Time for the monthly update.We made it to 11 months! With two new top teeth!
And we’re just ONE week shy of her 1st birthday.
Oh my.
My little baby is growing up!
We’ve gone from this:
to this:
in just 11 short months:
It really is amazing how much they can change in a short period of time. I knew it with my other kids but this is my first time documenting the progression. So it’s been cool to compare and contrast the growth.
Two big milestones this month….
1 – Cognitive development. Aside from her personality just blossoming she’s beginning to interact with toys and understand very basic cause/effect. The ball goes in, it comes out at the bottom. Put the toys in the bucket, then you can take them back out, put the toys back in the bucket, take them out again, and again.
2 – Standing and (almost) walking! She’s so close to walking and can take about 4 steps on her own….which is right on-par with my other kids. They both walked around a year old.
But if she really wants to get around she still does her silly 1-legged crawl. And she’s pretty fast at it.
She loves to get into things,
searches for food in all the wrong places,
loves to play and be social,
and has a current obsession with her tongue. Must be feeling a new set of teeth coming in.
All in all she’s a typical baby. Sad at times, goofy at times,
She even has bad hair days (and LOVES it when the kids let her “jump” on the trampoline).
Here’s the 11 month comparison:
Happy almost birthday Clara!
Read about each month here:
1 month
2 months
3 months
4 months
5 months
6 months
7 months
8 months
9 months
10 months
11 months
It was like I was looking at photos of my own 11 month old. It has been so crazy to watch how similar they are over the past year. The one legged crawl…mine does that too. What is that??? Neither of my older 2 girls did that. She’s beautiful! Love the updates each month 🙂
She is so beautiful, it makes me almost want to cry! My own little baby girl just turned one on January 15th, and she is our last baby (planned at least). So it just brings it home watching other people’s sweeties growing up, too. She is just precious. Your photos of her are amazing too.
My 11 month old is so similar (searching for food in all the wrong places!) My baby Madeleine also does the one legged crawl…so did my eldest, but my middle one was a bum shuffler!
I love following sweet Clara’s monthly updates. She looks so much like Owen in a lot of these pictures this month! My 3rd baby (also a girl) will be 2 in about 2 weeks. Yay for February babies <3
Boy, she really is changing, isn’t she?! Such a cutie. Our baby is 16 months old. She’s starting to talk and it’s sooo fun. She’s our fourth, so we’re relaxed enough to really, really enjoy her. Such a blessing!
She is so precious! My son did that cute little one leg crawl, too!
Clara is the cutest little girl!!! She’s a joy to watch grow up! Can you tell me what the ball toy she is playing with.. it looks interesting and I have 5 small grandchildren who might enjoy it too!
I love her! She is so precious and I can’t get over her hair. I wish her and my little Wilder could be friends:) I bet you hear that alot!! Baby celebrity!!! Thanks for the updates, they are so sweet.
I have just been filled with joy watching you track her growing up before your eyes…I wish i had done that with my two kiddos 🙂 being a mom…not everyday is wonderful…but when you turn around and admire the ride you just took…it makes you cry everytime…the hardest things in life are by far the BEST! Thanks again for sharing your world!
I’ve been documenting Ingrid’s development, “big” life moments since the inception of my blog. It’s amazing how big moments blur together after a few months have gone by. I love watching Clara grow – it’s so wonderful! She sounds like a wonderful addition to the fam.
What a little sweetie! Adorable!
I love these comparisons! And that “bad hair day” picture frankly cracks me up ^^ As if she had fuzzy feathers on her head 🙂
greetings from Germany,
Love, love, love the “Flintstone” feet plugged into those chubba legs! She sure is a doll. Thanks for a smile on this cold, snowy Monday!
I can’t believe she’s almost 1! How gorgeous. I always enjoy reading your monthly updates, fabulous photos as usual!
These just make me smile. I have a baby girl (Norah) who will be 11 months in 3 days, so it is fun to see Clara!
Dana she’s so beautiful. Gosh she has grown so much. Babies are so wonderful…just wondering with such cuties if she is your last? Sure makes me want a few more. Well if I was rich and younger!
She is just beautiful! Now I have to go watch my little guy sleep. They grow up so fast!
I feel a little odd that I had a tear in my eye, watching the picture progression of a baby I don’t know. She is so precious.
What is the name/maker of that ball toy? My son would probably love it.
She is one of the cutest babies I have ever seen {including my own}!
That year went FAST!
Happy almost Birthday to your sweetie.
What a CUTIE!! She seems like so much fun! She has turned blond just like her brother & sister. Miss her…and the rest of you too of course! 😉
I hardly comment but I surely come back every time you update to see baby Clara since before she was born. I even linked from my blog (in Spanish) to here, so people can visit you as I do.
It’s amazing see how much she has changed, wow, how big now!
In case I forget to comment after, happy almost Bday Clara, may the Lord bless you abundantly.
from Toronto, Canada
You make THE cutest babies!! I want moooooore!!!!!
The bad hair day pic cracks me up. She is so cute!
She’s very cute, but ack! Tie up those blinds cords! Those things are dangerous to little people who don’t know to keep them away from their necks!
Thanks so much for sharing the photos of Clara every month with us. She is adorable! My nephew has the same toy with the balls and my kids are still fascinated with it even though they are now 9 and 4.
OMG Dana! That last photo of her hair had me laughing until I had tears in my eyes. That’s one for her wedding for sure!
Thank you for sharing her life with us. She’s incredible…just like you.
Dana, she is just adorable!! I love her long lock of hair in front 🙂
omg! The only thing better than the gummy bear smile is the little bitty teeth smile! Are her eyes still blue? They look almost gray in some pics. It could just be my computer screen though. Beautiful pics!
Happy almost birthday Clara! I’ve followed you for the past 6 months, and it’s so amazing to see her grow.
She is so beautiful! And I can feel all the Joy she brings <3
I love these posts. It is such a joy watching her grow up on your blog. 🙂 I love the different expressions she makes. That first picture of her in her green shirt, oh my goodness, that expression just makes me smile. Thanks for sharing.
So. dang. cute. My little sweetie pie is turning 1 next week too so I have really enjoyed seeing the comparisons. thanks for posting!
Three kids, busy mom… how tidy is your house? I’m so jealous 😉
What a lovely little girl!!!
She is so precious!
I love your updates!
Sigh….those cheeks! I mean how do you get anything done but kiss them all day? She is such a sweetheart. It amazes me the incredible changes that first year! My little guy is only about a month behind her!
OHHH… I have those baby boden socks also! They are so darn cute!!
Hi baby!! It’s good to be you lil miss!! Good to be you!
I love following the gorgeous photos and everything on your website, but please, please cut the blind cords or get them encased in plastic because they are more dangerous than ponds.
She is a lovely, lovely baby
Thank you for letting us watch that little lady grow up! She’s a beauty and her smile just melts my heart!
She’s getting so big! My little boy did the one legged crawl. We called it his peg leg. 😛
All I kept thinking was…those blinds cords….aaaaa too scary! I wanted to come through the picture and take them away from her sweet little neck!
wow, how time flies! i was thinking of visiting Austin in a week, do u know of any good Bed & Breakfast spots? thanks.
Hi Dana,
when I first started reading your blog, you have been pregnant with Clara. And now… lok at that! Almost a year old and getting cuter each month!
Such a cutie! LOVE the static hair pic! She reminds me of the Gerber baby in pic #3 and #5. God bless her and her adorable siblings!
Don’t tell the others, but I think she might be your cutest kid yet! 🙂
What a cutie!! My son crawled like that. And he was FAST. 🙂
Just discovered your blog and it’s beautiful, as is your family. Your photos and style are fantastic. I’ll be visiting regularly from now on.
Your baby is perfectly adorable, such beautiful blue eyes. How nice that you can do the comparison on the computer for all your family and friends to see. Technology is a wonderful thing.
Thank you again for the answer that you gave me today, it is my daughter who is thinking of purchasing oil cloth and covering her chairs with it. I phoned her as soon as you gave me the info and she was very pleased with the answer.
Was your baby born on Valentine’s day? My daughter’s daughter was, just 9 years ago come Valentines. And she is a go getter that girl, she loves crafts, does beautiful needlework and has taught herself to knit and crochet. She has always had a mind of her own and been very strong willed. She’s an oldest child, too.
Have a wonderful day, Cindy
So precious! I have to say, I smile every time I click over to check to see if you’ve put up a new post and see that little bottom right on the top of your blog 🙂
I just wanted to say how gorgeous you daughter is! I always love these posts because my son Ender is only 9 days younger then she is, so it’s really fun to see another baby his age and see your perspective as a fellow mom!