    Vintage name charms!

  1238. 1329) Kristen G

    Hard choice, but I would pick Chunky Sunshine.

  1239. 1330) Chelsea Kucinski

    Hope I didn’t miss the cut off date! Those are so pretty!!

  1240. 1331) Diana Quintero

    the vintage name charms are my favorite but all of them are pretty!

  1241. 1332) Rebecca

    I love the vintage name charms to give as a gift!

  1242. 1333) vane

    I love the Sunshine one!!

  1243. Love the “Beyond the Sea”. It remindes me of my vacation…

  1244. 1335) r

    sunshine looks great!

  1245. 1336) briana

    I would love the vintage name charms necklace!

  1246. 1337) Sofie

    Yeah, an international giveaway! Love the vintage name charms, would love one with my little girl’s name on… 🙂

  1247. 1338) Alisha

    I love the vintage names necklace- perfect for my girls’ names!!

  1248. 1339) Lauren

    Ah…the vintage name charms! I got a personalized necklace when I had my two kids, and the third was a surprise, so…I need a new necklace! 🙂

  1249. 1340) Sarah

    I adore the sunshine necklace!

  1250. 1342) Melissa

    Love the chunky sunshine! Perfect for my three little kiddos!

  1251. 1343) Tif

    I love the vintage name charms!

  1252. 1344) Gayle Martin

    I Love Love Love the Beyond the Sea necklace!!!

  1253. 1345) Sharla Günthardt

    I love Vintage Pearl and especially the vintage name charms!

  1254. 1346) Kate

    That is such a tough choice because they are all So adorable! I really just wish I could buy one of everything in her shop;) But if I had to choose then I have to say that the sunshine one makes me think of my kids the most and it would be so awesome to have a mommy necklace with their names or initials:)

  1255. 1347) Hannah

    Enjoyed meeting you in Atlanta! I like the vintage name charms.

  1256. 1348) Kali

    I love the vintage name necklace! I’m pregnant with our second (and final) child and I’d love a necklace with my little chickadee’s names!!

  1257. 1349) Karen

    Love the vintage name charms. Lost my granddaughter in May and would love the charms with her first and middle name.

  1258. 1350) Jessica Joseph

    I love them all!! But I think my favorite is the “vintage name charms”. About to have my second baby in 3 weeks! This would be great!

  1259. 1351) sheena

    I LOVE the vintage name necklace. I would love to have my sweeties names around my neck.

  1260. 1352) rachel

    i especially love the vintage charm necklace, but i would gladly take any of them! thanks

  1261. 1353) CLeigh

    Love when Dana does give-aways, been missing all the tuts, WAITING for the book: would be delighted to wear some Sunshine!

  1262. 1354) Holl

    Love the chunky sunshine!

  1263. 1355) Jennifer Voegele

    I love the vintage name!!

  1264. 1356) Autumn

    I like them all, but my top one is the vintage name charms.

  1265. 1357) Melanie chambers

    I love these necklaces. I love the vintage names partly because I just had my own Lola 5 months ago and so did the display necklace. I hope I win. I love vintage pearl.

  1266. 1358) Beth h.

    I love LOVE beyond the sea!! So cute and so me!

  1267. 1359) Lori

    I really love Beyond the Sea!!

  1268. 1360) Nikki

    they are very sweet!

  1269. 1361) Kristen Waltz

    I love all of them, but the sunshine one is my favorite!

  1270. 1362) Kathy

    I heart the vintage names… so striking!

  1271. 1363) Riki

    So hard to pick just one! I really like the Beyond the Sea because I’m into the nautical themes I’ve been SEAing around (oh, the jokes…) But the Vintage name tags would probably be my pick 😀

  1272. 1364) Alissa

    I love the chunky sunshine necklace. So cute!

  1273. 1365) Carol

    Vintage Name Charms! I love the individual names

  1274. 1366) Greta B.

    Love the vintage name charms. Would love to have for my boys!

  1275. 1367) Susan

    Chunky Sunshine for me!

  1276. 1368) Becky

    I like the vintage name charms.

  1277. 1369) Naa Shine

    I love them all, but, beyond the sea would be my favourite. Reminds me of the lovely that I just had with my three boys in Co. Kerry, just us and the sea for a week. It was magical.

  1278. 1370) Gina W.

    I really like the vintage name charms! so cute!

  1279. 1371) Stephanie B.

    I would love the vintage name charms. They’re beautiful!

  1280. 1372) Leslie

    love the vintage name necklace. They are all wonderful, though. Thanks for the chance to win!

  1281. 1373) Rachel C

    Thank you for the giveaway! I love the Vintage Name Charms. It is a necklace you could wear daily to hold your family close to your heart!

  1282. 1374) Susanne Rosa

    This time I may have luck – the giveaway end day is my namesday!
    My favourite necklace is the beyond the sea!

    Thanks Dana for your great blog and the sweet giveaways! <3

  1283. I love The Vintage Pearl and would stoked to win the Vintage Name Charm

  1284. 1376) Heather Levar

    The sunshine necklace is gorgeous but they are all beautiful!

  1285. I LOVE the vintage name charms…that is gorgeous!

  1286. 1378) Sarah S

    I would love the vintage name charm necklace!

  1287. 1380) Sarah Cooper

    I have been wanting one of these necklaces forever! I love the vintage name charms 🙂

  1288. 1381) Amber Reece

    I sure like the sunshiney necklace! Pick me, Pick me! : ) Love your blog Dana! It inspires me to shuck the chores and sew! Thank you!

  1289. I love this company, but I don’t have any of their jewelry. I like the Vintage Name Charms

  1290. 1383) Whitney

    It’s so hard to pick just one I love all their products! I think I would pick the sunshine one.

  1291. 1384) Elizabeth

    I love the chunky sunshine necklace best, but it was a tough call between that and the beyond the sea one.

  1292. 1385) Agnieszka

    I love Beyond the Sea necklace! And the other ones, too! 🙂

  1293. 1387) susan s

    LOVE the Chunky Sunshine!

  1294. 1388) KimD

    I like the chunky sunshine!

  1295. 1389) Sary Stroll

    Chunky Sunshine!! Perfect to represent my new little one 🙂

  1296. 1390) veronica

    I always love the name charms.

  1297. 1391) Claire

    Fantastic comp! I’d love chunky sunshine. X

  1298. 1392) Jenna C.

    So cute! I love the name charm one.

  1299. 1393) Elisabet

    Beyond the sea is my favourite one! Maybe because I live in the Mediterranean coast! 🙂

  1300. 1394) Cathy B.

    I would love the vintage name charms, in the spunky font. So cute and meaningful!

  1301. 1395) julie

    Would LOVE to win the Vintage Charm Necklace !!

  1302. 1396) Kerrin

    I like the vintage name.

  1303. 1398) Wendi B

    Oh I LOVE them all!… and to pick only one? Hmmm… I think I’d pick Vintage Name since I don’t have anything with my kids names on it:( Love it!

  1304. 1399) kate

    I love teh vintage name charms, I would be so happy wearing one with my kids names!

  1305. 1400) Sarah

    Love the Chunky Sunshine! Will be ordering one, if I don’t win 🙂

  1306. Love them! I think i like the vintage name necklace the most. I have two awesome rings from vintage pearl that I wear every day! 🙂

  1307. 1402) Angela Busselberg

    I like the vintage name charms! But I’d wear any of them!

  1308. 1403) Jill M

    I would LOVE the Vintage Name necklace. I really want something with DD’s name on it, but I’ve never quite found that certain something. I’ve been looking for something that is modern yet vintage, to reflect DD’s namesake. This certainly qualifies as something I would pick (maybe I will after the giveaway is announced!) Thanks Dana, yay for giveaways!

  1309. 1404) Michelle

    Mmmmm. Name necklace but how do think my ten kids names will look hanging from my neck??

  1310. 1405) allison

    It’s a tough one but i think i like beyond the sea best

  1311. 1406) Hannah

    Ohh the sunshine is my fave! My boyfriend calls me his sunshine so the sentiment is especially sweet 😀

  1312. 1407) Jamie

    I would love the light house one.

  1313. 1408) Anne

    Oooh! Chunky Sunshine would be lovely! Thanks for the chance to win!

  1314. Beyond the sea! I love it. Thanks for the giveaway!

  1315. 1410) Meg

    The vintage name charm is super sweet.

  1316. 1411) Amy

    Ohh! The vintage name necklace for sure!

  1317. 1412) Emily

    Chunky sunshine or the vintage names. I love them both.

  1318. 1413) Anna ZBACNIK

    Love the chunky sunshine:)

  1319. 1414) Kara

    I love all of them, but the Vintage Name Charms are my favorite – perfect for my twins!

  1320. 1415) Susan Novales

    Love the vintage names!

  1321. 1416) Amber

    I love the vintage names, I have five little people that would love to see their name on a necklace 🙂

  1322. 1417) Sabrina C.

    I’m in LOVE with they Beyond the Sea necklace. It’s so pretty 🙂

  1323. 1418) Dianna

    Everyone loves The Vintage Pearl!! I think I would choose the Chunky Sunshine.

  1324. 1419) Hannah Rogers

    Love the chunky sun, thanks!

  1325. 1420) Becky Fowers

    Wow…great giveaway! I would love the vintage name tag necklace! Crossing my fingers 🙂

  1326. 1421) Jill P

    Love them all, but especially the vintage name…

  1327. 1422) Sara

    My favorite is the Chunky Sunshine necklace.

  1328. 1423) Kimberly

    I love them all!! I like the Sunshine the best!!